CCR1995118COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #118-95 APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT OF SALE Davis/Miller (Industrial Park) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the City's broker and the Finance Committee, does hereby approve an Amendment to Contract of Sale Date from June 15, 1995 to July 15, 1995. for John L. Davis and Hiram Miller, Jr. to extend the Closing DATED THIS 13th DAY OF June , 1995. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Domonic D'Acquisto Ald. Patrick A. Patterson Ald. David J. Sanders I , This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #118-95 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. '9 6/95daf '/ /q WE43 Amendment to Contract of SaldNOllCb Relating to Contract of Sale Approved by Wlsconsln Deparlmenlol Regulatlon and Llcenslng - .- 2-1-93 (Optlonel Use Date) 7-1-93 (Mandatory Use Dale) Wlsconsln Legal Blank Co.. Inc. Mllwaukee. WI 1 PART I: AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT OF SALE a Buyer and Seller agree to amend the offer dated October 7 . , 19%. "" ,,",. and accepted 5 (q Closlng datekchanged from June 159 1995 tono later than July 15. 1995 , 6 ( ) Purchase prlce Is changed from $ to $ 7 ( ) Occupancy of the property Is changed from to 8 ( ) Occupancy charge Is changed from $ to $ 9 ( ) Buyer Is eware there are contemplated special assessments In the estimated amount Of $ for the 11 ( ) Se1ler.agree.s to pay $ to Buyer at closing for contemplated SpEClal assessments for 13 ( ) Seller agrees to provlde tltle proof in the form of title Insurance in accordance wlth the contract. Buyer agrees 10 pay Sellerthe dlfference between the title Insurance premlum and the sum of the Cost Of extending any abstract(s) on the properly and any abstract surrender fee(s). 16 ( ) The flnanclng contingency Is changed as follows: 10 lnstallatlon of and agrees to pay for same. ' 12 the lnstallatlon of 14 15 1 17 1 18 ( ) The followlng Item(s) of personal property are excluded from the sale: 19 20 ( ) The following itern(s) of personal property are Included In the sale: 21 22 ( ) Other: 23 24 25 ip) ALL OTHER TERMS OF THE CONTRACT AND ANY PRIOR AMENDMENTS REMAIN UNCHANGED 27 This Amendment Is binding upon Seller and Buyer only if a copy of the accepted Amendment is deilvered to the party 28 offering the Amendment on ofbefore June 15, 1995 (Time Is of the 29 Essence). Delivery of the accepted Amendment may be made in the following ways: (1) by depositing a copy Of the 30 accepted Amendment. postage or fees prepaid in the U.S. mail or a commercial delivery system addressed lo 31, w2206 Wilmers Grove, East Troy 3 wI 53tj8) by personal delivery to the party making the Amendment, or (3) 32 by electronlc transmlsslon of the accepted Amendment to the followlng telephone number: I 33 414-771-829- \ . NOTE The party rnaklng,thls Amendment cehnd delivery as provided In lines 27 lo 33. City of Muskego Seller: By: Seller: David L. DeAngelis ,, Mayor Jean K. Marenda, City Clerk 37 Date Slgned! Date Signed: 38 ATTACH. THIS AMENDMENT TO THE OFFER TO PURCHASE. 39 PART II: NOTICE RELATING TO CONTRACT OF SALE 40 41 Thls notlce by (Seller) (Buyer) relates to the offer dated ~, 19-, and accepted , 1L. for the purchase and sale of real estate at ~ 44 43 1. Thefollowlngarenolongercondltlonsorcontingenciestothecontract(supportlngdocuments1frequlredareattached): 44 45 46 47 2. Notice Is glven that: 48 49 sa ._ 51 \ (Note: Only the party glvlng the notice above must slgn.) \ Seller: Seller: 54 Date Signed: Date Signed: 55 '..ATTACH THIS NOTICE TO THE OFFER TO PURCHASE.