BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego,
upon the recommendation of the Public Utilities Committee, does
hereby adopt an Amended Assessment Policy for Construction of
Water Mains as amended and attached hereto and made a part
Ald. David J. Sanders
Ald. Nancy C. Salentine
Ald. Robert L. Rasmussen
This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of
City of Muskego.
Resolution #13-96 which was adopted by the Common Council of the
150 ft. POLICY
e 3.
The basis for water main assessments shall be the assessable
or developed residential property, unit assessment or a
linear footage of frontage, and in the case of undeveloped
combination of both, of each benefited property within an
assessment district, computed as per the following
part, see definition of unit in Section 3.5.
requirements. If a unit assessment is used in whole or in
Water main and appurtenances assessable and non-assessable
The front foot assessment for residential, commercial
and industrial zoned properties shall be based on the
equivalent size water main required to serve the
respective assessment district in accordance with
Sections NR 111 AND PSC 185 Wisconsin Administrative
Code to service all properties within the assessment
district. The assessment rates shall be as determined
from time to time by the Public Utilities Committee and
accepted by the Common Council, unless actual cost per
shall be the lessor amount. Water mains in public
linear foot of frontage is less, then the assessment
back to the respective assessment district as directed
right-of-ways and within easements shall be assessed
by the City.
Assessable water main costs shall include the total
costs for water mains, valves, and hydrants. Costs
involving inspection, engineering, legal, restoration
costs such as pavement repair and landscaping and
necessary administration costs to complete a project
shall also be assessed back to the respective
assessment district.
Non-assessable costs with respect to frontage
assessments include main oversizing, pump stations,
pressure booster stations for area-wide pressure
improvements as required by state agencies, and related
appurtenances, water towers, reservoirs, system
controls, pressure reducing valves, pressure. reducing
stations and wells.
Individual pressure booster system for individual
residences are to be paid for by the property which is
served by the individual system.
The assessable linear footage shall be determined as follows:
A. For corner lots:
Assessment Policy for Construction of Water Mains (150 ft. Policy)
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(1) If a lot abuts two streets, add the two side
dimensions and divide by two. - B. On lots with frontage on three streets, use the longest
and shortest side and compute as a corner lot.
C. On lots with frontage on two streets, use frontage on
one street only if the lot cannot be subdivided into an
additional lot or lots complying with the Comprehensive
Land Use Plan.
D. For lots on cul-de-sacs, use the chord dimension at the
building setback line as measured tangent to the curve
as its mid-point, if said setback line is formed by a
curved line.
E. For lots on curves with an exterior angle over 45 as
measured between the side lot lines of each lot, use
the chord dimension at the building setback line for
the inside lots on the curve.
F. On large tracts of land which are on corners, assume a
Land Use Plan and apply the corner lot policy. The
future corner lot that complies with the Comprehensive
balance of the frontage shall be considered at full
linear footage.
0 G. Lots which do not meet the above criteria will
be handled on an individual basis; as each special
decisions of a similar nature.
situation is decided, it will become policy for future
H. Floodplain, low land conservancy and wetlands shall be
exempt from assessments except in the event that there
benefit from the proposed improvement. The maximum
is an existing use in such areas that receives a
assessable lineal frontage shall be determined as in
Section 5 below.
I. Assessable frontage costs shall be determined as in
Section 2 above divided by the total available
assessable frontage as detailed in Section 5 below.
3.5 The assessable unit method may be utilized when it is
determined that the usage of units is a method which best
defined as parcel of land as determined by the Comprehensive
distributes the cost of the project. The unit shall be
Land Use Plan that correlates to the future use of the
parcel. Unit(s) shall be determined as follows:
A. Existing non-divisible parcels of land under current or
future zoning as described in 3.5 above.
E. Existing large parcels of land that may be divisible
into additional parcels based on future zoning as
described in 3.5 above. Proposed improvements shall
abut any future parcels in order to receive a benefit
Assessment Policy for Construction of Water Mains (150 ft. Policy)
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(i.e. internal future Darcels not abuttina an . 0 I- improvement may not be assessed).
C. For parcels that abut two or more streets, a unit
assessment may only be levied on those existing or
future parcels that abut the proposed improvements.
4. Water laterals will be assessed back to each respective
property for the entire expense on a unit or lump sum basis
when installed within streets.
A. In the event that water mains are extended to serve new
development and that the length of the water laterals
for the development creates a higher than normal cost
for existing parcels, the development shall be assessed
for the additional costs of the laterals. These COStS
shall be based upon a unit or lump sum basis for each
lot to be developed. This policy shall apply when the
development causes the installation of longer than
normal laterals in cul-de-sacs or in areas where the
developed is greater than 10 per cent of the average
cost of water lateral service to the parcels to be
cost of all water laterals for the project.
5. Assessment and Payment of Assessments
0 A. Each parcel being assessed is responsible for the
payment in the manner set forth in (1) below to a
maximum of 150 feet, or the number of front feet of the
parcel whichever is less, plus the costs of all
the minimum lot width required by the Comprehensive
laterals (except in the case of a developed parcel if
Land Use Plan for said use is larger than 150 front
feet, then the larger amount), or
If a parcel has a frontage of 2 times or more the
minimum lot width and area as required by the City's
using the frontage of the entire parcel, or
Zoning Ordinance, the frontage shall be computed by
If the lot width of a parcel is in excess of 150 lineal
feet but less than 2 times the minimum lot width and
area with respect to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan,
the excess frontage would not be included in the
assessment computation and is not assessed.
subsection 5.A. shall apply as far as applicable in
If a unit assessment is used in whole or in part, this
determining the number of units to be assessed.
(1) The assessments due pursuant to Paragraph 5 of
this Policy may be paid in cash in full on or
before the first November 1st after the date of
the Final Assessment Resolution or in ten (10)
annual installments of principal together with
twelve (12) months interest per installment to the
City Treasurer, installment payments to bear
interest at the rate established in the Final
Assessment Policy for Construction of Water Mains (150 ft. Policy)
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0 B.
Assessment Resolution on the unpaid balance
commencing on November 1st and said first
taxes are due and annually thereof. All
installment being due on the date when real estate
assessments or installments which are not paid by
the date specified shall be extended upon the tax
roll as a delinquent tax against the property and
all proceedings in relation to the collection,
estate taxes shall apply to such special
return and sale of property for delinquent real
assessment, except as otherwise provided by
(2) If a land division is made, and the nondeferred
assessment is part of the land division, then said
assessment and all of the remaining lateral
assessment charges shall be immediately due and
payable in full and if not paid by the first
November 1st after the division, the front feet
and applicable laterals shall be placed on the tax
roll, plus interest through January 31st.
If there is an unusual situation as to the calculation
of an assessment, the applicable committee of the
Common Council may make reasonable exceptions to the
above requirements to address said unusual situation.
The remainder of said assessment is deferred as stated
in Paragraph 6.
If the entire property is sold, without division, the
assessment levied on the property to the extent of 150
front feet, except in the case of a developed parcel if
Land Use Plan for said use is larger than 150 front
the minimum lot width required by the Comprehensive
feet, then the larger amount or the number of front
feet of the parcel, whichever is less, plus the costs
of all laterals may remain on the payment plan; and any
remainder of said assessment which is deferred, may
continue to be deferred.
6. Payment of Deferred Assessments
A. That portion of the assessments not being paid pursuant
to Paragraph 5 of this Policy shall be deferred.
Deferrals shall end upon any use being made of any
portion of the property in question (use specifically
on the document creating the land division) and the
including land division at the time of City signatures
responsibility for payment of the assessment shall
apply to all of the property subject to the deferral.
(1) All deferred assessments shall bear interest at
the rate established in the Final Assessment
Resolution on the unpaid balance from the first
November 1st after the date of the Final
Assessment Resolution and until payment in
full. When the deferral of an assessment ends,
Assessment Policy for Construction of Water Mains (150 ft. Policy)
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said assessment shall be paid in cash in full on
or before the first November 1st after the end of
the deferral unless the City, at its sole option,
negotiates with a property owner having an
assessment come due, an agreement by which the
assessment or a portion thereof may be further
deferred when the Common Council determines that
additional deferrals would be just and equitable
under the particular circumstances. To be
considered for an additional deferral, the
assessable front footage of the property shall be
a minimum of 500 ft. All assessments or
specified shall be extended upon the tax roll as a
installments which are not paid by the date
delinquent tax against the property with interest
through January 31st and all proceedings in
property for delinquent real estate taxes shall
relation to the collection, return and sale of
apply to such special assessment, except as
otherwise provided by statute.
(2) If the City does negotiate with a property owner
having a deferred assessment come due to allow
partial payment of a portion of the assessment,
the following criteria shall be met. The City is
under no negotiate further deferrals
of any assessment.
(a) The owners shall give the City satisfactory
evidence of sole ownership of all of the
lands in question and the right to divide
such assessments as proposed.
(b) The lands shall be divided and all
appropriate documents making such division
shall be filed and recorded.
(c) The partial assessment shall be paid to the
City by all the owners to satisfy the lien of
assessment for the number of front feet
and/or units and the laterals being sold,
upon sale of said parcel, and if not paid,
delinquent tax against the property with
shall be placed on the tax roll as a
proceedings in relation to the collection,
interest through January 31st, and all
return and sale of property for delinquent
real estate taxes shall apply to such special
assessment, except as otherwise provided by
(d) The assessment on the remainder of the lands
be deferred, except for the portion of the
described in the agreement shall continue to
assessment that was not deferred and the
remainder of the laterals, which may continue
on the 10 year payment plan.
Assessment Policy for Construction of Water Mains (150 ft. Policy)
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However, if the nondeferred assessment is
part of the land division, then said
assessment and all of the remaining lateral
assessment charges shall be immediately due
and payable in full and if not paid by the
first November 1st after the division, the
front feet and/or units and applicable
plus interest through January 31st.
laterals shall be placed on the tax roll,
The property owners shall waive all legal
notices required to amend or change special
assessments and agree to the amended
assessment without further action by the City.
If a land division or land divisions are
made and more than 50% of the assessable
is sold, the balance will become due and
frontage and/or units of the original parcel
payable in full, and if not paid by the first
November 1st after the sale, the front feet
and applicable laterals shall be placed on
the tax roll, plus interest through January
and one lateral may remain on the payment
31st. The original non-deferred assessment
plan only if said lands are not part of the
land division.
The property owners shall be liable for all
costs associated with the pro-ration.
Any assessment deferred pursuant to this
policy may nevertheless be prepaid upon the
same terms as installment assessments are allowed
to be prepaid and as provided for in the Final
Assessment Resolution.
Any deferred assessment on property that has not
been divided may be placed on the 10 year payment
plan upon request of the owner(s) of the property
at any time.
As to deferred assessments not on a payment plan,
minimum amount of $5000. The partial payment or
the City will accept partial payments in the
payments will be applied first to interest and
then to principal due on the date of the partial
payment or payments as of the date said payment or
payments are received.
reviewed every five (5) years.
Interest rates on deferred assessments may be
A. If the Common Council or its duly authorized committee
or representative determines that it would constitute
an undue hardship for a person or persons owning an
Assessment Policy for Construction of Water Mains (150 ft. Policy)
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owner-occupied non-dividable residential property
assessment policy who has qualified for hardship status
affected by a special assessment made pursuant to this
(as defined later in this policy) to pay an assessment
as set forth above, it may allow said assessment to be
paid as follows:
1. The entire assessment would be deferred and not be
due and payable and no interest would accrue until
a use of the improvement is made. Once a use of
the improvement is made, the entire assessment is
due and payable subject to Paragraph 2 below.
Interest shall be charged commencing, with the
first November 1st after use of the improvement is
made. The interest to be charged after a use is
made is the interest rate as established in the
final assessment resolution; and
2. The owner may elect to pay the entire assessment
this policy once a use of the improvement is made
on their entire property pursuant to Section 5 of
or the assessment will be payable in 19 annual
installments with an interest rate as established
period of hardship.
in the final assessment resolution during the
If a property owner no longer qualifies for
hardship status, then the entire remaining
assessment including interest shall be due as
follows: In full or at owner's election in annual
installments of principal and interest as set
assessment policy stated above for a number of
forth in the non-hardship sections of the
years which is in proportion to the amount of
principal which is left to be paid based upon a 10
year payment plan. For example: If one-half of
the principal remains due at the end of the
hardship status, the remaining principal and
interest would be paid in 5 annual installments.
B. Hardship Status:
1. As to each special assessment subject to this
policy, the Notice of Public Hearing shall contain
a notice that property owners may be qualified for
payments of the assessment and shall indicate a
hardship status which will allow for different
time by which persons must apply and be determined
persons once qualified must requalify annually by
to qualify for said hardship status. A person or
making a new application each succeeding year on
or before the 1st day of May each succeeding
year. If a person or persons does not initially
hardship status terminates and cannot be renewed.
qualify or fails to qualify each year, the
Hardship status as to an assessment is personal to
the person or persons owning the property at the
Assessment Policy for Construction of Water Mains (150 ft. Policy)
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time of the initial assessment and cannot be
transferred to a new Owner.
2. Qualifications for Hardship Status: Individuals
or Families with an annual income not in excess of
50% of the median family income for Waukesha
County with adjustments for family size, shall be
qualified for hardship status by the Common
Council, committee or representative making said
determination following Rules and Regulations as
the City may from time to time direct.
Adopted by Resolution #22-94 1/25/94
Amended by Resolution 6103-95 5/9/95
Amended by Resolution 1146-95 3128195
Amended by Resolution S13-96 1/23/96