CCR1995105COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #105-95 PRELIMINARY RESOLUTION DECLARING INTENT TO EXERCISE AS TO WATER IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT AREA FOR (Project MW-19-95; Assessment District "WO") Racine Avenue and City Hall Watermain 0 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT POLICE POWERS UNDER S66.60 WI STATUTES RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin: 1. The Common Council hereby declares its intention to exercise its police power under S66.60, Wisconsin Statutes, to levy special assessments upon property within the following described area for special benefits conferred upon such property by installation of the water improvements in streets abutting the following property: Water Improvement Assessment Area Racine Avenue and City Hall Watermain Assessment District "WO" Project MW-19-95 See Attached Legal Description See Attached Map 0 2. The Common Council determines that the improvements constitute an exercise of the police power and the amount assessed against each parcel shall be based on front foot. 3. The assessment against any parcel may be paid in cash or in annual installments. 4. The City Engineer shall prepare a report which shall consist of: A. Final plans and specifications for the improvements. B. An estimate of the entire cost of the proposed water improvement project. C. Schedule of proposed assessments. 5. When the report is completed, the City Engineer shall file a. copy of the report with the City Clerk for public inspection. 6. Upon receiving the report of the City Engineer, the Clerk proposed improvement, the general boundary lines of the shall cause notice to be given stating the nature of the proposed assessment area, including a small map thereof, the time and place at which the report may be inspected, and the time and place of the public hearing on the matters contained in the Preliminary Resolution and the report. This notice shall be published as a Class 1 Notice and a copy shall be mailed at least ten (10) days before the hearing to every interested party. Resolution #105-95 Page 2 0 I. Some of the proposed assessments may or may not be deferred by further action of the Common Council. 8. The hearing shall be held at City Hall at a time set by the Clerk in accordance with §66.60(7), Wisconsin Statutes. DATED THIS 23rd DAY OF MAY , 1995. This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #105-95 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 5/95 jmb PRELIMINARY REPORT OF THE ENGNEER ON WATERMAN IMPROVElMENTS RACINE AVENUE AND CITY HALL SITE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN PROJECT MW-19-95 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT “WO” In accordance with the Resolution of the City of Muskego, we herewith submit our report on the assessments for the watermain improvements made in the City of ]Muskego. All of the data shown is based on as bid project costs. This report consists of the following schedules: Schedule “A” - Summary of assessments and estimate of entire cost of the improvements. Schedule “B” - Estimate of assessment for each parcel of property affected Schedule “C” - Final plans and specifications The properties against which assessments are proposed are benefited and the improvements 0 constitute an exercise ofPolice Powers. RUEKERT &r MIELKE, n\’C. Consulring Engineers W239 N IS 12 Rockwood Drive Waukesha. \Vl 51 1 SS- I 1 13 1 619195 13-91072.210 PRELRPRT.doc SCHEDULE “A” WATER SERVICE ASSESSMENT COMPUTATIONS I. One Inch Water Service ITEM DESCRlPTlON OUANTITY UNTT UNIT TOTAL 16. One inch Water Service 104 L.F $ 17 75 $ 1:846.00 19. One inch Curb Box and Stop 3 Each 112.00 336.00 20. One inch Tap and Corp. 3 Each 8 1 so 224.50 Total as bid construction costs $ 2,426.50 20% Administration, Engineering and Contingencies 485.30 TOTAL ESTIMATED ONE INCH ASSESSAEiLE COSTS $ 2,911.80 PRICE $2,911.8013 One Inch Water Services = $970.60/1 inch Water Service 11. Two Inch Water Service ITEM DESCRIPTION OUANTITY 15. Two inch Water Service 30 L.F 17 Two inch Curb Box and Stop 1 Each 18. Two inch Saddle, Tap and I Each COT. Stop Total as bid construction costs 20% Administration, Engineering and Contingencies TOTAL ESTIMATED TWO INCH ASSESSABLE COSTS UNIT TOTAL PRICE $ 24.24 $ 727.20 205.00 205.00 258.50 258.50 $ 1 ,I 90.20 238.04 $ 1,428.24 Only one, two inch senice, use $1,428.24 per two inch Water Service 111. Six Inch Water Service ITEM DESCRIPTION OUANTITY UNlT UNIT TOTAL PRlCE 14. Six inch Water Service 40 L.F $ 25.25 $ 1.010.00 10. Sis inch Butterfly Valve 1 Each 31.00 ;51.00 Total as bid construction costs S 1.39 1 .OO 20% Administration, Engineering and Contingencies 278.20 TOTAL ESTIM.\TED SIX INCH ASSESSABLE COSTS S 1,669.20 Onlv one: sir inch Warer Service, use $1,669.20 per six inch Water Semice 2 619195 1;-91072.210 PRELRPRT.doc IV Eight Inch Water Service ITEM DESCRIPTION OUANTITY UNIT UNIT TOTAL 13. Eight inch Water Service 30 L.F $ 34.00 $ 11020.00 9. Eight inch Butterfly Valve 1 Each 535.00 535.00 Total as bid construction costs $ 1,555.00 20% Administration, Engineering and Contingencies 311.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED EIGHT INCH ASSESSABLE COSTS $ 1,866.00 PRICE Only one, eight inch Water Service, use $1,866.00 per eight inch Water Senice V City Hall Site Assessments 1, Water Service Assessments ITEM DESCRIPTION OUANTITY UNIT UNIT TOTAL 28. Two inch Water Service 20 L.F $ 25.75 $ 515.00 29. Two inch Saddle, Tap & 2 Each $258.00 5 16.00 30. Two inch Curb Box & Stop 2 Each 2 18.00 436.00 3 1, Abandon existing well 1 Each 500.00 500.00 32. Bypass well and reconnect 1 L.S. 900.00 900.00 33. 2 inch Water Service 2 Each 750.00 1.500.00 Total as bid construction costs $4,367.00 20% Administration, Engineering and Contingencies 873.40 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS $5,240.40 PRICE COT. stop Water Service Reconnection $5.240.40 = $2,620.20/Each Water Service 2 (City Hall + Police) 3 6/9/95 13-9107?.210 PRELRPRT.doc 2. City Hall On-Site Main Assessment DESCRIPTION OUANTITY UNIT 23, Ten inch Water Main 60 L.F 24. Ten inch Water Main wispoil 68 1 L.F 25. Ten inch Butterfly Valve 2 Each 26. Hydrants 3 Each 27 6 inch Hydrant Lead 70 L.F 34. Insulation 60 L.F, 35. Pavement Replacement 30 S.Y 36. Curb & Gutter 20 L.F 37 Concrete Sidewalk 130 SI 38. Topsoil & Sod 2,270 S.Y WISlUrry Total as bid construction costs 20% Administration, Engineering and Contingencies TOTAL ESTIIMATED ON-SITE MAIN ASSESSMENT VI. Estimated Project Costs A. Estimated As Bid Costs As bid construction costs 20% Administration Engineering & Contingencies TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST B. Estimated Assessments Estimated Water Service Assessments One inch Water Service 3 x $ 970.60 Two inch Water Service 1 x 1,428.24 Six inch Water Service I x 1,669.20 Eight inch Water Service 1 x 1,866.00 City Hall I Police 2 x 2,620.20 UNIT TOTAL PRICE $ 47 75 $ 2,86500 $ 26.25 17,876.25 72 1 .OO 1,442.00 1,445.00 4,335.00 21,lO 1,477.00 4.20 252.00 30.00 900.00 31.00 620.00 8.00 1,040.00 3.75 8.SI 2.50 $39,319.75 7.863.95 $47.183.70 $262,243.45 52.448.69 $314,692.14 S 2,911.80 1,428.24 1,669.20 1,866.00 5,240.40 4 619191 13-910i?.?lO PRELRPRT.doc Estimated Frontage Assessments (Rates set by Common Council) Commercial / Industrial Frontage 1,901 76 L.F x $37 IO1L.F Residential Frontage 324.54 L.F x S32.85L.F City Hall On-Site Main Assessment TOTAL ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS C. Estimated Non Assessable Costs Total Estimated Project Costs $ 70,555.29 10,661,14 47.183.70 $141,515.77 $314,692.14 Total Estimated Assessments 141.515.77 TOTAL ESTIMATED NON ASSESSABLE COSTS $173,176.37* * - Includes cross connection to Jean Drive. These costs will be deleted from contract via Change Order. 5 I 6,9!9i 11-910i1.?10 PRELRPRT.doc I I \ \ N.T.S. 0 MAY 16, 1995 t ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 'WO' City of Muskego 'il EXHIBIT BY: RUEKERT R: MEILKE INC. May 16, 1995 Legal Description Racine Avenue and City Hall Watermain Project MW-19-95 Assessment District “WO” All that part of the Southeast one-quarter and Southwest one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter and that part of the Northeast one-quarter and Southeast one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter all in Section 16, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin more fully described as follows: All these properties lying East of and abutting the Racine Avenue right-of-way from Gemini Drive extended South to 1850 feet more or less North of Woods Road. UCINAVE.doc 13-91072.210