Little Muskego Lake Dam
WHEREAS, Resolution #197-92 authorized the expenditure of funds
not to exceed $9,500.00 for Midwest Engineering Services, Inc.
to provide geotechnical engineering services; and
WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended acceptance of the
proposal; and
WHEREAS, the City Attorney has recommended that the paragraph as
to Fee should be amended to delete the last sentence and that
the following language should be added to Items 8 and 9
at Line 22 after the word "which," 'I
work, will be named as additional insureds on said insurance
. . . MES will be doing
policies, and shall be named as additional . . . " and further
that the Proposal be amended to state that the cost for the
services will not exceed $9,500.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the
City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance
Committee, does hereby approve the acceptance of the proposal
submitted by Midwest Engineering Services, Inc.
for geotechnical engineering services not to exceed $9,500.00
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are
authorized to accept and execute said proposal on behalf of the
City subject to acceptable agreements being reached with the
property owners for going on their property and doing this work
and the language recommended by the City Attorney referred to
above being inserted in said Proposal.
Ald. Patrick A. Patterson
Ald. Edwin P. Dumke
Ald. David J. Sanders
This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of
Resolution #53-93 which was adopted by the Common Council of the
City of Muskego.
I midwest engineering services, inc.
205 Wilmont Drive Waukesha. WI 53186 414-521-2125 FPX414-521-2471
March 4, 1993
Mayor Wayne Salentine
City of Muskego
City Hall
W182 S8200 Racine Avenue
Muskego, WI 53150
Subject: Proposal Subsurface Exploration
Little Muskego Lake
Muskego, Wisconsin
M.E.S. Proposal No. 7-2081
Dear Mayor Salentine,
Per our recent discussions and the May 28, 1992 site visit made
by Richard Eberhardt of Ruekert fi Mielke, John Loughney of the
City of Muskego and Matthew Henderson of Midwest Engineering
Services, Inc., we are pleased to submit this revised proposal
project. A brief description of our understanding of the to provide geotechnical engineering services for the referenced
project and a discussion of the scope of services to be
provided are included in the following paragraphs.
Proiect Backaround
The site is located on the south side of Little Muskego Lake
between Kingston Drive and Janesville Court. An existing
concrete spillway is located on the east side of the site and
consists of a concrete box about 15' wide and approximately 40'
long. The top of the spillway is at Elevation 792 .O with a
bottom elevation on the downstream side of about El. 175 +/-.
The diversion channel transverses through a residential area
and eventually into Big Muskego Lake.
The area of the project is located along the shoreline and
includes eleven (11) residential properties about 1000 feet
west of the spillway. The ground surface elevation along the
crest of the shoreline ranges from El. 192.5+/- .at the west
side to El. 794.5 +/- at the east side. The original plans for
the spillway and embankment specified that the embankment area
be raised to El. 796.0. The spillway was constructed but the
filling along the shoreline was not performed.
MES Proposal No. 7-2081
Little Muskego Lake
Muskego, Wisconsin
Page 2
The purpose of this investigation is to determine if the
existing embankment is stable with respect to slope stability
considerations. It is proposed by Ruekert h Mielke to maintain
the shoreline at El. 794.0 with compacted fill (where required)
used in conjunction with sheet piling. This will provide a
spillway that is about 1,200 feet long to be utilized during a
significant rain event. A breach analysis of the spillway
structure was performed by Ruekert h Mielke and indicated that
most of the properties along the shoreline in question would
experience some flooding during a significant rain event and/or
failure of the spillway structure.
Scope of Services
It is proposed to drill nine (9) borings for this project, to a
depth of approximately 15 to 30 feet below the existing ground
The elevations of the ground surface at the test boring
techniques referred to the top of the existing spillway.
locations will be determined by conventional leveling
The number, location, and depth of the test borings will be
dependent on the actual subsurface conditions encountered, and
may therefore vary from that anticipated. Where a significant
alteration to the workscope may be warranted, prior
authorization from the client will be obtained, and any
additional work will be charged at the unit rates shown on the
accompanying Standard Fee Schedule.
The subsurface exploration will be performed with a
truck-mounted drill rig, utilizing continuous flight hollow
stem auger to advance the test holes. Soil samples will be
secured by the Standard Penetration Test method at two and
one-half foot intervals, except that the sampling frequency may
be increased in zones of foundation influence, or where erratic
soil conditions are encountered. Groundwater level
observations will be noted during the drilling activities, and
classification and other testing will be performed to determine
in the open bore holes upon completion. Laboratory visual
the behavioral characteristics of the subsurface materials
encountered. Upon completion of drilling activities, the
boreholes will be filled with bentonite chips.
The results of the subsurface exploration and laboratory
testing will be utilized in an engineering evaluation and
analysis, and presented in a written report which 'will include
the following:
-Determination of soil and groundwater conditions
within the influence zone of the embankment.
MES Proposal No. 7-2081
Little Muskego Lake
Muskego, Wisconsin
Page 3
-Provide recommendations for the type of sheet piling
suitable for the proposed structure, if required.
-Guidelines for subgrade preparation and placement of
structural fill in these areas.
-Construction considerations relating to fill
placement and subgrade preparation, site drainage and
groundwater control, and excavations.
-Provide computer generated slope stability analysis
for the existing and proposed embankment
- Fee
Midwest Engineering Services, Inc. proposes to perform the
services on a unit charge basis, in accordance with the
Standard Fee Schedule and pursuant to the General Conditions,
both of which are enclosed herein. As requested by Attorney
the General Conditions have been deleted and the following
Dan Molter, representing the City of Muskego, Items 8 and 9 of
paragraph inserted. 0 Items 0 and 9
liability of MES to the City of Muskego growing out of
this contract for MES's service, their negligence
growing out of this contract or allegedly arising from
MES's professional acts, errors and omissions shall be
limited to the amount of insurance coverage for said
acts. MES represents that the company maintains
general liability and property damage insurance
coverage, motor vehicle insurance coverage and
professional liability coverage, the limits of which
are at least $1,000,000 per incident and umbrella
coverage of an additional $3,000,000 which is, at the
least, additional coverage over and above the
insurance for general liability and motor vehicle
insurance. MES's employees are covered by worker's
compensation insurance. MES warrants and represents
that it shall maintain the coverages stated above so
that the coverage will be in effect as to any claim
MES further represents that prior to commencement of growing out of the project involved in this contract.
work on this project, the City and each owner of
property upon which insureds during the entire term of
the contract. Certificates of Insurance will be
provided to any additional insured upon request."
MES Proposal No. 7-2081
Little Muskego Lake
Muskego, Wisconsin
Page 4
In addition, the following conditions were also added to
protect the property owners:
"All concrete and asphalt driveways or patios will
have planks placed over them before MES operates on
them and plywood sheets shall be placed upon all grass
areas to prevent ruts before MES operates on them."
"If MES is to operate upon property owned by persons
other than the City in performing this contract, they
shall not do so, except if they have given the
property owner or owners in questions three (3) days
prior notice before starting operations upon said
property. I'
The City will cooperate with MES in attempting to work
with the property owners to locate sprinkler systems
prior to commencement of the work."
and electrical lines on the property in questions
A summary of the anticipated cost for the outlined services is
shown on the attached Estimate Worksheet, and will be on the
order of $8,500.00 to $9,500.00. Final compensation will
depend upon the actual number and depth of borings drilled,
laboratory tests performed, and required engineering time. Any
beyond the control of our personnel, will be considered as
special equipment required for site access, and any delays
additional costs.
An analysis of the hydrology of the surrounding area and the
hydraulic capabilities of the spillway and diversion channel
are beyond the scope of this study.
Midwest Engineering will proceed with the work on the basis of
written authorization. Please sign in the acceptance block
below, and return one copy of this proposal for our files.
Should you have any questions regarding this proposal, or if we
could be of any other assistance, please call at any time. We
are looking forward to working with you on this project.
Sincerely yours,
Matthew A. Henderson, P.E.
Principal of Finn
WHEREAS, Resolution
not to exceed $9,500
to provide geotechni
WHEREAS, the City At
geotechnical enginee
Engineering Services, Inc., as
acceptance; and
WHEREAS, the Finance Committee
Committee, does hereby approve
City of Muskego, upon the reco
submitted by Midwest Engineeri
for geotechnical engineering s
authorized to accept and execu
City. 0
Ald. Patrick
Ald. Edwin P. Dumke
Ald. David J.
This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of
City of Muskego.
Resolution #53-93 which was adopted by the Common
3/93 jmb
City Clerk
MES Proposal No. 7-2081
Little Muskego Lake
Muskego, Wisconsin
Page 5
Accepted by: CITY OF MUSKEGO
Name :
Date :
Enclosures: Estimate Worksheet, Standard Fee Schedule (M10-3),
Geotechnical General Conditions
Client Name: city of Muskego Date: 3-4-93
Project Name: Little Muskego Lake M.E.S. Proposal NO. 7-2081
Project Location: Muskego, Wisconsin
Field Exploration services
Mobilization of drilling equipment and personnel
Drilling support vehicle
Boring location and elevation measurements
Determine the existing embankment cross-section
site reconnaissance by Project Engineer
soil drilling with Split-spoon or Shelby Tube
sampling at 5-ft.intervals from depths of:
Additional Split-spoon or Shelby Tube samples at:
- 0 to 25 feet
Additional charge for Shelby tube samples
- 0 to 25 feet
Bentonite chips to fill borehole
Repair lawns, plywood, planks, etc.
(if required), cost + 15%
Laboratory soil Testing Services
unconfined compressive strength tests
Calibrated hand penetrometer tests
visual engineering classification
Moisture content tests
Atterberg Limits determination
Grain size analysis, mechanical and hydrometer
Extrude and classify Shelby tube samples
Density determination with moisture content
unconfined compressive strength on
undisturbed samples
Lump sum
2 Days
4 €IOU19
4 Hours
2 HOUm
150 Feet
25 Samples
40 Bags
5 Tubes
unit Pee
$200.00 $200.00
75.00 150.00
60.00 240.00
60.00 120.00
7.90 1,185.00
9.00 225.00
11.50 460.00
Subtotal for Field Services: $3,050.00
30 Tests
30 Tests
10 samples
2 Tests
5 Tests
30 Tests
1 Test
5 Tubes
5 Samples
135. @
I Subtotal for Laboratory Services: 1,071.00
I Engineering Services for Evaluation and Report Preparation
2. Project Engineer
1. principal Engineer
3. computer Generated Slope Analysis, per run
4 Hours 75.00 300.00
40 Hours 60.00 2,400.00
6 Runs 300.00 1.800.00
subtotal for Engineering Services: $4,500.00
Estimated Pee: $8,621.00
rnidwest engineering services, inc.
Slandard Fee Schedule
Geotechnical Services
Engineering B Technical services for site reconnaissance, boring locations, field supervision, water level measurements 8
sampling, engineering evaluation, analysis, B consultation.
Staff Engineer or Geologist $50.00 Per Hour Principal of Firm $90.00 Per Hour
Project Engineer
Principal Engineer
$60.00 Per Hour Engineering Technician
$75.00 Per Hour Secretarial Services
630.00 Per Hour
$22.00 Per Hour
Support Vehicle
Mobilization of Drilling Equip. $2.25 Per Mile ($200.00 Minimum) Boring byout
$0.40 Per Mile
All-terrain Drill Rig $275.00 Per Day
$ 80.00 Per Hour
Standby & Problem Access Time $110.00 Per Hour
Soil Drilling with Split-spoon (ASTM 0-1586) or Shelby Tube (ASTM- D 1587) sampling at 5-foot intervals.
Depth Range Unit Charges Per Foot, Unit Charges Per Foot Extra SS or ST Samples
3 U4.4 1/4' 1.0. Auger 6 114'1.0. Auger
Easy Drilling * Hard Drilling ** Easy Drilling' Hard Drilling"
0 -25h. $ 7.90 $ 9.90 $10.25
25 - 50 $ 9.25 $1 1 .oo $12.75 $ 9.00
50 - 75 $12.50
$14.50 $12.00
$15.50 $18.50 $14.50
75 - 100 $14.50 $17.50 $20.25 $24.25 $18.00 0 * N-count of 40 blows or less, or Qu or Qp less than 4 tsf
** N-count greater than 40 blows, or Qu or Op greater than 4 tsf
Auger Drilling without sampling
Rock Coring wilh Diamond Bit
Rock Boring with 3' Roller Bi
Rock Coring & Boring Set-up Charge $125.00 Per Hole Pavement Cold-Patch at bore holes $20.00 Per Hole
$ 6.75 Per Foot
$ 28.00 Per hot
Shelby Tubes, 2' diameter 522.00 Each
3' diameter $30.00 Each
$ 20.00 Per Foot Drilling mud as needed $ 2.50 Foot
Unconfined compression tests.
without stress-strain curve
with stress-strain curve
Hand Penetrometer Test
Moisture Content Tea
Visual Engineering Classification
Atterberg Limns Determination
Organic Content Test
Grain Size Analysis, Mechanical & Hydrometer
Grain Size Analysis, Mechanical
Density Determination with Moisture Content
$ 4.50 Per Test
$ 2.75 Per Test
$40.00 P,er Test
$ 4.25 Per Test
$ 2.50 Per Test
$48.00 Per Test
$18.00 Per Test
$75.00 Per Test
$45.00 Per Test
$16.00 PerTest
Preparation of Shelby Tube Sample
Moisture Density Relationship
Standard Method, ASTM 0-598
Modified Method.ASTM 0-1557
California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
Consolidation Test, Maximum 16 tsf Loading
Permeability Test
Constant Head
Falling Head
Remold Permeability Samples
$30.00 Per Tube
$110.00 PerTest
$135.00 Per Test
$220.00 Per Test
6280.00 Per Test
$170.00 Per Test
$150.00 Per Test
$ 40.00 Each
Charges for monitoring well installation. analytical testing services, and special equipment or sampling techniques not included
herein, will be quoted upon request. Rental equipment B commercial transportation charges will be billed at cost plus 15%. A
per diem charge of $50.0D/day will be billed as applicable. Invoices will be submitted monthly, with payment due within 30
tions will remain valid for 60 days, at which time they may be subject to change or withdrawal.
days of invoice date. Interest will be added at a rate of 1 1/2% per month of delinquency. Proposal estimates B verbal quota-
Yl0-3 la1
Midwest Engineering Services. Inc.
Geotechnical Services
Item 1. Scope of Work Midwest Engineering Servlcas. lnc. (M.E.S.)
shall perform services in acmrdance wih an 'agreemenr madewith the
'client' The agreement consists of M.E.S.'s pmwd. SranM Fee schedule. and hese General Condihns. The 'clmnr is defined as the
person or entity requesting andor authorizing the war!% and in doing so.
dientrepresenls and warrants hat he is duly authorired in his mle. even
if performed on behalf of anomer parry or entity, in which case UIO other
party or entity is aim mnsidered as the dient The accaptance of M.E.S.'s
proposal signifies the acceptance of he terms of this agreement
The fees for services rendered will be billed in acarrdance wirh the
Standard Fee Schedule: unit rates for fervicas MI covered in the fee
schedule OT elsewhere in agreement can be pmvided. The sandard
of the conditions and allocations of risks and obligabns described in the prices proposed for the work are predicated upon he dienrs aaa%mce
agreement The dent shall imparl the terms of his agreement to any third
parry to whom dient releases any partof M.E.S.3 work ME.S. shad have
no obligations to any party other hn those expressad in this agreement
work site. In he event the work Jite is not owned by he client dent
kern2. SkeAccess. Thedentwillpmvidefortheright-of-acossttohe
repsents to M.E.S. that all nemssary permissions lor M.E.S. tomterthe
siteandanduct the work have been oblained. While M.E.S. shallereruse
reasonable care to minimize damage to the propetry. the client under-
client will pay for such restoration costs.
reasonable precautions to amid damage to underground s6umras or
kern 3. Utllkles. In he performance of its work. M.E.S. will take all
utilities, and will rely on utility localor services to mrrecdy identify their
buried service lines. and on phns. drawings or skerches made available
and provided by the dmt The client agrees to hold M.E.S. harmless and
indemnify M.E.S. hum any claims. eqenses. or other liabilities. induding
ground ~~chrres and utilities which were not mnecffy and dearly shm
reasonable amy fees. incurred by M.E.S. for any damages to under-
locator service. M.E.S. will be responsible for orden'ng the utilily locator
services only if expressb set forth in he scow of the ~~~poral.
Itern 4. Hazardous Materlalsand bndltlons. Priortothestanof
duty of the client or other involved or contacted mer. to advise M.E.S.
services. or at he earliest time such informaljon is learned. it shall be he
of any known or ruspectsd undocumented fib. hazardous materials. by-
products. 01 constihrents, and any known emironmental. geologic. and
geomehnical conditions. which exist on or near any premises upon which
work is to be performed by M.E.S. emplo ees or submnuadors or which in any other way may be pehent to M$.s.'s proposed -cas
The dsurvety of unankipated kzardous mamrials. or suspected hazd
ous materials. may require hal sped4 and immediim measures be
erenised to protect the health and safety of M.E.S. site personnel andlor
the public. M.E.S. may at itr ophn and on tha basis cf its ju&ement and
opinion, exercise such preghs to mmplete me prcjsa or lenninate
furtherworkonthepro@ InmthercaJe,thedintwiOtenrr~f~as~n
as pdcally possible, and the dient agrees to bear aU reasaMMe and
equitaMe arsta~us8nents. if any. assw'ahedwith such messures taken.
M,E.S.'s work shall indude visual observation and laborato~~ testhg of
subsurfam. forthe purpose of evaluating me gealechnicaf dwaclmistics
subsurfam wafer and soil samples obtained by inrmsive sampling of the
of the subsoils relalive b the pq'ect As such. M.E.S. does not main.
responsible brhaproperdisposaldallharardarsmaterialsindudng, but
performance of its work. The dint mi lake posression of and be
not limited b samples. drilling fluids and cutlings. decontaminarionandwell
development fluids. and UE& disposable proledive gear and BquipmenL
Item5 Confidentiality. M.E.S.shallholdconfidenlialthebusinessand
technical information obtained or generated in performance of seNicas
mired bygovemmenral stahrm. ordinance. orregulation; fwurmpliame
MKS. shdl not dsdose wch information ewpt if such disdosure is
with profes.4onal slandardsofconduaforpublicsafety. health. andwelfam
anrcerns:wfwprolectionof M.E.S.againstchimsorliitili~sarisinghum
pedormance of ils services.
The technical and pricing information conmined in any repn or proposal
submined by M.E.S. is to be considered confidential and proprielary. and
shall not be released or ofhewise made available 10 any hid pariy
without he express wnmn consent of M.E.S.
kern 6. Standard of Care. M.E.S. will perform the servicssunderhis 0
egreement in Bccordance wih generally accepted pracpce. in a manner
of this profassion under similar circumstances. No other wananties
consistent with the level of cam and skill ordinarily exercised by members
implied or expressed. in lan or by law. are made or inlended in his
agreement The dient remgnizes that subsurfam soil and gmundvater
condtjans can viuy tehveen sampling points and with time, and mat the
interpaation of dam and opinions and remmmendations made by
M.E.S. are based solely on obtained data. Such limitations can result in
a redirecrion of condusions and interpretations where new or changed
inlormation is obtained. M.E.S. mil not be responsible for the interprera-
tim ty ohers. of data obtained by M.E.S. for the geotechnical s4ldy.
generally acoepted methods and pmmdures it considers appropriaIe to
kern 7. Technlcal Methodology and Protocol. M.E.S. will seIBct
aommplish ttm inlended andundmtood purpose of its semioeswithin the
scope of his agreement. and he dient signifies mwmm with Mse
other meM or prdures am preferred by the client or considered
methods and procedures by aofBptaw of his agreemenL In the event
pmvided prior to execution of his agreement
mm appropriate. a wrinen description or designation of these must be
kern 10. Modlflcatlons. This agreement and ail atfachments pursu-
ant to this aglsement represents be entire undersrandng beween he
exearred by the parties hereto. These terms and conditions shall super-
sede all pior or cmtemporaneous mmmunications. representations, or
agfwmmB. end any provisions expressed or implied in the request for
pmvisions. bb+mther wimn OT cfd.
I(em 11. Payment. Invoices for performed work will be rubmined monthb for sarvicas rendered the plwr month, payable within 30 days d
invoice date. The fees quomd are based upon an expeded he1
payrnenL An interest charge of 1.5% per month will be added t d
delinquent charges: however. M.E.S. at its option may terminate iB
services due to dmts failure to pay when due. In he event of termjna-
tim of seNnas prior b completion. client shall mmpensate M.E.S. lor all
sewices perfommd pior to and for sudr minabn.