CCR1995157COMMON COUNC-ITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #157-95 AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RUST (FREEDOM SQUARE DESIGN PROJECT) AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AND BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby authorize the Mayor to execute the attached Professional Services Agreement, as amended, between the City of Muskego and Rust Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. for the Freedom Square Design Project . DATED THIS 25TH DAY OF JULY , 1995. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Domonic D'Acquisto Ald. Patrick A. Patterson Ald. David J. Sanders This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #157-95 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 7/95 jmb 0 0 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT PROJECT NAME: Freedom Square Desia Project ("Project") This Agreement is by and between Client Citv of Muskego W182 S8200 Racine Ave. Box 903 Muskego. WI 53 150-0903 and. Rust Environment & infrastructure Inc. ("Rust") 1020 N. Broadway. Suite 400 Milwaukee. WI 53202 Who agree as follows: Client hereby engages Rust to perform the services described in Part I ("Services") and Rust agrees to perform the Services for the compensation set forth in Part III. Rust shall be authorized to commence the Services upon execution of this Agreement and receipt of authorization to proceed fiom Client. Client and Rust agree that this signature page, together with Parts I-N and attachments referred to therein, constitute the entire agreement between them relating to the Project ("Agreement"). APPROVED FOR CLENT APPROVED FOR RUST Printed Name: Printed Name: James T. Kunz. P.E. Title: Title: Vice-president Date: Date: 7-/4f- os' PART I RUST'S RESPONSIBILITIES A. SCOPE Services to be provided for the Project are as follows: TASK 1: ENLARGEMENT OF WEST POND PROJECT 1.0 Data Gathering and Field Survey 1.1 Kickoff Meeting with Client, WDNR, and Affected Utilities Rust EBrI will meet with the Client and the WDNR to define project success factors (goals), define communication procedures, and clarify project expectations. 1.2 Field Survey, Consisting of Gathering Data on Alignment, Topography, and Necessary Cross Sections. The field survey will pick up cross sections at the proposed pond enlargement on a 25 foot grid. Cross sections every 50 feet will be surveyed along the proposed path of the storm sewer between the West Pond and the Lannon DrivdJanesville Road intersection. The survey will locate prominent surface features wihn 25 feet of the proposed storm sewer path including houses, fences, roads, etc. The survey will also be conducted to assist in determining of the area west of the intersection which can reasonably be included in the west pond drainage system. Geotechnical subsurface exploration will not be conducted. 1.3 Sediment Sampling and Classification Sediments from the West Pond will be sampled and classified to determine the proper handling and disposal of the cut material (per Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources requirements). Rust will develop the Chapter 30 permit application and conduct the sediment sampling (if required as a part of the permit process). Rust will meet with the appropriate staff kom the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) to determine the sediment quality information required for the permit. If it is determined @y the WDNR) that sediment sampling is not necessary, th~s effort will be removed from the project's scope and budget. 1 0 2.0 PREPARATION OF PRELl3fINARY DESIGN 2.1 Hydrologic Analysis A hydrologic and hydraulic analysis will be conducted for the three Freedom Square ponds. The analysis previously conducted by R.A. Smith & Associates Inc. will be reviewed in detail. For this purpose the base computer files will be required, and it is assumed that these files will be provided to Rust at no cost to the project. A hydrologic analysis investigating the impacts from adding the drainage area at the Lannon Drive/Janesville Road intersection will ahbe conducted. The expanded drainage areas will be delineated and the land use will be determined based on current conditions, future land use conditions (from the Phase 1 Stormwater Management Plan), and discussions with the Client. Hydrology will be based on the 2-year and 100-year storms. The 2-year storm analysis may be replaced with an analysis of the runoff from a 1.5 inch event. The storm selection will be finalized based on discussions with the Client and the WDNR. The 2-year storm (or 1 .j inch event) will determine the optimal weir structure and storage volume required to obtain the maximum water quality benefits. 2.2 Alternative Designs Alternative designs to manage the additional volume of water from the west end of the Pick N Save parking lot and the drainage area west of Lannon Drive will be investigated. Altematives.may include increasing the depth and or perimeter of the pond. Different species for the final planting plan, such as wetland versus non-wetland species, will be identified as potential alternatives. Up to four (4) alternatives will be developed and analyzed. 2.3 Preliminary Design Alternative designs will be developed for Client and WDNR review and selection (up to four alternatives). Describe advantages and disadvantages of each identified alternative as it relates to the water quality, costs, aesthetics, constructability, and impacts on local businesses and traffic. Since the Client has already selected an alternative for the general stormwater management layout ofthe Freedom Square Project, these alternatives will show different stomwater conveyance routes, materials, and the extent of the area to be included for the expanded West Pond drainage system. 2.4 Meet with Client and WDNR to Present Preliminary Design and Alternatives 2.5 Public Meeting At the Client's discretion, the alternative designs may be presented at a citizen advisoly group meeting, or to affected property owners and businesses. One meeting will be conducted for this purpose MINIB-Murkcgo 2 3.0 PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 0 3.1 0 a 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.1 3.8 4.0 Plan and Profile of West Pond Modifications Conuact drawings will show the plan layout of the proposed enlargement of the pond and plan and protiles ofthe new sewer alignment, the outfall and proposed outfall, utilities and surface features. Cross Sections Cross sections will show the existing and proposed final section of the pond enlargement. The water depth will also be shown for the two year and the 100 year storm. Quantity Takeoff Quantities will be tallied and incorporated into the bidding schedule. An estimate will be prepared of anticipated construction costs. Construction Site Erosion Control Plan Site specific erosion control measures will be incorporated into the plan to contain construction erosion and minimize adverse water quality effects. The construction site erosion control plan will conform to the requirements of the Client's proposed revisions to Chapter 29 of the City code. Location Map A location map to a suitable scale for construction document purposes will be included on the title sheet of the plan. Specifications Techrucal specifications will address all materials, workmanship and constructability of the project. Contract Documents Rust will provide one (I) set of reproduceables for the plans, specifications, and contract documents. The Client will furnish Front-end specifications for bidding purposes including wage rates if required, Insurance Requirements, and Liquidated Damages totals for incorporation into the specifications. Quality Control An in-house quality control review will be completed. AGENCY AND UTILITY COORDINATION MINIB-Murkcgo 3 4.1 4.2 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Permits Submit application for a Chapter 30 permit, for the dredging, and U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers (ACOE) permit (if necessary) and review plans with WDNR for their input. Utility Coordination Send plans to relevant utilities for review and comment. BIDDING Official Notices Prepare and send out notice for publication on two dates at least one week apart. Distribute Contract Documents to interested potential bidders and answer contractor questions. Open Bids Attend the bid opening meeting to be administered by the Client. Letter of Recommendation Review bids for responsibility and responsiveness and provide a written recommendation of award to the Client. Contract Award Assist the Client in awarding contract. Rust will assemble contract documents for execution and notify selected contractor of award. TASK2: RETROFIT WEST POND OUTLET AND DIVERSION OF SUBBASIN A3 FROM MIDDLE POND TO EAST POND PROJECT 1.0 Data Gathering and Field Survey 1.1 Kickoff Meeting with Client Staff, WDNR, and Affected Utilities To be done concurrently with Task 1. See Part I; Task 1, Ll M/A/JB-Murkcgo 4 1.2 Field Survey, Consistiig of Gathering Data on Alignment, Topography, and Necessary Cross Sections. The field survey will pick up cross sections every 50 feet and locate surface features within the existing grass swale easement and along the alignment of the existing Janesville Road sewer and road ditch. The survey will locate prominent surface features within 25 feet of the easement including houses, fences, roads, etc. The survey will include measure downs of the existing sewers along Janesville Road. The entire intersection of Janesville Road and Parkland Drive will be surveyed. Also the channel fiom Janesville Road to the East Pond, along vith the proposed changes to the current channel configuration will be surveyed. 2.0 PREPARATION OF PRELIMINARY DESIGN 2.1 Flow Volumes and Velocities A hydrologichydraulic modeling analysis will be conducted on Subbasin A3 to check for proper culvert sizing, channel capacities, and the affect of the change in drainage patterns on the three Freedom Square Ponds. Velocities in the Janesville Road channel will be calculated to assure that vegetation will be able to be established. The effects on the ponds of diverting the water from the Middle Pond to the East Pond will be also be analyzed. 2.2 Alternative Designs A weir structure upstream of the existing 60 inch outlet pipe (in the West Pond) will be designed based on the volume of flow entering the West Pond during the 2-year storm (or runoff born a 1.5 inch event). Alternative weir configurations will be identified for the optimal water quality effect. Storms greater than the 2-year storm will be released through an overflow structure. Alternative stormwater conveyance systems and routes between Janesville Road and the East Pond will be developed and discussed with the Client and WDNR. 2.3 Preliminary Design Layout alternative designs for Client and WDNR review and decision. Up to four (4) alternatives will be developed. Describe advantages and disadvantages of each identified alternative as it relates to water quality, costs, aesthetics, constructability, and impacts on local businesses and traffic. Since the Client has already selected an alternative for the general stormwater management layout of the Freedom Square Project, these alternatives will show different stormwater conveyance routes, materials, weir designs, and the modification of the stormwater conveyance system between Janesville Road and the East Pond. 2.4 Meeting with Client and WDNR to Present Preliminary Design and Alternatives 5 2.5 Public Meeting This meeting will be held concurrently with the public meeting conducted under Task 1, 2.5. PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Plan and Profile of Proposed Sewer Alignment Plan and profile sheets will show the sewer and channel alignment and outfall to the East Pond, utilities, and surface features. Construction plans will also be developed for the West Pond weir and the bulkhead for the culvert under Janesville Road at Parkland Drive. Detail Sheets Detail sheets will show the proposed weir and overflow structure. Water depth for the two year storm will be shown. Cross Sections Cross sections will show the existing and proposed sections of the channel south of Janesville Road and between Janesville Road and the East Pond. Quantity Takeoff Quantities will be tallied and incorporated into the bidding schedule. An estimate will be prepared of anticipated construction costs. Construction Site Erosion Control Plan Site specific erosion control measures will be incorporated into the plan to contain construction erosion and minimize adverse water quality effects. The construction site erosion control measures will meet the requirements of the Client's proposed revisions to Chapter 29 (City ordinance). Location Map A location map of appropriate scale for a construction bidding document will be included on the title sheet of the plan. Specifications Technical specifications will address all materials, workmanship and constructability of the project. Contract Documents 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 0 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.1 3.8 MIAIJB-Murkcgo 6 Rust will provide one (1) set of reproduceables for the plans, specifications, and contract documents. The Client will furnish Frontad specifications for bidding purposes including wage rates if required, Insurance Requirements, and Liquidated Damages totals for incorporation into the specifications. 3.9 Quality Control An in-house quality control review will be completed. 4.0 AGENCY AND UTILITY COORDINATION 4.1 Permits Submit application for a Chapter 30 permit and U.S. ACOE permit (if necessary) and review plans with WDNR for their input. 4.2 Utility Coordination Send plans to utilities for review and comment. 5.0 BIDDING 0 5.1 Official Notices Prepare and send out notice for publication on two dates at least one week apart. Distribute Contract Documents to interested potential bidders and answer contractor questions. 5.2 Open Bids Attend the bid opening meeting to be administered by the Client 5.3 Letter of Recommendation Review bids for responsibility and responsiveness and provide a written recommendation of award to Client. 5.4 Contract Award Assist the Client in awarding contract. Rust will assemble contract documents for execution and notify selected contractor of award. B. ASSUMPTIONSKONDITIONS This Agreement is subject to the following assumptions/conditions: 0 SCHEDULE 7 0 Rust shall be authorized to commence the services set forth above upon execution of the Agreement. The services are estimated to be completed within 100 calendar days of project initiation. A detailed schedule will be provided to Client within IO days upon execution of this Agreement. The project schedule is subject to local, state, and federal agency reviews and approvals of required permits. PART I1 CLrENT'S RESPONSIBILITIES Client, at its expense, shall do the following in a timely manner so as not to delay the Services. A. INFORiMATION/REPORTS Furnish Rust the following information, all of which Rust may rely upon without independent verification in performing the Services. 1. Available storm sewer system maps 2. A\.ailable As-built drawings for storm sewers 3. Available As-built drawings for the Freedom Square Ponds 4. Available floodplain zoning maps 5. Available information on historical sites within the project area. 6. Available reports, studies, maps, etc, relevant to stormwater management and water quality in the Freedom Square project area. 7 Computer modeling files in digital format of previous hydrologichydraulic studies (including "Freedom Square Demonstration Project for the City of Muskego", May 1994; R..4. Smith & Assoc. Inc.). 0 B. REPRESENTATIVE Designate a representative for the Project who shall have the authority to transmit instructions, receive dormation, interpret and define Client's policies and make decisions with respect to the Services. C. DECISIONS Provide all criteria and full information as to Client requirements for the Project, obtain (with Rust's assistance, if applicable) necessary approvals and permits, attend Project-related meetings, provide interim reviews on an agreed-upon schedule, make decisions on Project alternatives, and generally participate in the Project to the extent necessary to allow Rust to perform the Services. D. EWESSES The Client shall be responsible for the following expenses: 1, reproduction of plans, specifications, and contract documents resulting from Task 1 and Task 2 2. fees associated with state and federal agency permit submittals, and fees for publication of public notices PART. III COMPENSATION, BILLING, Ah?) PAYMENT Client shall pay Rust for the Services in accordance with the following: Hourly Rate Plus Reimbursables Compensation for the Services will be on an hourly rate basis plus reimbursables in accordance with Rust's hourly fees in effect at the time the services are performed. Average hourly billing rates for each labor classification are shown in the following table. Rust will bill the Client no less frequent than monthly, with net payment due in 30 days. Senior Consultant $137.00 Senior EAS II $121.00 Senior EAS I $1 10.00 Project EAS m $100.00 Project EAS Il $89.00 Project EAS VSenior Technician II $82.00 Staff EAS WSenior Technician I $76.00 11 Staff EAS Wroject Technician II I $69.00 II 11 EAS IWroject Technician I I $64.00 I1 11 EAS VStaff Technician I1 I $59.00 II 11 Staff Technician I I $52.00 II 11 Technician ll I $44.00 I1 11 Technician Word Processor I $39.00 II Project Support $30.00 EAS =Engineer, Arclrifecf, Scientist e The estimated fee for these services will be as follows: MIAIIB-Murkego 9 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 - Data Gathering and Field Survey 54 Preparation of Preliminary Design 100 Preparation of Plans and Specifications 90 Agency and Utility Coordination 10 Bidding 10 TOTAL HOURS: 264 DIRECT COSTS Laboratory Sediment Quality Analysis * TASK #1 COSTS * Cost estimate subject to WDNR requirements $3.000.00 $5,800.00 $4,200.00 $500.00 $600.00 $14,100.00 $1,150.00 $500.00 $15,750.00 11 1.0 I Data Gathering and Field Survey I 16 I $800.00 11 2.0 $3,600.00 76 Preparation of Plans and Specifications 3.0 $2,100.00 38 Preparation of Preliminary Design 11 4.0 I Agency and Utility Coordination 4 $200.00 11 1) 5.0 I Bidding 11 $60D.00 1) TOTAL HOURS: $8,120.00 TASK # 2 COSTS $820.00 DIRECT COSTS $7,300.00 145 Estimated fees are based on assumption that both tasks are conducted under this contract. Fees will not be exceeded without prior approval of the Client. e MIAIJB-Murkego 10 PART IV STANDARD TERMS .4NDCONDITIONS standard oiomfesrional macIice ordin~lv exercised bv the amlicable oroferrion at I. STAXVARD OF C.iRE. Scniccr shall be performed in accordance with the E&i wiil pmmplly pmvtde Client nih in amcndmcnL 10 ihir Agreement IO recognize such change. which Ihall be deemed approved if nor objected Lo within 15 days of rcccipl by Client. 3. SAFETY. RUST EA1 has atablirhed and maintains coptale programs and procsdm for the safer). oi iu employees. Unlcrr rpcc~fically Included as a service to be provided under ths .A-mm RUST E&l specifically disclaims any authoriry employees. or rerpomibiliry for gened job site dety and rafery of perrons other than RUST E&! In he event RUST E&I if delayed by Client and such delay exceeds 30 days. RUST sdjwtmmt in compensation. E&l shall be entided to M enemion of time equal to the delay and an equitable Askemen1 if &re oirurh defaull iynat commenced aid diligcntly continued. and con!inue. suspend periormanc-e under thll Agreement. failureofthe defaulthp p? to commence cure winrhin such lime limil and diligently 6. OPINIONS OF COSSTRUCTION COST. Any opinion oieonrmclion cosu prppared by RUST E&l is supplied for he general guidance ofthe Client only. Slnce RUST E&l has no ~~nmol over compeolive biddinr or market condllionr, RUST E&l annot gumtee the accuraq afruch opmianr as compared to conmct bids or ~CNBI costs to Client. 7. RELATIONSHIP WITH CO\TRACTOIIs. RUST EBrl shall sewe as Clients proierrional icprcsentai\,e ior the Srrvices, and may make recommcndationr 10 Clienl comernine actions relame to Clients eontracton. but RUST E&l roecificallv disclaims iny authorin. lo-diren or supervise the means. methods. tichniquei. sequencer 01 procedures oicanrrruclion selected by Client's conmclan. 8. COXSTRUCTI0.S REVIEW. Far projects involving COnLmcLiOn. Client acknowledges (ha1 under scnerally acccpled profcrrlonal pmcttcc. interpremlionr of CO~S~NCI>O~ doeumenrr in the field are normally required. and that performance of conrrmction.relalcd SF~ICCI by the design proierrional far the project permits errors or ommiom IO be identified and corrected at comparatively low cost. Clienl agrees ConrtrucLion-related sewices by penonr orher than RUST E&]. to hold RUST Wl hmlers iram any claims resulting from performance of 9. INSURANCE. RUST E&I sill mainlain insurance coverage for Proicrrional. Comprehenrwe General. Automobile, Worketr Compenralion, and Employetr Liabllir). in amounts in accordance with legal. and RUST Edih burinerr. requiremenu Ccnifiram midencing such coverage will be provided Io Client upon contractor. fany. to include RUST EM as an additional insured on IS policies requcrt Far projm inwiring consumtion, Clmt agrees to require IU consVUclion relarmg to the ProjecL RUST E&h covcragcr rcicrcnced above shall. in such case. be excerr over CO~WM<S phmq coverage. indemnify and saw harmless Client from and againsl loss. liability, and damages 10. INDEMNITIES. To the hllm emnl permined by law, RUST Em shall ruslained by Clieq ici agenci. employex. and repmenlarivcr by -on of injy or death to perrons or damage to tangible property to the extent caused dmctly by the wllful m6condud or failure Lo adhcre to Ihe mdard of CM dacribed in Paragaph I above oiRUST EM. its agents or employees To the fullest extenl permiued by lax.. Client shall indemnify. and save harmlcsr agens. employees. and reprerentauva by mon of injury or death to penons or RUST E&l from and agamrr loss. liability. and damages sustained by RUST E&], its damage Io langible pmpew Lo the ant caused dimrly by the willful misconduct or negligent enon, acts. or omissiom ofClicn4 iu agcnts or cmployeer. have lndwtdual liabhty to Client. Clicnl agree5 haL lo the fullest erlenr permined by law, RUST E&rr tolal liabilir). 10 Clienl far any and all injuncr. claims. Ios~es. expenses or damages whalroever arising Oul ofor in any way relaled to the Project or this Agreement from any ~~YIII including. but not limited to. RUST EXPs negligence. erron. omissions, mict liability, or breach ofconwct shall nolexcccd 13.00,OOO. 12. ACCESS. Clienl shall pmvidc RUST =I de access to any premise necessary for RUST E&l to provide the Scwices. dcliverabler. ineludmg elecuonic me&% peminiog LO the Project by Clien~ lor any 13. REUSE OF PROJECT VELIVERABLES. Reuse ofany documents or other purpose other than that for which such docwncnu or dcliverablcr were originally prepared, or alwwion ofsuch docummu or deliverabler wilhoul wincn venficarion or adaptadon by RUST E&l for the rpxific pupre intended. shall be at the Climes claims. damages, and expenre. (including rearonable lmgarion carts). arising OUL of risk. Client agrees to defend. indemnify. and hold harmless RUST E&I from a11 such ~CUIC or alteration by Cl~ent or othen acting through Clienl. 14. AMENDMEm. This AFmen4 upon atcution by bath parries hereto. can be amended only by a wincn insrmmcnc signed by bath parties. controlled by. the panm hemo or @) rerulling from operation of law. the rights and 15. ASSIGNMENT. Except far arrigmenu (a) to enlilies which c~nuol, or are obligations of this Agreement canno1 be asriged by cilhcr parry without mnen permission ofthe other parry. This Apemen1 shall be binding upon and inure 10 the benefit oiany permined assigns. 16. NO WAIVER No rraiver by either pap ofany defaull by the other parry in [he performance of any panicular section oithir Agreement shall invalidaw any other scelion oithis Agrcemenr or operate as a uaiver aiany hrure default whether like orditTerent in character 17. NO THIRD-PARTY BENEFICURY. Nothing canmined in this AgrecmcnL nor the performance oithe pMia hereunder, is intended LO benefit. nor shall inure to the benefit of, any rhlrd parry. including Client's conmclorr. if any. shall be deemed LO be separate and rcvcrablc. and the invalidiry or uneniarceabllir). 18. SE\'ERABILTTY. The various wm, provisions and covenmu herein contained of any of them shall not aflm or impair thc validity or enforceability ai the remainder. I I. LIMITATIONS OF LLmLrn'. NO employee or agent or RUST EM *Y.l"O rc September 6. I994