CCR1994180COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #180-94 RESOLUTION AS TO SEWER AND WATER ASSESSMENTS OF WASTE MANAGEMENT PROPERTY MADE BY RESOLUTIONS #52-91 and #53-91 and AMENDED BY RESOLUTIONS #198-91 AND #199-91 WHEREAS, Waste Management of WI, Inc. is the owner of the following described real estate: Tax Key No. 2229.997 PT NW 1/4 NE 1/4 SEC 18 T5N RZOE VOL 781 OF DEEDS, PAGE 586 18.0182 AC R937/168 WD 9/87 WHEREAS, said real estate is subject to the lien of the following described special assessments assessed by Final Resolutions Final Resolutions #198-91 and #199-91 as of the 13th day of #52-91 and #53-91 as of the 26th day of March, 1991 and Amended August, 1991, plus interest: Bal. Due SEWER Assessment (150' @ 38.96) 5,844.00 Less Previous Payments on Tax Roll (1.753.20) 4,090.80 as of 8/11/94 Deferred Frontage Assessment 327' @ 38.96, incl. 8% interest 15,570.77 WATER Aesessment (150' e 16.78) 2,517.00 Less Previous Payments on Tax Roll ( 755.10) 1,761.90 Deferred Frontage Aaaesement 327' @ 16.78, incl. 8% interest 6,706.29 WHEREAS, the above-named owners are in the process of dividing said lands which affects the deferred portion of the assessment as indicated on the attached map; and WHEREAS, the City is in the process of acquiring a portion of the above-described property from the owner; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to accept responsibility for payment of attributable to that portion of the property being purchased by a portion of the front foot sewer and water assessments payment plan on the owner's tax bill and the remaining deferred the City with the 150' assessment remaining on the 10-year assessments on the unsold portion remaining deferred; and WHEREAS, the Public Utilities Committee has recommended approval of 249.03 L.F. to the City, the payment of $5,107.24 of the of payment of the assessment as follows: Upon sale of frontage deferred water assessment, plus interest from August 11, 1994 and $11,858.07 for the deferred sewer assessment, plus interest from attributable to that portion of the property being sold to the 0 August 11, 1994, shall be the responsibility of the City and Page 2 Resolution X180-94 City; the owner sha .11 remain responsible for payment of 150 feet of the remaining unsold parcel on the 10-year payment plan and the deferred assessment remaining on the unsold portion shall remain deferred. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Muskego as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The owner shall give the City satisfactory evidence Of Sole ownership of all the lands in question and the right to divide such assessments as proposed, and The lands shall be divided in accordance with the map attached and all appropriate documents making such division shall be filed and recorded, and The City shall be responsible for $5,107.24 of the deferred water assessment, plus interest from August 11, 1994 and $11,858.07 for the deferred sewer assessment, plus interest from August 11, 1994, and Waste Management of WI, Inc. hereby waives all legal notices required to amend or change special assessments and agree to this special assessment without further action by the City, and The owners of the property described in this Resolution at the time of its acceptance shall be Waste Management of WI, Inc. and if the Resolution is not accepted on or before the closing date of the City's purchase of the aforementioned property from Waste Management, it is null and void, and That the RCA (Reserve Capacity Assessment) and WCA (Water Capacity Assessment) remains on all of the property described in this Resolution and all shall be due and payable pursuant to prior resolutions and are unaffected by this resolution and all properties remain responsible for appropriate sewer and water usage fees. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall be in full force and effect only upon compliance with the conditions outlined above, and the closing of the transaction referred to in Resolution #155-94. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED in any event this Resolution is null and void and of no effect unless the closing referred to herein takes place on or before November 1, 1994. Resolution #180-94 Page 3 0 DATED THIS 23RD DAY OF AUGUST , 1994. SPONSORED BY: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Ald. David J. Sanders Ald. Domonic D'Acquisto Ald. Donna M. Woodard ACCEPTED BY: WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI, INC. Officer Date Officer Date This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #180-94 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 6/93jm 20- ILE CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO - -?33---- ALL THAT PART OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 18. TOWN 5 NORTI-I, RANGE 20 EAST. CITY OF MUSKEGO. WAUKESHA COUNTY. WSCONSIN OYMER: WASTE MANAGEMENT OF IIISCONSIN INC. w124 NE925 BOUNDARY RD. MENOMONEE FAUS. III. 53051 IDENllnABLE SECTION LINE - NORTH LINE OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, EN. R20E.. ASSUMED BEARING S8717'45.W (WISC STATE PLANE COORDlNAlE SYSTEM. GRID NORTH, soum ZONE) LOT 1 2.0000 AC. 87.120.00 S.F. I a 40' DEDICATED FOR PUBLIC h) 1 ROAD PURPOSES (9.962 S.F.! P N N .b 0 ? u. 349.'38' 8 S87'1 9'OO"W 390.00' UNPLATTED LANDS - - - - - - - - l 1613 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY