CCR1993039COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #39-93 AMENDMENT TO SEWRPC 208 PLAN WHEREAS, the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, working in cooperation with the City of Muskego, has prepared an amendment for a portion of the year 2010 Metropolitan Sewerage District sewage treatment facilities, sanitary sewer service area tributary to the Milwaukee sensitive lands within, and tributary to, the sewer service including recommendations for the protection of environmentally area; and WHEREAS, the aforereferenced recommendations are set forth in a City of Muskego to Amend the Sanitary Sewer Service Area for SEWRPC staff memorandum entitled, "Response to Request by the the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin;" and WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Muskego concurs with the amended sewer service area set forth in the aforereferenced SEWRPC staff memorandum. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council Of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Utilities Committee, does hereby adopt the SEWRPC staff memorandum entitled, "Response to Request by the City of Muskego to Amend the Sanitary Sewer Service Area for the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin," as a guide for the provision of sanitary sewer service and land use management and zoning within the planned sewer service area. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission and the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District. DATED THIS 23RD DAY OF FEBRUARY , 1993. SPONSORED BY: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Ald. David J. Sanders Ald. William H. Schneider Ald. Brian R. Misko This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #39-93 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 2/93 jmb SEWRPC STAFF MEMORANDUM RESPONSE TO REQUEST BY THE CITY OF MUSKEGO TO AMEND THE SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN INTRODUCTION In May 1982, the City of Muskego adopted a refined and detailed sanitary sewer service area plan which identified lands within the City anticipated to be tributary to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage System. The findings and recommendations of that plan are documented in SEWRPC Community Assistance Planning Report No 64, Sanitarv Sewer Service Area for the City of Muskeeo, Waukesha County. Wisconsin. The plan was subsequently adopted by the Regional Planning Commission on June 17, 1982, and was certified by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources on October 15, 1982. In accordance with good planning practice, it was recommended that the Muskego sewer service area plan be periodically reviewed to assure that it continued to objectives may relate to the amount and spatial distribution of new urban properly reflect community urban development objectives, especially as such development requiring sewer service. The City of Muskego, on November 12, 1985, Commission amend the adopted Muskego sanitary sewer service area to include: as part of this periodic review process, requested that the Regional Planning Lake in the City of Muskego that were experiencing serious operational problems areas of existing residential development located east and southeast of Muskego with onsite sewage disposal systems; an area containing the Waste Management of Wisconsin, Inc , Metro landfill--located within the City of Franklin--in order to provide leachate conveyance and treatment services for this landfill operation, and certain lands in the City proposed for urban development located adjacent to, but outside of, the adopted service area. In addition, City of Muskego officials requested that the sewer service area be amended to exclude certain lands within the currently adopted sewer service area which were envisioned to require sewer service subsequent to the year 2000. The revised Community Assistance Planning Report No. 64 (2nd Edition), SanitarvSewer Service sanitary sewer service plan for the City of Muskego as documented in SEWRPC Area for the Citv of Muskepo. Waukesha Countv. Wisconsin, was adopted by the Regional Planning Commission on March 3, 1986, and by the City of Muskego on March 11, 1986. Subsequent to the adoption of this plan by the City of Muskego and the Regional Planning Commission, the Commission received a letter from the City of Franklin sewer service area plan because the plan recommended that the Metro landfill be indicating that the City of Franklin would not support adoption of the Muskego noted that the Metro landfill was located within its corporate limits and it was included within the City of Muskego sewer service area. The City of Franklin envisioned that the landfill would be provided with sewer service through City of Franklin sanitary sewerage facilities. -2- 0 The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources subsequently approved the sanitary sewer service area plan for the City of Muskego"2nd Edition--with the stipulation that the Waste Management of Wisconsin, Inc., Metro landfill and attendant force main be excluded from the plan. The Department further Muskego--would provide service to the Metro landfill located in U. S. Public Land recommended that the issue of determining which sewerage system--Franklin or Briggs h Stratton, and a second proposed landfill, both to be located west of Survey Section 31, Town 5 North, Range 21 East, City of Franklin, as well as the USH 45 in U. S Public Land Survey Section 36, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, be addressed in future sewer service area amendments. In order to address the foregoing issue, an interagency meeting attended by representatives ofthe Cities of Muskego and Franklin: the MilwaukeeMetropolitan Briggs h Stratton landfills; the Emerald Park landfill; and SEWRPC was held on Sewerage District; the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; the Metro and July 26, 1988. At the conclusion of that meeting, it was agreed that the City of Franklin would provide sanitary sewer service to the Waste Management of Wisconsin Metro landfill--to be described in a then forthcoming sewer service area refinemeht report for the City of Franklin--and that the City of Muskego would provide sanitary sewer service to the Briggs h Stratton and Emerald Park landfills. RECOMMENDED REVISIONS TO THE CITY OF MUSKEGO SEWER SERVICE AREA By letter dated September 20, 1988. the City of Muskego formally requested that the Commission amend the City's currently adopted sewer service area as set forth in SEWRPC Community Assistance Planning Report No. 64 (2nd Edition), by removing Waste Management of Wisconsin Metro landfill, located within U. S. Public Land from the sewer service area, approximately 318 acres of land attendant to the Survey Section 31, Town 5 North, Range 21 East, City of Franklin and adding to the sewer service area approximately 289 acres of land attendant to the Briggs h Stratton and Emerald Park landfills as well as certain adjacent existing residential and potential industrial lands located along the west side of USH 45 in U. S. Public Land Survey Sections 25 and 36, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego (see Map 1). The revised year 2000 City of Muskego sanitary sewer service area, all of which is tributary to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage System, totals about 15.7 square miles including about 2 3 square miles of primary environmental corridor, 1.1 square miles of secondary environmental corridor, and 0 8 square mile of percent of the revised sewer service area, would be comprised of environmentally isolated natural resource areas Thus, about 4,2 square miles, or about 26 sensitive lands. Since it is envisioned that all currently undeveloped lands in the area to be added would be utilized for landfill or industrial purposes, the year 2000 residential density of 2 2 dwelling units per net residential acre as set forth in the second edition of the City of Muskego sewer service area plan would remain unchanged. PUBLIC REACTION TO PIAN AMENDMENT 0' A public hearing was held on February 7, 1989, at the Muskego City Hall to receive public comment on, and reaction to, the plan amendment. The hearing was MAP 1 RECOMMENDED REVISIONS TO THE CITY OF MUSKEGO 0 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA. , -. - '7' 7 LEGEND CURRENTLY ADOPTED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA AREAPROPOSEDTOBEADDEDTOTHEMUSKEGOSEWER SERVICE AREA AREA PROPOSED TO BE DELETED FROM THE MUSKEG0 SEWER SERVICE AREA SOURCE SEWRPC PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL CORRIDOR SECONDARY ENVIRONMENTAL CORRIDOR ISOLATED NATURAL AREA -3- sponsored jointly by the City of Muskego and the Regional Planning Commission. 0 A summary of the public hearing minutes is presented in Appendix A of this staff memorandum. A brief summary of the plan amendment was presented prior to receiving public comment The rationale behind the refinement of the Muskego sanitary sewer service area was discussed, as was the relationship of the proposed plan amendment to the existing sanitary sewer service area Comments on the memorandum and accompanying map were then solicited A review of the hearing record indicates that no substantive concerns were raised by public officials or citizens attending the hearing It should be noted, however, that prior to the public hearing, the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) notified the Commission that District staff had not been able to time The memorandum was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego review the proposed amendment and thus would not support the amendment at: this on February 28, 1989 Further action on the memorandum by the Regional Planning Commission and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, however, was held in abeyance until such time as the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District's City of Muskego contacted the MMSD and requested an opportunity to present the position on this matter could be determined Toward this end, the Mayor of the amendment to the District Commissioners at their next scheduled meeting. The District agreed, and the Mayor and a representative of the Regional Planning Commission presented the proposed Muskego sewer service area amendment at the District's April 24, 1989, meeting, After due consideration of the Mayor's 0 the Muskego amendment until certain issues involving the manner in which sewer comments, the District Commissioners indicated that they would take no action on service to MMSD contract communities--including the City of Muskego--were resolved. Consideration of the amendment by the Regional Planning Commissionwas then deferred until such time as the City of Muskego and the Milwaukee Metro- politan Sewerage District could reach agreement on the proposed amendment. In a letter to the Commission dated January 29, 1993, the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District indicated its approval of the sewer service area amendment for the City of Muskego, contingent upon the deletion of approximately 70 acres of land from the initially proposed amendment, such lands being located immediately south of the proposed Emerald Park landfill site in the Southeast one quarter of U. S Public Land Survey Section 36, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego Excluding these 70 acres, the area proposed to be added to the City of Muskego sewer service area-as approved by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District and concurred in by the City of Muskego--is shown on Map 2. This area encompasses approximately 219 acres of land and includes the Briggs & Stratton landfill and the proposed Emerald Park landfill, in addition to certain other adjacent lands consisting primarily of resideneial and other existing urban land uses It should be noted that during the time in which the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District was considering the proposed amendment to the Muskego sewer service area, the Commission completed a refinement of the City of Franklin sanitary sewer service area as set forth in SEURPC Community Assistance Planning Report No 176, Sanitary Sewer Service Area for the City of Franklin, Milwaukee 0 County. Wisconsin, dated December 1990 This report, which was adopted by the ! MAP 2 ~0 POST-PUBLIC HEARING RECOMMENDED REVISION TO THE MUSKEG0 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA 0 . " I I 7 LEGEND CURRENTLY ADOPTED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA AREAPROPOSEDTOBEADDEDTOTHEMUSKEGOSEWER SERVICE AREA PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL CORRIDOR SECONDARY ENVIRONMENTAL CORRIDOR EOLATED NATURAL AREA SOURCE: SEWRPC Common Council of the City of Franklin on October 16, 1990, by the Regional Planning Commission on December 5, 1990, and was endorsed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources on July 31, 1991, implemented a recommendation contained in the proposed amendment to the Muskego sewer service area, namely that the City of Franklin provide sanitary sewer service to the Waste Management of Wisconsin, Inc.. Metro landfill located in the southwest portion of the City of Franklin WATER QUALITY IMPACTS It is envisioned that all urban lands located within the Muskego urban service area--including those planned urban lands located within the subject area--would receive sanitary sewer service The lands proposed to be added to the sewer service area include the proposed Emerald Park, Inc. landfill and the Briggs h Stratton Corp foundry waste landfill. In addition, there are seven single- family homes and a church within the area proposed to be added to the sewer service area. The area also includes other lands currently zoned for agricultur- al and industrial uses The addition of the area to the sewer service area will allow for the leachate from the landfills to be conveyed directly to the main A direct connection to the District system will have potential positive Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District system via a pumping system and force water quality impacts in that it minimizes the need to handle, store, and truck the leachate, all of which have potential for leakage or spillage. In addition, the provision of public sewers to the area would reduce the pollutant loadings from onsite sewerage systems in the area to the groundwater system. The abandonment of existing onsite systems can be expected to have minimal, but positive, water quality impacts. Accordingly, assuming proper site development and sewer construction practices, including appropriate soil erosion control quality impacts attributable to the land and utility development of the subject practice at the two landfills, there should be no significant adverse water area It should be noted that there are several small areas ident.ified as wetland in the subject area Each development proposal will be required to address the wetland impact associated with that proposal COST-EFFECTIVE ANALYSIS The lands in question lie immediately adjacent, on the north and east, to the currently approved sewer service area tributary to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District treatment plants The nearest other public sewerage system, located about three miles to the southwest, is the Town of Norway Sanitary District No. 1, which is a relatively small system having a treatment plant capacity of only about 0 75 mgd Because of the plant size, it is likely that the introduction of leachate to that sewerage system could have significant vicinity. Consequently, no further detailed analysis is deemed to be required impacts on the treatment system. No other public sewerage system is in the to conclude that the subject area would be served most cost effectively through the City of Muskego sewerage system, which then is connected to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District sewerage system, -5- SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT CAPACITY IMPACT ANALYSIS The size and capacity of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District sewerage That plan provided for a treatment plant capacity of about 400 million gallons facilities were developed as part of the District's facility planning program.' per day (mgd) on an average annual basis at its South Shore and Jones Island sevage treatment plants The potential loadings from the subject area are expected to be less than 0 1 mgd. The design capacity of the District sevage treatment plants is estimated to be about 265,000 pounds per day of BOD. The projected loading from the subject area is estimated to be about 165 pounds per day These loadings from the subject area thus are insignificant in relation to the plant capacities. In addition, analyses conducted by the City of Muskego and the Milvaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District have indicated that there is adequate capacity in the District system to receive the indicated flows from the subject area. The District has consequently prepared an amendment to its master facility plan which amends the service area as proposed in this revised memo- randum Thus, there should be adequate capacity in the system to serve the subject 219-acre area, LOCAL GOVERNHENT CONSIDERATION OF THE PUN AMWDMENT The proposed plan amendment as revised is supported by the Milvaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District and vas adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego on February 23, 1993 CONCLUDING RECOMMENDATION Based upon the foregoing, it is recommended that the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission formally amend the sanitary sewer service area as No 64, Second Edition, in the manner identified in Map 2. A more detailed documented in the aforereferenced SEVRPC Community Assistance Planning Report delineation of the revised sewer service area is shown on an aerial photograph reproduced as Map 3 Muskego ssa 'Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, Wastewater Svstem Plan, June 1980.