CCR1992276COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #276-92 APPROVAL OF APPLICATION OF WASTEWATER RESIDUE A & J Cartage, Inc. WHEREAS, Resolution #198-89 established amended guidelines for the application of wastewater residue (sludge) on agricultural lands at a fee of $100 plus $5 per acre; and WHEREAS, A & J Cartage, Inc. has requested a permit for Anthony Salentine, part of which is in the City of Muskego; and application of wastewater residue to the property owned by WHEREAS, the wastewater residue will come from Waukesha and will be applied to approximately 35 acres during the months of October and November 1992 after the crops are removed: and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the wastewater residue by A & J Cartage, Inc. to approximately 35 City of Muskego, does hereby approve the application of acres of the Anthony Salentine property during the months of October and November 1992 subject to DNR approval for a fee of $275, with the permit to expire June 1, 1993 and with the understanding that the roads be kept free of debris. 0 DATED THIS 1OTH DAY OF NOVEMBER , 1992. SPONSORED BY: Ald. Patrick A. Patterson This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #276-92 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. e 11/92 jmb > JAMES A JALOVEC, PRESIDENT OFFICE: (414) 764-2830 FAX: (414) 764-8844 APPLICATION WAUKESHA WASTEWATER RESIDUE TO THE SALENTINE FARM - CITY OF MUSKEG0 REQUIREMENTS (1) The proposed site meets all criteria outlined by both the Department of Natural Resources and the City of Muskego distance to residences, distance to public and private wells, requirements. These include drainage, watercourses, slope, suitable soils, and proper separation distances between high groundwater or bedrock. (2) A 6 J Cartage, Inc. has provided the necessary information to the DNR for proper site evaluation and application rate determination. The DNR has already evaluated the site and approved it for waste residue approximately 24,000 gallons per acre application. The application rate for the site is (3) A b J Cartage has all the necessary equipment to prevent spillage during transport including water tight tank mud or sludge on the roads. These include not hauling on trailers. Necessary measures will also be taken to avoid rainy days, avoiding tank truck travel in muddy areas, and having road cleanup equipment on and in case any mud or sludge should be accidently tracked onto the road. (4) Wastewater sludge will be applied by injectj.ng the sludge directly into the soil. Injection dept will be controlled in order to prevent sludge on the surface. (5) (a) name and address of contractor: (b) name and address of site owner: A 6 J Cartage, Inc. P.0 Box 190 Oak Creek, Wisconsin 53154 Anthony Salentine St31 W22355 Forest Home Ave Big Bend, Wisconsin 53103 JAMES A. JALOVEC, PRESIDENT OAK CREEK, WI 53154 P.O. BOX 190 OFFICE: (414) 764-2830 FAX: (41 4) 764-@a44 (c) location of site: SW 114 Sec 18 & NW 114 (also see map) Sec 19, T5N R20E (d) size of site: 61 acres (e) dates of application: October, November 1992 (f) method of application: injection (9) DNR approved application rate: 24,000 gallons per acre (h) Attaced is the DNR letter of approval showing DNR agent approval of the site application. (i: permit fee attached Dale of Inspection t- 1.b' i Perrl!ittee . ! \ 1 , I:- I., , , \ 1 (,I (,I "v- I-. -> le of Approval or Denial I ,I WPDES No. The ApprovaUDenial Was Issued Site Owner .. : I /..\ I ! -\- ! . I ., Site Farmer [if different than owneil ,. , ';' .. I J .C-. :; \ u.khis site is spproved for the land application of I ' . I 1 .. i. '. -\ t i I ;: ., 1. (+'. I I,\ Ll (? I:.. This approval is subject to the condilions in Wisconsin Administrative Code NR .:) I i c/ and (if NR 204 applies1 then the condilions on the bock of tlk form shnll apply. ,I. DNR Field Inspector Dale Signed Facility Representative (necessary when Date Signed ,. ,a' .' approved with special conditions) ,I I) : I .. I ..,, I, ". '. I ,!'/ ._I