WHEREAS, the Water Utility currently bills about 1800 customers
on a quarterly basis using software originally developed by
SEWRPC for a mainframe and converted to System 36, and
WHEREAS, no support or updates are available for this software,
WHEREAS, the Public Utilities Committee has recommended the
expenditure of $33,485 for the acquisition of HTE utility
billing software to reside on the AS/400, and to include the
license fee, training, BRC interface, convert water meter
readers, creation of other required files and interfaces and
$3,750 for annual maintenance, and
WHEREAS, the HTE billing program has been recommended by the
Information Systems Director in order to become a part of the
support and program capabilites.
integrated land management system and to provide the necessary
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the
City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Utilities
Committee, does hereby authorize an expenditure of not to exceed
$33,485 from uncommitted Water Utility borrowed money funds for
the acquisition of HTE utility billing software and related
expenses as referred to above, with $3,750 for annual
maintenance to be budgeted in the 1996 Water Operating Budget.
Ald. David J. Sanders
Ald. Nancy C. Salentine
Ald. Robert L. Rasmussen
Defeated 9/26/95
Vote 5-2
This is to certify that this is a true and accurate Copy Of
Resolution #194-95 which was adopted by the Common Council Of
the City of Muskego.
City Clerk
9/95 jmb
Ehlen and Associates,lnc.
September 21, 1995
David DeAngelis, Mayor
City of Muskego
W182 S8200 Racine Avenue
Muskego, Wisconsin 53150
Dear Mayor DeAngelis:
Attached is the resolution modifying and clarifying the City's investment policies which has been revised
to reflect the changes discussed at the Finance Committee meeting last evening. The primary revisions to
this draft, when compared with the draft dated July 17, 1995, are as follows: . Section IB. Bank deposits are no longer required to have collateralization. However, the policy
does express the intent to minimize the balances in these deposits. . Section 2C2 requires collateralization for Certificates of Deposits. The collateral must be US.
Government Securities, agency securities, city securities or general obligation debt of other
Wisconsin governmental units. . Section 2C5 adds as an eligible investment securities issued by the City and other Wisconsin
governmental units. This is lo maintain consistency between City investments and collateral on
Certificates of Deposits.
If you have further revisions to this draft or have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Executive Vice PresidenUDirector
s:'wDAr%%k%%Gfl~~&%!?i MN . BROOKFIELO. WI
Corporate Woods. Suite 225.375 Bishops Way Brookfield. WI 530056200.414-7@.51520~ Fax 4147851810
WHEREAS, on August 13,1991, the Common Council of the City of Muskego adopted Resolution
#190-91 establishing a policy for depositing and investing City funds; and
WHEREAS, the Common Council desires to clarify and modify said policy; and
WHEREAS, it is in the interest of this community to adopt a policy to insure prudent deposits and
investments of available City funds.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego,
upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby establish the following policy in the public
interest for the deposit and investment of available City funds:
A. The Common Council has by resolution designated public depositories, organized and doing
business under the laws of this state or federal law, and located in this state, in which the
City Treasurer shall deposit all public monies received by herhim.
B. Limitations. The resolution designating one or more public depositories shall specify
whether the money shall be maintained in demand deposits or time deposits subject to the
limitations of Section 6604(2), Stats. It is the City’s intent to the extent possible, to maintain
balances less than or equal to the amounts insured by the F.D.I.C. or State of Wisconsin
guaranteed amounts.
C. Deposits. The City Treasurer shall deposit public monies in the name of the City of
Muskego in such public depository or depositories designated by the Common Council,
subject to the limitations hereinabove set forth.
D. Withdrawals. Withdrawals or disbursements by the City Treasurer of monies deposited in
a public depository shall be made as provided by Sections 66.042( 1) to (5). Wisconsin Stats.
The City Treasurer is authorized, at hidher discretion, to process periodic payments through
the use of money transfer techniques as set forth in Section 66.042(3m), Wisconsin Stats.
The City Treasurer, as used in this paragraph, means only the acting City Treasurer or duly
appointed deputy acting under herhis direction and in herhis absence or disability, or in
case of a vacancy, and does not include all of the other persons within the definition of that
term in Section 34.01(7), Wisconsin Stats., except the duly appointed and acting City
Treasurer, and the duly appointed and acting deputy, shall be as provided in Section 66.042,
Wisconsin Stats.
E. Liability. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Treasurer who deposits public
money in any public depository, in compliance with Section 34.05, Wisconsin Stats., is
under the provision of Section 34.06, Wisconsin Stats., relieved of any liability for any loss
of public monies which results from the failure of any public depository to repay to the
public depositor the full amount of its deposits, thus causing a loss as defined in Seclion
34.01(2), Wisconsin Stats.
A. Subject to the provisions of this policy, the City Treasurer shall have control of any
discretion in the investment of all City funds that are not immediately needed and are
available for investments. The Common Council makes it known lo all banks, investment
bankers, brokers, dealers and others accepting deposits, selling securities or shares or in any
manner is involved in the investments and deposits of the City, that the Treasurer is an
untrained public official, not a sophisticated investor and is restricted in herfhis activities by
state law and this resolution.
B. Objectives. It is the policy of this City that all investments or deposits of public funds shall
adhere to the following objectives:
1. The preservation of principal shall be the paramount objective.
2. Liquidity shall be maintained sufficient for the City to meet all disbursement
requirements when due.
objectives are met. The Common Council recognizes that meeting these objectives
will likely result in interest earnings less than that obtainable with a more aggressive
3. Return on investments shall be maximized only to the extent that the first two
C. Eligible Investments. The investment of City funds shall be in accordance with Sections
34.01(5) and 66.04(2), Wisconsin Stats., as follows:
1. Certificates of Deposits. City funds may be invested in certificates of deposit
maturing within three years or less from the date of investment issued by any bank
or savings and loan association which are authorized to transact business in the State
of Wisconsin. The financial institutions must have been designated a public
depositoty of the City by resolution of the Common Council. Banks issuing
Certificates of Deposit must provide collated to secure amounts over and above
F.D.I.C. and State of Wisconsin guaranteed amounts. All securities serving as
collateral shall be direct obligations of the United States or guaranteed as to
principal and interest by the United States, through a U.S. Governmental Agency
as defined by the Federal Reserve Bank, bonds or securities issued by the City or
general obligations bonds or notes issued by a Wisconsin city, county, technical
college, village, town or school district. AU securities serving as collateral shall be
specifically pledged to the City (not as part of a pooled fund) and placed in a
custodial account at a Federal Reserve Bank, a trust department of a commercial
bank, or through another financial institution. The custodian may not be owned or
controlled by the depository institution or its holding company unless it is a
separately operated trust institution. The custodian shall send statements of pledged
collateral to the Treasurer’s Office on a monthly basis.
2. Government Pool. City funds may be invested in the Local Government Investment
Pool fund without limitation as long as the fund is fully insured.
3. Repurchase Agreements. City funds may be invested in repurchase agreements in
financial institutions approved for that purpose by the Common Council.
Repurchase agreements can only be made in securities which are direct obligations
of or guaranteed as to principal interest by the federal government and securities
which are obligations of an agency, commission, board or other instrumentality of
the federal government, where principal and interest are guaranteed by the federal
government. Securities purchased by a repurchase agreement must be placed in
safekeeping in a segregated account in the City’s name at any designated public
depository or approved financial institution.
4. U.S. Government Security, Bonds, or Securities Issued Or Guaranteed By The
Federal Government
5. Bonds or securities issued by the City or general obligation notes or bonds issued
by a Wisconsin county, city, technical college district, village, town or school
D. Prohibited Investments. The City Treasurer is prohibited from investing in, but not limited
to, any of the following:
Commodity trading
Futures’ transactions
Short selling
Use or margin
Purchasing of call options
Selling of put options
Venture capital investments
International investments
Illiquid investments
Mortgage participation certificates and other CMO’s
Real estate
Purchasing of letters of credit
Mutual funds shares
Synthetic Securities such as floaters and inverse floaters
Pooled investment programs other than the State Local Government
Investment Pool
Commercial paper
A. Definitions. Words and phrases shall, insofar as applicable, have the meanings set for in
Section 34.01. Wisconsin Stats., as amended.
B. Prohibited Activities. The Treasurer is prohibited from borrowing funds using investment
securities as collateral for the purpose of purchasing additional investments.
C. Special Instruction. The Treasurer shall provide each and every depository, investment
banker, investment advisor, investment planner and any others selling investments to the
City a copy of this resolution, and obtain a receipt for its delivery prior to any investment
activity with the party.
D. Conflict. This policy as enacted in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 34 and
Sections 66.042, Wisconsin Stats., as amended.
E. Duration. This policy shall continue in force until appealed or superseded by further
resolution of the Common Council.
DATED THIS 26th DAY OF September , 1995.
JeanMrenda, City Clerk