CCR1992136COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #136-92 APPROVAL OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SPILL SERVICES WHEREAS, Waukesha County Fire Chiefs and the County Emergency Management Office recognize the potential dangers of hazardous materials incidents; and WHEREAS, the Waukesha County Executive and County Board have joined in this concern and included funds to enter into an Materials Response Team to provide "Level A" service to all of agreement with the City of Milwaukee Fire Department's Hazardous Waukesha County; and WHEREAS, Waukesha County will pay the cost of this agreement, with no additional cost to the City of Muskego; and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee reviewed the agreement and recommends approval of the attached. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council Of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the attached cooperative agreement between the City of Milwaukee and the City of Muskego for hazardous materials response service. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby City. authorized to sign in the attached Agreement in the name of the 0 DATED THIS DAY OF , 1992. SPONSORED BY: Ald. Patrick A. Patterson FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. David D. Sanders This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #136-92 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. City Clerk e 5/92cac Deferred 5/26/92, Deferred 6/9/92 Deferred 6/23/92,Deferred 7/14/92 Deferred 1/28/92 MHIBIT 1 ENGINE 25 HAZ-NAT RESPONSE (OUT OF I.IILl4AUIEE) lJhen a Ilaz-Mac "Level A" response is requested form a Elilwaukce county cooununicy. che Hilwaultee Fire Dcparcmrnc officer in charge needs certain informorion Responses within llilwaukec County include the following comnlunicies: Dayside Clendale Drown Deer Creedale Cudshy Crccnfield Fox Poinc Hales Corners Franklin Oak Creek River Hills lhuwacosa Sc. Francis Vcsc Milwaukee Shoruood Vhitcfish Day Souch Hilu. Mesr Allis A. Call must bc fire chief or assistant chief NAME PHONE NUMDER Equipmenc needcd: 32 personnel, 3 engines, 2 ladders. 1 med unit, 1 rescue squad. 1 chief officer 8. Name and address ot facilicy C. Type of incident (spill, burst. leaking ccc) D. If known: Name of material Quanity of mnccrial INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SPILL SERVICES Agreement made this day of I 1992, by and between the City of Milwaukee, a municipal corporation, having its principal place of business at 200 East Wells Street, Milwaukee, WI 53202 (hereinafter referred to as the "City"), and the City of Muskego, a municipal corporation, having its principal place of business at P.O. Box 903, Muskego, WI 53150 (hereinafter referred to as the "Municipality"). Municipality to enter into an intergovernmental cooperation agreement for the receipt or furnishing of services. Whereas, Section 66.30, Stats., authorizes the City and In consideration of the mutual promises herein, the parties agree as follows: A. Upon request of Municipality, the City will provide the Municipality with Level A Hazardous Material Spill Services as set forth in Exhibit 1 and attached hereto. B. Liability and Indemnification. (1) All wage and disability payment, pension and worker's compensation claims, damage to equipment and clothing, and medical expense for the Hazardous Spill Services Unit shall be paid by the City. It being understood and agreed that members of the Hazardous Spill Services Unit are the employes of the City and are not agents or employes of the Municipality. (2) Municipality agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City and its officers, directors, employes and agents from and against any and all liability for injuries or damages to persons or property as a result of this Agreement or the provision of services under this Agreement including, but not limited to, the City's liability to Municipality or third parties in contract, in tort or under federal or state law arising or resulting from performance or failure to perform under this Agreement, and in addition, for any and all related expenses including, but not limited to, defense costs and reasonable attorney's fees; except as provided in Paragraph B(1). C. This Agreement shall be in force from the date of execution until December 31, 1992 and shall be automatically renewed for successive terms of one (1) year except that either party may terminate this Agreement upon its anniversary upon thirty (30) days' advance written notice. D. The City and Municipality agree to cooperate to obtain such federal and/or state statutes, regulations and/or e Suburb's responsibilities: Properly trained firefighters to facilitate: operations of pumping engines. and water supply to safcly operate protection for Haz-Mat entry Learn if so laying ouc and working lines as situation dictates. but would include hoselines needed. Personnel properly .irained in self-con.tained breathing apparatus (SCHA) [~ropcrly trained in emergency medical services (EMS), knoulcdGe of their cotllnlun'irics (i.e. roads, scwcr system. water supplies, H.osp2taI.s') Sufficieqc personnel to effect safe evacuation of civilians as so dcsignsccd by tlaz-)lac command. Sufficient enhancement services for curtailing traffic and persons in hcrr.elIcy Incident areas. II The paramedic unit is to remain dedicated XO: the llaz-the Team." If the paramedic unic is treating civilians or suburban fircfightcrs or police; Ilaz-Mat must be notified so that another Med unit is dispatched. 0 The Kilwaukee Ilaz-Elat Commander will have sole control ovcr Milvnukee Fire Department personnel and their operations. and the affcctcd cormunicy ~~ccrpcs all liabilicy. In the event of fire with chemicals, only resourcc information uill bc given by Milwaukee liar-Mat, no firefighting. Finally, if the suburban departmenc requesting Haz-Mzt assistance does noc havc sufficient nlnnpovcr or apparatus for operations. chit Milwaukce Fire Department will dispatch addicional cquipmcnc, with an additional cosc per apparatus. Ceing levicd. c