CCR1992059COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #59-92 APPROVAL OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP Ingersoll/Giefer/JC Development WHEREAS, a Certified Survey Map was submitted on February 11, Ingersoll/Giefer/ JC Development property on Janesville Road 1992 to finalize a two-parcel division of the in the SE 1/4 of Section 9; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the Certified Survey Map to finalize a two-parcel division of the Ingersoll/Giefer/JC Development property on Janesville Road in the SE 1/4 of Section 9. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is subject to receipt of all fees required by Section 10 of the Land Division Ordinance and approval of the City Engineer. 0 DATED THIS 25TH DAY OF FEBRUARY , 1992. SPONSORED BY: Ald. David J. Sanders This is to certifv that this is a true and accurate COPY of Resolution #59-92-which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. * 2/92cac CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. A REDlVlSlON OF PARCEL 1 AND 2 OF CERTAD SURVEY MAP NO. 6269 AND PARCEL 1 0 CERTNED SURVEY MAP NO. BEING A REDlVlSlON OF LANDS OF A PART OF THE ~ ~~ NORTHEAST 1 / 4 OF THE SOCrrHWEST 1 I4 AND THE NORTHWEST 1 I4 OF THE SOUTHEAS IN THE UTY OF MUSKEGO. VWUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSN. 114 OF SECTION 9. TOWN 5 NORTH. RANGE 20 EAST, n L- n 75 150 300 SCALE: 1 " 450 NORTH Michael J. Lox& Assoc. Inc. 240 Regency Courl Waukerha, \VI 53186 (414) 784.7999 N.77" 21' 58"E. 16.53' 7 r S.E.W.R.P.C. MEANDER CORNER CAST IRON MON. W1 BRASS CAP .ITTLE MUSKEG0 LAKE 100 YR. FLOOD LINE 794.2 . - -. .. S.77' 21' 57"W. UNPLATTED LANDS "_" "_ CURVE DATA P.O.B. / S.114 LINE SEC. 94 -: i-" ,D - CHORD ARC CHORD RADIUS BEARING 208.58 206.32 1205.78 N.75" 09' 58' DELTA "E. 9O 48' 5 S.W. COR. S.E. 114 SEC. 9. T5N. R20E. NOTE All bearings nre relerenced Io Grid Nalh 01 Ihe WIsc~sln CAST IRON MON. Wt BRASSCAP slat8 Plane Cmrdnale SySIem-South Zone. wherein the was lahen lo bear N.OI. IT 44"w. SWlh I14 line 01 Section 0. Town 5 Norlh. Ran~e 20 EBsI. lndcales i"x24" Iron Pipe weighlng 1 13 Ibs. per lineal lml. Sheet 1 of 5 rt-ns INSTRUMENT ws DRAFTED BY MICHAEL J. LOSIK, s-1065 JOB NO. 88-: