CCR1995057COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO AMENDED RESOLUTION #57-95 APPROVAL OF MUSKEGO PARKS ti RECREATION DEPARTMENT PART-TIME/SEASONAL RECREATION EMPLOYEES COMPENSATION PLAN PAY SCALE WHEREAS, the Recreation Director has requested approval of the attached Part-Time/Seasonal Recreation Employees Compensation Plan Pay Scale as revised to allow the Department to remain competitive in acquiring qualified personnel; and WHEREAS, the Parks ti Recreation Board has approved the Compensation Plan Pay Scale as revised; and WHEREAS, Finance Committee has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the amended Muskego Parks ti Compensation Plan Pay Scale, as attached, effective immediately. Recreation Department Part-Time/Seasonal Recreation Employees 1 0 DATED THIS llTH DAY OF APRIL , 1995. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Patrick A. Patterson Ald. David J. Sanders This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of City of Muskego. Resolution #57-95 which was adopted by the Common Council of the Reconsidered and Amended 4/11/95 MUSKEG0 PARKS 6 RECREATION DEPARTHENT Part-time/Seasonal Recreation Employees Compensation Plan Pay Scale (Per Hour) POSITION STEPS CLASSIFICATION 3 2 1 14 5-10 PC-1 +$.25/year to a maximum of $6.00 55.25 $5.00 54.15 $4.50 PC-2 maximum of $5.75 +$.25/year to a 55.00 54.75 $4.50 $4.25 PC-3 +S.25/year to a 55.50 55.25 55.00 $4.75 maximum of $6.25 i $5.00 55.25 $5.50 55.15 +$.25tyear to a maximum of $6.50 i i $5.50 55.75 ' 1 56.00 56.25 iS.25.Iyear. to a maximum of $7.25 I $5.75 1 S6.00 1 56.25 1 56.50 +$.25lyear to a maximum of $8.00 I PC-7 $1.25 1 57.50 57.15 1 58.00 +S.25/year to a maximum of $9.00 PC-8 $7.50 i $1.75 i 58.00 58.3 +$.25/year to a PC-9 $8.50 $8.75 i $9.00 159.25 +$.25/year to a maximum of $9.50 maximum of $11:25 PC-10 $9.50- S9.15- $10.00- 510.25- +5.25/year to a $30.00 $25.50 $25.15 $26.00 526.25 maximum of $14.00- i PC-I1 Unclassified Personnel PARKS & RECREATION BOARD REVIEW -I HUSKEGO PARKS 6 RECREATION DEPARTMENT Part-timelseasonal Recreation Employees Compensation Plan Pay Scale (Per Aour) POSITION STEPS CLASSIFICATION 5-10 4 3 2 1 I I 1 $4.50 I $4.75 /$5.00 maximum of $5.75 +$.25/year to a I I I 1 $4.50 ~ 1 $4.75 $5.00 $5.25 +$.25/year to a maximum of $6.00 I I $4.75 55.00 +$.25fyear to a I maximum of $6.25 I i +$.25tyear to a maximum of $6.50 PC-5 +$-25/year to a $6.25 $6.00 55.75 $5.50 maximum of $7.25 PC-6 +$.25/year to a $6.50 $6.25 S6.00 $5.75 maximum of $8.00 I 57.25 57.50 $7.75 $8.00 +S.25/year to a maximum of $9.00 I PC-8 +$.25Iyear to a $9.25 $9.00 58.75 $8.50 PC-9 +$.25/year to a S8.25 $8.00 57.75 $7.50 maximum of $9.50 maximum of $1125 PC- IO $9.50- $9.75- $10.00- $10.25- +$.25/year to a $30.00 $25.50 $25.75 $26.00 $26.25 maximum of $14.00- I I Personnel I Unclassified PARKS 6 RECREATION BOARD REVIEW Sports Personnel STEPS POSITION Basketball ScorekeeperITimer Youth Soccer Referee (Uncertified):Two/Game Youth Soccer Referee (Uncertified):One/Game Adult Softball Umpire One/Game (Certified) (Non-certified) Adult Volleyball Referee (fees include gym set-up) OneIMatch (Certified) (Non-certified) Basketball Referee (Certified) (Non-certified) School Custodian/Security 11 21 31 41 5-10 $4.25 1 $4.50 1 $4.75 1 $5.00 1 +$.25/year to a maximum of $5.75 $5.00/person/game +$.50/year returning to a maximum of $7.50 $lO.OO/Game +$.50/year returning to a maximum of $13.00 $10.00/Game +$.5O/year returning to a maximum of $15.00 $8.00/Game +$.50/year returning to a maximum of $10.00 $lO.OO/Match +$.50/year returning to a maximum of $15.00 $8.00/Match +$.50/year returning to a maximum of $13.00 $ll.OO/Game +$.50/year returning to a maximum of $14.00 $6.50/Game +$.50/year returning to a maximum of $9.50 School wages as billed by school district. MISKEGO PAUS AKD RECREATION DEPARTMENT COLIDENSATION PLAN AND PBOCEDUBES FOR PART-TME/SEASONBL BECBEBTION WLOYEES I. EMF'LOYKNT GUIDELINES A. Initial Employment - Nev employees shall begin at the lowest step within each appropriate position classification. A higher starting step may be authorized by Department staff based on education, training, or previous experience. B. Position Classification Upgrading - If the entry level rate for a pay scale will increase.correspondingly. Incumbent employees shall be position is increased, all steps within the position classification placed at the same step as the previous scale, or at the next highest step vhich allows for an increase. C. Position Classification Change - Previous employees in one level of classification vho take a different position vith the Department, may at the discretion of the Department staff. be placed-at a higher or previous experience. step vfthin that position classification, based on training. education D. Reinstatement - An employee reinstated to a position (based on good been employed in, shall begin at the appropriate step most nearly previous work record vith the Department). that they had previously corresponding to the previous pay rate provided that the separation more than tvo years, placement of the employee vithin the pay scale from employment vas not more than tvo years. If the separation is shall be left to the discretion of the Department staff. Department Staff may authorize a higher step based on supplemental training, or experience believed to be of value to the Position. 11. ADVANCPlENT WITHIN A POSITION CLASSIFICATION A. Advancements within a classification shall be one-step and made on an annual basis, and within budget restrictions, based on acceptable vork performance and earned experience up to the maximum step. Advancement shall begin vith the start of their summer employment. B. Nev employees or substitutes hired mid-season (season defined as January-May) will not be eligible for a step increase during the first year. C. If an individual is employed in. more than one position classification, they shall advance a step in each class according to 11-B above. 111. REVIEW OF THE COMPENSATION PLAN AND PROCEDURES A. The plan, procedures and pay scale shall be revieved by the Department staff on an annual basis. Adjustments shall be made vhere appropriate positions in other communities. Any revisions of the plan or scale based on employment market conditions and comparisons vith similar shall be approved by the Parks 6 Recreation Board and Common Council of City of Muskego. . .- IV. LIMITATIONS A. All step advancements, position classification upgrading. or other adjustments shall be made in accordance vith budget restrictions. i Sport. Peraomel POSITION STEPS - 1 5-10 4 3 2 Basketball Scorckecper/Tiamr 54.45 54.35 $4.25 +$.lo /year to a $4'55 maximum of $5.15 1 'I Youth Soccer Referee +$.50/year returning (Uncertified):One/game tlO.OO/gam Youth Soccer Referee to A maximum of $7.50 (Uncertifisd):Tvo/gaa $5.00/peroon/gaw +$.50/year returning Mult Softball Umpire to a maximum of $13.00 One/game (Certified) $8.00/gamc +$.50/year returning (Non-certified) $ll.OO/game +$.50/year returning to a maximum of.'$15.00 to a maximum of $10.00 Mult Volleyball Referee (fee# include gym setup) Cne/match (Certified) (Ron-certified) $lO.OQ/match +$l.OO/year returning $e.OO/match +$l.OO/year returning to A maximum of $15.00 to a maximum of $13.00 Basketball Referem (Certified) (Non-certified) $11.OO/game +$.50/year returning $6.50/game +$.50/year returning to e maximum of $14.00 to a maximum of $9.50 I I I I I School Curtodian/Security ochool Wage0 am billed by ochool district r i POSITIONS PC-1 - PC-9 Lifeguard Class Instructor WSI Class Instructor Head Tennis Instructor PC-10 - Locker Room Attendant Men's Basketball League Scorekeeper Swim Aides W/O Certification PC-2 - Aquatics Coordinator Basketball Camp Assistants (Youth) Head Aerobic/Workout InstructorICoordinator Cashiers (Pool) (Youth) (W/O Certifications) Head Dance Instructor Playground Assistants (Youth) Head Gymnastics Instructor Volleyball Camp Assistants (Youth) Sign Language Instructor Tot Program Instructor PC-3 - PC-11 - Cashiers (W/O Certifications/Adult) Unclassified PC- 4 Cashiers (W/CPR/First-Aid Training) Playground Leaders (No Experience) Open Gym Supervisors Water Safety Instructor Aides (Certified) PC-5 Playground Leaders (W/Experience) Tennis Instructor (W/O Certification) - - PC-6 - Lifeguards PC-? Gymnastic Assistant Instructor Playground Coordinator Summer Program Supervisor (MHS) Water Safety Instructors (WSI) Track and Field Instructors PC-8 Aerobic/Workout Assistant Instructor Baby-sitting Instructor Baton Tvirling Instructor Head Swim Instructor (WSI) Porn Pon Instructor - -