WHEREAS, industrial development is advantageous to the City; and
WHEREAS, in the past, the City has been receptive to a
petitioner's request for other materials to meet the
architectural design requirements; and
WHEREAS, clarification of Item 6 (attached) would consider a
petitioner's request for other material such as cedar, aluminum,
vinyl, or wood products, while still maintaining the character
of the present Industrial Park.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the
City of Muskego does hereby request that the Plan Commission
interpret Item 6 of the Rules L Regulations for Muskego
Business/Industrial Park to consider the request of a petitioner
for other materials to meet the architectural design 0
Ald. Brian R. Misko
Ald. William H. Schneider
This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of
Resolution #187-92 which was adopted by the Common Council of
the City of Muskego.
REEL 0780 l~cf 1231 - 2-
No part or portion of any building shall be erected, constructed, or extended
0 than twenty-five (25) feet to any rear lot line.
4. N~ building or structure of any type shall be erected, placed.
or al,crcd On any lot which will occupy more than forty-five'percent (45%)
of tile total area of said lot.
5. ~11 grass, trees, and shrubbery must be kept watered in dry
and in good appearance at all times. All'grass must be cut whenever
necessary. If grass is not cut. the City of Muskego may serve notice and if
,,bt complied with in two (2) days, the City may cut same and add this cost to
the lot owner's real estate tax bill.
when facing a street (including side streets on corner lots) shall be faced
6. The front of all buildings. and the side or rear of all buildings
with decorative masonry or other material approved by the Planning Com-
mission or Architectural Control Committee and said facing shall extend a
minimum of twenty (20) feet on each side of a11 buildings or to a natural
dividing point approved by said Commission or Committee. The front of a
building that is set back two hundred (ZOO) feet or more may be partially faced
with concrete block, subject to approval of said Commlssion or Committee.
On corner lots. if the side of the building, other than the front. is set back
two hundred (200) feet or more from the side lot line, then the facing may be
01 any material as approved by the Commission and is consistent with other
provisions hcrein. For the purpose of this restriction, standard, lightweight
UI. cilld<:r concrete bloc& are not considered decorative masonry.
0 buildings shall be of any material apprbved by the Commission or Committee.
Ex< as otherwise provided herein. the sides and rear of all
coats 01 pain1 and shall be of decorative pattern block or other decorative
Where concrete block masonry is used it shall be painted two (2)
trcatmc'nl ol plainblock approved by the Commission or Committee.
All faces of all buildings must be kept in good repair and appearance
at all times.
7. No building shall be so similar to or so at variance with its
na.ighborin,g buildings as to constitute a depreciation to the immediate
8. One (I) parking stall of not less than one hundred eighty (180)
square feet. excluding drives and approaches, shall be provided on each
property lor rvery lhousand square feet of building area or for every two (2)
rmployrcs. whichever amount constitutes the greater number of stalls.
all employees. Variances may be granted by the Planning Commission for
warehouse or similar uses upon proof that such parking restrictions are not
realistic. City Streets will not be designed by the City to provide parking.
! I'arkiltg stalls shall be added on each property as required to accommodate
bchind the building setback line .from the street and muet be screened from
view from the street with solid fencing or screening approved by the
matcrial such as will provide a suitable visual screen. Minimum height
Planning Commission. All trash must be enclosed by a Ience of solid
9. All material or products stored outside buildings must be