CCR1992023AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #23-92 MANAGEMENT AND OTHER NON-REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES APPROVAL OF PERSONNEL CODE FOR OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO WHEREAS, a Personnel Code for Management and Other Non-Represented Employees has been developed by combining adopted resolutions and general procedure terminology from the various labor contracts entered into by the City of Muskego; and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Management and Other Non-Represented Employees of the City of Committee, does hereby adopt the attached Personnel Code For Muskego as amended. 0 DATED THIS 28TH DAY OF JANUARY , 1992. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Harold L. Sanders This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #23-92 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. P 1/92cac Reconsidered 1/28/92 CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED CHANGES RESOLUTION #23-92 PERSONNEL CODE FOR MANAGEMENT AND OTHER NON-REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO CURRENT ARTICLE X - OVERTIME time and one half (l-l/Z) shall be paid for all hours 10.01. For all employees other than Department Heads, worked outside of the employee's regular shift of hours, except that employees working on Sunday or a Holiday shall receive two (2) times their regular rate of pay in addition to their regular salary. PROPOSED CHANGE Insert "and Lieutenants" on Line 1 after "Department Heads". CURRENT ARTICLE XV - SICK LEAVE 15.10. Employees upon termination from City Employment (except discharge for proper cause), shall be entitled to pay, at their last base rate, for any accumulated unused sick leave days up to one hundred twenty (120) days for days for those employees hired on or after 1/1/88. those employees active on 12/31/87 and up to ninety (90) PROPOSED CHANGE Delete "(except discharge for proper cause)" on Line 2. CURRENT ARTICLE XVII - INSURANCE 17.05. Retired persons may choose to continue their health insurance coverage at their own cost if employed by the City for 15 years and the employee is 60 years of age or over at the time of retirement. PROPOSED CHANGE Change "60 years of age" on Line 3 to "55 years of age". CURRENT ARTICLE XXI - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Step Four: If a satisfactory settlement is not reached as outlined in Step 3, either party may request that the matter be submitted to arbitration; one arbitrator to be chosen by the Employer, one by the Union, and a third to be chosen by the first two, and he shall be the Chairman of the Board. (If the two cannot agree on the selection of a third, the parties shall request the Wisconsin Employment Proposed Changes to R23-92 Page 2 Relations Commission to name the third member.) The Board of Arbitration shall, by a majority vote, make a decision on the grievance, which shall be final and binding on both parties. Only issues relating to the interpretation, application, or enforcement of the terms of this Agreement shall be subject to the Arbitration Procedure. PROPOSED CHANGE Change the word "Union" on Line 4 to "employee". CURRENT WORK RULE 1. Employees shall be placed "on step" in the above schedule based upon their length of service computed from their anniversary date of employment. PROPOSED CHANGE Delete #1 in its entirety. 3 e a COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #23-92 APPROVAL OF PERSONNEL CODE FOR OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 Muskego. \\\ / DATED THIS 14TH DAY OF\ \ JAdARY , 1992. SPONSORED BY: COMMITTEE did. Daniel J. Hilt Al'd. Edwin P. Dumke This is to that this is a true and Resolution which was adopted by the Common City of Muskeg e h K. 3.-/,o"L. Cifi Clerk 1/92cac v THE CITY OF MUSKEGO PERSONNEL CODE FOR MANAGEMENT AND OTHER NON-REPRESENTED PERSONNEL January 1, 1992 through December 31, 1992 CITY OF MUSKEG0 PERSONNEL CODE MANAGEMENT AND OTHER NON-REPRESENTED PERSONNEL INDEX . PAGE ARTICLE I PURPOSE .............. 3 ARTICLE I1 MANAGEMENT RIGHTS ......... 3 ARTICLE I11 ARTICLE IV ARTICLE V ARTICLE VI ARTICLE VI1 ARTICLE VI11 ARTICLE IX ARTICLE X ARTICLE XI ARTICLE XII ARTICLE XI11 ARTICLE XIV ARTICLE XV ARTICLE XVI ARTICLE XVII ARTICLE XVIII ARTICLE XIX ARTICLE XX ARTICLE XXI ARTICLE XXII ARTICLE XXIII EXHIBIT "A" WORK RULES PROBATIONARY PERIOD ........ 3 RETIREMENT PROGRAM ........ 4 WAGES 6 BENEFITS ......... 4 PAY PERIOD ............ 4 WORKDAY h WORKWEEK ........ 4 CALL-IN TIME ........... 5 HOLIDAYS ............. 5 OVERTIME ............. 6 TIME OFF FOR FUNERALS ....... 6 LEAVE OF ABSENCE ......... 6 JURY DUTY & WITNESS SERVICE .... 7 WORKER'S COMPENSATION ....... 7 SICK LEAVE ............ 7 VACATION ............. 9 INSURANCE ............. 10 SENIORITY ............. 11 FILLING OF VACANCIES ....... 12 LAYOFF AND RECALL ......... 12 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ........ 13 SAFETY .............. 13 NON-DISCRIMINATION ........ 14 .................. 15 .................. 18 2 CITY OF MUSXEGO PERSONNEL CODE MANAGEMENT AND OTHER NON-REPRESENTED PERSONNEL ARTICLE I - PURPOSE - 1.01. It is the purpose of this Agreement and the desire of both parties thereto to protect and promote the interests of the general public to whom the parties provide service, to maintain harmonious labor relations, to obtain and complete agreement covering wages, hours of work and conditions of employment, to provide for the well-being of the employees and to allow the Employer to operate and manage its affairs as efficiently and flexibly as possible. ARTICLE I1 - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS - work and direction of the working forces, including the right to 2.01. Unless otherwise herein provided, the management of the proper cause and right to relieve employees form duty because of hire, promote, demote, or suspend or otherwise discharge for Employer. the lack of work or other legitimate reason is vested in the ARTICLE I11 - PROBATIONARY PERIOD will be ninety (90) working days, except where State Statutes 3.01. The probationary period for non-represented employees govern Police employees. An additional ninety (90) days extension of the probationary period may be permitted by the Finance Committee. Holidays and days in which the employee actually works one-half (1/2) his/her regularly scheduled shift and continuous overtime worked that is equivalent of an eight (8) hour day shall count as days worked for the purpose of this clause. 3.02. Continued employment beyond the first ninety (90) days, or completion of an extension of probation, of employment shall be evidence of satisfactory completion of probation, of employment shall be evidence of satisfactory completion of probation and such employee at that time shall be eligible for all accrued benefits, retroactive to the date of employment, except as provided in Section 3.04. 3.03. A probationary employee may be terminated without regard for cause and without recourse to the grievance procedure. health insurance after one (1) month of employment, and life 3.04. New employees shall be eligible for paid holidays and insurance on the first of the month following one (1) month of employment. 3.05. Other than as set forth in Section 3.04 above, there employe's probationary status as set forth in this Article. shall be no accrual of benefits during the period of an - 0 3 Upon the successful completion of the probationary period, accrual of all benefits shall be retroactive to the date of hire. Therefore, in the case of sick leave, it shall not be paid during the probationary period. However, reimbursement may be made at the end of the probationary period up to the accrued amount at the request of the employee. The floating holiday may a not be taken during the probationary period. .I ARTICLE IV - RETIREMENT PROGRAM - 4.01. The employer shall contribute 6.5% of gross salary for the pension contribution for the Public Works Superintendent and Utility Superintendent, and for those remaining non-represented employees eligible for the City's pension plan, the contribution for each employee shall be seventy-eight (780) per hour in 1992, with the exception of the Police Chief and Lieutenants, who shall receive the same pension benefit as a uniformed officer. Participation by employees in this program shall include part-time employees otherwise eligible for participation and said employees shall have contributions made on their behalf for each hour actually worked. 4.02. The City's pension contribution commences on January 1st following one (1) full year of employment. 4.03. The Employer agrees to pay the employee's cost of administrating the pension plan. ARTICLE V - WAGES h BENEFITS 5.01. Wages are set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and e made a part hereof. ARTICLE VI - PAY PERIOD 6.01. Employees shall be paid biweekly. 6.02. The paycheck shall provide information concerning hours worked, overtime worked and deductions made. paid on the day prior to the holiday. 6.03. If the payday falls on a holiday, employees shall be Employee Deferred Compensation Plan (PEDC), when the employee 6.04. The City will make a payroll deduction to the Public elects to have the deduction made. - ARTICLE VI1 - WORKDAY h WORKWEEK - 7.01. The standard workday for full-time City Hall h Computer Department employees shall consist of eight (8) hours per day, excluding a one-half (1/2) hour lunch period. The standard workweek shall consist of forty (40) hours, Monday through Friday. 7.02. The hours of work for City Hall employees shall be from 0 8:OO AM to 4:30 PM. 4 7.03. All full time Highway Department personnel shall work Monday through Friday. from 7:OO a.m. until 3:30 p.m. with one-half hour lunch period - 7.04. All full time Library employees shall work 40 hours per 0 week. Hours to be established by the Library Director. week. Hours to be established by the Chief of Police. 7.05. Police Department employees shall work 40 hours per with 1/2 hour lunch period Monday through Friday. 7.06. Parks employees shall work from 7:30 AM till 4:OO PM - ARTICLE VI11 - CALL-IN TIME - other than a regularly scheduled time, shall be entitled to at 8.01. Hourly employees who shall be called to work at a time least two (2) hours work or pay therefore at time and one-half hours which they may have worked, provided, however, that such (1-1/2), regardless of the length of time less than two (2) minimum shall not apply to hours worked consecutively prior to or subsequent to the employee's scheduled workday. Any employee so called in may be required to work the two (2) full hours. Hourly employees who report to work and are unable to complete their day of employment due to inclement weather shall be guaranteed four hours minimum pay. Superintendent will resume the responsibility of having the 8.02. In regard to beeper carrying, the Utility beeper carried, having first priority of the duty, and will appoint the person on duty in his absence. The compensation will be one hour straight time per day. If the beeper carrier is called in, the contract will be followed and there will be no compensation cost for carrying the beeper. - 8.03. When the Utility Superintendent is responsible for the Man salary scale. beeper, he shall be paid at the rate of the Utility Maintenance ARTICLE IX - HOLIDAYS 9.01. All employees shall be granted ten and one-half (10-1/2) paid holidays each year as follows: Good Friday (1/2 Day) Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Floating Holiday Day After Thanksgiving Christmas Eve Day Christmas Day New Year's Eve Day New Year's Day - 9.02. The one-half (1/2) day holiday shall mean four (4) hours of straight-time pay. his/her regular salary, and in addition shall be paid at two (2) 9.03. An employee scheduled to work a holiday shall receive 0- 5 times his/her regular rate of pay for all hours worked on said holiday . employee must work the last regular workday preceding the 9.04. To be eligible for holiday pay for any holiday, the unless on an excused absence with pay. holiday and the next regular workday following -the holiday - ARTICLE X - OVERTIME and one half (1-1/2) shall be paid for all hours worked outside 10.01. For all employees other than Department Heads, time of the employee's regular shift of hours, except that employees working on Sunday or a Holiday shall receive two (2) times their regular rate of pay in addition to their regular salary. lieu of pay, such compensatory time shall be one and one-half 10.02. If an employee chooses to take compensatory time in (1-1/2) hours for each overtime hour worked, except that Department Heads will accumulate compensatory time at straight time. However, Department Heads will receive no payout at time of termination for any unused accumulated compensatory time. 10.03. No overtime work shall be performed without the approval of the department head. Prior approval is required whenever possible. Employees shall be required to work any overtime when requested by their department head. for their attendance at meetings, outside of regular working 10.04. Department Heads will not receive compensatory time affiliated with their respective departments, as well as the hours, which are the Boards, Committees and/or Commissions Finance Committee. ARTICLE XI - TIME OFF FOR FUNERALS 11.01. In the event of the death of a member of an employee's shall be granted. immediate family, up to three (3) days leave of absence with pay 11.02. Immediate family is described as husband, wife, children, step-children, parents, grandparents, grandchildren, brothers, step-brothers, sisters and step-sisters of the employee or his/her spouse. ARTICLE XI1 - LEAVE OF ABSENCE 12.01. Any employee who wishes to absent himself/herself from his/her employment for any reason not specifically provided for in this Agreement must make application for a non-paid leave of absence from the Employer. writing at least fifteen (15) days previous to the start 12.02. All requests for leaves of absence shall be made in will be accepted. thereof. In the event of emergency conditions, a shorter notice 6 12.03. The Employer shall determine whether or not justifiable reason exists for granting a leave of absence. 12.04. An employee who begins a leave of absence between the first and the fifteenth of the month shall accrue and be entitled to benefits until the end of that month. An employee who begins a leave of absence between the sixteenth and the end of the month shall accrue and be entitled to benefits until the end of the following month. Thereafter, no fringe benefits shall accrue, or be available, to any employee while under a leave of absence. Employees who are on an authorized leave of absence shall be permitted to remain in the City's insurance programs, provided they shall pay the full premiums therefore. 0 ARTICLE XI11 - JURY DUTY & WITNESS SERVICE 13.01. Any employee subpoenaed for jury duty or as a witness shall be paid his/her regular wages and shall turn over the the City Clerk any monies, excluding mileage, received as a result of such jury and witness service. ARTICLE XIV - WORKER'S COMPENSATION 14.01. All employees covered by this Agreement are entitled to Worker's Compensation coverage. 14.02. Any employee who is absent due to injury or illness caused during the course of his/her duties and is eligible for Worker's Compensation payments for temporary-partial or temporary-total disability, shall suffer no loss of compensation during such period of absence. Non-represented employees eligible for Worker's Compensation shall have their checks employee the difference to make up his/her regular paycheck. submitted directly to the employee, with the Employer paying the For purposes of this section only, employees shall be considered as eligible for Worker's Compensation payments for temporary-partial or temporary-total disability from the first day of any disability, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 102.43, Wis. Stats. During the period of such differential pay, there shall be no deductions from the employee's earned sick leave or vacation credits. This provision shall be for maximum of one year. 0 ARTICLE XV - SICK LEAVE 15.01. All full-time employees shall earn and shall be granted sick leave with pay at the rate of one and one quarter (1 1/4) days per month, accumulative to one hundred thirty days (130) days. 15.02. Sick leave shall be granted to those employees who are unable to report to work due to personal illness or injury or exposure to contagious disease. Up to three (3) sick days per year may be taken by an employee in the event of an injury or illness to a family member. Family 0 member shall be defined as a spouse or dependent who resides in the employee's home. month basis per the following formula regardless of the date of 15.03. All sick leave credits shall be computed on a whole appointment: On or Before the 16th - 1st day of the month hired On the 17th or Thereafter - 1st day of the following month 15.04. Sick leave cannot be used until earned. New employees shall be ineligible to use sick leave during their initial probationary period, but their accumulated sick leave account shall, at the completion of such period, be credited with the sick leave earned during such period. cover the absence of an employee, the remainder shall be charged 15.05. When an insufficient sick leave balance remains to either to compensatory time, accumulated vacation or leave without pay, at the employee's option. 15.06. In the event that a paid holiday falls within the week or weeks when the employee is on sick leave, such holiday will be charged as a paid holiday and not deducted from the employee's accrued sick leave. of sick leave benefits shall continue during the period of 15.07. While an employee is on paid sick leave, the accrual convalescence. Sick leave shall not be accrued for laid off employees or employees on leave of absences without pay that exceed twenty (20) working days. Employees shall be allowed to use sick leave if they become ill while on vacation (a doctor's certificate or other evidence to support this sickness may be or funds, any accumulated sick leave shall continue in effect if required). Whenever an employee is laid off due to lack of work she/he is rehired. ~~~~ 15.08. In order to be sick leave with pay, the department head or or employee must adhere to the following: A. B. C. D. E. Report the reason for absence from work promptly. Keep the Employer informed on one's condition. Permit the Employer at his/her own cost to make such medical inquiry or visit as he/she may determine necessary. Submit a medical certificate for any absence of more that inability to work. four (4) consecutive working days certifying as to Employee shall be granted maternity leave for the length of time deemed necessary by the employee's physician. Employee shall be required to furnish a doctor's statement as to date leave of absence commenced and the date as to when the employee is able to return to work. 15.09. A monthly report will be distributed to all Department Heads by the City Clerk listing the amount of sick leave balance each employee has in his/her account. All sick leave used must be reported to the City Clerk on a bi-weekly basis. e 15.10. Employees upon termination from City Employment at their last base rate, for any accumulated unused sick leave (except discharge for proper cause), shall be entitled to pay, days up to one hundred twenty (120) days for those employees active on 12/31/87 and up to ninety (90) days for those employees hired on or after 1/1/88. Sick leave payout to non-represented employee beneficiaries shall be paid up to 120 days, except for employees hired after January 1, 1988, who would have sick leave payout to beneficiaries paid up to 90 days. 15.11. Willful misuse of sick leave or the willful making of disciplinary action. Repeated misuse may be just cause for false reports regarding illness may subject the employee to suspension, demotion or discharge. 15.12. Requests for sick leave for employee's doctor and dentist appointments shall be granted up to a maximum of sixteen (16) hours per year. Employees shall, where possible, schedule such appointments after consultation with their supervisors concerning mutually convenient times for the taking of such minimize the impact upon workinq time. Employees shall qive leave, and shall attempt to schedule such appointments so as to four (4) workdais advance notice prior to requesting such leave. " ARTICLE XVI - VACATION 16.01. Vacations shall be granted to employees based upon the anniversary date of their continuous employment. All full-time city employees shall be granted vacation with pay as follows: After one (1) year of employment - two (2) weeks of paid vacation after six (6) months of employment, and one (1) vacation. Non-represented employees may take one (1) week week of vacation during the second year, provided, however, that any employee who terminates employment before completing their first year shall not receive pay for vacation already taken. After five (5) years of employment - three (3) weeks of paid vacation. one (1) additional day of vacation shall be earned per year Beginning with the sixth anniversary date of employment, up to a maximum of four (4) weeks. After twenty (20) years of employment - five (5) weeks of paid vacation. advise all department heads of the amount of vacation each of 16.03. Prior to January 1 of each year the City Clerk shall 9 their employees are entitled to use during the following quarterly employee vacation status reports to the City Clerk's calendar year. All department heads are required to submit office. All employees shall be notified by their department head prior to January 1st as to the amount of vacation they are entitled to the work day at eight (8) hours. 16.04. Vacation pay shall be computed at forty (40) hours and the first day of a month (see following formula) and the 16.05. The hiring date of all employees shall be converted to resulting date shall be used to determine the amount of vacation they are entitled to. HIRING OR ENDING DATE CONVERSION FORMULA On or before the 16th - 1st day of the month hired On the 17th or thereafter - 1st day of the following month year (defined as anniversary date to anniversary date) or it 16.06. Vacation allowance shall be taken during the vacation shall be lost. 16.07. An employee's hiring date shall not be changed and his/her vacation benefits shall not continue to accrue if an employee is laid off or on an authorized leave without pay for a period exceeding twenty (20) working days. However, under the preceding, if an employee returns to work, his/her previous vacation status shall apply in establishing his/her new hiring 0 date for determination of his/her vacation amounts. 16.08. Employees, when separated from city employment, will be compensated at their regular salary for earned and unused vacation accumulated to their credit. Similarly, employees shall reimburse the city for any vacation used but not earned. 16.09. Each department head or supervisor shall be given the authority to schedule and approve vacation usage, giving due consideration to seniority rights, the needs of service, and the staff required to perform the ongoing departmental activities. 16.10. When an authorized holiday falls within an employee's paid vacation period, the employee shall be granted another day off with pay in lieu of such holiday. Such day shall not wishes of the employee will be considered if arrangements with necessarily be continuous with the vacation period; however, the the department head are made prior to the start of vacation. ARTICLE XVII - INSURANCE 17.01. The Employer shall provide hospital and surgical insurance, major medical, outpatient, and diagnostic during the term of this Agreement. 10 Effective-January 1, 1992, the City will pay up to $348.00 per month for family coverage and $137.40 per month for single coverage. Surgical Insurance and Group Life Insurance premiums for a 17.02. The Employer shall continue to pay Hospitalization and work due to sickness or accident not covered by Worker's period of up to six (6) months for employees who are absent from Compensation whose sick leave has been exhausted. 17.03. An employee may choose to join the City's dental insurance plan at his/her own expense. shall be as follows: 17.04. Life Insurance benefits for non-represented employees Before Age 70 Ages 70 to 74 Age 75 and Over $21,000 $12,600 $ 8,400 17.05. Retired persons may choose to continue their health insurance coverage at their own cost if employed by the City for 15 years and the employee is 60 years of age or over at the time of retirement. 17.06. A retired employee (or widow or widower) may elect to leave their accumulated sick pay with the City to apply toward payment of monthly health insurance premiums. The amount of money in the fund shall have interest calculated on December 31st, with the rate of interest being equal to the interest rate earned on City investments for that calendar year. This year. The City shall provide the employee with a printout interest amount shall be applied retroactively for the entire February 1st of each year identifying the exact amount of money available in the fund. The retired employee may elect to remove his money from this account at any time upon giving the City 30 days written notice. 0 determined by the City auditor, who shall determine the interest ARTICLE XVIII - SENIORITY regular position will become his seniority date. Seniority for 18.01. The date an employee is employed or re-employed in a part-time employees shall be based upon the actual number of week shall accrue one-half (1/2) of one (1) months seniority hours worked. (i.e. An employee working twenty (20) hours per credit for each full calendar month worked.) 18.02. The seniority date will be used in all computations vacation, longevity, sick leave, etc. involving length of service for items such as seniority, 18.03. The seniority date of an employee shall be the date of first continuous emplovment or latest date of re-employment as the case may be. " " 11 accumulate during periods of lay-off, military leave, sick 18.04. The seniority rights of an employee shall continue to ~< leave, leave of absence and when drawing Worker's Compensation. e 18.05. An employee shall lose his/her seniority rights for any of the following reasons: A. When he/she retires B. If he/she is discharged C. If he/she is on layoff status for a period in excess of one D. Resignation. (Any employee absent for three (3) (1) continuous year. consecutive scheduled workdays without notifying the employer of the reason for absence and who has no legitimate reason for being absent from work shall be E. Unexcused failure to return to work after the expiration of considered as having resigned. a vacation period, leave of absence or period for which within five (5) days after notice of recall from layoff. Worker's Compensation was paid or failing to report to work ARTICLE XIX - FILLING OF VACANCIES 19.01. Whenever any vacancy which the Employer desires to fill on a permanent basis occurs due to retirement, quit, new position, or for whatever reason, the job vacancy shall be made the Department Head, be advertised on the outside. known to all employees by posting and may, at the discretion of 19.02. The job requirements, qualification, and pay shall be a part of such notice of job opening or posting. 19.03. A minimum of five (5) consecutive calendar days notice will be allowed to permit interested employees to sign the job posting. seniority shall be selected to fill the vacancy. 19.04. Qualifications being equal, the employee with the most period to prove his qualifications. 19.05. The employee shall have a ninety (90) day probationary ARTICLE XX - LAYOFF AND RECALL 20.01. If a reduction in employee personnel becomes necessary, the least senior employee shall be the first person qualified, in the sole determination of the Employer, to perform laid off, providing that the remaining employees are capable and the available work. 20.02. The last person laid off shall be the first person qualified, in the sole determination of the Employer, to perform re-employed, if available and desires to return and is the available work. 12 ARTICLE XXI - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 21.01. Any grievance or misunderstanding which may arise between the employer and an employee shall be handled as follows: Step One: The aggrieved employee shall present the grievance to the department head within sixty (60) calendar days of the date the employee knew or should have known of the occurrence of the event causing the grievance or misunderstanding. step Two: If a satisfactory settlement is not reached as outlined in Step One within one (1) week, the employee shall present the grievance in writing to the Finance within two (2) weeks of the written request from the other Committee of the Common Council. A meeting shall be held party. Step Three: If a satisfactory settlement is not reached as outlined in Step Two, the employee shall present the grievance in writing to the Common Council. A meeting shall be held within two (2) weeks of the receipt of the written request from the other party. Step Four: If a satisfactory settlement is not reached matter be submitted to arbitration; one arbitrator to be as outlined in Step 3, either party may request that the chosen by the Employer, one by the Union, and a third to be chosen by the first two, and he shall be the Chairman of the Board. (If the two cannot agree on the selection of a third, the parties shall request the Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission to name the third member.) The Board of Arbitration shall, by a majority vote, make a decision on the grievance, which shall be final and binding on both parties. Only issues relating to the interpretation, application, or enforcement of the terms of this Agreement shall be subject to the Arbitration Procedure. mutual consent of the parties involved. 21.02. The time limits mentioned above may be extended by arbitrator. The cost of the third arbitrator and any other 21.03. Each party shall bear the cost of its chosen expenses shall be shared equally by the parties. ARTICLE XXII - SAFETY 22.01. The Employer agrees to monitor the safe operation of video display terminals. The Employer agrees that all terminals shall be checked periodically for proper operation. In the event a physician prescribes any special lenses for an employee regularly operating a video display terminal, the Employer will provide such lenses at no cost to the employee. 13 ARTICLE XXIII - NON-DISCRIMINATIOW 23.01. The parties hereto agree that there shall be no discrimination with respect to any employee, or the hiring of new employees because of age, sex, race, creed, handicap, or national origin in violation of existing Federal or State law. Any alleged violation of this Section shall not be subject to the grievance procedure provided for in this Agreement. 14 EXHIBIT "A" e A. Salaries. The following salaries shall be paid to various persons occupying the positions herein stated in 1992 : POSITION Annual Salaries Police Chief Lieutenants (2) Director of Bldg Inspection Director of Planning Public Works Superintendent Utility Superintendent Director of Info Systems Library Director I Parks Director e Recreation Director City Attorney Hourly Salaries Building Inspector Deputy Building Inspector (Full Time) Parka Maintenance Person Deputy Clerk Deputy Treasurer Mayor's Secretary START 6 MOS. 18 MOS. - 44,843.37 40,596.84 28,612.50 28,612.50 32,438.08 29,429.48 28,875.00 28,602.24 26,569.58 26,569.58 26,000.00 15.82 14.00 1 Certif. within 30 days 8.63 10.90 8.27 9.59 46,572.86 30,607.50 30,607.50 37,072.09 30,476.99 30,607.50 30,052.58 27,558.03 27,558.03 16.29 14.40 2 Certif. required 9.52 11-50 9.28 10.77 50,031.79 44,507.47 32,445.00 32,445.00 40,481.09 35,703.80 32,445.00 32,283.68 31,737.68 31,737.68 17.46 15.37 required 3 Ceetif. 13.94 12.60 9.95 11.53 POSITION Part-Time Hourly Salaries Deputy Building Inspector Soil Erosion Inspector Asst. Recreation Supervisor Receptionist/Typist I1 Part-Time Utility Clerk Maintenance Person Draftsperson Mower Operator Library Page High School Student Election Chairman Election Inspector Board of Canvassers START - 9 uos. 24 MOS. 14.50 (1 Cert. within 30 days) 8.50 9.00 8.76 9.30 7.42 8.34 7.42 8.33 5.51 5.00 4.25 4.52 4.25 4.25 + $S.OO/day 4.25 4.25 with $lO.OO/day minimum 10.15 8.91 5.49 Seasonal Hourly Salaries - Parks Department Idle Isle Attendants 4.25 Baseball Maintenance Parks Maintenance Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 6 over 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 B. Lonqevity.* In addition to the base rates listed above, the City agrees to provide the following longevity payment: After five (5) years of continuous service $ 5.00/Month After ten (10) years of continuous service $lO.OO/Month After fifteen (15) years of continuous service $15.00/Month * Excludes Police Chief and Lieutenants which are covered under "C. Miscellaneous". 16 i !. '8 C. Miscellaneous. The Superintendent of Public Works and the Utility Superintendent shall receive one pair of winter coveralls and three pairs of reflector coveralls to be cleaned and rented at the expense of the City; one pair of safety glasses each year, if needed. Said glasses may be while on the job, shall be replaced by the City. tinted, if required, and , in the event of loss or damage The Superintendent of Public Works and the Utility Superintendent shall be provided with work gloves, as needed, and $45.00, per year, safety shoe allowance. The Police Chief and the Lieutenants shall receive the same uniform maintenance benefit as provided to the Police Officers. Non-represented Police employees will be given a ownership to be retained by the employee. All those who one-time only Gun Allowance of $200.00 for new guns, with Any employee who terminates employment or is terminated have already purchased new guns will be grandfathered in. while on probation, will reimburse the City for the $200.00 Gun Allowance. Any employee who terminates employment or is the City for one-half of the $200.00 Gun Allowance. terminated during the first two to five years will reimburse On December 31st of each year, the City shall put into an interest-bearing account, for the Police Chief and Lieutenants, the amount of money that would have been paid in longevity for that year according to the following schedule: $ 5.00 per month after 5 years of service 10.00 per month after 10 years of service 15.00 per month after 15 years of service Each year when the amount is deposited by the City, a printout shall be provided to the Association identifying the contribution and the officer whose name the contribution was made under. The amount of money in the fund shall have interest being equal to the interest rate determined by the interest calculated on December 31st, with the rate of City auditor, who shall determine the interest earned on City investments for the calendar year. This interest The City shall provide the Police Chief and Lieutenants with amount shall be applied retroactively for the entire year. amount of money available in the fund, provided, however, a printout February 1st of each year identifying the exact Health Insurance Review Committee throughout the year so the amount of money in the fund shall be available to the that actuarial studies may be performed if an employee of his intent to retire. On January 1, 1992, the City agrees advises the Association Board of Directors or its designee employee, with this day being subtracted from each to deposit into this fund the value of one sick day for each employee's sick leave account. For employees hired during the calendar year, they shall have a sick day subtracted value of this day being added to the fund. from their sick leave account on December 31, 1992, with the 17 B Employees hired after 1/1/88 who work under 30 hours per week, shall reach the 6 month level after working 9 calendars months; and the 18 month level after working 24 calendar months, with no increase implemented until satisfactory completion of the probationary period. All present and future employees, on a prospective basis, shall have credit for all past part-time service in determining benefit eligibility by crediting the actual number of hours worked towards benefit eligibility. WORK RULE 1. Employees shall be placed "on step" in the above schedule based upon their length of service computed from their anniversary date of employment. 2. Whenever any employee is proceeded against in his/her official capacity, or is proceeded against as an individual based on acts committed while carrying out his/her duties as an employee, the City will pay all reasonable attorneys' fees, costs of defending the action, and any judgment which may accrue against the employee in accordance with Section 270.58, Wisconsin Statutes. 3. A first-aid kit and safety precautions necessary for the well-being of the employee shall be provided by the Employer. 4. The stipulation contained in this Personnel Code are intended to cover normal conditions that occur or exist; however, should special conditions arise, said matter shall be resolved between the employee and the Finance Committee. 5. Regular part-time employees covered by this Personnel Code pro-rated basis. shall receive all fringe benefits specified herein on a 18