CCR1995184" AMENDED ,I ) \ COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #184-95 \~+/' APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT OF SALE Mick (Muskego Industrial Park) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the City's broker and the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the attached Amendment to Contract of Sale, as amended, to Amend Offer from David and Diane Mick for purchase of land in the Muskego Industrial Park. 1 DATED THIS 12th DAY OF SEPTEMBER , 1995. e SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Domonic D'Acquisto Ald. Patrick A. Patterson Ald. David J. Sanders This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of City of Muskego. Resolution #184-95 which was adopted by the Common Council of the 9/95 jmb W0-43 Amendment 10 Conlract of SaleINotlca Ralatlng to Contract of Sale Approved by Wlaconsln Departmenlo1 Regulallon and Llcanslng 2-1-93 (Optlonal Use Date) 7-1-93 (Mandalory Use Date) Wlsconsln LeQal Blew Lo., Inc. Milwaukee. WI 1 3 A 5 7 6 9 11 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 18 20 21 22 23 24 a 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 PART I: AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT OF SALE Buyer and Seller agree to amend the offer dated March 1gL. and accepted March 20 , 19%, for the purchase and sale of real estate at Lot 2, CSM a7293 City of Muskego Industrial Park as follows: [ ) Closlng date Ischanged from to ( ) Purchase price Is changed from $ to $ ( ) Occupancy charge is changed from $ ( ) Occupancy of the property Is changed from ( ) Buyer 1s aware there are Contemplated special assessments In the estlmated amount Of $ for the lnstallatlon of and agrees to pay for same. ( ) Seller.agrees to pay $ to Buyer at closing for contemplated special assessments for the lnstallatlon of ( ) Seller agrees to provlde title proof In the form of title Insurance In accordance with the contract. Buyer agrees to on the property and any abstract surrender fee(s). pay Seller the difference between the tiile Insurance premium and the sum of the cost of extending any abstract@) ( ) The financing contlngency 1s changed as follows: ( ) The following Item(s) of personal properly are excluded from the sale: to $ to ( ) The following item(s) of personal properly are Included In the sale: . (X) Other:-& for satisfaction or waiver of contingency E. Environmental Audit is extended from 150 days from acceptance to October 20, 1995. Closing date is changed to no later than October 31, 1995. Seller to grant limited use of part of vacated Mercury Drive to Buyer for ingress & egress and parking. ALL OTHER TERMS OF THE CONTRACT AND ANY PRIOR AMENDMENTS REMAIN UN,CHANGED Thls Amendment Is blndlng upon Seller and Buyer only if a cop of the accepted Amendment Is delivered to the PaAY offering the Amendment on or before September 20, 199 r (Time Is of the Essence). Dellvery of the accepted Amendment may be made In the following ways: (1) by deposltlng a copy Of the accepted Amendment. postage or fees repaid In 6,209 Industrial. Ct.PO Box 107 ~reenda~&~$& mail or a.commerclai delivery system addressed to nal delivery to the party making !he Amendment, or (3) by electronic transmission of the accepted Amendment to the following telephone number: may wllhdraw the Amendment prior lo acceplancehd dellvery'as provlded In lines 27 to 33. , NOTE The party maklng,thls Amendment Buyer: Seller: Buyer: Seller: Date Signed: Date Signed: City of Muskego David W. Mick Diane E. Mick Jean K. Marenda, City Clerk David L. DeAngelis, Mayor ATTACH THIS AMENDMENT TO THE OFFER TO PURCHASE. 39 43 44 45 46 PART 11: NOTICE RELATING TO CONTRACT OF SALE Thls notice by (W) (Buyer) relates to the offer dated ax, 19%, and accepted , 19&, for the purchase and sale of real estate at - Lot 2 CSM !I7293 Cltv of Muskego Industrial Park A. Financing, D. Approval of Operations, E. Utili& focatL F. VacatRm of Rmury Drive Including conveyance of any portion of said vacated Mercury Drive beyond limited use agreed to on lines 24 and 25 above. 1. Thefollowlngarenolongerconditlonsorcontlngenclestothecontract sup ortin documentslfre ulred r ttached): 17 2. Notice Is given that: 19 io . \!a (Note: Only the party glvlng the notlce above must'slgn.) \ David W. Mick Seller: I 3 Buyer: 4 Date Signed: Date Signed: Diane E. Mick Seller: 15 ATTACH THIS NOTICE TO THE OFFER TO PURCHASE. \