CCR1992167COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #167-92 APPROVAL OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP DeBack WHEREAS, a Certified Survey Map was submitted on May 10, 1992 to Parker Road in the NE 1/4 of Section 29; and finalize a 2-parcel division of the Harold DeBack property on WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has recommended approval subject to notes being placed on the Certified Survey Map stating that (1) Christopher Drive will be provided until the right-of-way is no City maintenance of the dedicated right-of-way for improved to City standards; (2) the proportionate cost of the improvements necessary to bring the right-of-way up to City street standards will be borne by the property owners benefiting documentation is presented to the City of a satisfactory perc from the improvements; and (3) Parcel 2 is not developable until test. City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the does hereby approve the Certified Survey Map to finalize a 2-parcel division of the Harold DeBack property on Parker Road in the NE 1/4 of Section 29 subject to the conditions stated above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is subject to receipt of all fees required by Section 10 of the Land Division Ordinance and approval of the City Engineer. DATED THIS 23RD DAY OF JUNE , 1992. SPONSORED BY: Ald. David D. Taube This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #167-92 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 6/92cac LSW CORNER NE I/< 29-5 20 6'i6" CONC, MONUMENT N 320,672.02 W/RRdSS CAP E 2,491520.20 0-DENOTES l'i24"lRON PIPE 1.13 LE5 PER LINEAL FOOT SET AT ALL LOT CORNERS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. BEARINGS REFER TO THE WISCONSIN STATEPLANE CO-OROINATE SYSTEM SOUTH ZONE, " c.s.M_ 6011 PARCCL I Is.. .. I W/ERASS CAP I NJ20.74B.07 E 2,496,21160 x6 LONC MONUMENT NO CITY MAINTENANCE OF THET~E~I?ATEo RIGHT-OF- WAY WILL BE PROVIOEO UNTIL THE RIGHT-OF-WAYIS IMPROVED TO ClT>'STANDARDS. IMPROVEMENTS NECESSdRI TO RWNG THC THE PROPORTIONATE COST OF THE RIGHT-OF- WAY UP TO c[rr STREET STANOARDS ! BENEFITING FR@M THE I,MPPOVEMENTS ~~ ~ ~. WILL BC BORNE BI' TIIEPROPERTr OWNERS 0 " GRAPlilC SCALF 100' 300' TOO'"" 400' , NE 1/4 29-5-20 Sheet 1 of 3