CCR1994012COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #12-94 APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT OF SALE Kids Kampus, Inc./Sue Krienitz BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the City's broker and the Finance Committee, does hereby approve an Amendment to Contract of Sale for Kids Kampus, Inc. to assign the Offer to Purchase to Sue Krienitz, personally, who is president of Kids Kampus, Inc. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the City's broker and the Finance Committee, does hereby approve an Amendment to Contract of Sale for Kids Kampus, Inc. (Sue Krienitz) to change the Contingencies A and C are waived and Contingency D waiver date is closing date from December 29, 1993 to January 24, 1994, changed to January 20, 1994. DATED THIS llTH DAY OF JANUARY , 1994. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Patrick A. Patterson Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. David J. Sanders This is to certify that this is a true and ,accurate copy of City of Muskego. Resolution #12-94 which was adopted by the Common Council of the a 1/94 jmb 12/30/93 12 42 FAX 414 i9T 8940 MOOKEY LeSAGE ldoo;! 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 9 11 10 12 14 13 15 16 17 18 20 19 21 23 22 WE43 Amendment lo Contract of SaleINotice Reiallng lo Contract of Sale Wisconsin Legal Bisnk Co., Inc. Approved by Wlsconsin Depsnmenl of Regulalion 0nd Llcenslng 2-1-93 (Oplional Use Dale) 7-1-93 (Mandatory USE Date) Mllwaukee. WI PART I: AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT OF SALE Buyer and Seller agree to amend the offer dated NovPmhPr 7 C -necabeLlL , 19%, and accepted , 1992". for the purchase and sale of real estate at me Park ?din- 7 4!Jll2 Acres as follows: ( ) Closing date is changed from ( ) Purchase price is changed from $- ( ) Occupancy of the property is changed from ( ) Occupancy charge is changed from $ to $ ( ) Buyer is aware there are contemplaled special assessments in the estimated amount of $ . for the installation of and agrees to pay for same. ( ) Seller agrees to pay S ____ to Buyer at closing for contemplated special assessments for ( ) Seiler agrees to provide title proof iri the form of title Insurance in accordance with the contract. Buyer agrees to the installation of _______.. " pay Seller the difference between tho !Me insurance premium and the sum of the cost of extending any abstract(s) on the property and any abstract surrender fes(s). ( ) The financing contingency is changod as follows: to __ to $ to ~. ( ) The following item@) of personal pmperty are excluded from the sale: ( ) The following item(s) of personal pr8,perty are included in the sale: ~. -~ -~ -. ALL OTHER TERMS OF THE CONTRACT AND ANY PRIOR AMENDMENTS REMAIN UNCHANGED 27 29 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 This Amendment is binding upon Seller and Buyer only if a copy of the accepted Amendment is delivered to the Party olfering the Amendment on or before -s;uurayr 711. 19QA (Time is of the Essence). Delivery of the accepted AmenNjment may be made in the following ways: (1) by depositing a copy of the 1- A'" ,w R-rli.2 accepted Amendment postage or fees prepald in the US. mall or a commercial delivery system addressed to by electronic transmission of tho accepted Amendment to the following telephone number. a, (2) by personal delivery to the party making the Amendment. or (3) NOTE: The parly maklng Ihls Amendment prlor lo acceptance and delivery a8 provlded l~Jne8 2f 9 33 ty o us ego Seiler: Buyer: Seller: Date Signed: Date Signed: - ATTACH THIS AMENDMENT TO THE OFFER TO PURCHASE. PART II: NOT'ICE RELATING TO CONTRACT OF SALE This notice by (Seller) (Buyer) relates to the offer dated , lL, and accepted , 19-., for the purchase and sale of real estate 81 43 1 44 45 46 The following areno 1ongerconditionsorl:ontingenciesto thecontract(supportingdocumentsif required areattached): -I " 54 Date Signed: Date Signed: " 55 ATTACH THIS NOTICE TO THE OFFER TO PURCHASE. We-43 Amendment lo Contract of SalelNolico Rel.Nng 10 Contract of Sal0 2-1-93 (Optional Use Date) 7-1-93 (Mandalory Use Dale) Approved by Wisconsin Department of Regulation and Llcenslng Wlsconsln Legal Blank Co., Inc. Milwsukee, WI PART I: AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT OF SALE 2 Buyer and Seller agree to amend the offer dated November 25 3 December 10 4 containina 2.4002 Acres , 19%, and accepted , 19=-, for the purchase and sale of real estate at as follows: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 27 20 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 (x ) Closing date is changed from December 29, 1993 to January 24, 1994 ( ) Purchase price is changed from $- to $ ( ) Occupancy of the property Is changed from to I ) Occupancy charge is changed from $ to $ ( ) Buyer is aware there are contemplated special assessments in the estimated amount of $ for the installation of and agrees to pay for same. ( ) Seller agrees to pay $ to Buyer at closing for conternplated special assessments for ( ) Seller agrees to provide title proof in the form of title insurance In accordance with the contract. Buyer agrees to the installation of pay Seller the difference between tho title Insurance premium and the sum of the cost of extending any abstract(s) ( ) The financing contingency is changed as follows: on the property and any abstract surrender fee@). ( ) The following item(s) of personal prmJperty are excluded from the sale: ~ ( ) The followlng ltem(s) of personal pmperty are included in the sale: (x) Other: Continaencies A 6 C are hereby waived. Contingency D's waiver date to be - . . . . . . . . rhanned to January 20, 1994. ALL OTHER TERMS OF THE CONTRACT AND ANY PRIOR AMENDMENTS REMAIN UNCHANGED offering the Amendment on or before January 20, 1994 This Amendment is binding upon Seller and Buyer only if a copy of the accepted Amendment is delivered to the party Essence). Delivery of the accepted Amen'jment may be made In the following ways: (1) by depositing a copy of the (Time is of the accepted Amendment postage or fees prepaid in the US. mail or a commercial delivery system addressed to 17612 w. National Ave. New Berlin, WI , (2) by personal dellvery to the party maklng the Amendment, or (3) by electronlc transmlsslon of thu accepted Amendment to' the following telephone number: . NOTE The party making this Amendment may wllhdraw the Amendment prbr to acceptance and delivery as provided In lines 27 to 33. City of Muskego Buyer: Seller: 37 Date Signed: Date Signed: 3a ATTACH THIS AMENDMENT TO THE OFFER TO PURCHASE. 39 PART II: NOTICE RELATING TO CONTRACT OF SALE 43 44 45 46 47 4a 49 50 51 Thls notice by (Seller) (Buyer) relates to the offer dated , 19-. and accepted , 19-., for the purchase and sale of real estate at . 1 The following are no longerconditionsorcontlngencies to thecontract (supporting documents if required areattached): - 2. Notice is given that:. - (Note: Only the party givlng the.not1c.a above must slgn.) ~ 0 Buyer: Seller: 1 53 Buyer Seller: 54 Date Signed: Date Signed: 55 ATTACH THIS, NOTICE TO THE OFFER TO PURCHASE.