CCR1995133COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #133-95 APPROVAL OF ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT FOR RESIDENTIAL DATA COLLECTION SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO BETWEEN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AND DAY L ZIMMERMANN LLC (Cole-Layer-Trumble Company) WHEREAS, the City of Muskego and City Assessor desire to contract with Day L Zimmermann LLC (Cole-Layer-Trumble Company), to provide services, outlined in the Agreement, to assist the Assessor in maintaining data to establish assessed values for real property. WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the does hereby approve the attached Articles of Agreement for City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of Finance Committee, between the City of Muskego and Day L Zimmermann LLC Residential Data Collection Services for the City of Muskego (Cole-Layer-Trumble Company) to provide services to assist the 0 Assessor. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council President, Assessor, and City Clerk are authorized to sign the Agreement in the name of the City subject to approval by the City Attorney. DATED THIS 21TH DAY OF JUNE , 1995. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Dornonic D'Acquisto Ald. Patrick A. Patterson Ald. David J. Sanders 1 This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of City of Muskego. Reso,lution #133-95 which was adopted by the Common Council of the 6/95jmb ARTICLES OF AGREEMEYT FOR RESIDENTIAL DATA COLLECTION SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN Reridentin1 Data Cdleciion Services I. 1L 111. N. V. VI. VII. VIII. XIX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XN. xv. XVI. XVII. XIII. TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PERIOD OF AGREEMENT COMPENSATION INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR OWNERSHIP OF DATA INDEMNlFICATION AND lNSL%ANCE EMPLOYMENT LAWS PROJECT PERSONNEL SUBCONTRACTS ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT CHANGJ3 IN AGREEMENT GOVERNING LAW CONFLlCT ENTIRE AGREEMENT SEVERABILITY TERMINATION NOTICES SIGNATURENI7lrlESS PAGE SCHEDULE A - Services to be Provided PAGE 1 2 2 2 3 5 5 6 7 7 8 U 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 11 12-15 Redentiall Daa Collection Serviccs ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT This Agreement is by and between the Ciiy of Muskego, located in the Stare of Wisconsin, hereinafter referred to as "the City"; AND Day & Zimmermann LLC, a Delaware corporation qualified to do business in the State of Wisconsin, hereinafter referred to as "the Company". WITNESSETH WHE-, the Company has experience in the design. development, and implementation of computer-assisted appraisal systems, and; WHEREAS, the Company has served county and municipal governments in the mass appraisal field for over fifty years; and WHEREAS. :he City deserves to utilize said servjcrs; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed that the Company shall provide the services contained in Schedule A (Services to be Provided) during the period of this Ageement as spec~ed in Arricle I11 hereof. I Wenrial Data CoUection Services SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED The Company shall provide to the City in a professional and workmanlike manner all of those service stipulated in Schedule A (Services to he Provided), and rhe Company shall be responsible for the scheduling of personnel as categorized in Schedule A. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS This Agreement and Schedule A comprise the contract documents. PERIOD OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shdl run from the date of execution until December 31, 1997. The Company's time of performance of this Agreement is conditioned upon the performance of the RESPONSIBILlTlES OF THE CITY contained in Schedule A and upon the nonoccurrence of an act of God or other cause or causes beyond the Company's control which materially increase the COSI or difficulty of the Company's performonce, but occurrence of any such event should not relieve the Company hum full performance, but shall entitle the Company to a reasonable extension of rhe completion date and additionnl compensation to be negotiated. In the event the Company has not completed all work under this Agreement by the specified completion date, the Company shall pay a penalty of $50.00 per calendar day up to the date such work is completed. COLELAYER-IRUMBLE COMPANY QM 2 Residenhl Dada CoUeclion Sewices 0 In addition to the above. the Company’s performance of the Agreement is conditioned upon the receipt by the Company from the City of all required City information on a timely basis. If the Ciry fails to make timely deliveries of such information the Company’s obligation to perform the services provided in this Agreement shall be suspended until such deliveries are madc, any and dl requesrs for such information shall he made in writing hy the Company upon reasonable notice, but no less than two (2) weeks prior to delivery of same. Iv. -ENSATION As compensation for the Company providing the services cuntained in Schedule A The City shall pay the Company a fixed fee of TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS (%25,000.00) fmm date of execution of this Agreement until December 31, 1495. Insofar 8s it is recognized that the Company’s duties do not occur evenly througnout the year, the city shall pay to the Company one sixth of the yearly amount each month, commencing June 1st of each year, in consideration of thc performance of said duties hereunder and said amount shall he prorated upon any termination of this Agreement whereby the Company does not perform said duties for an enure calendar month. 3 I Rwidentid Dab Collection Services 0 As compensation for the Company providing the services contained in Schedule A: The City shall pay the Company a futed fee of TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000.00) from January 1, 1996, until December 31, 1996. Insofar as it is recognized that the Company's duties do not occur evenly throughout the year, the City shall pay to the Company one sixth of the yearly amount each month, commencing June 1st of each year, in consideration of the performance of said duties hereunder and said amount shall be prorated upon any termination of this Agreement whereby the Company does not perform said duties for on entire calendar month. As compensation for the Company providing the services contained in Schedule A: The City shall pay the Company a fmed fee of TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000.00) from January 1, 1997, until December 31, 1997. Insofar as it is recognized that the Company's duties do not occur evenly throughout the year, the City shall pay to the Company one sixth of the yearly amount each month, commencing June 1st of each year, in consideration of the performance of said duties hereunder and said amount shall be prorated upon my termination of this Agreement whereby the Company does not perform said duties for an entire calendar month. 4 c COLELAYER-'lHUMtlLk! COMPANY ReJidennhi Data Collection Services 0 Invoices shall be submitted every four weeks for an amount which~reflects the amount of work actually performed during the preceding four weeks. Payments will be made within thirty (30) days of submittal 10 the Assessor. The Assessor will notify the Company in writing of any apparent discrepancies contained in the itemized billing within fifteen (15) days of receipt of any billing. Failure of the City to make payment when due shall entitle the Company, in addition to its other rights and remedies, to suspend further perfomanct: of this Agreement without liability. The City shall have the right to inspect the progress of the work at any reasonable time, including without limitation, inspection of data completed by the Company. V. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR 0 The relationship of the Company tn the City shall be that of an independent contractor and no principal-agent or employer-employee relationship is created by this Agreement. VI. OWERSHIP OF Dm Data collected is the property of the City. Data used by the Company in the services contemplated herein shall remain the property of the City and no use or copying shall he made thereof beyond that listed in chis Agreement wittiout the written permission of the City. 5 -. I Residenrfnl Data Collccrfon Senices 0 IND EMNIFICATION AND 1NSURANCE I I Except as provided below, the Company agrees to defend and save harmless the City, i its officer, agents and employees against all claims. demands, payments, suits, ttctions, recovery and judgments of every kind and description for personal injury or property damage brought or recovered against it by reason of any negligent action or omission of the Company, its agents, or employees and with respect to the degree to which the City is free from negligence on the part of itself, its employees and agents. The Company agrees to indemnify and save hdess the City, its officers, agents and employees against all payments, recovery and judgments of every kind and description arising out of any valuation dispute, recovered against ir, whether based in contract, negligence or otherwise, which arise from the sole negligence of the Company. The City agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Company, its officers, agents and employees against all payments. recovery and judgments of every kind and description arising out of any valuation dispute, recovered againsr it. whether based in contracb negligence or otherwise, which arise from the sole ne@gence of the City. In all other actions arising out of valuation disputes, neither party shall indemnify the other. The Company will carry Public Liability Insurance in the amount of $1,000,~ including protection for bodily injury and property damage with a combined single limit of $1.ooO,ooO. 6 The Company will also maintain Automobile Liability Insurance providing Limits of %l,OOO,ooO per occurrence, and the Company will provide Worker's Compensation Lnsurance. The Worker's Compensation Insurance will provide coverage under the Compensation Act of Wisconsin and shdl provide employer's liability insurance in the amount of 15100,OOO. VIII. jNPLOYMENT LAWS Nondiscrimination of Employment. In connection with the performance of work under this Agreement, the Company agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of age, race, religion, color, handicap, sex, physical condition, developmental disability as defhed in s. 51.01(5), or national origin. This provision shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, lay-off or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Company funher agrees to take affirmative action to ensure equal employment opportunities for persons wilh disabilities. The Company agrees to post in conspicuous places available for employees and applicant4 for employment notices to be provided by the contracting officer setting forth the provisions of the nondiscrimination clause. IX PROJECT PERSONNEL AU work will be performed by personnel certified by the State of Wisconsin, Department of Revenue. 7 The Company agrees not to subcontract any of the work required by this Agreement without the written permission of the City. The Company agrees to be responsible for the accuracy and timeliness of the work submitted in the fulfillment of its responsibilities under ttus Agreement. XI. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREE”T The Company agrees not to assign, trdnrfer, convey, or otherwise dispose of this Agreement or its rights, title, or interest in this Agreement without the previous consent and written approval of the Ciry. * xn. This Agreement may be changed only upon the written permission of the City. XIII. GOVERNING LAW Thh Agreement shull be interpreted under the laws of the State of Wisconsin. The methods and procedures used in performance of this Agreement shall comply with Chapter 70 of the Wisconsin State Statutes. m. cQmdA!3 In case of conflict with respect to Scope of Service and responsibilities of the parries between the terms of this Agreement and the terms of Schedule A, the terms of Schedule A shall control. 8 &J&nli41 Dato Cokcrion Servkes e XV. ENTIRE AGREEMENT L' This Agreement contains the complete and entire Agreement between the parties and may not be altered or amended except in a writing executed, malung specific references to this Agreement, by a duly authorized officer of the Company and by a duly authorized official of the City. m. SEVERABILrn If any provision of this Agreement shall be declared invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the whole Agreement, but the whole Agreement shall be COnStNed as if not containing the provision, and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforced accordingly, provided same is not of a material nature and does not substnntially affect the work performed or the cost. MI. TERMINATION The City will have the right to terminate this Agreement in the exercise of its absolute and sole discretion, upon ten (10) days written notice to the Company. Ten (10) days after the receipt or such notice, this Agreement will automanally terminate without further obligation of the parties, except for the payment by the city of all services rendered and materials furnished as of the date of termination. COLE-LAYER-?RUMBLE COMPANY 9 Reskiemin1 Dolo Collection Services I Xvru NOTICES L 'rn All notices required to be sent to the Company shall be sent to the following address: Cole-Layer-Trumble Company 3199 Klepinser Road Dayton, Ohio 45406 Attention: David J. Johnson, Assistant Vice President All notices required to be wnf to the City shall be sent to the following address: Ms. Laura L Mecha City Assessor City of Muskego W182 SI200 Racinc Avenue P. 0. BOX 903 Muskego, Wisconsin 53150-0903 COI.E.LAYER-TRUMBLE COMPANY Residotiol Data ColIdon Services IN WlTNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands to.duplicates of this Agreement this - day of , 1995. CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN Witness: By: Title: Witness: Witness: Witness: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Title: By: Title: DAY SL ZMMERMANN LLC By: Charles W. Carter Senior Vice President Regional Marketing Manager COLE-LAYER-TRUMBLE COMPANY CUdA SCHEDULE A SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED Residential Data Colleciion Senices .. SCHEDULE A SERVICES TO BE PROVTDEQ 1 .o WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY THE COMPANY The Company goal shall be to inspect the interiors and exteriors of 1,600 residential improved parcels per calendar year. 1.1 Measurement of Prowrly The Company shall accurately measure, to the nenrest one foot, all the major improvements showing all additions, porches, garages, and appendages with dimensions and necessary identification on the property record cards provided by the City. All measurements are to be made by a 100’ tape; the use of rods and wheels will be avoided unless circumstances such as shrubbery and equipment prohibits the use of measuring tape. All inspecrions will be conducted between the hours of 830 a.m. to 7:OO p.m. on any day, Monday through Saturday, excluding legal holidays, unless another time is agreed upon between the property owner and the Company. 1.2 Prowrtv Owner Entrance Data The date of inspection or listing of all 1,600 parcels shall be indicated on the record cards and the owner shull be asked to sign the cord when applicable. 12 I .' Residenriol Data Collection Service? If no contact is made on the initial visi& a door hanger is left with a phone number to call for an appointment. If no appointment is made, the City shall attempt to contact the property owner/occupant by ordinary mail to arrange an appointment for the purpose of lisring the interior, ten (10) busincsq days after leaving the "door hanger" but not to exceed thuty (30) calendar days of leaving same. Property owners who do not respond to the City's request to inspect the building by ordinary mail wll be counted a.3 an inspection. Expenses related to the mailing will be the responsibility of the City. If the City's request to list a major building is refused by the owner/occupant, the City shall make a request by certified mail to inspect the building; such written request shall state the purpose of the inspection, the desired time of inspection, and shall advise the ownerloccupant that hisher refusal may constitute a loss of rhe appeal of the assessment to the local Board of Review and further appeal avenues. Should the request to inspect major buildings fail their purpose, the Company shall list and value the improvements by professional methods according to the best information he/she can practicably obtain. 13 i .. .. Residenlial Data cdlecfion Smiccs .- 1.4 and Materials Rates Additional support is available on a Time and Materials basis. The labor rates for 1995 are as follow: Senior Company Officer Company Officer Regional Program Manager Project Supervisor $105.00 $ 93.00 $80.00 $ 73.00 Lead Programmedhalyst $ 73.00 Senior Progrdmmer/hdyst Senior Appraiser Programmer/Analyst Junior Programmer/Ana&t Appraiser Data Collector $ 67.00 $ 67.00 $ 60.00 S 48.00 $44.00 $ 29.00 Data Entry Supemisor s 29.00 Secretary Data Enay Operator $ 24.00 S 24.00 Clerical $ 24.M) The above rates are subject to change periodically, reflecting changes in labor costs, taxes, ctc. The Company will notiv the City of said changes in writing. COLE-LAYER-TRUMBLE COMPANY CUa 14 - Rcridmrial Data Collection Services - 2.0 2.1 Mtm Copies of the latest tax maps and updates as received will be provided by the City. 2.2 OBIce Smce and Local Phone Service Suitable office space for Company supervisory personnel and space required for meetings and training sessions, in addition to local phone service, will be provided by the City. 23 Sdits. CornbimHons. Transfers. and New Construction The City will make available information concerning splits, transfers, and new consauction as it is received 2.4 ClericaUSecretariel SUDWI~ The City Assessor’s office staff will provide the necessaq data entry, clerical and/or secretarial supporr required for the successful complerion of the ?reject. The hours required will be mutually agreed upon between the City and the Company. 2.5 Pauer. -6. and Postaee The City is responsible for the cost of all field cards, nonce foms and postage. 15