CCR1995101COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #101-95 RESOLUTION TO AMEND OFFERS TO PURCHASE (Kramers and Country Club Villages) (Southeast Sewer/Lift Station) WHEREAS, Resolutions #62-95, #63-95 and #64-95 adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego on April 11, 1995 authorized the execution of three Offers to Purchase and Linda I. Kramer and Country Club Villages for easements for for property owned by Donald E. Kramer, Joan Kramer, Thomas C. the Southeast Sewer/Lift Station project; and WHEREAS, the closing date of May 11, 1995 on the three Offers needs to be amended to May 31, 1995 to allow sufficient time to execute all the documentation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the does hereby approve the execution of the three attached Amendments to Contract of Sale to be attached to said Offers to Purchase or other documentation of the extension. I DATED THIS 9TH DAY OF MAY , 1995. 1 SPONSORED BY: Mayor David L. De Angelis This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #101-95 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. I 5/95 jmb I 05/05/95 15:06 FA?; 411 79i 8940 MOONEY LeSAGE UOU2 i WB-43 Amendment lo ContraCt of Sale/NOtlcb Ralallng lo Contracl 01 Sale Approved by Wlaconliln Deparlment of Regulation ar~d Llcenslng 2-1-03 iOptlonal USe Date) 7-1-93 (Mandatory iise Date) Wlsconoln Legal Blank Co.. Inc. Milwaukee. WI (FEE SIMPLE) PART I: AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT OF SALE Buyer and Seller agree to amend the offer dated April 7 , 19-, 95 and acceptad 3 April 26 , 19-., for the purchase and sale of real estate at - 95 -attached legal 4 descriotion as follows: 5 (X ) Closlng date Is changed from __ May 11, 1995 to May 31, 1995 to $ to re contemplated special assessments in the estimated amount of $ to $ for the and agrees to pay for same. 11 ( Seller agrees to pay 12 to Buyer at closing for contemplated speclal assessments for the Installation of 13 [ ) Seller agrees to provlde tltle pro ance in accordance wlth the contract, Buyer agrees to 15 14 pay Seller the difference betwee m and the sum of the cost of extending anyabstrsct(s) on the property and any abstra 16 ( ) The flnanclng contlngency Is changed as follows: 17 18 ( ) The followlng item(s) of personal property are excluded from the 19 20 ( ) The followlng item(s) of personal property are Included In the sale: 21 2? ( 1 Other: \ 23 24 27 This Amendment Is bindlng upon Seller anc Bu r o I i a copy of the accepted Amendment is dellvered to the party 28 offerlng the Amendment on or'before __ 29 Essence). Delivery of the accepted Amendrnent may be made in the following ways: (1) by deposlling a copy of the 30 accepted Amendment, postagg sr fees prt3paif he U.S. mail or a commercial delivery system addressed to 3, Clty of Muskego, PO Box 0 , Muskego 32 by electronlc transmlsslon of the accepted Amendmenl to the following telephone number' 34 may wlthdraw the Amendment prior to acceptancehd dellvery as provlded In lines 27 to 33. MAY B, nJ94 (Time is of the -, ''M by personal delivery lo the party maklng the Amendment. or (3) 33 679-4106 NOTE The party rnaklng,lhls Amendmenl CITY OF MUSKEGO 35 Buyer: David L. De Angelis, Mayor Seller: Donald E. KramerfJoan M. Kramer 36 Buyer: 37 Date Slgnad: Date Slgned: 30 ATTACH THIS AMENDMENT TO THE OFFER TO PURCHASE. Jean K. Marenda, City Clerk Seller: Thomas C. KramerlLinda I. Kramer 39 ~~ ~~~~ 11: NOTICE RELATING TO CONTRACT OF SALE 40 <_ Thls notlce by (Seller) (Bu he offer dated ~, 19-, and accepted r the purchase and sale of real estate at 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 49. 52 53 54 55 1. The followlng are no longercondltlons orcol hecontract(supportlngdocumentsifrequlredareattached): \ ____ 2. Notlce is glven that: \ \ (Nolo: Only tht! party glvlng tho notlce above must slgn.) Buyer: Seller. Buyer: Seller: Date Slgned: '. Date Signed: '\ AT?ACH THIS NOTICE TO THE OFFER TO PURCHASE " FEE SIMPLE TlTLE 'io 9E. ACQImD BY THE CITY OF hfi-S:GGO FOR SEWAGE LIFT STATION PSEOSS .i%D RO.<D ?nD3SES THAT PART OF THE NW 114 OF SECTIOP: 25, T 5 N, R 20 E, I3 TKE CITY. OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, RXCONSIS, \ViiC3 IS BOmBED AND DESCRlBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMZNCING AT THE NORTHE.4ST COX?ZR OF S.UD hv I/$; THENCE SOUTH 00' 58' 57" EAST .4LO?jG THE: EAST Llh€ OF SAD 114 SECTION 2445.00 FT. TO A POW IN THE NORTH LKE OF .i "ISCOXSLY ELECTRlC POWER THENCE SOUTH 63' 28' 55" WEST ALONG SAD NORTH LIST 417.79 FT. TO THE POINT OF BEGTNMNG OF THIS DESCREIION; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 63O 28' 55" "Si 56.W FT. 'TO A POBT; THENCE NORTH 37' 20' 25" %ST 85.49 F?. TO .A ?ON; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY 132.71 FT. aONG -iETt ARC OF A CURVE WHOSE CENTER LIES TO THE NORTHEAST, WHOSE KQNS IS 150.00 FT. AND WHOSE CHORD BEARS NORTH 11' 59' 19" WEST 12S.45 FT. TO A Pow; 0 THENCE ~0TJT.H 37' 20' 25'' EAST 212.03 Z. TO X POII\TT'ON THE NORTH LME OF COMPANY 100.00 FT. NGHT-OF-WAY; A WISCONSTN ULECTRIC POWER COMP.4XY RIGHT-OF-WAY AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 9,433 SQUARE PET, M0.E OR LESS. I 05/Uj/Y5 15:Uti F.41 411 TYi 8Y4U MUUNEl LeSAGE uuuz WB-43 Amandmen1 lo Contract of SaIeINoIIcu Rdlallng IO Conlracl 01 Sale Approved by Wlsconsln Deparlmenl 01 Regulation arld Llcenslng 2-1-93 (OPllOnal US0 Dale) 7-1-93 [Mandalory iisa Dale) Wlsconsln Legal Blank Co., Inc. Mllwsukee. WI # (TEMPORARY EASEMENT) PART I: AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT OF SALE Buyer and Seller agree to amend the offer dated April 7 , is-. and acceplad 95 3 April 26 , 19-., 95 lor the purchase and sale of real eslate at see attached lega1 4 descriution as follows: 5 (X ) Closlng date ls'changed from __ May 11, 1995 lo May 31, 1995 Purchase prlce Is changed from $- to $ .. to re Contemplated special assessments In the estlmaled amount of $ to $ for the and agrees to pay for saltlo. lo Buyor at closlng for contemplated speclal assessments lor nce in accordance wlth the contract. Buyer agrees lo 12 the lnslallatlon of 13 ( ) Seller agrees lo provlde lltle pro 14 pay Seller the dlfference betwee m and the sum of the cost of extending any abslrnct(s1 15 16 ( ) The flnanclng contingency Is c on the property and any abstr 17 18 ( ) The followlng Item($) of personal property are excluded from the d 19 21 22 ( ) Other: 3- 1 i 20 ( ) The followlng ltem(s) of personal property are included In the sale: GI) . 24 2B ALL OTHER TERMS OF THE CONTRACT AND ANY PRIOR AMENDMENTS REMAIN UNCHANGED 27 This Amendment Is blndlng upon Seller anc Buyer only if a copy of the accepted Amendment Is dellvered to the party 28 offerlng the Amendment on or'before __ MAY 19, 1995 (Time is of the 30 accepted Amendment. osta e or fees prs3paid In the US. mall or a cornrnerclal dellvery system addressed lo 29 Essence). Delivery of the accepted Amendrnent may be made In the following ways: (1) by depositing a copy of the 31 City Of 'Ox %O3, Muskegos!f!2) by personal dellvery to Ihe party making the Amendment, or (3) 32 by electronlc transmlsslon of the accepted Aniondmoni lo tho followlng tolephono numbor. 34 nlny wllhdraw Iho Arnondrnont prlor lo accoploncohd dollvery 08 provldod 111 Ilnos 27 lo 33. l2 33 679-4106 NOTE The parly rnnklng,lhls Anlendrnelrl cIn OF MUSKEGO 35 Buyer: David L. De Angelis, Mayor Seller: Donald E. KramerIJoan M. Kramer 36 Buyer: Jean K. Mareuda, City Clerk Seller: Thomas C. Kramer/T,inda I. Kramer 37 Date Slgned: Date Slgned: 30 ATTACH THIS AMENDMENT TO THE OFFER TO PURCHASE. Country Club Villages, Inc. Ry : President 39 TICE RELATlh BY: . .. , , , Secretary . ... to the offer dated r the purchase and sale of real estate at ,19-, and accepted he contract (supportlng documents If requlred areattached): 45 \ 46 48 47 2. Notlce Is glven that: 50 \ 51 (Nole: Only the perly glvlng lhe nollce obovo muat algn.) \ 49. 52 Buyer: Seller. 53 Buyer: Seller. 54 Date Slgned: Date Signed: \ 35 ATTACH THIS NOTICE TO THE OFFER TO PURCHASE. .. EM?ORARY DXVEWAY AND ROAD CONSTRUCTION L4SEYEXT EZING P.4XT OF h?v 1/4 OF SECTION 25, T 5 N, R 20 E, IS TZE CITY OF 'I MXSKEGO, WAIjR4 COC;NTy, WISCONSIN, BOUNDED Alul) DESCmUD AS FO'LLOWS: .. COMMRCWG AT 'THE KOR'I'HEAST COWER OF SAD lj4 SECTION; ,. I mCE SOUTB 00'58'57" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAD 1M SECTIOH .' .. 2~5.00FT.TOXPO~~~~NORTHLINE:OFA100.00FT.WISCONS~~CTRIC lTENCE SOUTH 63"28'55" WYEST ALONG. SAlD NORTX LRVF 503.79 FT. TO THE POWT OF BEGINNING; TKWCE CONTINUING SOUTI3 63'28'55" WEST 25.45 FT. TO A POm; THENCE NORTH 37'220'25" WsT 80.71 FT. TO A POINT; TEZENCE NORTHWESTERLY 103.99 FT. ON TBE ARC OF A CURE WOSE CENTER LIES TO THE NORTHEAST, WHOSE RADKJS IS 175.00 X. AND "EOSE CHORD BEARS FiORTH 20'18'59" =ST 102.47 FT. TO A POINT; THENCE NbRTR 37'20'25" WEST 258.10 FT. TO A POINT; 'TXLhiCE XORTH 52'39'35" ULST 50.00 FT. TO A POINT; POWER COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY; 0 TEENCE. SOUTH 37'20'33" EAST 240.00 FT. TO A POINT; TSENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 132.74 FT. ON TKE ARC OF A CURYE WHOSE cEN?zp LIES TO TKE NORT€E4ST, 'WHOSE RAD?XJS IS 150.00 FT. AN9 WZOE CHORD BEARS SOUTH ll"59'19" EAST 128.45 FT. TO A POINT; b . TFEWCE SOUTH 37'20'25" EAST 85.49 FT. TO THE PObT OF BEGIP?IUMG. U5/US/Y5 15 Uti I:.+.\ 414 TY7 MY4U nluUNm Ll?SAGk uuu2 WB-43 Amendment lo Contract of Sale/NotIcrr ~aletlng to Contract 01 sale Approved by Wlsconaln Deparlmanl of Regulsllon and Llcenslnp 2-1-93 (OpllOn~l Use Date) 7-1-93 (Mandolory Use Date) Wlsconsln Legal Blank Co., Inc (PERMANENT EASEMENT) Mllweukoe. WI PART I: AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT OF SALE 2 Buyer and Seller agree to amend the offer dated April 7 , 19-. and ncceptad 4 descriution 5 (X ) Closlng date ls'changed from __ May 11, 1995 to May 31, 1995 -. 95 3 April 26 , 19-., 95 for the purchase and sale of real estate at. see attached lega' - as follows: - to $ operty is changed from changed from :; re contemplated special assessments in the estlmated amount of $ to to $ for the and agrees to pay for same. 11 ( Sellwagrees to pay- 12 the Installatlon of lo Buyor at closing for contemplated special assessments for 13 ( ) Seller agrees to provide tltle pr urance In accordance wlth the contract, Buyer agrees to 14 15 pay Seller the difference betwe lum and the sum of the cost of extending any abstract(s) on the property and any abst 1 16 ( ) Theflnanclng contlngencyls 17 18 ( ) The followlng Item(s) of pers 19 20 ( ) The followlng item(s) of personal property are Included In the sale: 21 22 ( ) Other: 23 \ 1 26 ALL OTHER TERMS OF THE CONTRACT AND ANY PRIOR AMENDMENTS REMAIN UNCHANGED\ 27 Thls Amendment Is blndlng upon Seller ant Bug; 914'; iS_g4ppy 01 the accepted Amendment Is dellvered to the Party 28 offerlng the Amendment on Or'befOre __ (Time IS Of tlle 30 accepted Amendment. posta e or f CIS pmp I the US. mall or a cornmerclal dellvery system addressed lo 29 Essence). Delivery of the accepted Amendrnent may be made In the following ways: (1) by depositing a copy of the 31 City of Muskego, PO Box 303, lfuskego 99 7 32 b EleCtrOnlC transmlsslon of the accepted Anlendnlent to the followlng telephone number: -1 4) by personal dellvery to the parly making the Amendment. Or (3) 33 g79-4106 NOTE The parly making, thls Amendment 34 may wlthdraw tho Amondmont prlor lo nccoploncehd dollvery os provlded In Ilnes 27 lo 33. CITY OI; MUSKEG0 35 Buyer: 36 Buyer: David L. De Angelis, Mayor Jean K. Marenda, City Clerk Seller: Seller: Donald E. KrarnerIJoan M. Kramer Thomas C. Kramer/Linda I. Kramer 37 Date Signed: Date Signed: 38 ATTACH. THIS AMENDMENT TO THE OFFER TO PURCHASE. Country Club Villages, Inc. \ By : President 39 YRT 11: NOTICE RE LA TI^ BY: .~ . , ... . . Secretary . 4. 4@ Thls notlce by (Seller) ( , 19-, and accepted and sale of real estate at 42 43 1. The followlng are no longe e contract (supporllng documents if required areattached): 44 45 \ 46 47 2. Notlce Is given that: 48 50 \ 51 (Nolo: Only the parly glvlng tho nollce nbovo must slgn.) \ 49. 52 Buyer: Seller: 53 Buyer: Seller. 54 Date Signed: Date Signed: 55 ATTACH THIS NOTICE TO THE OFFER TO PURCHASE. \ x. PERMANENT SLOPE AND PERMXhXW DRUNAGE EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY IMPROVEMZEITS BEING PART OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 25, T 5 N, R 20 E, IN THE CITY OF NSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN, BOUNDED AAD DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCLNG AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAD !/4 SECTION; THENCE SOUTH OO"58'57" FAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF S.4ID 114 SECTION 2Gj.00 FT. TO A POINT IN THE NORTH LDTE OF A 100.00 FT. WISCONSIN ELECTRIC THENCE SOUTH 63"28'55" WEST dONG SAID NORTH LLUE 503.79 FT. TO THE POW OF BEGINNING; TXENCE CO-G SOUTH 63'28'55" WEST 25.45 FT. TO A POhT; lH€??CE NORTH 37"20'25" WEST 80.71 FT. TO X POINT; TKENCE NORTHWESTERLY 174;47 FT. ON THE ARC OF X CURbX WHOSE CENTER LIES TO THE NORTHEAST, WHOSE RADIUS IS 175.00 FT. Ah3 WHOSE CHORD 1 POWER COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY; 0 BEN NORTH 08"46'46" WEST 167.33 FT. TO A PORUT; rmcE SOUTH 3mow EAST 30.89 FT. TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 132.74 FT. ON THE ARC OF X CLRVE WHOSE CENTER LIES TO THE NORTHEAST. WHOSE RADIUS IS 150.00 FT. AFD WHOSE CHORD SE4RS SOUTH ll"59'19" EAST 128.15 FT. TO A POLNT; TENCE.SOUTH 37'20'25" EAST 85.49 FT. TO THE POIhT OF BEGINNING.