CCR1995035COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #35-95 RESOLUTION AS TO GRIEVANCE (Recreation Secretary) WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has reviewed a Grievance dated December 2, 1994 filed by an AFSCME City Hall/Library employee, as attached: and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended that the Grievance be denied. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby disapprove the Grievance filed by an AFSCME City Hall/Library employee. DATED THIS 28TH DAY OF FEBRUARY , 1995. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Patrick A. Pattersori Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. David J. Sanders This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of City of Muskego. Resolution #35-95 which was adopted by the Common Council of the 2/95 jmb o0 not use carbon paper. Press lirrnly using >a11 point pen. or use typewriter L WlSCONSlN COUNCIL OF COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES. COUNCIL #40 AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, C3UNTY. AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES rffiliarec wilh LOCAL UNION NAME: Muskego Area Public En;loyees No. 241 4 Employer: City of Muskego. W182S82QO Racine As-znue. Fuskego hCI 53150 Complaint and Grievance No. Date Employee’s Supervim Work Location Employee’s Name Employee’s Phone Date of the alleged infraction Statement of Grievance: (Circumstances of Facts): (Briefly. what happened) December 2. 1994 Gordon I,. Jacobson Stella Dunahee 41&/425-0756 Parks & Recreation ‘Dept. Hiring Date Grade Level 2/26/80 Secretary November 14, 1994 On Novmzer 1 j and 16. 1994, em?loyee got suspended for reasons other t5.n Droner cause. (The contention-what did management do wrong?) (firticle a Section of contract which was violated if any) Article I. Section 1.Q1 and any zi/or other articles that may apply. 2'0: stella Dunahee, Recreation Department Secretary genes Kowalik, Union Representative FRCM: Gordon Jacobson, Recreation Department Director DA5: December 8, 1994 RE: Grievance Response ~ Ths qrievance you filed on December 2, 1994 is hereby denied for the following reasons: 1. The suspension you received on November 15 and 16, 1994 was for proper cause, 2. Under Article I, Section 1.01 of the Labor Agreement betiieen the City of Muskego and the Muskego Public Employees Union Local 2414, management has the right to suspend employess for proper cause. 3. No violation of the Labor Agreement occurred in rPgard t3 the suspension you received. - If this rssponse is not satisfactory, you may proceed to Ste? 2 of ae Grisvance Procedure, pursuant to Article XXIII of the Lzbor Icreernent. .. I