CCR1992123COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #123-92 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONCEPT OF A SCHOOL IMPACT FEE WHEREAS, an impact fee is being reviewed by the School Study Committee; and WHEREAS, the attached ordinance is recommended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby support the concept of the attached ordinance and recommends that the City of Muskego enter into Section 66.30, Wisconsin Statutes, agreement between the Muskego/Norway School District, the Town of Norway, and the City of Muskego. DATED THIS l2TH DAY OF MAY , 1992. SPONSORED BY: Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #123-92 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 5 / 9 2cac 0 MRY-01-1992 03:86 FROM 0 8 B 30TH FLOOR - ORDINANCE NO. The Common Council of the City of Muskego do ordain as fOllOWB 2 The Zoning Ordinance of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to add the following Section 6. SECTION 6. - SCHOOL IMPACT FEE (1) Payment. No building permit shall be issued for the construction of any proposed building containing one or more dwelling unita, or for the construction of any proposed building addition or modification that will result either in one or more additional dwelling units within an existing building or one or 8 more additional bedrooms within an existing dwelling unit, until after the school impact fee provided for in this eection has been paid to the City Treasurer; provided, however, that no euch fee shell be required with respect to any one-bedroom dwelling unit 01: any dwelling unit that is legally restricted to use by the elderly; and further provided that appropriate credit shall be ~ given for any school impact fee previously paid with respect to a dwelling unit to which one OK more additional bedrooms are proposed to be added. (2) Amount. Except as provided in subsection (1) above, the amount of the school impact fee to be paid with respect to each dwelling unit shall be determined in accordance with the following echedule: JnULrl- f=A*IL& (a) one bedroom -- $0; (b) two bedrooms -- $750; - (c) three or more bedrooms -- $1,000. SInxLc-Fa-rL . .. .,. OaC OR WORE 8CDRuo~S - \ r), . rn\mmrs MAY-01-1392 W:06 FROM 0 Z B 3QTH FLOOR - TO 94221714 P.83 For purposes of this section, "bedroom" is defined as any room other than a living room, dining room, kitchen or bathroom, exclusive of unfinished basement or attic space, regardless of the description or proposed use of such room. (3) Administrati.on, Use and Refund of Fees. (a) Deposit and Investment. School impact fees shall be deposited and maintained in a segregated special account; provided, however, that if such fees are disbursed to the appropriate school district on the day of receipt, they need not be so deposited.by the City Treasurer. Such fees may be invested in accordance with applicable law, as amended from time to time. (b) Disbursement. At any time after receipt of school impact fees by the City Treasurer, such fees may be disbursed to the school district within whose boundaries the building with respect to which the impact fee was paid was proposed to be constructed, provided that the City has first entered into an intergovernmental cooperative agreement with such school district regarding the administration, use and/or refund or such fees. Whenever school impact fees are disbursed by the City to a school district, the following detailed information regarding each individual 6chool impact fee so disbursed shall simultaneously be provided to that school district in writing: the amount of the foe, the date of paymant o€ the fee to the City, the name and address of the owner of the parcel. of land ox lot on which the building with respect to which the fee was paid was proposed to be con,atructed, the type and street address (if available) of r ,' 0 -2- a a 0 MFIY-O1-1992 Q9:07 FEOM 0 3 B 30TH FLOCR I. TO such building, and the legal description and tax key number of such parcel or Lot. (e) g. Except a6 is otherwise provided in this subparagraph, school impact fees shall only be used for the acquisition, conetruction or installation of new or expanded school sites, new or expanded school buildings, new school equipment or other new school-related capital objects, which are requlred to sene the school-related needs of residential development occurring in the City after the effective date of this section, or to pay debt service directly related to the acquisition, construction or installation of any such sites, buildings, equipment or other capital objects. (For purposes of this sec.tion, "capital objects" is defined in the same way it is defined in the Wisconsin Elementary and Secondary School Accounting System Handbook, prepared by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and published in 1991, as amended from time to time.) [Notwithstanding the foregoing limitation, school impact fees may be used to pay debt service directly related to the acquiei on of the exieting school facil e maximum amount designated il hereby finds have been provid ict to serve the school-relat ent 'occurring in the City after the effective date of thi6 section: .I As a furthar limitation on the use of school impact fees, any 6u.ch. particular fee shall be used only for school sites, .. . .. .. -3- m\rnnonJl MFIY-81-1992 09:07 FEOM 0 X B 38TH FLOOR TO buildings, equipment or other school-related capital objects which would be usable by or benefit children of the appropriate age who might reaide in the proposed building with respect to which such fee was paid. (d) Refund. If any particular school impact fee paid hereunder is not used for the purposes specifiod herein within ten (10) years after the date of payment, it shall be refunded to the then Owner of record (or if there is more than one Owner of record, then to the owners of record, as their interest6 my appear) of the parcel of land or lot on which the proposed building with respect to which the lmpact fee waa paid waa to be constructed, together with any interest earned thereon, lees any reasonable costs of administration associated with such fee. (a) CooDerative Aqreement. Any intergovernmental cooperative agreement entered into by and between the City and a school diatrict.regarding school impact fees shall contain, without limitation, appropriate provisions to assure compliance by the school district with the restrictions of this section regarding the administration., use and/or refund of such fees and a provision requiring the school district to vigorously defend a.ny court action challenging the exaction, administration, use or refu.nd of any school. impact fees received by it from the City. (4) Severability. The provisions of this Ordinance shall. be severable. (5) Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective upon. the last to occur of the following cven.ts: (a) the pa66age of two (2) weeks nf.ter publication of this Ordinance according to -4- ' MFIY-01-1992 09:QE FROM 13 8 B 3TH FLOOR TO 94221714 P.06 law, following ita adoption by the Common Council, and (b) the adoption and effectuation according to law of a countergart ordinance by the Town of Norway. Adopted this day of , 1992. Wayne G. Salentfne, Mayor Attest: Jean K. Marenda, Clerk .. , .:. -5-