CCR1992197COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #197-92 AUTHORIZE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR MIDWEST ENGINEERING SERVICES Little Muskego Lake Dam WHEREAS, Resolution #88-92 approved expenditure of not to exceed meet the DNR requirements of the Little Muskego Lake Dam Hazard $8,150.00 for Ruekert & Mielke to research an alternative to Rating Classification; and WHEREAS, Ruekert E, Mielke has decided that geotechnical engineering services are required to determine soil and groundwater conditions, and to provide recommendations and guidelines for preparation and construction; and WHEREAS, Midwest Engineering Services, Inc., has proposed to provide geotechnical engineering services for an estimated fee of $8,500.00 to $9,500.00; and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has reviewed this proposal as attached and recommends approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the expenditure of not to exceed $9,500.00 for Midwest Engineering Services, Inc., to provide geotechnical engineering services. DATED THIS 28TH DAY OF JULY , 1992. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Patrick A. Patterson Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. David D. Sanders This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #197-92 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 7/92cac midwest engineering services, inc. 11 1 Wilmont Drive Waukesha. WI 53186 414521.2125 FAX 414-521-2471 July 13, 1992 Mayor Wayne Salentine Citv of Muskeao tit; Ra>l W182 58200 Racine Avenue > Muskego, WI 53150 Subject: Proposal Subsurface Exploration Little Muskego Lake Muskego, Wisconsin M.E.S. Proposal No. 7-2081 Dear Mayor Salentine, Per the May 28, 1992 site visit made by Richard Eberhardt of Ruekert & Mielke, John Loughney of the City of Muskego and Henderson of Midwest Engineering Services, Inc., we are engineering services for the referenced project. A brief description of our understanding of the project and a discussion of the scope of services to be provided are included in the following paragraphs. Proiect Backqround The site is located on the south side of Little Muskego Lake between Kingston Drive and Janesville Court. An existing consists of a concrete box about 15' wide and approximately 40' concrete spillway is located on the east side of the site and bottom elevation on the downstream side of about El. 175 +/-. long. The top of the spillway is at Elevation 792.0 with a The diversion channel transverses through a residential area and eventually into Big Muskego Lake. The area of the project is located along the shoreline and west of the spillway. The ground surface elevation along the includes eleven (11) residential properties about 1000 feet crest of the shoreline ranges from El. 792.5+/- at the west the spillway and embankment specified that the embankment area side to El. 794.5 +/- at the east side. The original plans for be raised to El. 796.0. The spillway was constructed but the filling along the shoreline was not done. Matthy pleas to submit the following proposal to provide geotechnical geotechnical, environmental, 6 materials engineers CHIC4m IL 70E4247805 * CHAMPAIGN, IL 217-3592128 MES Proposal No. 7-2081 Little Muskego Lake Muskeao. Wisconsin The purpose of this investigation is to determine if the existing embankment is stable with respect to slope stability considerations. It is proposed by Ruekert h Mielke to maintain the area at El. 794.0 with compacted fill (where required) used that is about 1,200 feet long to be utilized during a in conjunction with sheet piling. This will provide a spillway significant rain event. A breach analysis of the spillway structure was performed by Ruekert h Mielke and indicated that most of the properties along the shoreline in question would experiepce some flooding during a significant rain event and/or failure of the spillway structure. Scope of Services depth of approximately 15 to 30 feet below the existing ground It is proposed to drill nine (9) borings for this project, to a surf ace. The elevations of the ground surface at the test boring locations will be determined by conventional leveling techniques referred to the top of the existing spillway. The number, location, and depth of the test borings will be may therefore vary from that anticipated. Where a significant dependent on the actual subsurface conditions encountered, and alteration to the workscope may be warranted, prior additional work will be charged at the unit rates shown on the authorization from the client will be obtained, and any accompanying Standard Fee Schedule. The subsurface exploration will be performed with a truck-mounted drill rig, utilizing continuous flight hollow stem auger to advance the test holes. Soil samples will be secured by the Standard Penetration Test method at two and one-half foot intervals, except that the sampling frequency may be increased in zones of foundation influence, or where erratic soil conditions are encountered. observations will be noted during the drilling activities, and Groundwater level classification and other testing will be performed to determine in the open bore holes upon completion. Laboratory visual the behavioral characteristics of the subsurface materials encountered. Upon completion of drilling activities, the boreholes will be filled with bentonite chips. The results of the subsurface exploration and laboratory testing will be utilized in an engineering evaluation and analvsis. and oresented in a written reoort which will include 0 . m the Zollowing: - -Determination of soil and groundwater conditions within the influence zone of the embankment. MES Proposal No. 7-2081 Little Muskego Lake Muskego, Wisconsin Page 3 -Provide recommendations for the type of sheet piling suitable for the proposed structure, if required. -Guidelines for subgrade preparation and placement of structural fill in these areas. -Construction considerations relating to fill placement and subgrade preparation, site drainage and groundwater control, and excavations. I -Provide computer generated slope stability analysis for the existing and proposed embankment configurations. Fee Midwest Engineering Services, Inc. proposes to perform the services on a unit charge basis, in accordance with the standard Fee Schedule and pursuant to the General Conditions, both of which are enclosed herein. A summary of the anticipated cost for the outlined services is shown on the attached Estimate Worksheet, and will be on the order of the actual number and depth of borings drilled, laboratory $8,500.00 to $9,500.00. Final compensation will depend upon tests performed, and required engineering time. Any special equipment required for site access, and any delays beyond the control of our personnel, will be considered as additional costs. An analysis of the hydrology of the surrounding area and the hydraulic capabilities of the spillway and diversion channel are beyond the scope of this study. Midwest Engineering will proceed with the work on the basis of written authorization. Please sign in the acceptance block below, and return one copy of this proposal for our files. Should you have any questions regarding this proposal, or if we could be of any other assistance, please call at any time. We are looking forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely yours, 0 MIDWEST ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. 0 Matthew A. Henderson, P.E. Prin.cipa1 of Firm MES Proposal No. 7-2081 Little Muskeao Lake > Muskego, Wisconsin Page 4 ~~ ~ 0 Accepted by: CITY OF MUSKEG0 Name : Title: Date: . Enclosures: Estimate Worksheet, Standard Fee Schedule (M10-3), Geotechnical General Conditions ESTIMATE ~OR~SEEET client Name: city of Muskego Project Name: Little Muskego Lake Project Location: Muskego, Wisconsin Field Exploration Services 1. Mobilization of drilling equipment and personnel 2. Drilling support vehicle 3. Boring location and elevation measurements 4. Determine the existing embankment cross-section 5. site reconpaissance by Project Engineer 6. soil drilling with Split-spoon or Shelby Tube sampling at 5-ft.intervals from depths of: - 0 to 25 feet - 0 to 25 feet 7. Additional Split-spoon or Shelby Tube samples at: 8. Additional charge for Shelby tube samples 9. Bentonite chips to fill borehole 10. Repair lawns (if required), cost + 15% 2. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2. 1. 3. Date: 7-13-92 M.E.S. Proposal NO. 7-2081 Quantity Lump sum 4 HOUrS 2 Days 4 Hours 2 Hours 150 Feet 25 samples 5 Tubes 40 Bags unit Fee $200.00 75.00 60.00 80.00 60.00 7.90 9.00 30.00 11.50 Subtotal for Field Services: Laboratory soil Testing Services Unconfined compressive strength tests calibrated hand penetrometer tests visual engineering classification Moisture content tests Atterberg Limits determination Grain size analysis, mechanical and hydrometer Density determination with moisture content Extrude and classify Shelby tube samples unconfined compressive strength on undisturbed samples 30 Tests 30 Tests 10 samples 2 TeStS 1 Test 5 Tests 30 Tests 5 Tubes 5 samples 4.50 2.75 2.50 4.25 48.00 75.00 16.00 30.00 60.00 Subtotal for Laboratory Services: Engineering services for Evaluation and Report Preparation Principal Engineer Project Engineer computer Generated slope Analysis, per run 4 Hours 75.00 40 Hours 60.00 6 Runs 300.00 Subtotal for Engineering Services: Estimated Pee: Total $200.00 150.00 320.00 240.00 120.00 1,185.00 225.00 150.00 460.00 0.00 $3,050.00 135.00 82.50 127.50 25.00 96.00 75.00 80.00 150.00 300.00 1,071.00 300.00 2,400.00 1.800.00 $4,500.00 $8,621.00 rnidwest engineering services, inc. Standard Fee Schedule Geotechnical Services ENGINEERING SERVICES Engineering 8 Technical services for site reconnaissance, boring locations, field supervision, water level measurements & sampling, engineering evaluation, analysis, & consultation. Staff Engineer or Geologist $50.00 Per Hour Principal of Firm $30.00 Per Hour Project Engineer $60.00 Per Hour Engineering Technician $30.00 Per Hour Principal Engineer $75.00 Per Hour Secretariil Services $22.00 Per Hour FIELD SERVICES Mobilization of Drilling Equip. $2.25 Per Mile ($200.00 Minimum) Boring Layout Support Vehicle $0.40 Per Mile .All-terrain Drill Rig $275.00 Per Day $ 80.00 Per Hour Standby 8 Problem Access Time $110.00 Per Hour Soil Drilling with Splii-spoon (ASTM D-1586) or Shelby Tube (ASTM- D 1587) sampling at 5-foot intervals. Depth Range Unit Charges Per Foot, Unit Charges Per Foot Extra SS or ST Samples 3 114.4 114' I.D. Auger 6 1/4' I.D. Auger Easy Drilling * Hard Drilling '* Easy Drilling' Hard Drilling" 25 - 50 0 -25lt. $ 7.30 $ 9.30 $ 9.25 $10.25 $11.00 $12.75 $11.90 50 - 75 $12.50 $14.25 $15.50 $14.50 75 - 100 $14.50 $17.50 $20.25 $24.25 $18.50 $ 3.00 $12.00 $14.50 $18.00 * N-count of 40 blows or less, or Ou or Op less than 4 tsf ** N-count greater than 40 blows, or Ou or Op greater than 4 tsf Auger Drilling without sampling Rock Coring with Diamond Bit Rock Boring with 3'Roller Bit Rock Coring 8 Boring Set-up Charge LABORATORY TESTING Unconfined compression tests, without stress-strain curve with stress-strain curve Hand Penetrometer Test Moisture Content Test Afterberg Limits Determination Visual Engineering Classification Organic Content Test Grain Size Analysis, Mechanical 8 Hydrometer Grain Size Analysis. Mechanical Density Determination with Moisture Content REMARKS $ 6.75 Per Foot $ 28.00 Per Foot $ 20.00 Per Foot S125.00 Per Hole $ 4.50 Per Test $40.00 Per Test $ 2.75 Per Test $ 4.25 Per Test $ 2.50 Per Test $48.00 Per Test $18.00 Per Test $75.00 Per Test $45.00 Per Test $16.00 Per Test Shelby Tubes, ?diameter $22.00 Each 3'diameter $30.00 Each Drilling mud as needed $ 2.50 Foot Pavement Cold-Patch at bore holes $20.00 Per Hole Preparation of Shelby Tube Sample Moisture Density Relationship Standard Method. ASTM 0-698 Modified Method, ASTM D-1557 California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Consolidation Test. Maximum 16 tsf Loading Permeability Test Constant Head Falling Head Remold Permeability Samples $30.00 Per Tube $1 10.00 Per Test $135.00 Per Test $220.00 Per Test $280.00 Per Test $170.00 Per Test $150.00 Per Test $ 40.00 Each Charges for monitoring well installation, analytical testing services, and special equipment or sampling techniques not included herein, will be quoted upon request. Rental equipment 8 commercial transportation charges will be billed at cost plus 15%. A per diem charge of $50.00/day will be billed as applicable. Invoices will be submitted monthly, with payment due within 30 days of invoice date. Interest will be added at a rate of 1 1/2% per month of delinquency. Proposal estimates 8 vedal quota- tions will remain valid for 60 days, at which time they may be subject to change or withdrawal. M103 l*l GENERAL CONDITIONS Midwest Engineering Serwices. Inc. Geotechnical Services Item 1. Scope of Work. Midwest Engineering Services, IW. (M.E.S.) hall perform services in aunrdance with an 'agreemenf' made with the chent.' The agreement consists 01 M.E.S.3 proposal. Standard Fee @;hedule. and these General Conditions. The 'clienf' is defined as he person or entity requesting an&or authorizing the work. and in doing so, client represents and warrants that he is duly auhrized in this role, even party or entity is also mnsidered as the dient. The amplance 01 M.E.S.3 if performed on behalf of another party or entity. in which case the other proposal signifies the acceptance 01 the terms 01 this agreement. The lees for services rendered will be billed in accordance with the Standard Fee Schedule: unit rates for services not mvered in me lee schedule or elsewhere in the agreement can be provided. The standard of the conditions and allocations 01 risks and obligahns desaibed in he prices proposed lor the work are predicated upon the clienrs acceptance agreement. The client shall impart lhe terms 01 this agreement do any third party to whom diem releases any part of M.E.S.'s work. M.E.S. shall have no obligations to any party other than those expressed in this agreement. Item 2. Site Access. The dient will provide lor the right-of-amess to the work site. In the event the work site is not owned by he client, client represents to M.E.S. that all necessw permissions lor M.E.S. to enter the site and conduct the work have been obtained. While M.E.S. shallexercise reasonable care to minimize damage to the property, he client under- sfandshatsomedamagemay~urduringthenormalcourreofwork.that M.E.S.hasnotincludedinitsleethecostolrestorationoIdamage,andthat client will pay lor such restoration costs. Item 3. Utlllties. In the performance of its work. M.E.S. will take all reasonable precautions to avoid damage to underground smctures or utilities. and will rely on utility lxator services to correcUy identity their buried service lines, and on plans, drawings or sketches made available ad provided by the dienl The client agrees to hold M.E.S. harmless and indemnity M.E.S. hom any claims, expenses, or other liabilities, induding asonable attorney lees, incurred by M.E.S. lor any damages to under- round smcNres and utilities which were not correctly and clearly shown ontheplansprovidedtoM.E.S,orohetwisedisdosedbytheclientorutili~ locator service. M.E.S. will be responsible for ordering the utility locator services only if expressly set lorth in the smpe of the proposal. Item 4. Hazardous Materials and Condltions. Prior to the start of services, or at the earliest time such information is learned, it shall be the duty 01 the client. or other involved or contacted parties. to advise M.E.S. 01 any known or suspected undocumented tills, hazardous materials, by. products, or MnStiNentS. and any known environmental, geologic, and work is to be performed by M.E.S. employees or subcontractors or which geotechnical conditions. which exist on or near any premises upon which in any oher way may be pertinent to M.E.S.'s proposed services. The discovery of unanticipated hazardous materials. or suspected hazard- ous materials. may require that special and immediate measures be exercised to protect lhe health and safety 01 M.E.S. site personnel ador the public. M.E.S. may at its option and on the basis or its jucQement and opinion. exercise such precautions to complete the project. or terminate further work on the project. In either case, the dientwill be notified as swn as practically possible, and the client agrees to tear all reasonable and equitable mst adjustmenls, if any. associated with such measures taken. M.E.S's work shall include visual observation and laboratory testing 01 subsurface water and soil samples obtained by intrusive sampling 01 the 01 the subsoils relative to he project. As such, M.E.S. does not create, subsurlace. for the purpose of evaluating the geotechnical characteristics generate, transport or at any time own or store hazardous materials in the performance 01 its work. The dient will take possession 01 and be responsible lor the proper disposal of all hazardous materials including. but nollimited to samples. drilling fluids andcunings. demntaminationand well development fluids, and used disposable protective gear and equipment. mem5 Confldentlality. M.E.S.shallholdmnfi~ntialthebusinsssand under this agreement andidentifiedin writing by theclientas.mnfidential.' technical information obtained or generated in performance of services M.E.S. shall not disclose such inlormation except il such disclosure is with prolessiond standards of mnduct for public safety. health, and welfare required by governmental StaNte. ordinance. or regulation; lor wmpliance concerns;orlorprotectionolM.E.S.ag~nstclaimsorliabilitiesansinghom performance of its servds. The technical and pricing inlormation contained in any repon or proposal submined by M.E.S. isdobemnsideredcon6dential and proptielay. and shall not be released Q othetwise made available to any third party witbut the express writlen mnsent 01 M.E.S. Hem 6. Standard of Care. M.E.S. will perform the services under this agreement in accordance with generally accepted practice, in a manner mnsistentwith the levelofcare and skill ordinarily exercised by members of this profession under similar circumstances. No other warranties implied or expressed. in lact or by law, are made or intended in this undtions can vary belween sampling points and with time, and that the agreement The dienl rerognizes that subsurface soil and groundwater interpretation 01 data. and opinions and recommendations made by M.E.S. are based solely on obtained data. Such limitations can result in a redirection 01 condusmns and interpretabns where new or changed information is obtained. M.E.S. will not be responsible for the interpreta- tion by ohms. of data obtained by M.E.S. lor the geotechnical study. Hem 7. Technlcal Methodology and Protocol. M.E.S. will select generally aaapted mehods and procedures it mnsiders appropriate to aocomplish Lh intended and understood purpose 01 its services wihin the methods and procedures by amplance of his agreement. In the event smpe of this agreement. and the dient signifies conwrrence with these other methods or procedures are prelened by the client or considered more appropriate. a wrinen descripllon or designation 01 these must be provided prior to execution 01 his agreement. Hem 8. Llmitatlons of Llabllity. The Client agrees to limit M.E.S.'s claiming reliance on M.E.S.'s services, allegedly arising from M.E.S.'s liability to heclient and all parties daiming through the dient or otherwise prolessionalactsorerrorsandomissions.doasumnottoexceedM.E.S.'s lees for he services performed on he project. provided hat such claims duct. In this latter even1 the limit 01 liability will be increased to 525.0(10 are no1 atbibutable to M.E.S.3 gross negligence or intentional miscon- claims. In no event shall M.E.S. or any oher pany to this agreement, less any applicable insurance amount covering alleged damages or including parties which may have or claim to have a direct or indirect reliance on M.E.S.'s semicar. te liable to he other parties for incidental. indirect. or consequential damages arising hom any cause. Item 9. Insurance and Indemnity. M.E.S. represents hat the company maintains general liability and property damage insurance mv- erage considered adequate and comparable with coverage maintained by oher similar firms, and ha1 M. E.S.'s employees are covered by Work- man's Cornpensahon Insurance. Certificates of insurance can be prc- vided to the dient upon wrinen request. M.E.S. shall not be responsible for any loss. damage, w liability beyond the insuranca limits and mndi- tions. M.E.S. agrees to indemnity the dient hom and save client harmless against any loss, damage, or liability stemming lrom acts of gross negli- dient agrees to hold M.E.S.. its officers. directors. agents. and employ- gene by M E.S. Except as expressly set lorth in Item Nos. 8 and 9. the ees, harmless horn any claims, suits or liability induding but not limited lo anomey lees, arts 01 seltiement. andother incidenw msls. for personal horn or related to M.E.S.'s performance 01 work. injury, death. illness. property damageorany other loss. allegedly arising ant do this agreement represents the entire understanding beween the Item 10. Modlficatlons. This agreement and all attachments pursu. olthis wntractunless such alterations are reduced to writing and properly parties,andneitherthedientnorM.E.S,mayamendormodityanyaspect executed by the parties hereto. These terms and conditions shall super- sede all prior or contemporaneous mmmunications, representations. or agreements. and any provisions expressed or implied in the request for proposal. purchase order, authorization to proceed. or oher contradictory provisions. whether wrinen or oral. Item 11. Payrnenl. Invoices fcf performed work will be submined monthly lor services rendered he prior month, payable wihin 30 days 01 invoice date. The fees quofed are based upon an expected timely payment. An interest charge 01 1.5% per month will be added to delinquent charges; however, M.E.S. at its option may terminate its tion 01 servicas prior to completion, client shall wmpensate M.E.S. lor all services due to clients failure to pay when due. In the event of termina- services performed prior to and for such termination.