CCR1995063COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #63-95 RESOLUTION AS TO OFFER TO PURCHASE (Southeast Sewer/Lift Station) Kramer, Kramer and Country Club Villages BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby authorize execution of the attached Offer to Purchase for zero dollars and necessary closing documents by the Mayor and City Clerk for temporary driveway and road construction easement for sanitary sewer improvements and road improvements for the Southeast Sewer Project for the property owned by Donald E. Kramer, Joan Kramer, and Thomas C. and Linda I. Kramer, and Country Club Villages. DATED THIS 11th DAY OF APRIL , 1995. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Patrick A. Patterson Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. David J. Sanders This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of City of Muskego. Resolution #63-95 which was adopted by the Common Council of the 4/95 jmb /../,,,,,,,,, I I ,.., ,I ,,,,, .;I ,,., /,/,,,1,.1.,11.11 I,:.. ,I.#,./ ,,,l.\.,,,l,, ,, :\,. I ................................................................ .................. 'I'tlI~I~UYER'SORI.I~~~~'~lONTOCONCl~UlJ~~'I'lIlS'I'l~ANSAC1'1ON 1SCONl~l'~l~Nl~~~UP~N'~IiI~CONC~UMMA'I'ION (If this offer is suhjcct to financing, sul-vcy. purcolalion tcsl, specific zoning or use, appruval of recorded building i1nd use Ol~'l'l{k: I'OLLOWING: restriclions and coven;tnts, or any 0111e1- contingency. il nus st be stated hcru. If I~IIIIC.. SII slate.) ........................................................... 1. Seller(s) ,. and any, ,other entities whose names a.ppears qn any .of,.the attached d.ocume.nts,, ............ executing the. ,original, of the attach,?d, fiocuments on or before .~.~~~ closing. ...... :l:I ,'I4 :I5 :I(; :I7 :In :El 111 4 I ,I:! I:! 44 45 46 47 Buyer agrees that unless otherwise specified, Huyer will, in gnud faith. pay all costs of securing any financing to the extenl 48 permitted by law, and will perform a11 acts necessary Loexpeditesuch financing. 49 50 delivered free and clearofencumbranceu: all fixtures; alld all garden bulbs, plants, shrubs and trees. Includedinthepurchasepricearesuchufthefullowingite~ns~smaybeonthepropertyunLhedateufthisoffer,whichwillbe 51 ADDITIONAL ITEMS INCLUDED IN THE 52 53 54 ITEMS NOT INCLUDED IN THE SA1,E: None, 55 ........... 56 easement 57 Seller shall. upon payment ofthepurchaseprice,cunvey the property b- andclearofallliensandencumbrances,excepting:municipalandzonin~ordinances,recordedeasementsforpubl~cut~l~l~es orotherconveyanceprovided IlFyein. Ing the property. recording building and use restrictions and covenants. general taxes levied in the year of closing XkZt (io ......... (il ;~~tdSellcrsl~allcuntpluteandexucul~ll~ed~~cun~cnts~~c~ess~ryt~~rec~~r~lLl~ec~~~~v~y~n~~.(WARNIN~: l~~:~,~rd~~ll)uil~ling:~n~l IISU , provided none of the foregoing prohibit present use. (i2 restrictions and covenants can have material irnpacl OII the usc ulcjr itnpruvcments tu Llle pruperty.) .. , .... .............. ... ..... .. .. ... ... (;:I 'I'~,is~,fferisbindin~ul,r,nbuthpnr~icsOnlyif;,c~,l,y,,ft a:, ,.c,tecl fr Tis I. (site ,IIDSL. ~~~~~~f~~~s~~~~~~~~i~l,i~~ll~~ll.S.~~~:~il ,&&ago ?ley da'ii, g.b. %x (i.1 or a uunlnlercial delivery systcnl, addressed LO l3uycr ul .qo?.t MVS!CeW.t !!I. .5?.150 ur by personal (i5 delivery of the nccclltcrl offer 10 lluyer on or Idwx Otllcrwisc. lllis nlfer li(i is void ancl ill1 carneat nnrney sllall Ix l~r(>~nl,tly rclurncd LID lluyur. 67 (i9 liti on or Idurc I.eyal possession of properly shall be delivered by I%uyer on date ofclosing. 71 under (ural lease) (written lease), which terms are: .da. 72 ,. I ;lis trxllsactiorl is tu 11c. c.~osu<~ LI,~ ollicc of ~~llycr's ~nortgag:L.c or ;)L Lilu uffiix or .I'luslCego. IFF?+. 1!1. .or at such ulller time and place :IS may he agreed in wriling. 70 It is understood the property is now occupied by .&??er.(s). 73 shall be given to Buyer on ........ ciosing 71 TK 75 76 77 ........................... 7R 79 HI applicable). A2 a portion of (seller warrantsflflthc proprrty is located in a wetland (Slrike as 140 By: 141 . . . . . . . David L.!'k 'Angeiis, .Mayor By : .. iliuyer) Jean K. Marenda, Clerk (Buyer 143 THIS OFFER IS HEREBY ACCEPTED. THE WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS MADF 144 HEREIN SURVIVE THE C1,OSING OF THIS TRANSACTION. THE UNI)EKSIGNKII) tlERERY 145 TO SELL ANT) CONVEY THE ABOVE.MENTIONEI) PROPERTY ON THE TERMS AND CONBI 14ti AS SET FORTH AND ACKNOWLEI)GES RECEIPT OF A COPY 01: THIS AGREE 19. Donald E. Kramer Joan M. Kramer (Seilcr 149 Offer is rejected (Seller initial.) Seller's Sorial Sccurity NCI .. TEMPOUXY DNVE"AY AND ROAD CONSTRUCTION L4SEMEuT BEING P-4RT OF TIE hW llJ OF SECTION 25, 'I' 5 N, R 20 E, IN "E CITY PT 'I "TSKEGO, WAb-KESR4 COCiNn, WISCONSIN, BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: .. .. COMMENCING AT TXE NOR'IEEAST CORNER OF SAID 1/4 SECTION; <. . TEENCE SOUTH OO"58'57" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE. OF SAID 1/4 SECTION .' ,. .. 2445.00 Fl'. TO A POINT IN TE3 NORTH LINE OF A 100.00 FT. WSCONSW ELECTRIC THENCE SOUTH 63'28'55" \EST ALONG. SAJD NORm LINE 503.79 FT. TO TKE POINT OF BEGINNING; TRENCE C0NTNUI-G SOU73 63'28'55" WEST 25.45 FT. TO A POINT; THENCE NORTH 37'20'25" VEST 80.71 FT. TO A POINT; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY 103.99 FT. ON THE ARC OF A CURVE WHOSE CENTER LIES ro THE NORWT, WEIOSE RADIUS IS 175.00 FT. AND WHOSE CHORD BEARS NORTH 20'18'59" WEST 102.47 FT. TO A PON; "HENCE NbRTH 37'20'25" WEST 258.10 FT. TO A POINT; 0: .,HENCE SOUTH 37"2O'ZH EAST 240.00 FT'. TO A POINT; POWER COMPANY RIGET-OF-WAY; 'THENCE NORTH 52'39'35" EAST 50.00 FT. TO A POW; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 132.74 FT. ON THE ARC OF A CURE WHOSE CENTER LIES TO THE NORTHEAST, 'WHOSE RADIUS IS 150.00 FT. AND WHOSE CHORD BEARS SOUTH 11'59'19" EAST 128.45 FT. TO A POINT; . THENCE SOUTH 37'220'25" EAST 85.49 FT. TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING.