CCR1995096AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #96-95 RESOLUTION AS TO OFFER TO PURCHASE Twin Oaks Development Corporation Muskego Industrial Park BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the City's broker and the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the attached Offer to Purchase, as Corporation) for Lots 1 and 2 of Certified Survey Map 7294 in the amended, (Muskego Industrial Park -- Twin Oaks Development City's Industrial Park (Exhibit A) for a price of $125,000 to be accepted on or before May 15, 1995, contingent upon the buyer initialing the change in the Offer at Line 80 to circle the word, "part, 'I and at Line 82 to circle the word, "none. " BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign the necessary documents in the name of the City if approved by the City Attorney. DATED THIS 9TH DAY OF MAY , 1995. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Domonic D'Acquisto Ald. Patrick Patterson Ald. David J. Sanders This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of City of Muskego. Resolution #96-95 which was adopted by the Common Council of the 5/95imb "-0 rp- -flf && WB-13 VACANT LAND ,OFFER TO PURCHASE March 29 I Frank1 in .......... ................. ...... , Winconein. .............................................. ,19?5 BROKER DRAFI'ING THIS OFFER IS THE AGENT OF (SELLER) w) (Strike an epplicoble). 1 SHOULD READ THIS DOCUMENT CAREFULLY AND UNDERSTAND IT HEFORE SIGNING. ACCEP1'ED, 'I'IIIS OFFER CAN CREATE A LEGALLY ENl.'ORCEAULB,CONTRAC1'. 001'11 PARTIES 5 The underaigned Buyer, .......................... ........................... Twin Oaks Development Coyppyq4l,q? . __,, ~,,_ ,. G hereby offers to purchase the property known a3 (Strcct Addreas) pr?p??d. l?!,?! .! .h. 2:ky .?!fe?h?d. E?h'.b! f !A!. ... 7 in tile .. C~FY. ..... of . ,M!Jfke.g?. .................... ~pnv yf 2g4Wafiks!la., .................. ~isconain, 8 more particularly described as: ots 1 6. 1 of Certitled survey ap o 7 ................................................................... 9 11 10 12 13 1 16 14 IG 18 I1 19 1 20 ................................................................................................. I and on the terms nnd cotldiliuns as follows: Earneat money of $ ~ ?. ~ . .~ . . , , ........... tendered with thin offer..Ad$iCien&wst men~u-efs ................ i&erm4,, ................... b&-paiSkribkin.. . ~, ..... dep+€aeeegktn&himfferor .......................................................................................... and the balance in casl; at closing. Fnilure of Buyer to make enrneat money pny~nenta ns provided voids offer nt Sellor'a option. Earneat money, if held by broker sllol! be held in nclling brokcr'n trust account jriur to nccelrtnnce of olferund 1hareafLer in listing broker's lrustaccountor unlii oplhed lo the purclluse rice at cloAing ur diatursed us rovlded herein or permittc~l by law. 1'1MEIS~~TT1115ESSE~CISASTO:ADL)I'I'IONALEA~~NI~STMC)NEYPAYMENI',ACCEPI'ANCE,I,ECALPOSYESSION. OCCUPANCY, DATE OF CLOSING ANI) AS'I'O ALL DATES INSERl'lCD IN TIllS OFVEll EXCEI"I'. .... 2 000 00 in the form of .C?,F.k.. ........................................................................................................................... t 21 22 'I'HE I~UYEI~'SODLIG~L'IONTOCONCI,UL)E'~IlISTRhNSAC'I'ION ISCONDITIONEL) UI'ON'I'HE CONSUMMA'I'ION 24 (If this offer is subject Lo financing survey, percolation test. specific zonin or use, approval of recorded building and usc 23 OP'I'IIE FOLLOWING: 25 restrictions and coverlante, or any other contingency, it must be stated here. I B none, so state.) 26 ,,!! Approval of Uuyer's bullding plans and land usage by governing Municipal Authoritlea, said Municipal ........................................................ .................................. 27 .................................................................. ...................... ... ...... Authorities being under no obligation to approve the same. ................................................................................... .................................................................................... ................................................................................................. I34 .................................................................... ..................... ........................................ ...................................... ! .............. ....................................... ............. ................... .......... ................. ................................... 30 ................ .................. ............. 40 ......... ....................................... 41 ............... ..... "?. ............................... 42 ........... .................................... ........... A,.. ......................................... :..; ................................. ...................... ......................... ................ ............................................. 4G ...................... ~~~ ..................................................... 17 Buyer agrees thnl unless otl~erwise specified, Uuyer will, ill good f~ith.,pay all costa of securing any linancing lo the extent 19 18 permitted by !ow, and will perform all acts necessary to expeditc such financing. Included 111 ll~c urchuse prlce nre suc11 of the followin itetns us may be on the pro erty on the date of this offer, which will be 60 delivered free and c P ear of cncumbrnncee: dl fixtures: nu f. nll garden bulbs, plants, B R rubs and trees. 51 ADDITIONAL ITEMS INCLUDED IN THE SALE: ..-. ............ ~ ~ ... ~ ~ ~ ................ ............ 52 ........ ............ ................................................ ........... 53 :-. ......................................................................... ~ ..... ~ ..................... 64 I'I'EMS NOT INCLUDED IN THE SALE:. .the.. ............................. ~. ................. "..I.. .... ~l... - -. ........................... ................................................................ ......................................... ...~ ............... ..~ ~ ........ ...~ .......................... 57 Seller shall u on paymentof the purchase price, convey the property by warranty deed, orotherconveyance provided helejn, GB free and clearo/sfilieneundencumbrancee,exceptinp: n~unicipalandzon~ngordinancee,recordedeasements forpubllcut~lltles 5y ~8tg an8 Laupations o tle us eao n ustrial #art thc r pert recorded ~uilfin~n$uae r~trJctions a d ov nanta, general taxes levled in the year of cloelng and 60 a% ado.ptad. by. .th. .Cl.ty. nf; Mvakego., ~ . . , ; - I ...... I 01 andSellershallcbmpleleandexecutethedocum~er~tsnecessary~orecord theconveyance.(WARNINC:Hecorded buildhgonduse ,provided none of the foregoing prohibit resent use. 62 restriclions and covenanta can have material impnct an the use of or im rovements to the property.) 'I'hieo~ferisbindinguponboll~parlieeonlyifacopyoftheacceptedo~erisdepositell,postageorfaesprepaid,inll~eU.S.mai~ .- 64 or a commercial delivery ayatsm, addressed to Buyer at or by personal 65 delivery of th~ accepted offer to Buyer on or before . .??Y. ?Q .'.???. ............................... Otherwise, this affer OG s is void and all curnest moneyihall be promptly returned to iluycr. G7 This transaction is to be cloeedat the office of Buyer's mortgagee or at the office of . :.!!y .?f.M?keg?. ...... ... 68 on or before 70 71 12 2607 5. 5th St., Milwaukee; Wl 532G7-1418 ................................................. ...... .. .?UlY ,!. .............. 19.95,. ., or at such other time and place as may be agreed in writing. 6Y Lcgal posnession of property shall be delivereh to Buyer on date of cloning. ............................... .......... by .............................................................. . ................... ............................................................... ........ 73 Occul~oncy of .PP?P?T.t.? ....... . shell be given to Buyer on . .gay. P!. .C,!??!?3,. ....... IS (" 71 I 1; . L." .,.* ........... -h .............. daaUbwiCkW~hae~::, ............................. 77 .5,. ....................................................................................................... ....... I0 " 79 oeeupa uAel-, \ .,. \ ... properly. \b)governlncnt e~cncy or court order requiring repair, nlteretion, or correction of nny existing condition. c)shureland or npecinl land use regulat~pns nllecling the properly. (d)underground storage tnnks and lhe presence of any dengerous or toxic nluterinls or condillons affcctlng the propcrly. ISXCEI'TIONS TO WAIIRANTIES AND REPRESEN'J'ATIONS STATED IN LJNES 80 TO 90: EF.SCP.c .chP.f .P. , Reserve. .Ccll?!SSit-Y. ,Assessment .for. Ssnitcl.KY.SewSr. .Se.r..vt.c,e. .!!SI! .+.!le.t.er. .Cek?w.lty. .at?.5e@.wmJL d!???. .e?.%?!. .*Kat",!!. .!!lis. ????l??f.!Y.*. . T!le.ae. .&9?.S9P,V?fitcl. .Y$:\l. .!?e. .QVY.'?F.'.$ .Obl.igP.CiP.q .CQ P3Y.. .. w!!en, .?!le: .!WF. .is.res~ooe.lbXe !.or..t!le C.lr~.c .$!,P.OP,..l)P..~1..co.s~. .f~..~n~t~.~~..il.d~~vevaY CulFrt. .fp.r:. M!e..P!!?Pe.r,Y:. .............................. ............ .............. 'l'l~ufollowir~~itc~nssl~nllbe~~rorntedusoftl~ec~~~yufclosi~~g:~e~~craI~nxea,re~rttl.watcra~~dsewcranccl~ur~ee.I~o~~~eow~~ers' nssnclntion asecss~nents, fuel, and .... .IJwe. .................................................. Any incnn~c. taxos, or oxpensee through the dny nf closing accrue 11, Seller. General luxes sllnll bc prorated at the limo ofclosing lrascd on tile net general taxes fo: the current yenr. If known. oll~erwifie on lhe net gcnersl lsxes for the preccdin5,yoar. CAUTION: Ifprolmrty hasnotbeen fullyasaessedfor tax ~~ur~~~~ea,~rrcaase~s~ncntlscompldledurpcndi~~~. Lex proralion8hnll ............... I19 120 broker shall be disbursed ns follows: If the lranea~~li~n iiils to close nnd the parties fail to ngreeon Lhedisposition ofearnest money, then enrneslmoncy held by 122 demand for return of llle earnest money or the dele set for clusinrr. tllal Sellcrelecls lo consider he enrnest money nu 121 1. To Uuyer, udcsa Seller notifies Buyer al~d Broker in writing no later lhnn 16 duys after lllc earlier ofthe Buyer's writh .. ....... ............................................. (Buyer) (Buyer) 142 Buyer's Social Socurity No. .......................... Uuyer'e Sueinl Security No. ............................. City of Muskego 17 Dated ........................... ,ID.. ..... BY i. .................................................... 49 Offer is rejected (~cl~er initia~.) ..I.. .!. .!.. ................. Seller'a Sociul Security No. .......... .......... 48 David L. DeAngelis. Mayor (Seller) i~ Olier Kcountercd (Seller initial.) ....................... By:. ................................................... il Jean K. Marenda, City Clerk (Seller) I2 JOIIN 11. IlENDERSON Sellcr'a Social Security No. .............................. ,3 This offer was drnfled by (Licensee and firm), .......................................... ..l__.._.___ - " " . "== - Pursuant to Resolution d passed by LESAGE ' ASSoC'LTD' the Muskego Common Council on 14 It was preeentcd to Seller by ........................................ on ............... 19.. .. a1 .... .:. ..... .m. 6 G Uroker ucknuwlcdges recclpl of Inillul earnest money am per line'l3 or lhe above offer. EARNES'P MONEY RECEIPT . .. lUDElt’l0 0l”l’ION 1’0 I’URCI-IASE ‘1ke Following tenns and conditions are mudc a part of the Option to I’urchase attached as if fully incotporated therein and dated March 29,1995 by and betwecn the City of Muskego, ns Seller, and Twin Oaks Development Corporation as Buyer. I. Special Improvements: A. The purchase price includes the following improvemenls: Sanilary sewer and 2“ water laterals are at lot line and fully paid and available for use by Buyer. Uuycr will connect to sewer and water at Buyer’s expense. Electric and telephone service is available along lot line. Natural gas is available in adjacent Drive. B. If said streets are not permanently surfaced at the tune of the completion of this transaction, said streets when permanently improvenl shall be at the expense of the City and no special assessments wid1 respect to the 1)ermanent improvements of the streets shall bc assessed ugainst the properly hercin clcscribed, and the 13uyer, his heirs and assigns, shall have no further obligation u ith respect hereto. Ill. It is ogreed bclwcell Buyer and Seller: A, The provisions ofpamgraphs lhirtecn (13) nnd fourkcn (14) of tllc Rules and I<egulations for UIC Muskcgo Industrial Park as originally adopled by the Cily of Muskego Industrial Pork as originally adopted by the City of Muskego by Resolution #145-70 on July 28, 1970, and further extended to cover Muskego Industrial Park Addition 81 on Mtiy 27, 1986, are incorporaled hcrcin by reference as if fully set lorth herein. Said provisions provided in effect that in the evcnt the Buyer should desire to resell a portion of the premises wluch are the subject ofthis Contract and which are not being used in connectioll with Buyer’s business, that he must first offer the same to the City for repurchase. The City shall then have ninety (90) days to act upon said offer. B. These provisions sholl constitute covenants running with the land and shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of the partics hereto and may be included in the deed which Seller delivers to luyer in complelion of this transaction. Buyer acknowledges Lhat he has received a copy of the full lext of the Rules and Regulations of the Muskego Industrial Park and that he has read and fully understands same. C. The warranty and representation made herein survive the closing of this transaction. SELLER: CITY OI: MUSKEGO By: Dale: Countersigned: Dy: I I D CERTlFlEO SURVEY MAP NO - 7z4Y BEIN0 A REDlvlSlON OF CERTIFIEII SURMY MAP NO, 6384 AND UNPLATTEO LANDS IN PART OF THE NW 1 4 OF WE SW 1/4 OF SECTION lei, TOWN 5 NORM, RANGE 20 EAST, C ( 13' OF MUSKEGO. WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN W 1/4 COR SEC 18-3-20 CnST IRON M6NU. W/eRrSS CAP - INDICAlKS IRON PlPL VOUNO R a RECORDED AS PREPARE0 BY: RUOlERT P MIELKC, INC WZSO NlOll ROCKWOM) OR. WAUKESHG w1. 93108 CRAPlilC SCALE 1' - 100' N