CCR1994173COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #173-94 AMENDMENT TO POLICY RELATING TO THE HIRING OF RELATIVES WHEREAS, the Common Council adopted Resolution #194-84, as amended, to Establish a Policy Regarding Hiring of Relatives; and WHEREAS, the Common Council amended said Policy by adopting Resolutions #125-86, #3-91 and #156-94; and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended that the policy be amended as drafted by the City's labor attorney. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby amend the Policy Relating to the Hiring of Relatives, as attached. DATED THIS 9TH DAY OF AUGUST , 1994. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Patrick A. Patterson Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. David J. Sanders This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of City of Muskego. Resolution #173-94 which was adopted by the Common Council of the 8/94imb POLICY REGARDING HIRING OF RELATIVES The City of Muskego~-as-a-matter-e€-pe%+ey~-sha%% not employ two or more persons of the same family in any-ene 5 City Department. Definitions "Departments" The Departments of the City of Muskego are as follows: LEGISLATIVE - Mayor and Alderman (Encompasses Every Department) ADMINISTRATIVE - Mayor, Clerk, Treasurer, Assessor, Building Inspection, Plan Department, Information Systems, Maintenance, etc. LIBRARY PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC UTILITIES JUDICIAL - Includes Police Department and Court Personnel - PARKS AND RECREATION Boards, Commissions and Committees affiliated with specific Departments will come under their respective Department. "Employment" shall mean any position which is full time, provisional or part time, excluding seasonal employees who receive no benefits except social security, poll workers and elected officials. "Employee" shall be construed as any appointed or elected person employees who receive no benefits except social security, poll workers filling a City position, whether paid or unpaid, other than seasonal and elected officials. "Family" shall include spouse, parent, grandparent, step-parent, brother, sister, first cousin, nephew, niece, uncle or aunt and child. Said relationships may be by consanguinity Irelationship by blood) or direct affinity (relationship by marriaqe). However, first cousins by direct affinity are exempt. This policy will apply to all City employees as of its effective date. Hewever~-in-Che-ease-ef-Cwe-er-mere-m8re-mem~e~s-e€-the-same-€am~fy-a~~ emp~eyed-as-empfeyees-ander-eever-eevered-emp~eyment-as-de€ined-w~thin-~his be-eensidered-grand€athered-mn~er-the-~e%iep~-an~-t~e-~~%iey-sha%~ pe%iey-as-ef-the-effeet~ve-~a~e-ef-t~is-~e%iey~-s~eh-emp~eyees-s~~%% However, this policy shall not apply in the case of two or more have-ne-effeet- members of the same family employed as defined in this policy on the effective date of this policy. 0 Page 2 - Previded-fartker-tkat-the-p8~iey-sha3~-be-e€€eetive-t8-enrrent empf8yees-in-t~e-event-that-any-member-8f-the-fami3y-3eaves-the empfeyment-ef-the-eity-and-~ater-attem~ts-t8-~e-rehire~r Provided, the policy shall apply as to current employees in the event that any member of the family leaves the employment of the City and later attempts to be rehired. Part-time-emp~eyees-€8r-ea~endar-year-~904-wi33-be-eensidered-t8-be grand€athered-in-as-te-rehiring-€8r-3905r Part time employees for calendar year 1994 will be qrandfathered in as to rehirinq for 1995. ~n-the-event-tkat-em~~eyees-w8rk~ng-in-e8vered-em~~8yment-as-defined bee8me-memberS-8f-tke-Same-famifyi-they-Sha3~i-aS-8f-the-date-8f-the in-this-p8~iey~-whe-a~e-n~~-members-8€-the-same-€ami~y~-~~t-~a~er whieh-te-deeide-fer-themse~ves-whieh-ef-~hem-sha~~-~eave-tke-€i~y~s estabfishment-8€-the-famify-refati8nskipi-have-~hirty-~3~j-days-in empfegment-in-erder-that-the-p8~iey-may-be-eempfied-withr--~n-the event-8f-tke-inabi3ity-8r-nnwi3~ingness-8€-the-eevered-emp~8yees-~8 make-sne~-a-deeisien-w~tkin-the-time-3imit-pr8vided~-then-a~3-th8se empfegees-wke-are-member4-ef-t~e-same-€ami~y-in-viefati8n-8f-this pefiey~-shaf~-have-their-emp38gment-terminated-as-ef-the-3~st-day ~his-seeti8n-dees-net-ap~3y-te-an-emp38yee-wh8-marries-an8ther €8ff8wing-the-estabfiskment-8f-the-famify-re3a~ienship~--~%eeptien~ emp3eyeer In the event that employees who are not members of the same family, later become members of the same family, they shall, as of the date of which to decide for themselves which of them shall leave City the establishment of the family relationship, have thirty (30) days in employment. In the event of the inability or unwillinqness of the covered employees to make such a decision within the time limit provided, then all those employees who are members of the same family in violation of this policy shall have their employment terminated as of the 31st day following the establishment of the family relationship, unless it is possible, in the City's determination, to transfer one or more of the employees involved to a vacant position in another Department. spouses only when an individual is or would be directly supervisinq "Spouses" The prohibitions contained in this policy shall apply to his/her spouse. "Elected Officials" The above policy shall apply to elected officials except that if a family member is an employee and another family member becomes an elected official, the policy shall not apply in-that ease. a #156-94, and Resolution #173-94) (Created by Resolution #194-84. Amended by Resolutions #125-86, #3-91 MASTER: BIR.POL 8/94 JS