CCR1994126COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #126-94 SUBDIVIDER'S AGREEMENT AND LETTER OF CREDIT APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT, Lakewood Meadows Addition #1 WHEREAS, a Final Plat was submitted on April 1, 1994 for the 31-lot Lakewood Meadows Addition #1 (formerly Suburban Heights) in the SE 1/4 of Section 5; and WHEREAS, the Preliminary Plat was approved in Resolution #329-91; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has recommended approval subject to Planning, Building and Parks Departments, the City Engineer, the satisfactory fulfillment of concerns/conditions of the City State of Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, Waukesha County Park and Planning, any required easement or dedication documents, and construction plans (grading plan); and WHEREAS, the Subdivider's Agreement and Letter of Credit have been received for Lakewood Meadows Addition #1, as attached, and the Finance Committee has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the Final Plat for Lakewood Meadows Addition and approving agencies, and receipt of all fees as provided in #1, subject to approval of the City Engineer and all objecting Section 10 of the Land Division Ordinance. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Subdivider's Agreement and Letter of Credit for Lakewood Meadows Addition #1, as attached, is hereby approved subject to approval of the City Attorney and City Engineer, and subject to the approval of the Letter of Credit by the City Attorney, all of said approvals to be obtained within thirty (30) days of the date of approval of this Resolution or the same will be null and void. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the necessary documents in the name of the City. DATED THIS 14TH DAY OF JUNE , 1994. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Patrick A. Patterson Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. David J. Sanders This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of City of Muskego. Resolution #126-94 which was adopted by the Common Council of the 5/94 jmb SUBDIVIDER'S AGREEMKNT This agreement. made this .. day of "943.bv and between Lakewood Development Group Inc.. the "Subdivider." and the City of Muskego. a municipal corporation of the State of Wisconsin, located in Woukesha County. hereinafter called the "C i t .v . " 7 WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Subdivider has submitted for approval by the City a description of whlch IS attached hereto as Exhibit A: the proposed final plat for Lakewood Meadows Addition 1. a boundary original of which will be recorded with the Register of Deeds for Waukesha County and a copy of which is on file in the Offlce of the City Clerkl:for which a final plat was approved by the City, on that as a condition of .plat approval, the governing body of the WHEREAS, Section 236.13 of the Wisconsin Statutes provides City may require that the Developer make and install certain public improvements reasonably necessary for the Subdivision and other ways within the Subdivision. to be conditioned upon the further, may require dedication of public streets, alleys or specifications without cost to sald municipality; and construction of said improvements! according to municipal Committee, Public Utility Committee and Finance Committee have duly approved. contingent of certain other approvals. Subdivider's plans and specifications for subdivision has dulv aDDroved the final Dlat of Lakewood Meadows l addition 1. improvements, and the CITY'S Plan Commission and Common Council WHEREAS, the City's Engineers. the City's Public Works by the SUBDIVIDER. contingent'upon the execution and performance of this Agreement contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants herein From: Nicholas J. Mas10u1 To: Mathew G. Sadostb Dale: 5/20/94 Time: 16:27:26 Page 2 01 13 SUI3DIVIDER' S AGREEMENT SECTION I. IMPROVEKN7S : SU93iVIDER, entirrly zc i.ts expense, shall: A. 3oads and Strte:z 1. Grade and ir.prcve a11 roads and srraets ir! Lakewood Meadows Addition 1, in zccsrdznce witn the pl~rr of said Subdivizion cncl the plans and specifications arrzched hereto, rnzde E part nereof azo rnarkzd Exhibit "B", a11 in accordance wir5. c3e City's srreet specifications. B. Surface Wzter Drsinsgc! ana Fastsr Gracing Plan 1. SUBDIVIEL;. zkall construct, ir,stalL, furnish and Frcvide facilities 2s zFproved by the City Engineer and Publlc h1or.k Cornrnittae fc,r zrcn and surface wzter drainacje throE,-bout the entire Su5~2ivision, End a Mzster Grsdirq Flan prcviciing for sump pura? 2isChzirge to a tile or storm sewer sysc3~1, aiL in accordancz Xirh. the plans snd specifications attached hereco, mzde a part thereof ami nzrited Exhibit "C". The City returns the ~i~>t to require chc Subdivider to install additional sccrn &-:?inage and erosion control meas?res prior to zcceptancc of inprovenents by the City of Muske~o. 2. The CITY s%li furnlsn to tha SUSDIVIDER such par~.irs or szsements a: xy be recpired in any public street or property to er::er upon a?d install the above describE.c! surface water cLzix!qe system therein. 3. Grade anc i~.pro~~e all lot" in conformance with ths Master Grading Pla? ~crrac5ed hereto End made a part thereof ;Ed marked "Exhibit C!!. Restore with topsoil and seed. Esrzblis?. dens? vegetzcion. A,.1 grades must Se verified by developer': engineer af;rr cx,p:letion with :,$e following toleracss: A11 lot cornerz .?.L;zs $e from exact to ninus 3 inches. Overzll lot grade .x:; k fjmm exact 5rzde EO munus 6 inches. ?.il allow for st;?&rd firiisi? (s~e Section XII,F). swzles and cischcs :wst be grzdd to exactly minus 3" to 4. >.t Subdivicsr's expense, End prior to acceptancE cf and includirg zodel homes (which are governed by sepzrate improvemencz E& is:;uance of building psrmits by the City, agreement), ili sEom ssclrers shall De cleaed (see Section .. .. .. xrr D). 0 C. Water - 1. SUBEIVIE? sn~?l construct, inscall, furnish, zna provide a ccrnplete ccf~-xx-!ity well syscem of water supply and Data: 5120194 Tima: 162833 Page 3 01 13 0 distribution co F.cij.-,ion 1 .; i of L~!<ew,?od Msadows Subdivision z3 ap;.ri~vsd hy ;?:e City Engineer and Public Utilities Csxittee aza 1p. accsrdanze with the plans and specificztiors att3~62d herecc zs Exhibit '!DI; the preparation cf zs-builr ;LEX shall be paid by the . The cost of SUBDIVIDER. 2. The CITY zhall ftirnis?! :hs S53DIVIDER such permits or easements as nay be rsqlvirrci in any public street or public street or public ~zperty 12 enter vpon and install the above descrlrx wzxr sy-~rez ,-n~rein. .I I. . -? 3. Pny water xed f1:on hybrz?:s cznnected ro the City's water system shall be msrsrz5 and a permit tzken out through the CITY OF ?CJSicDG3. E. Sanitary Sewer 0 1. SUBDIVIDE?. shzll cons;:uct, instzll, furnish and provids a complete sznitzry s~l.<;qe csllEccicn system throughour tk,s entire Subdi.,:isior: 2:s approve.- zy City Er:gineer 2nd the Public Utilizies Cmmittee, a11 in accordace with the plans, specificariono a.nd c:a7<iinqs Ettachsd hereto as Exhibit "E". shall be paici by the SUGDI\iiDEX. The csst cf ths propzrztion of 2s-built plans 2. The CITY shall fur~ish the SUBDIVIDER such permits or property to enter upon ar:a install che above described easements a: may Le rec+ire< I=y any public srreets or public sewage syste2 therej-r!. City Engirleers, zny rexlrll:!; punch list item6 conc2:rning 3. Subdivider shall conpls;~, 50 the satisfacrion of the the Sanitary Sewer Syste~, Szicr to the connection af any .> I, 0 E. Landscaping 1. Subdivirier shall ?reser-ge existin< trees outside of t?!~ public riq?1c-of-biay xherevsr przctical, %he3 installing c?.s Subdivision inprovxsnts, 2. Subdivider shall remove and lawfully disFose of: (a) a11 old ba:::s and out buildings; (b) dsstroyed xrees, brush, tree trunks, shrubs a~d (c) 211 rubhis!;. csher natu::zl grcxth; and 3. The Sukiivider si:;ll plant tress in accsrdance witb. aecrion 1S.0313 cf :.?IS Muskego hnd C:ivisic.rl Cralnznce kesslutior. ?F.C. IO:.-93. - ,. 7 2 .conplet.- systern of Erosion control &vices or meastres i? specified zrezs of i:he Srbdivision as appro-,red by the plans 2nd specificxions actached hereto 2s Exhibit '!F': al-3 SGilding inspection Department 2nd in accordance with ti-:€ in ;ccorda?ce wiri5 Chapter 29 of the City's Municipal Cods. - I 0 2. Install silt fencing ir. conformance wish the approved plans pricr to the <;radipq and construction work. Such rences snall be nairlcainec by the SLI8DIVIDZR until sl~ck, ?in?e 2s turf cover is esrablished in the Subdivision. No qrzsl~g shall occ'dr without 3 2 day notice to the City. 3. I4ulchir:j and se5iiing of all disturbed areas to com?ly with Chapter 29. 1. The SUE3IVIDE?. iii respcnsible for obtaining Erosior? Coatrol Permits for rhe site for controlling erosion on L?:? sits 2nd ezch individual lot owner is responsible for cbtaining a separ;tii erosion control permit at the the ~::y vegetation is dl-:tu::bed and responsible for controilina erosion 03 their lo::. Credit (under Secti::n XIV!, shall be retzir:sd 3ntil a5e?~zce 5. 5eve.q V~ozsa,?d Dcllars ($7,OOG.110) from the Lett~r of veget2r;iog is esrab:.ished as deterxired ty guildin: Lnspecticr! De?~r~rner;s. p. reductioc of fifry percen; i3C;) of .. - - Dale: 5/20/94 Time: 16:34:46 Page 8 01 13 under term a?.C condition satisfactory to the City ad in sc:s:i with the City': ordii?ancc!s, resoiutians and policies. P.ny remzining K"C. 2 nct secured as providec herein shall expire within four ye~rs of the dzte of execution of that subsequer: Subdivider's .t<reernent. nr- 1 - (a) Ti; Sdbcivider may request additiona.l Subdivider's Aqrsemnt (3) L,e entered i.nto for subsequent phases. Any such agrement shall k subject to the saxe terns and conditions E: stated subsecionz (z), (b) and (c) above. (e) Not-iichstanding any of the zbave prsvisions, a~i s~.;:er .. capzcity gra.-.;ec LO the Subdivider as referenced in rhis agreement s5all automatically terminate 2nd the alloczticn cf said capacity zf~all cease! on the 2ist cay of December, 2082. SECTION VI. CiF3AVTEES The SU3WiDZS shail. guarantee he public roads ani st:ss:s, sznitary seh-er?, watermains, surface ~cer drainage improve:.e?cs acd all other 1rn;rovement.s described in Seccion I, :L~T,S A, 1, i, workmanship prc,vided that. such defects appear withir: a peri:: a? & E, hereof, zsainst defects dpe to faclty mzrerials or one (1) year frm che date of dedication 2nd acceptance. The SUBDIVIDER shzll py for any damages to CITY ?roperry resdlrl?; from such favlcy materials or workmznship. This guErzntes s?El not be a bar LO ~.ny action the CITY riqht hz.,!e for negligenr workmznship or nzierizls. Wisconsin l2.v: on neqligencc- shzll govern such situEtions. .. I, " .. In aaditi.3n LO, and not to the e:x:clusior. or prsjccica :f, any provisio?s of this Aqreement or documents incorporated :-.%:.-in by reference, SU3IVIDER shall indemr!ify azd save hzrrnless, rhz City, iLs OirLcarS, agent.s, and emplcyses, acd independme coctractors except in the case of nesligence qrowing out of :his Agreement 21 Ezted above by The Subdivider. The Subdivider :k!l also name as sdd"' ~~lonal insureds on its general liability insurance the City, its officers, agents, exployees and any independent csnrrzctors hired by the City to perfora service as request of tk City. LO this subci'iision and qiva the City evidencs of the sane L.;o: SECTIOPJ VIII. XEEMENT FOP. BENEFIT OF PURCH?SERS i - _. i The SU53IVIXR agrees that in addition to the CITY'S ri:?cs harein, the I;rcvisions ofi this Agreer;lect shzll be for the be:sfit of the purc!-:z:tr cf any l.ot or any interest in a~y lor or pazctl of lzad in ti?$ Sxbdivision. Further, that the sale of any 1.:: 31 parcel shall not rslease the SUBDIVIDZR from complering the 1.icr1: on the attzc?.re E:ihibits. SECTION IX. XCE?T.LNCE 01' WORK AND DEDICATIOK From: Nicholas J. Marlous To: Malhew C. Sadowrki Dale: 5/20/94 Tme: 16:30:50 Pqe b 01 13 0 the Sevsn Tho~szxi I:ollars (Zi,S30.03) pc.rtion of the Lecter of Credit is allowable upcn ver:Ilc:cion of fifry psrcen: (505) of disturbed ;!reas Ere :;e;rt~.sed. If, upon a wrirten notification by che Suilcing i:.:peccian Separrrnent of no?.- compliance of Chapter 29, the rerv are not corrected within Dollars ($7,000.00) porrrion of :he L.errtsr of Creciit to five (5) days, rhe City r.2~ ucilize the Seven T.housand correct the terms of noncompiiarce. SECTION II. TIME OF COMPI,ETIOl\! CF I?!:?OVEMENTS , _. The improvemencs set: forth in. Stctlon I above shall be completed by rrhe Suhdivicler i? total xichin ope (1) yezr from tiie signing of chis Aqreenent. except if E? eErlier date 1s provided for in the Ugresmsnt. The! finzl surfex course pavement shall be deferred until 90% of the homes have $.sen cmFleted. If the fins1 course of pavement is not: completed ::it.hin tweive (22) months of the date of this aprsoment, the subdi-/iuor s.hsll extend the Letter of Credit in 2 form acceptable tc ths City until such rime as the final surfacs COL'I-E~ pEvemen; is co.riA21efed. If the City receives nctice of 5:ie intention tc :er.xi.%te the Letter of Credi t prior to conplplctien of the final surface c:.zr~e -cvenent, such notice shall bs considered z fajlure to cox-clesr 1ngrovemenfs in accordance with thls sgrement and s:%il estitle the City to immediately dray agzinst the Letter cf Crsdit. SECTION III. DEDICATION 'I 0 Subjecr to all of the other ?rc-:-sion: of tklis cqreement, SiJ5EI.VIDER shsll, wichcut. chzrqe t~ :i?e CITY, upon cmpletio? ~f rhe above described improvements, ur:oncltign~lly gi-\,e, grant, convey and fully de~izate! the roads r:.d street:,, sanitary sswers, watermains, storm aad surfzcs wa~ir ::a~?cgs fzcilities to rrhe CITY, its successors and assiqns, f~:,rtv~r, free and clezr of all encumbrances whatevar toqather with :?!d including, witnout limitation because of enumerzcion ~rj a::d ~11 land, buildings, structures, mains, condui.ts, pipes ;:nes plat, machinery, equipment, appurtenznces and kredirexents which may in any way be a part of ar perzain t.0 suzn impr:vexn:s and together with any and all necessE.ry ez::emenrs for cccess thereto. Ths City ill be rsceptive to the d2dic:atiocs of ::-.e said improvements, except for roads and sekvsr water drai:rage fzilities, after the first lift of bituminous concrete pzvameps 5~s besn installed, when 2.11 said utilities have been complete ar:i ;??raved by the City Enginsers and other 2genc:ies as ZDD~'~-~ "Lc,dle* SECTION IV. INSPECTIONS ILND AWINISF"";'JON FEES .. .. .. .. SUBDIVIDER shall p2-y reinburss :?!s CITY in advance of the signing of the >.qree.ment, in ECCO~~Z:.:~ xiirh Section 10 of the 0 CITY'S Land Divisic,:! 0rdi.nance and a: TIN: specified therein, but in any event, no lzter than 30 iz.;s afrer billing, all fees, expenses and disbur5ment.s which zn:.11 5s incurred by the CITY ,, From: Nicholas J. Marbur To: Mathew C. Sadovrki Oats: 5120/94 Tma: 163210 Page 6 01 13 0 prior to and follcxing t?.? ciare hereof in connection wiEh or relative to the coxtrucrion, lnsLc112~lcr!, dedicztion and acceptance of ths Improvcxnts cowre5 Ly Ssc:ir,n I, including without limitztior. by re:.son of enmerarlon, design, engineering, preparing, checkir.;. znd rsview of desi?r.s, plznz znd specification; suFervisic?, inspeciion ~3 insure that construction is ir: cornpliznce with the ;?plicable pl2ns, specifications, re-ulaticx ana ordin~nssz; leg~l, administrative and fisc.=] work u?:dertake::! to ~SCLIE arc :?.plement such compliance. SECTIOV V. MISCELL?-NEOUS ?.EQUIREI!E?.jTS L^ il .. The SUBDIVID:?. shal:.: A. Easeme3:s: Provide an): ezsementlc cn 'UEDIVIER'S land ciesmed necessary by ths City Enc:ineers prior t: tfi.e Tixl Plat being sigced, provided such ea.E-2-msnts re ?lor.? Ict linss or tc the rezr of the lots a:.d are 7ot any mare resLrictive to the Slilding of homes beyond t?.+ appllzzble side...- ;,=re a?.~ offset distancss req:ired by the zcr!ing fcr such locs. Cccixnta:ion of off-sit& drainage ad utilixjr &ac'fzeJ7t5 stxi1 hs 7". d_.J'Jid&d. E. Street Signs: 5,sirnbur:e the CITY for ;he cosc cf all scree? siar!s, trzffic sicr.s and costs, includinc the c~st of tkIr wor:tnanlike manner. E. Deed Restricticx: Exe:crte and r;c?rc zsxi rrsirictions and pro-.;ide proof of IecoEdiy.; prior t? sal? cf lots for Lakewod kfeadows, Zddi tion '1, in rhe form ;t~;c%i hereco, rr..=.de a part herceof and marked Exhibi.t "G'' 1. The 55~e r3strictions shzil 2150 contain the f:llowi:.; l.=nguaqe: .. .. "Each lot owir mus-: strictly ;ck;ere ;a acd finish yrde his lot in accoreznce xii.111 the Ma~ter Zr~,2i?~ -J ?lsn on file in the office of the Si.3DIVIDZR and L?!S offics cf the Ci~y Buil5;ing Inssxtor ,.:.?less approvsc 5:; the City Engineer. The contractors s!all hx;e the right to enter upon any lot, at SUBDIVIDER arl/or t!:e agents, empl,zj;ezs or independent any time, for the p:..rpose of inspecrion, meintenznce, correction of any d::zinsge coPditio2 ;~ci the Property mner is responsiblG for ;:?st of the sar.~.'' of Exhibit "C:' shc-iing ti.- street qr~c6 1: fron: of e~ch lot, the F. Grades: Furnist to the: Building IrsFzcL5r of the CITY a copy finished y.=rd grabs, the Grzde of z.11 f>;ir corners of the lot, and The lot corner grads: of the buiLdi:!qz on a3joining lots .. From: Nicholas J. Maslous To: Mathaw G. Sadowrh Dale: SI20194 Time: 163328 Page 7 01 13 0 .. where ap;-~cable, as exi::ting and as proposed. G. Sighc Iistances: Restricts lots on the face of the plar 2.: thac no szrsccvre of any kind which exceeds ;i heiqht of 2 1:I the visic? zs<bzck area in conformance >iiith Section l7:5.C2(2i F feec above che center of the intersection shzll be permitree i? & G. of e>? Zoning Ordinance. plumbicg ;nspector of the City a copy of storm drains &-id H. Sump F-nw Co3nsctions: The Subdivider :hall furnis;' tc E.?s hersto xb rnzrked E-xhibir: "C" showiq ths Iccations of cieansut lxitions in th:? form attached .'?ereto and made prc connectic2z wher&y sump pump drains czn be connected frx cc;? dwel1ii;q :c tis storm sebrer system. ??IS ends of each line s.bzIl have E ciraoiit in conforrnancs with City Stmdard Details. I. StrecE Lights: Instali. street li5hts in zccordmce wit.?, Section E.ll of the City"s Land Division Ordinance. J. Pe~itz: %hit to the City valid copies of all agency ?er~..i~s before ccrstructicn commences ana prior tc any reconstr2c:icr meeting. 1 1 includinc ;he Wiscorlsin DNR and U.S. >.rr~y Corps of Engineer: K. Sewer :xiension Pernit.s: (a) The City of MuskZqo has, pursuant to the provisi.:,? ;f I Chaater 21 of tha citv Cctde, aranted the Subdivider a 5e152r ext'ension permit for ;p t.o 57-Residential Equivalent Connecrionz (RK'S) is defined in Sec:tion 21.04 (22) of the City's S~xe: Ucility Cr~inzzcs for the! cevelopment of all lands conteyt?ia:cd by the Sxxvidar in all FhEses of this development inclciir:; future p?!~ses. Subdivider is using 20 of the above-noted ;.!CIS i?. the p;?zse of development which is the subject cf this Subdivider's Agreement ar!d shall secure ths installztion c): :a~c sewer extexians as provided elsewhere in this agreement an. 2s required :5:i the City Code. There will thsn remEin 26 REC'S c,f cap~~itji !?r future pk~ases of the development. . .I .. the allocz.rion of said ci!pacity shall cez:,s to the extent t?.as said seigs: extension is not certified, by a representati-$2 appointee kzy che City to make said czrtification, to be comp1e:eL)i ccnstructed and approvsd within four yezrs of :he executior. of Chs present Subdivider's Agresment. (b) :he remaining 2ii REC'S shall aucomztically termi?a:t znd (c) .The Subdivider may, within the fo?lr ysar period reisrred to abcve, request that the City enter into an additional Subdivi5er's Agreemnt for the next phass of the developrxnr. >..njr nored zbo..~ nay be extended pursuant to the terms of said rev.air:inq XC'S which have not been used within the four yazrs zs SubdiVi2e:'s Agrement provided, however, :hzL the insta1:E:lcn of si'.ie~ t:ice?.sions must be secursd as provided in this z;r"?ent or, xh2.n ?ot prchibited by other ordinances or resolutiocs zi the City, u?or: other zecurity deemed appropriate by the City E?~ 0 .. I 0 hereln .. ,. req'iired, and sha1.l dsdicate the sam.2 TO the CITY ~5 str qs xken the SUSDIVIDER shall have corn7lated the impr;vi?.sncs for:'? hersin, tile same shall be accepted by r!:e CITY if :z;,z improvaenrs hz-v.2 been cclmpletad as reqiiirxi by this .?.gr==-,=z: anti as requirsd by app1ic:able CITY ordinances 2nd other appiicabls l2w 2nd approxred by the City Enginter, City Fi:.zncs and Coxmn Council. SECTION X. EROSION CONTROL PLAN PERiiIT .. - - . . . - . . - The SIIB9IVIDER sha'll. submit to ths CI.?;Y, an applicacl.:,n fzr a izzd Eistu~binq Permit and an Erosion Co?rrol Plan in accorcancs xith the requireTents of Sectior: 2'2.126 of the L-;! 2. Ercsior! C3n:rol Ordinance (Ord. P56C). ?Jo cons~r~ction or <=rsc:ng car! begin unci1 said psrnmit is received from :j?s City. SECTION XI. CONSTRUCTION PERMITS, EX. "7:. 1 - .. 1. The CITY shall, within its zuthoriry, i:slie suc'. ?srrr.i:s, adopt sclcn resolutions, Elnd exscutr S;~C!I dccr.t-nts a: mzy 2:s necsssary IO permit SUSDl'VI9ER to conztrucr c>!s impravsrr,x;s i?! zcc3r&ance wl~h the plzn:: and specificaticF!s :z11td for 2;- rhiz aqr%errtr~t, upn SUJDIVIDEiR'S cxnpliance wi-n E?)' cepsi: prcvlslor:~ or other rsqui.re3snts of rhe sppii.:zblt orc'inar.css cr reGulaticna; 2nd Ihe CITY si311 cooperzte wit? ths SlJZDI~::E?. in obcaininq sirilar permit::, resolutions ard 50,zux::ts 25 5.z~ 5% necesszry from other authrities having jurisiiction in :?:e prmisas. I. 0 executing :'?is Agreemant, make zvailabis ts the SU3DIVIDE;. 21 i~s norinee sxccessors or issigns, building ?emirs for the conscrxction .I sf single fzlmily residences suhjtct to the prs.-<lslons of Section XI!.. 2. The CITY shall, as 2 condition of rhe SUEQTVIE? SECTTON XII. 3UILDING >Nl.JT) OCCUPANCY PERMITS: a From: Nicholas J. Marlous To: Mamew G. Sadawrb Dale: 5120194 Time: 16:9713 (Exhibit G) D. T3e stom SEXST ;rys~s.n s.hi;ll be cleaned (see Ssctior! I.B. 4'). E. The saniEi;.-y SCZY 5:Jstzrn shall bz video tipd (sfe Section I.D. 4). F. .F..1l lot qzzdez s:xil confom to tne Master Grading Flan (see SGcti0.q I.E.3) G. The wzte; systm z!-.zll be completed (ssc section I.C.4). . .. SECTION XIII. C-E:JL?W COF:3ITTOMS F-VD REGULATIONS: herein by referenze, and z.11 s>cch provisions shall bind the All the pro:/isions <:f :he CITY'S ordinarlces zre incorporated psrties k,ereto 2nd be z ::zr; of this P.greement as fully as if set forth at length herein. .?.iz Aqreenent and all work and improvements requ:red ?!ereli?:aer shzll be performed and carried out in strict acccrdznce -ciih 2nd subject to the provisions of said ordinance2. 0 SECTION XIV. '?IK.&j<CI.2L ~(~.2-G-2-~~:.~: Prior ;o the execu:i.gr! of rhls Agreemenr by the City, the SUBDIVIDE.2 shall file bii-.5 ;he CITY a Letter of Credit sltting forth terns znd c~nal~lrir.~ z?Frovea by the CITY Attorney in the amount of $481,000.00 zs z c:xrzntse that the required plans, improvements, anc! 2pFroVZ.l" .;ill ix completei by ths SirBDIVILlER and his subcontrac1crs 7::' lzcer than one (1) yezr from the signing of che P.q.aeern?r!r, c:<cept if an ot%er date is provided xithin this agree:.ent ar:,5 zz a furrher quarzntee tiizt all obligations LO the subccrLrzaEors for work OP the Subdivision are satisfied. SECTION XV. P.\RTIL,C BOiiNL:': .. .. L. SUBDIVIDER or its z:isic:"ees :hail be bomd by che terms of this Agreement or ;ny pz:: -!erein as it applies to sny phase of the development ci ths S5division. .. SECTION XVI. ASSICYMENT: written consent of the CITY. SUBDIVIDER 55211 no:: zssiqn this Agreement without the SECTION XVIi. .4ME>i3ME.NTS: The City snc Subdiv'cer, by mutilal consent, mzy amend this zgrefrnent, by wrirren z.;:xrr>?nt becweer: the City and the Subdlvlder. From: Nicholas J. Madous To: Malhew C. Sadowsk Dale: W0194 Tima: 16:38:14 Page 11 01 13 IN WITNESS HEREOF, 3JEX~'IE?. AN2 CIT'Y' h~.ve cz.oz?d this Agrement to be signed by thsir appropriars officers 6r.5 ;neir seals to be hereunto affixed ir: dupli.ca.te oriqixl countcrpsrts on the dste and year first xrirten ~~JOVE. By : Presider.t By : Sezretary CITY OF MUSKEG0 By : Dsvid L.. De Angelis, iilycr BY: Jean Marsnaa, Clerk 0 ST.Z..'iZ OF WISCONSIN 'VV'AUSZSHA COUNTY Personaily came before me this 19394 the above-nzmed Feter Earrette, Prssiden; cf k!<exood Development Croup Inc., t.o me knem tc, ix such Frssicezt and Secretzry of said corporzttion, and zcknciclsdged tbst ~3.e~ execuEed the foregoing irlstrulnent as skch ?fficers as che deed of said , by its zb?hority. day of ?..pril STAT': OF WISCONSIN CiTV Clerk, of the ebeve-.named-municip~1 corporaLion P!lmkegor tk me known to be the pers3ns ex~^_uted the foregoing instrument, and to me i:r~c~wn to be such Mayor ~?d CIT'f Clerk of said Mmicipal corporacion, and acknowle,iced :hat they executed municipzl corporation by its Zuthoricy, a~:d pursuant to the Lne foregoing instrument as such officers 2s rhe aes,5 of said authorization by the Conmon Ceuncil from their meetinr; on the L. day of AFril 1994. - NotEry Fvblic, Muskego, WI My Commission Expires: 1 From: Nichola, J. Maslour To: Halhsv G. Sadowrki Dale: 5/20/94 Time: 16:39:36 CERTIFICATION