CCR1995062COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #62-95 RESOLUTION AS TO OFFER TO PURCHASE (Southeast Sewer/Lift Station) Kramer h Kramer BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby authorize execution of the attached Offer to Purchase for zero dollars and necessary closing documents by the Mayor and City Clerk for sewage lift station purposes and road purposes for the Kramer, Joan Kramer, and Thomas C. and Linda I. Kramer. Southeast Sewer Project for the property owned by Donald E. DATED THIS 11th DAY OF APRIL , 1995. t SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Patrick A. Patterson Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. David J. Sanders This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Citv of Muskeqo. Resolution #62-95 which was adopted by the Common Council of the 4/95 jmb IO.LII.", IIII,lllll,ill "re <1,,11 , :/I Hh Illl.,llllillclrs ">I. ,law, Mtlw;#ukw WIS WE-I:I VACANT LANU OFFER TO PURCHASE 1 .Musltmo ,Wisconsin, April 7, .......... , 19.. . 95 2 THE BROKER DRAFTINGTHLSOFFER lS'L'HEAGENTOF(SELLER)(BUYER)(Strikeasapplieal~le). ACCEPTED, THIS OFFER CAN CREATE A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE CONTRACT. BOTH PARTIES HOULD READ THlS DOCUMENT CAREFULLY AND UNDERSTAND IT BEFORE SIGNING. 5 The undersigned Buyer. c??! 0F !!!SK.!??.! a, wiscon?in~ .Municipal Corporation ................. 6 hereby offers to purchase the property known as (Street Address) see attached lega1 ...... description 7 in the .Ci.tY of ........ Muskego. .... .Countyuf waukesha' ' 8 more particularly described as: .%e. .attached l.%l?! d.escriPtlon~ 9 , Wisconsin, 33 32 35 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 43 46 15 I7 I<uycr agrees that unless othvrwisc uplxifiud. Iluycr will. in E(MMI faith. pay all cosls ofxccuring any financing tu tht! c!xtc:nt IH pcrmitted hy law, and will perlimn all acts neccswry to cxlrcdile such financing. 50 ddivcred lrce ;bnd clear ~~1cn~:u~nl~r;~n~.~~.;: ;#I1 I'ixLurt.~: :)~l<l :dl1 g;trden IIUIIBS. 1d:nttt3, HJIIUI~S and Lrecs. 51 AI)L)I'I'IONALI'L'EMS INCLIJUEI) IN '1'111: SALE: .N9*?,. 52 5: I 55 54 I'I'ISMS NOT INC1,UI)ISD IN 'l'lll< SALE: 56 57 Seller shall, upon paymentof the purchase price,cunvey thepruperty by warrantydeed.~rotherconveyancepruvided herein, ~#andclearofallliensandencumbrances.exceptin~:municipaIandzoningordinances,recordedeasementsforpublicutilities 5 ervmg th,e property, recording building and use restrictions and covenants, g-eneral taxes levied in the year of closing xmt ..... .. .... .. .. .. 4 9 Inclu~lcdinLl~epur~:l~;~sr~~ric~::~rcsucl~~~fL1~~~l~~ll~~wi~~git~~~ns:~smny1~~:c~nthr~~r~~pnrtyc~nthcdnte~~fil~isnf~er,wl~i~:hwilll~r ......... ... .. .. .... 60 .......... .... , provided none of the foregoing prohibit present use, 62 restrictions and covenants can have material impact on the use of or improvements to the property.) 61 andSellershallcompleteandexecutethedocumentsnecessarytorecordthecunveyance.~WARNING:Recorded buildinganduse 63 Thisofferisbindinguponbothpartiesonlyifacopyoftheacceptedofferisdeposited.pustageorfeesprepaid,intheU.S.mail 64 or a commercial delivery.system, addressed to Buyer at . 1 . .M!J.SB!%lQ,. .VI. 5?J59. , .;'or by personal 65 delivery of the accepted offer to Buyer on or before 66 is void and all earnest money shall he promptly returned lo Buyer. Otherwise, this offer 67 This transaction is to be closed at the office of Buyer's mortgagee or at the office of "JSkeg.0 .Hal!. 68 on or before 19. . , or at such other time and place as may be agreed in writing. 69 Legal possession of property shall be delivered by Buyer on date of closing. 72 71 under (oral lease) (written lease). which terms are: dCl. Muskego City Hall, P.O. BOX 903, 70 It is understood the property is now occupied by .?Wer.S Occupancy of the. .~remises. shall be given to Buyer on ClOSinq . 75 1 76 77 0, .... ........................................................................... ........... .... 78 3 7!3 "" 19. ~na'id. .E. .Kramer ~oan 'Rramer. (Seller) 149 Offer is rejected (Seller initial.) Srllrr's Sorial Securitv No " 150 Offer is rountered (Seller initial.) 151 . .- _. . "~ Thomas C. Kramer Linda I. KramedS'ller) .. ~ IS2 S<,llt~'s Scri;tl Sccurity N,,. 154 It was presented to Seller hy 1 .%I This nffer was drafted hy tT.icensw and firm) I55 .. FEE SBPLE TITLE TO BE ACQWD BY THE CITY OF MUSKEGO FOR SEWAGE LIFT STATION PURPOSES AND ROAD PURPOSES THAT PART OF THE NW 114 OF SECTION 25, T 5 N, R 20 E, IN THE CITY. OF MUSICEGO, WAUKESH.4 COW, WISCONSIN, WHICH IS BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING .4T THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SALD NW 114; THENCE SOUTH 00' 58' 57" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID 114 SECTION 2445.00 FT. TO A POINT IN THE NORTH LNE OF A WSCONSLN ELECTRIC PO'AXR THENCE SOUTH 63' 28' 55" WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LWE 447.79 FT. TO THE POINT OF BEGINNNG OF THIS DESCRIPTION; THENCE CONTINUJNG SOUTH 63" 28' 55" WEST 56.00 FT. TO A POINT; THENCE NORTH 37' 20' 25" WEST 85.49 FT. TO A PON; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY 132.73 FT. ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE WHOSE CENTER LIES TO THE NORTHEAST, WHOSE RADIUS IS 150.00 FT. AND WHOSE CHORD BEARS NORTH 11" 59' 19" WEST 128.45 FT. TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 37' 20' 25" EAST 212.08 FI'. TO A POINT'ON THE NORTH LlNE OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 9,433 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. COMPANY 100.00 FT. RIGHT-OF-WAY; A WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPPLNY RIGFlT-OF-WAY AND THE POINT OF