CCR1992275Resolution #275-92 Page 2 3. The Council's interest in adopting school impact fee provisions is contingent upon the Town of Norway being willing and able to adopt counterpart provisions DATED THIS lOTH DAY OF NOVEMBER , 1992. SPONSORED BY: Mayor Wayne G. Salentine This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of the City of Muskego. Resolution #275-92 which was adopted by the Common Council of 11/92 jmb 3 .. NOU-18-1S92 15:58 FROM Q g B 30~~ FLOOR TO ~1679ala6 P n2 DRAFT 11/10/92 .' 0 0RD:CNANCE NO. WHEREAS, the Muekego-Norway School District has requested that the Common Council of the City of Muskego (the "City") impose an impact fee reqlrirement on the issuance of zoning or building permits in connection with tha proposed conetruction of new dwelling unite to facilitate the adequate provision of mchool facilities to serve the school needs of such new development; WEREAS, subsection 62.23(7)(c) of the Wisconsin Statutes, as construed by the Wisconsin courts, authorizes the City to adopt impact fee requirements as part a€ its zoning regulations for the purpose of facilitating the adequate provieion of schools; WHEREAS, subsection 62.11(5) of the Wisconsin Statutes 0 authorize6 the Common Ccuncil to act €or the welfare and Convenience of the public and to carry its powers into effect by regulation and other neceasary and convenient means, and further provides that the powers conferred by this Subsection are in addition to all other grants and shall be limited only by expross language; WHEREAS, facilitatLng the adequate provision of school facilitiae is clearly irlportant to the welfare and convenience of the public; NOW, THEREFORE, thc City Council of the City of Muekego do ordain BE follows: SECTION 1. Payment. N-o zonfng or building permit ehall be issued after the effect.ive date of this ordinance for the conetruction of any pro:?osed building containing one or mOrQ dwelling unite, or for the construction o€ any proposed building addition or modification that will result oither in one or more additional dwelling units within an existing building or one or more additional bedroomrl within an existing dwelling unit, until after the school impact fee provided far in this section has been paid to the City Troaeurer; provided, however, that no euch fee shall be required with respect to any one-bedroom dwelling unit or any dwelling unit that is legally restricted to uee by the elderly; and further provided that appropriate credit ehall be given for any school impact fee previously paid with reepect to a dwelling unit to which lone or more additional bedroom Are propoeed to be added. . -\ SECTION 2. Amount. Except as provided in eection 1 above, the amount of the school impact fee to be each dwelling unit ehall be determined in following echedule: (a) one bedroom duplex unit or $0 : (b) two bedroom duplex unit or $750; paid with respect to accordance with the multiple-family unit -- (c) any detached single famFly home or any duplex unit or multiple-family unit with three or more bedrooms -- $1,000. For purpoeee of this sc:ction, "bedroom" is defined as any room other than a living rocm, dining room or kitchen, or a family room opening directly off of one of the foregoing roome, or a bathraom, exclusive of unfinished basement or attic Bpace, regardlese of the deecription or proposed UBB of such room. -2- r .J ' NOU-18-1992 15:59 FROM Q 8 B 3QTH FLOOR TO 9167911Q6 P. 04 SECTION 3. Adminiexation, use and Refund of Peee. (a) Deposit and Investment. School impact fee8 shall be deposited and maintai:ned in a segregated special account. Such fees may be invested in accordance with applicable law, tlS amended from time to time. (b) Disbursement. The City Treasurer shall promptly disburso to the appropriate school district all school impact fees received pursuant to this Ordinance, provided that the City ham first entered into an intergovernmental cooperation agreement with the school district regarding the administration, use and/or refund of such fees. Whenever school impact fees are disbursed by the City to a school district, the following detailed information regarding ee.ch individual school impact fee so disbursed shall simultaneously be provided to the district in writing: the amount of the fee, the date of payment of the fee to the City, the name and address of the Owner of the parcel of land or lot on which the dwelling unLt(s) with respect to which the fee was paid will bo located; the legal description and tax key number of such parcel or lot; and the type (e.g. eingle- family home, three-bedroom apartment) and street address (if available) of such dwelling units. (c) m. Except as is otherwise provided in this subparagraph, school impact fees shall only be ueed for the acquisition, construction or installation of new'or expanded Bchool Bites, new or ex:panded school building^, new school equipment or other new school-related capital objects, which are 0 required to serve the school-related needs of residential m\- -3- NOU-10-1992 15159 FROM GI S B 30TH FLOOR TO 916794106 P 05 . -. development occurring in the City after the effective date of this Ordinance, or to pay debt service directly related to the acquisition, construction or installation of any such sitae, buildings, equipment or other capital objects. (For purpose6 of thie section, "capital objects" is defined in the same way it is defined in the Wieconsin Elementan and Secondary School Accounting System Handboa, prepared by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and published in 1991, 88 amended from time to time.) As R further limitation on the use of school impact fees, any such particular fee shall be used only for school sites, buildinga, equipment or other school-related capital objects which would be c.sable by or benefit children of the appropriate age who might reside in the dwelling unit with reepect to which euch fee was paid. (d) Refund. If any particular school impact fee paid 0 hereunder is not used for the purposes specified herein within seven (7) years after the date of payment, it shall be refunded to the then mer of rec:ord (or if there ia more than one owner of record, then to the (mere of record, as their intereete may appear) of the parcel of land or lot on which the proposed dwelling unit(s) with rr3spect to which the impact fee was paid were to be located (or to the owner(s) of the dwelling unit(s) themselvea, if appropriate, as in the case of a condominium development), together with any interest earned thereon, Less any reaaonable costs of administration. (e) Cooperation Agreement. Any intergovernmental cooperation agreement entered into by and between the City and a 0 -4- ., NOU-16-1592 16:OO FROPl Gi 8 B 3TH FLOOR TO school district regardin11 school impact fees shall contain, without limitation, appropriate provisions to assure c8mplience by the district with the restrictions of this Ordinance regarding the administration, use and/or refund of such fees and a provision requiring the District to appear in and defend vfgorouely against any cmrt action challenging the validity of the City's impact fee ordinance and the exaction, administration, use or rofund of any school. impact fees received by ft from tho City. SECTIOH 4. Severability. The provisions of this Ordinance ahall. be eeverable. In the event that any court of competent jurisdiction holds any Frovision of this Ordinance to be invalid, the balance of thie Ordinance shall remain valid and effective. 0 SECTIOM 5. Effecti.ve Date. This ordinance shall become effective upon the last to occur of the following event61 (a) the publication or posting of this Ordfnance according to law, following its adoption ty the City Board, and (b) the adoption and effectuation according to law of a counterpart ordinance by the Town of Norway. Adopted this - day of , 1992. a Attest: , Clerk -5- 1, NOU-10-IS92 16:01 FROM Q % B 30TH FLOOR Tl3 916794106 k13 DRAFT 11/10/92 This Xntergovernmental Agreemont to Facilitate the Adequate Provision of School Facilities (this "Agreement") ie entered into by and between the City of Muskego (the "City") and the Bfuekego- Nomay School DiBtrfCt (the "Dietrict") pursuant to the authorf.ty of subsection6 66.30(2) and 120.13(3) of the Wisconsin Statutes, without Limitation, as cd this day of 1 1.992. WRBREAG, the City is empowered by eubeection 62.23(7)(c) of the Wieconein Statutes to adopt zoning regulations for the puzpoee of facilitating the adequate provision of echools; WEERXAS, the City ha5 adopted zoning regulation6 impoeing school impact fees for i;he purpose of facilitating the adequate provision of additional echool facilities to serve the needs of new development pursuant to subsection 62.23(7); WIE", the Cfty :-s empowered by subsection 62.11(5) of the Wiaconein Statutes to act for the welfare of the public and to carry out its powers by any necessary or convenient means; WEEREAS, the City rmd the District wish to enter into an intergovernmental coope::atfon agreement governing the administration, use hnd!or refund of school impact fees collected and disbursed by the City to the District in accordance wfth restrictions eetablished by the City, the accounting for such fees by the District and other related mattere affecting the relationship between the parties; 0 NOU-18-1992 16:02 FROM Q X B 30TH FLOOR TO 916794106 P 18 r\ Now, THBREFORB, in consideration of the mutual p~OViBiOnS Of thia Agreement and othef good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by the partfeB, the City and the Distric!t agree as follows: 1. Disbursement Pxocedure. The City shall promptly disburse to the District: any school impact foes collected by it. Whenever the City disburses school impact fees to the District, it ehall simultaneously notify the Diatrict in writing, with respect to each individual impact fee so disbursed, of the following detailed information: a. the amount of the fee; b. the date of payment of the fee to the City: c. the name and address of the record Owner of the parcel of land or lot on which the dwelling unit(s) with respect to which the €ee waa paid will be :.ocated; d. the lega:. description and tax key number of such parcel 0:: land or lot: and e. the type (e.g. single-family home, three-bedroom apartment) and street address (if available) of each of !such dwelling unit(#). 2. Segreqated Ac~:omts, Inveatments. The District ehall depO6it and maintain school Lmpact fees disbursed to it by the City in a segregated special account. Such fees may be inveated in accordance with applicable law, as amended from time to time. 3. Accountinq. 130th the City and the Dfstrict shall maintain detailed recortis relating to any school impact fees disburged by the City tN2 the District. At leaat once each year, within ten (10) days after the anniversary of the date stated in the preamble of thia Agreement, the District shall. provide to tho -2- m\rmum3 . NOU-10-1S92 16:02 FROM Q 8 E 3OTH FLGOR TO 916794!06 r. ii City a detailed written accounting of all such feee diebureed to I) the District under this Agreement, as well as any interest earned on euch faes and any re,ssonable administrative coats aaeociated with administering such fees. Additionally, the District shall promptly respond to any reasonable inquiries of the City regarding the District's administration, UBQ or refund of such fees, or its accounting for such fee6, or any related matters. 4. Use Reatxictians. The District shall uee school hmpact fees disbursed to it by the City only in accordance with the provisions of the City <mdinance under which such fees were collected. A copy of t:be school impact fee ordinance provfafons that are in effect in t'he City as of the date of this Agreement axe attached hereto as ;Exhibit A and incorporated by reference. Tho Clty Shall. promptly notify the District in writing of the effective date of any ainendment to such ordinance provieions and provide the District wi.th a copy of such amendment. e 5. Refunds. Any school impact fee not used by the District within seven (7) years of the date of its payment to the City shall be promptly :refunded by the District to the then owner of record (or if there is more than one owner of record, then to the owners of record, 8.3 their interests may appear) of the parcel of land or lot o:~ which the dwelling unit(e) with re8pQCt to which the fee was pa.id was to be located (or to the owner(6) of the dwelling unit(s) themselves, if appropriate, a6 in the case of a condominium development), together with any intereet e earned on euch fee, 1es.s any reasonable costs of admlnistration. -3- NOU-18-1992 16:03 FROM Q 8 B 38TH FLOOR TO 316794186 P 12 ' a 6. Good Faith, Fair Dealing. The parties shall cooperate and deal with one another fairly and in good faith with respect to all matters relating to this Agreement. I. Third-party Beneficiaries. The City and the District intend that there shall be no third-party beneficiaries of this Agreement. 8. Defense. The District shall appear in and vigorouely defend any court action challenging tho validity of the City's impact fee ordinance or the exaction, administration, use ox refund of any school im:?act fees received by it from the City. 9. Severability. The provisions of this Agreement shall be severable. In the e'vent that a court of competent jurisdiction holds that any provision of this Agreement is invalid, the balance of this Agreement shall remain valid and effective. 10. Notice of Breach and Cure. If either party to this Agreement believes that the other party has breached thie Agreement, it shall. pranptly give written notice of the breach to the breaching party. T'he breaching party shall have thirty (30) days from the effective date of any notice of breach to cure the breach; provided, howev,zr, that if curative action is timoly undertaken and vigorously pursued by the curing party, the curing party shall have a reas.mable period of time under the circumstances to complete the cure. A party to this Agreement may not commence an action for damages with respect to any breach of this Agreement until after giving a notice of breach to the breaching party and until after the exception of the cure period. -4- . NOU-10-1992 16:03 FROM Q S 6 30TH FLGOR TO 9167911@6 P, 13 I. A party to thie Agreement shall not have a right to damages if a @ breach ie timely cured after notice. ' 11. Notices. Any notice relating to this Agreement ehall be mailod to the receiving party by certified mail, return receipt xequosted, or by delivery in person on a business day during normal business hours, at the following addreee: If to the City: City of Muskego Attn: W182 SB200 Racine Avenue Muskego WL 53150 If to the District: Muskego-Norway School District Attn: Muskego WI 53150 575 W16399 Hilltop Drive Either party may change its address by written notice mailed ox delivered to the other party in accordance with the provieions of thie paragraph. A notice delivered in person in accordance with thie paragraph 1s effective upon delivery. A notice mailed in accordance with thie paragraph is effective three (3) daye after mailing. A notice delivered or mailed other than in accordance with this paragraph is effective only upon actual receipt. 12. Entire AqreemG. This is the entire agreement of the parties with reepect to the matters dealt with by this Agreement. -5- TO 13. Effective Data:. This Agreement shall be effective from and after the date of last signature provided fox below. CITY OF MUSKEGO BY I Mayor I 199 - ATTEST: I Clerk I 199- MUSKEGO-NORWAY SCHOOL DISTRICT ATTEST: I I 199- m\mmw -6-