CCR1996055CITY OF MUSKEGO - COMMON COUNCIL RESOLUTION #55-96 DECLARATION OF PUBLIC ROADS (Woods Road) WHEREAS, the road described on Exhibit "A" attached to this Resolution has been worked as a public highway from approximately the 1st day of June, 1862, by Town Road Order #1, to the incorporation of the Town of Muskego to City of Muskego in 1964; and WHEREAS, the City of Muskego has graded and plowed said road and otherwise maintained the same since becoming a City. NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to Wisconsin Statute §80.01(2), said road is declared to be and is a public highway and this document shall be recorded with the office of the Register of Deeds for Waukesha County. DATED THIS 13th DAY OF FEBRUARY , 1996 CITY OF MUSKEG0 This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #55-96 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Pmfesrional Enpeers @ Regisrered Lod Surveyors since 1946 EXHIBIT "A" February 1,1996 Legal Description For: City of Muskego Woods Road Right-of-way All that part of the Southeast 114 and Southwest 1/4 of Section 16 and the Northwest 1/4 of Section 21, Towm5 North, Range 20 East$2ity-of"uskegoj Waukesha County- Wisconsin being: All of Town (of Muskego) Road Order Number One, also: a 66.00 foot wide strip of land the centerline of which is described in Document Number 800061, Volume 1245, Page 636, Waukesha County Register of Deeds. also: that land lying North and West of the original East line of Woods Road and South and East of the above described Document Number 800061, more fully described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast comer of said Road Order Number One; thence North 88"34'31" East, 42.20 feet more or less,parallel to the North line of said Northwest 1/4 right of way line to the point of tangency with the East line of said Document Number Section 21; thence North 37'50'26" East, 436.36 feet more or less, along the original East line of said Road Order Number One, also being said North line Northwest 1/4 Section 800061; thence Southwesterly along said East line, 479.72 feet more or less to the North Northeast comer of said Road Order; thence South 01'25'29" West 66.00 feet to the point 21, thence North 88'34'31" East, 69.45 feet more or less, along said North line to the of commencement. Richard Eberhardt, RLS W219 N1812 ROCKWOOD DRIVE (414) 542-5731 FAX (414) 542-5631 WAUKESHA. WISCONSIN 51188-1 I 11 I \ )T RAE1 W PALL RM8l " - -1- - /* - -1- -)* D 0 m 0 W 0 z "- \ Ruekert I Mielke I pmjesional Linyineers Registered hand Sumyars DECLARATION OF PUBLIC ROADS WOODS ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY -"