CCR1996052COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #52-96 APPROVAL OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP Sparacino WHEREAS, a Certified Survey Map was submitted on January 29, 1996 to finalize a two-parcel division of the Sparacino property on Gold Drive, Gem Avenue and Agate Avenue in the NW 1/4 of Section 4; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has recommended approval subject to the conditions outlined in Resolution #P.C. 22-96, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the Certified Survey Map to finalize a two-parcel division of the Sparacino property on Gold Drive, Gem Avenue and Agate Avenue in the NW 1/4 of Section 4 subject to the conditions outlined by the Plan Commission in Resolution #P.C. 22-96, as amended. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is subject to receipt Ordinance, any special assessments which may be due, and approval of the City Engineer. 0 of all fees required by Section 18.14 of the Land Division DATED THIS 13th DAY OF FEBRUARY , 1996. SPONSORED BY: Ald. Brian R. Misko This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of City of Muskego. Resolution #52-96 which was adopted by the Common Council of the i) 2/96 jmb p,.- MC w Stock No. 16173 '1 :I '7 1. ', L- .I J L. ,. I , j ,I CERTIFIED SURVEY HAP NO._-_ A REDIVISION OF LOT 3 IN BLOCK 11 IN JEWEL CREST SUBDIVISION A PART OF TllE NORTWST 114 OF TIE: SOUTllWEST 1 /4 AND THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF TllE NORTIWEST 114 OF SECTTON 4, TOWNSHTP 5 NORTll KhNGE 20 EAST, IN TllE CITY OF MIISREGO, WAUKESHA COIJNTY, WISCONSIN. __""""""""~"""""""- WAUWAmSA, WISCONSIN 53213 A REDlVISION OF InOT 3 IN nL0CR 11 IN JEWEL CRES'P SUBDIVISION CERT:[PIED SURVEY MAP NO. ~~ A PART Of TllE~NORTHWEST 114 OF TIIE SOUTIIWEST 114 AND THE SOII'PHWEST 114 OF TllE NORTHWEST 114 OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAIIKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. SWRVl?YOR~S CERTJPICATE: 1, GERALD E. ZANDER, A REGTSTFRED WISCONSIN LAND SURVEYOR, BETNG DULY SWORN ON OAT11 rI0 HEREBY DEPOSE AND SAY: TIIAT, IN BLOCK 11 IN JEWEL CRF-c" SUI4DIVISION A PART OF THE NORTIWEST 114 I HAVE SURVEYED, DIVIDED AND MAPPED A REDIVISION Of LOT 3 OF THE SOUTHWEST 114 WEST 114 OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTII, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESllA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BLOCK 11, TmCE NORTH 60°-39'-00" EAST, 100.00 FEET TO A POINT: COHMFINCING AT TILF: NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3 IN A POINT; THENCE SOUTU 20e-44-25" NEST 84.10 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE THENCE SOUTR 42'-52'-02" EAST 211.60 FEET (203.00 DEET PLATTED) TO THENCE NORTFI 93.60 FEET To Tm PLACE OF COMKENCEMENT. CONTAINING 0.6974 ACRES OF LANU MORE OR I.ESS. ABD TIIE SOUTIIWEST 1 /4 OF TIE NORTH- NORTH t5so-3a*-55" WEST 221.00 FEIT (213.00 FEEX PLATTED) TO A POINT; TRAT , I HAVE MADE SUCFI SIrI7VEY. LAND DTVTSION AND MAP BY TUE ORDER AND DIRECTION OF STEVEN J. AND DONNIE M. SPARACINO OWNERS OF SAID LAND. TIIAT, ROIIN1)ARTES OF THE LAND SURVEYED AND TIE MAP TliEREOP MADE. SUCll MAP IS A CORRECT REPHESENPATION OF ALL TllE EXTERIOR TRA'P, I HAVE FULLY COKPLIEI) WJTII THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 236 OF TllE WISCONSTN STATE STATUTES ANI, Tm REGlTT,A'PTONS OP TllE ClTY Of MUSKEGO, IN SURVEYING RND UAPPING TllE SAME. DATED TllTS 4TH DAY OF JANIIARY.199fi nevi sad t.'olrrnnry 7. 1991; NO. s - 0067 WISCONSlN LANU SUHVEYORS,LTV. 'I1 'Ill WEST STA'I'I~; S'L'KIXI' HAUWA'l'OSA, WISCONSIN 5321 3 tirading and drainage plan to be submitted and approved prior Lo issuance of a bui ldi 119 permit. Property within tile -inarisdict.iorml sllorelond limits of Little Musketlo lake. AMENDED RESOLUTION #P.C. 22-96 APPROVAL OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP CREATING A TWO LOT LAND DIVISION OF THE SPARACINO PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 4 WHEREAS, A Certified Survey Map was submitted on January 29, 1996, creating a two lot land division located in the NW 1/4 of Section 4, and 180-95, and WHEREAS, A sketch was approved through Resolution #P.C. appears to meet the requirements of the RS-3/0ED Zoning District, and WHEREAS, The property is zoned RS-3/0ED and which it WHEREAS, The proposed parcel will be serviced by municipal sewer, and WHEREAS, The parcels have access on Agate & Gem Drive. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approve the Certified Survey Map for a two (2) lot land division in the NW 1/4 of Section 4 of the Sparacino Property and recommend approval to the Common Council subject to resolution of technical discrepancies as identified by the City Engineers, City Staff and Plan Commission and payment of all applicable 0 fees in Section 18.14( 3) of the Land Division Ordinance. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Certified Survey Map shall include a note indicating access to parcel 1 shall be limited to fifty (50) feet from the intersection Gold Drive and Gem Avenue and access is restricted to Gem Avenue only. shown on the Certified Survey Map. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That 30 foot vision corner must be must be submitted prior to the issuance of building and zoning permits. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a grading and drainage plan Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted 02/06/96 Defeated Deferred 01-29-96