CCR1993152COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #152-93 APPROVAL OF REVISED WATER UTILITY RATES & RULES WHEREAS, the City of Muskego applied to the Public Service Commission on March 27, 1992 for review of the water rates; and WHEREAS, the Public Service Commission has now established new rates to offset increased operating expenses and to provide for rate base. a zero percent of return on the water utility net investment NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Utilities Committee, does hereby adopt the revised rates and rules proposal as submitted by the Public Service Commission, and attached hereto. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Muskego requests that the rates and rules be effective for service on or after June 23, 1993. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Public Service Commission is hereby requested to reinstate the City's practice of adding the paid within 30 days of issuance, rather than the "20 days" late payment charge of 1 1/2 percent per month on bills not shown in Appendix C under "Billing." 0 DATED THIS 22 DAY OF June , 1993. SPONSORED BY: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Ald. William H. Schneider Ald. David J. Sanders Ald. Donna M. Woodard This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #152-93 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 0 4/93jmb I ,om YO. Pll5.A y"*k' Stock No. 1b173 - 0 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. I Being a part of the NW 1/4 of the SW 114 of Section 17, T 5 N, R 20 E, i in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. I 0 I """ "-" UNPLATTED LANDS Sal/+ 17-5-20 bib-CONC HOIV~FNT H 529.5S0.96 E 2,<90.583,1U - -m 0 -OFNOTES IS24"IRON PIP.? ll3 LES. PERLLIN€AL TOOTSETATALL LOT CORNFRS UNLESSNOTEO OTHHFRWISE. EEARINGS REFER TO THHF WISCQNSiN STATEPLANF CO-Of(olNAT€SYS?EM SOUTH ZONE SCALE: r = 200' GRAPtIIC SCALE ZOO' 400 .. 100. . . ,300' VICINIiT SIFTCH SWIM SEC.17-5-20 "- UNPLATEO LANDS - - - - - - - - . - REVISED MAY Z( 1993 I CERTIFIED SURVEY HAP NO. __ Being-a part of the NW 1/4 .of the SW 114 of Section 17, .T..5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. IC IP I$ VICINITY SKETCH SW1/4 SEC. 17-5-20 $2 I2 Ih P GRAPHIC SCALE 0 200' b- 400 I I00 aoo' ME 0 -DENOTES 1524"lRON PIPE113 L8s. PER LINEAL FOOT SET AT ALL LOT CORNERS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. I m 9: I BEARINGS REI STATE PLANE SOUTH ZONE. Survey No " 4 - 139.55 I' 04' 07" E Sheet '1 of 3 \ Appendix C Muskego Water Utility Authorized Rates and Rules Public Fire-Protection Service - - - F- 1 annual charge shall be $156,087 to cover the use of mains and For public fire-protection service to the City of Muskego, the hydrants up to and including the terminal hydrant and connection on each main existing for the 1992 test year. per lineal foot of main shall be charged per annum on the basis of For all extensions of fire-protection service, a charge of 88 cents charge of $100 per net hydrant added to the system after the base the length of main put into use between hydrants placed, plus a period. This service shall include the use of hydrants for fire-protection service only and such quantities of water as may be demanded for the purposes of extinguishing fires within the municipal boundary. This service shall also include water used for testing equipment and training personnel. For all other purposes, the metered or Commission, shall apply. other rates set forth, or as may be filed with the Public Service The above base annual charge of $156,087 includes an estimated 135,856 feet of transmission and distribution main, 6-inch and larger, and 342 hydrants. The annual public fire-protection charge shall never be less than the base amount. Public Fire-Protection - Suburban - - - F-2 Water used for extinguishing fires outside the immediate service area of the utility may consist of three types of service: 1. Water supplied to tank trucks from utility hydrants; 2. Water supplied directly from hydrants located within the corporate limits, or on its borders, by means of hose lines; or, 3. Water supplied to tank truck from any other utility water source. 0 A record of the measured or estimated volume of water used shall be outside the utility's immediate service area. If measuring or submitted to the water utility after each use for fire protection estimating is impossible, the water utility superintendent shall be / water was permitted to flow, in order to determine volume used. furnished such data as size of orifice used, pressure and time A charge for the volume of water used, for each fire either through a tank supply or from hydrants, will be billed to the township or fire department using water at $2.30 per 1,000 gallons. A service charge, in addition to the water charge, shall be $20.00 per hydrant used. Private Fire-Protection Service - Unmetered - - - Upf-1 No change in the quarterly demand charge for private fire-protection service. Note: Credits for metered general service branches from private fire-protection connections shall be 30 percent of the authorized general service charges per Schedule Mg-1. General Service - Metered - - - Mq-1 Quarterly Service Charge: 5/8-inch meter - $19.50 3-inch meter - $ 75.00 3/4-inch meter - $19.50 4-inch meter - $105.00 1-inch meter - $22.50 6-inch meter - $150.00 If-inch meter - $30.75 8-inch meter - $210.00 14-inch meter - $36.45 10-inch meter - $270.00 2-inch meter - $53.25 12-inch meter - $330.00 Plus Volume Charge: Next 90,000 gallons used each quarter - $1.80 per 1,000 gallons First 30,000 gallons used each quarter - $2.30 per 1,000 gallons Over 120,000 gallons used each quarter - $1.15 per 1,000 gallons become due and payable upon issuance following the period for which Billinq: Bills for water service are rendered quarterly and will be added to bills not paid within 20 days of issuance. This service is rendered. A late payment charge of If percent per month late payment charge will be applied to the total unpaid balance for utility service, including unpaid late payment charges. The late payment charge is applicable to all customers. The utility customer may be given a written notice that the bill is overdue no satisfactory arrangement for payment is made within the next eight sooner than 20 days after the bill is issued. Unless payment or Adm. Code. days, service may be disconnected pursuant to Chapter PSC 185, Wis. -2- Combined Meterinq: Volumetric meter readings will be combined for billing if-theutility for its own convenience places more than one meter on a sinqle water service lateral. Multiple meters placed for the purpose of identifying water not dischakged into the sanitary sewer are not considered for utility convenience and shall not be combined for billing. Meter readings from individually metered separate service laterals shall not be combined for billing purposes. Buildings used in the same business, located on the same parcel and served by a single lateral may have the customer's water supply piping installed to a central point so that volume can be metered in one place. General Service - Suburban - - - Mq-2 No change. Public Service - - - Mpa- 1 Water service supplied to municipal buildings, schools, etc., shall be metered and the regular metered service rates applied. Water used on an intermittent basis for flushing sewers, street sprinkling, flooding skating rinks, drinking fountains, etc., shall be metered where meters can be set to measure the service. Where it is impossible to me,asure the service, the superintendent shall estimate the volume of water used based on the pressure, size of opening and period of time water is allowed to be drawn. The estimated quantity used shall be billed at the rate of $1.80 per 1,000 gallons. General Water Service - Unmetered - - - Uq-1 Where the utility cannot immediately install its water meter, service shall be billed at the rate of $70.10 per billing period. service may be supplied temporarily on an unmetered basis. Such This rate shall be applied only to single-family residential and small commercial customers and approximates the cost of 22,000 gallons of water per billing period under Schedule Mg-1. If it is determined by the utility that usage is in excess of 22,000 gallons made for the estimated additional usage. per billing period, an additional charge per Schedule Mg-1 will be Billing: Same as Schedule Mg-1. Seasonal, Emergency or Temporary Service - - - Mqt-1 Seasonal customers* shall be served at the general service rate shall pay an annual seasonal service charge equal to four times the (Schedule Mg-1) except that each customer served under this rate 0 -3- 0 be billed at the applicable volume schedule in Mg-1 and the charge applicable service charge. Water use in any billing period shall added to the annual seasonal service charge. Further,, if service has been disconnected, a charge under Schedule R-1 is applied at the time of reconnection. water is normally for recurring periods of less than a year. *Seasonal customers are general service customers whose use of Buildinq and Construction Water Service - - - Mz-1 unmetered rate, Schedule Ug-1. For single-family and small commercial buildings apply the For large commercial, industrial or multiple apartment buildings, a temporary metered installation shall be made and general, metered rates (Schedule Mg-1) applied. Bulk Water - - - B- 1 All bulk water supplied to fill tank trucks or swimming pools from the water system through hydrants or other connections shall be water. 0 metered. Utility personnel shall supervise the delivery of the Service charge - $20.00 Plus volume charge - $ 2-30 per 1,000 gallons Reconnection Charges - - - R- 1 During Normal After Normal Business Hours Business Hours Reinstallation of meter, including valving at curb stop $20.00 $30 .OO Valve turned on at curb stop $15.00 $22.50 Note: No charge for disconnection. Water Lateral Installation Charqe - - - Cz-1 No change. -4- Temporary Metered Supply, Meter and Deposits - - - D-1 and furnishing and setting the meter Service charge for setting the valve - $20.00 Deposit for valve and meter - $15.00 Water usage shall be billed at scheduled rates. Refunds of deposits will be made upon return of the utility equipment. Damaged or lost equipment will be repaired or replaced at customer expense. Hydrant Charqes - - - H-1 In cases where no other supply is available, hydrants may be used (see Rule X-1.2). The following charges shall apply. Service charge for setting or moving sprinkler valve - $20.00 Hydrant wrench deposit - $15.00 Reducer (if necessary) deposit - $15.00 In addition, the projected water usage shall be paid for in advance be $10. at the scheduled rates. The minimum charge for water usage shall Refunds of deposits will be made upon return of the utility equipment. Damaged or lost equipment will be repaired or replaced at customer expense. Rules and Requlations - - - x-1 Delete Schedule X-1 through X-1.17. Incorporate the operating rules for municipal water utilities as provided by the Public Service Commission. Water Main Extension Rule - - - X-2 No change. Water Main Installations in Platted Subdivisions - - - X-3 No change. -5- I Appendix D P I Muskego Water Utility Customer Water Bill Comparison at Present and Authorized Rates Quarterly Meter Volume Bill Bill Size 1,000 at Old at New Customer Type (Inches) Gallons Rates Rates Small Residential Avg. Residential Large Residential M. Uzelac State Bank HC Wade WI Coil Spring Inter-State Tool Willow Pond Your Auto Wash Alpine Lanes Lanson Ind. Institutional Pro Accu Tool & Die Muskego Nurs. Home Public Fire Protection (annual charge) 5/8 5/ 8 1 5/8 3/4 3/4 1 1/2 3/4 2 1 1/2 3/4 2 1 1/2 5/ 8 2 11 $ 22 35 5 26 41 GO 98 140 200 281 340 360 461 540 27.00 $ 43.50 63.25 18.00 49.50 69.25 102.00 140.50 204.00 249.00 312.90 384.00 393.00 474,90 564.00 ' 148,407.00 44.80 70.10 100.50 31.00 79.30 108.30 159.45 210.90 307.25 359.45 435.65 537.25 543.45 642.65 767.25 156,087.00 ~~ Percent Change 66% 61% 59% 72% 60% 56% 56% 50% 51% 44% 39% 40% 38% 35% 36% 5%