CCR1992292COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #292-92 AMENDED BETWEEN CITY OF MUSKEG0 AND MOONEY LESAGE & ASSOCIATES APPROVAL OF RENEWAL OF LISTING CONTRACT (Muskego Industrial Park) WHEREAS, the City of Muskego has previously executed a contract with Mooney LeSage & Associates, Ltd. as real estate agents for the City's Business/Industrial Park; and WHEREAS, the contract terminates November 21, 1992; and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended that the contract be renewed for one year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the renewal of the contract for Mooney LeSage & Associates, Ltd. the term of six months to May 21, 1993 between the City and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the contract in the name of the City subject to approval by the City Attorney. 0 DATED THIS 24TH DAY OF NOVEMBER , 1992. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Patrick A. Patterson Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. David J. Sanders This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #292-92 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 11/921h WE41 Amendmenr To Listin Conrracr Reapproved (substantially unchanged) by Visconrin Dcnarmenc of Rcgulauon and Licensing Apptavcd by Vis. Rcal Errare fxamining Board 1-19-77 1-1-82 e AMENDMENT TO LISTING CONTRACT 6 7 8 9 10 I1 e 13 14 15 16 17 18 Wmonsin Legal Blank Co.. Inc. Milwaukee. Wrr 1 It is hereby mutually agreed that the Listing Conrracr dared !??!&m.!%. .?! , 1985. , between the 2 undersigned, for sale of the property known as (Street Address) .~S.KEGO. I.WU.STRSAI, .PARK ARDITION 3 in the. .cr."Y. ofMUSKEG0 , County of .WAUKESHA 4 Wisconsin is hereby amended as follows: 5 (W Expiration dare of the contract is extended from. .NOV.Em.ER. .??.x 1.992. .ro midnight (q The following irem- are (added) (- ro .LISTING. .CONTFACT; .THERE. WLLL .BE .NO .MARKETING. .BURGET PBOYIDED. BY. .THE CITY .Of .MUSKEGQ AS A PART OF THIS LISTING CONTRACT EXTENSION. .............................................................. I All other rems of said contracr shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect as chough fully set forth at lengrh. Dated this .day of c..c.oh8.6R. , 19 .??. CITY OF MUSKEG0 MOONEY LESAGE 6 ASSOCIATES, LTD. ............................................. (Broker) 20 OHN H. HENDERSON 21 Broker's Address: v 22 ............................ 16620 W BLUEMOUND RD ? ............. SUITE 500 23 ............... BROOKFIELD ..................... WI 53005-5958 - 24 Broker's Phone Number: LESAGE & ASSOCIATES ING CONTRACT (Muskego Industrial Park) s real estate agents for WHEREAS, the City Muskego has previously executed a contract r 21, 1992; and tee has recommended that the NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RES0 that the Common Council of the of the Finance 1 of the contract for 27, 1993 between the City and Mooney LeSage & Associates, Ltd BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the d Clerk are. hereby the name of the City DATED THIS DAY OF SPON~ORED BY: This is to certify that this is a tru Resolution #292-92 which was adopted the City of Muskego. City Clerk 11/921h WE42 Amendrncnr To Liscinp Contracc Approved by vir. Kcrl Erratc tramining Board 1-19.77 Reapprovrd (rubsusnuidly unchrngcd) by U'irconrin Dcpmment 01 Regulation and Licenrnn.9 1-1-82 Wirconsm Lcgal Blank Co. Inc Milwaukec. {Vir. AMENDMENT TO LISTING CONTRACT \\ \ 1 It is hereby mutually agreed that the Liiting Contract dated NOV.E@.ER. .?! \ , 1985, , between the 2 undersigned, for sale of the property known as (Street Address) MV5.KEGQ. ?.NOU.STRSAL. .PAW. ADDLTION 3 in the. .C?.TY. ofHUSKEGR \. . , County of .WAUKESU ,, c ........................................ \ ." ......... ........................... 4 Wisconsin is hereby amended as follows: 5 r ',, ........................................... .Y ................................. (m Expiration dare of the contract is extend (q The following item- are (addcd) ( .CONTRACT.: THERE WILL. .BE .NQ .MA AS A PART OF THIS LISTING CONTRACT EXTENSION. ............................................................ All other terms of said contract shall remain Dated this .day of CITY OF MUSKEGO MOONEY LESAGE 6 ASSOCIATES, LTD. ........................................... (Broker) 20 OHN H. HENDERSON 21 Broker's Address: 22 .......................................... 16620 W. BLUEMOUND RD, SUITE 500 24 Broker's Phone Number: BY : ............ WAYNE G. SALENTS~J~~MAYOR BU I \ JEAN K. MARENDASeiMY CLERK 25 414-792-9.400. 26 THIS AhlENDhlENT SHOULD BE ATTACHED TO THE LISTING COSTKACT