CCR1995095COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #95-95 RESOLUTION AS TO OFFER TO PURCHASE Muskego Industrial Park Twin Oaks Development BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the City's broker and the Finance Committee, does hereby reject the attached Offer to Purchase (Industrial Park Addn. -- Twin Oaks Development) for a 5+ acre parcel in the City's Industrial Park for a price of $20,000 an acre. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Finance Committee was receptive to the submittal of a new Offer by Twin Oaks Development for $25,000 an acre and recommended approval of a new Offer if received. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that since a new Offer was not received by the City, the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to reject the Offer from Twin Oaks Development for a 5+ acre parcel in the City's Industrial Park for a price of $20,000 an acre. DATED THIS 25TH DAY OF APRIL , 1995. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Domonic D'Acquisto Ald. David J. Sanders This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of City of Muskego. Resolution #95-95 which was adopted by the Common Council of the 4/95 jmb 55 5G 61 69 sn ~~ ......:I ........................................................... ).I... ................................................ b' or (I cornmerclsl delivory oyotsm, uddressed lu lluyor 66 dcllvory ofthe oecepted olfor IO Huyor nn or baforo ............ ....................................... 41) ................................................. ............................................... I1 (Duyorl tlluuorl .......................... Ihyur'r Yorid Securlty Nn. ................ u Ofkr I8 countorcd (Scller initinl.) ......................... By: ...................................................... 1 Jean K. Haranda, City Clerk (Aellrrrl JOlIN H, HENDE:RSON .............................. Sullor'u Soc:l~~l Suourlty No, Pureuanr to Reeolution d pnesed by the Muekego Common Council on HOONEY LESACE 6 1.9SOC.LTD. hlu ullur wus tll,rdlod by (Liconnnc nnd firm). ........................................................ I It wnu prsnonrcd to Soh by .......................................... on ................ IO.. ... ut .... .:. .... ..In. 6 E,~RNES?' MONEY nwtxrv 1 Urnkor ncknuwlcdacs rueelpt or 111111aI ewncuI: money nu per line I3 of the obuve dI'or. .................................................. I Urukcr ..................... IR ....... '0 In" I f ePR-18-95 MON 15:53 Offl~e Cencer MU04 P. 64 ._ - RIDEIL TO OFFER TO PURCIIASE attached 80 it Zully lnoorporalted tlmreln and Jeted the Olty of Huskego, as Seller, and , an Buyer. The Pollowlng term8 and oondltlona are made a part or the OKCer to Purchase by and botweon 2. Spool81 Improvrmentr: A, The purohase prlce inoludes the fO~lOWhB LnprOVemon~~: (lenltory sower and 2" vater latorela are at lot line and fully @ti end avallalrle for U8B by Duyer. Buyer WLll ConneOt to sever Ond water at auyer'r expense. Elootrlc end telephone service 10 available along lot Line. Natural 608 is avnllabh In Drlvo, E, If said' streeta me not permanently surfaced at the the 00 tho completion of thio transsotion, mid otreeto when permenontly improved ahall be st the exponee OE the City end no wciol aaaasenonts wlth reopoct to the permonont improvemonte oP tho atroots rldl be eeeessed ageinet the property herein dosctibed, and tho Buyrr, hle helrc srd assigns, shall'hevo no furthor obllgatlon wlth reopoot hereto. 0 IT. It ia agreed botworn Buylar dnd 8allor: A., The provlsioae of poragraplm tbirtein (13) and fourteon (14) of tlla Rube end Re&ulatlc~n~ for the Huekego Induattlal Park es orlglnnlly adopted by the City of Huekego Industrtal Dark as orlglnnlly adopted .. by tho Clty of Huslrego by Rasolucion W5-70 on July 28, 1970, ond I. furthsr extended to cover Huskego Industrlal Park Adilltlou 111 on Hoy 27, 1986, are Incorporated horein by reference aa If fully aet forth Iroreln. Said prov.lslonr provldod in effect that fn the evont the Duyer ehould dosin) to rseell II portlon OE the pcemiaeo which are the subjoct of tlrle Contrnot and whlch are not belrlg usod 111 connection vlth Buyer's buelueea, ,that he must flrst ofhr Ello some to the Clty for repucolleao, %he City ahall then hevo nInety (90) deyr to aot upon sc~id oftor. B. Theno provlrfons rhdl oonstftute awonnnta running wlth tho land and shall be bindlng upon tlm aucoespors and nsaigns of tho partlee hereto and may be hcluded in the doed whlcll Seller delivora to Uuysr in completion of tbir eranrroetiotl. Duyer acknowledpr thot ho 110s Huskego Ittdurtrlal Park and that be has read and fully undorotortds rsoelvad copy of the Pull tart of the Rules and Rogulatlono or tilo aama. mode Irerein eu,rvive tho cloolng of ' amen: - BBLLER: CITY OF HUIKEGO .. Dy : - By : Data : Oounterrl~nad: By: