Park Place West
WHEREAS, a Final Plat was submitted on November 12, 1991 for the
20-lot Park Place West Subdivision in the NE 1/4 of Section 17,
WHEREAS, the revised Preliminary Plat was approved in Resolution
#262-91, and
WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has recommended approval, and
WHEREAS, the Subdivider's Agreement and Letter of Credit have
been received for Park Place West, as attached, and the Finance
Committee has recommended approval.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the
City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission,
does hereby approve the Final Plat for the 20-lot Park Place
West Subdivision in the NE 1/4 of Section 17, subject to
approval of the City Engineer and all objecting and approving
agencies, and receipt of all fees as provided in Section 10 of
the Land Division Ordinance.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Subdivider's Agreement and
Letter of Credit for Park Place West, as attached, is hereby
approved subject to approval of the City Attorney and City
Engineer, and subject to the approval of the Letter of Credit by
the City Attorney, all of said approvals to be obtained within
thirty (30) days of the date of approval of this Resolution or
the same will be null and void.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby
authorized to sign the necessary documents in the name of the
Ald. Daniel J. Hilt
Ald. Edwin P. Dumke
Ald. Harold L. Sanders
0 This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of
Resolution #330-91 which was adopted by the Common Council of
the City of Muskego.
'I'his agreement, made this aay of
199-, by and between PILGRIM DEVELOPMENT QROUP, the 11Developer18
and the City of Muskego, a municipal corporation of the State of Wisconsin, locatea in waukesha County, hereinafter called the
WHEREAS, Developer has submitted for approval by the City a proposed final pla:: 'rur Park Place west, a residential
subdivision, a copy of which is attached hereto, made 3 part hereof
and marked Exhibit "A" (the tlSubdivisiontl); and WEEREas, Sec'rion 236.13 of the Wisconsin Statutes
provides that as a condition of plat approval, the governing body
of the City may require that the Developer nake and install certain
public improvements reasonably necessary for the Subdivision and
further, may require dedication of public streets, alleys or other
ways within the subdivision, to be conditioned upon the
construction of said .improvements according to municipal
specifications without dost to said municipality; and
WHEREAS, the City's engineers have duly approved the
Developer's plans and specifications for subdivision improvement
and the Common Cmncil :?as duly approved and authorized the terms
and provisions of this #agreement and approved the final plat:
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants herein
contained, the parties inereto agree as follows:
The Ceveloper, entirely at its expense, shall:
A. Roads and Streets: Grade and improve all roads and
plans and specifications attached hereta, made a part hereof and streets in accordance with the plat of said Subdivision and the
marked Exhibit tt5'l, all in accordance with the City's strset
B. Surface Water Drainaae:
facilities as approved by the City engineer and Public Works
1. Construct, install, furnish and provide adequate
Committee fcr storm and surface xater drainage throughout the
attached hereto, made a part heregf and marked "Zxhibit Ctt.
entire subdivision, in accordancD- xith the plans and specifications
2. The Clity shall furnish t3 the DeveloFer such
permits or easenents as may be required in any public street or
property to enter upon and install tze above described surface water drainage system.
completed by the Developer i.n total within tweive (12) months af The improvemer:ts set forth in Section I above shall be
the date of this agreement or recording of the final plat,
whichever date comes first, unless an earlier date is provided herein.
Subject to all of the other provisions of this agreement,
Developer shall, without charge to the City, upon completion of the
and fully dedicate the roads and streets, storm and surface water
above described improvements, unconditionally give, grant, convey
drainage facilities, wattrr facilities and sanitary sewer facilities
to the city, its successors and assigns, forever, free and clear of
all encumbrances whatever -together with and including, without
limitation because of ,enumeration, any and all land, buildings, structures, mains, CO:ndUit6, pipe lines plant, machinery,
equipment, appurtenances, and hereditaments which nay in any way be
a part of or pertain to such improvements and together with any and all necessary easements for access thereto.
The Developer shall pay and reimburse the City all fees
as required and at the -1;hes specified in Section 10 of its Land Division Ordinance.
The Developer shall:
A. Easemen-: Provide any easements on Developer's land
deemed necessary by the .City engineers before the final plat is
signed, provided such eariements are so !ocated 2s not to render any lot unbuildable or unsalable.
B. Street SigE: Reimburse the City for tho cost of all
street signs and posts and the cost of their installation, this to include all traffic signs.
C. Manner of Ferfomance: Cause all construction called for by this agreement to be carried out and performed in a good and workmanlike manner.
D. Survev MOI- survey or other monunents required by statute or ordinance.
t : Properly place and install any
E. Deed Restrictions: Execute and racord deed
marked "Exhibit G".
restrictions in the fcrrm attached hareto, made B part hereof and
F. Grades: nrnish to the Building Inspector of the
City a copy of "Exhibit A" shoving the street grade in front of
'0 3
patent, trademark, trade name or copyright, and its use of road improvements prior to their formal dedication and acceptance .by the
herein, the provisions o:E this agreement shall be for the-beneflt
The Developer agrees that in addition to the City's .rights
of the purchaser of any lot or any interest in any lot of parcel of land in tho Subdivision.
As and when the Developer shall have completed -2he
City as met forth herein, the same shall be accepted by the .City if
improvements herein required, and shall dedicate the same,-to -the
said improvements have been completed as required by this agreement
and as required by app1ic:able City ordinances and other applicable
law and approved by the m2ity engineers.
adopt such -resolutions, and execute such documents as .may be
1. The City shall, within its authority, issue such permits,
necessary to permit Developer to construct the improvements in
accordance .with the plans and ssecifications called €or by this agreement, upon Developer's compliance with any deposit provisions
or other requirements of the applicable ordinances or regulations;
and the City shall cocperate with the Developer in obtaining similar permits, resolutlms and documents as may be necessary from
other authorities having jurisdiction in the premises.
2. The City shall, as a condition of the Developer executing
this agreement, make avitilable to the Developer or its nominee,
residences :subject to the provisions of Section XII.
successore or aseiqns, building permits for the construction
The Developer shall be alloved to canstruct no nore than two
(2) model homes. It is expressly understood and agreed that no
occupancy permits shal.1 be issced. eithor for the said model homes, or -any other hcmes until the City's engineers have determined ?hat:
A. The sewer, water facilities and surface water
drainage facilities requked to serve such homes arn- connected with
an operation system as required herein. and,
PILGRIM DEVELOPMENT GROUP, hereinafter known as Wwner", being
KNOWN TO ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned
owner of the property known as:
All that part Of lands located in the NE. 1/4, NW. 114 AND THE
SW. 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 17, T. 5 N., R.20 E., City of
Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as
Commencing at the Northeast corner of Section 17, thence
S.88O18'33"W., and along the North line of the NE.1/4, 2092.14
Forest Subdivision, 993.39 feet to the Place of Beginning of the
feet; thence S.29°16'00"E. on and along the Westerly line of Lake
south line of Lot 1 of Lake Forest Subdivision, 99.98 feet to the
lands herein described; thence N.78°12'38"E. on and along the
Westerly Right-of-way Line of Ancient Oaks Drive;
southeasterly on and along said Right-of-way Line and the arc of a
curve, center of which lies to the east, having a radius of 329.76
feet, a central angle of 16°34'49'', a chord of 95.09 feet, bearing
95.43 feet to a point of the northerly
Right-of-way line of Highland Park Drive (recorded as West Park
Right-of-way Line and the arc of a curve, center of which lies to
Drive) ; thence westerly on and along the said Northerly
the south, having a radius of 159.78 feet, a central angle of
23"08'26", a chord of 64.09 feet, bearing S.35°22'47"W., 64.53
Right-of-way of Highland Park Drive; thence northeasterly on and
feet; thence S.66°11'271*E., 60 feet to a point on the Southerly
along said Southerly Right-of-way Line and the arc of a curve,
having a radius of 99.78 feet, a central angle of 17O24'46", a
chord of 30.21 feet, bearing N.32°30'57"E., 30.32 feet to a point
on the Westerly Right-of-way Line of Ancient Oaks Drive; thence
Oaks Drive and the arc of a curve, having a radius of 329.76 feet,
southerly on and along the Westerly Right-of-way of said Ancient
S.48°43139''E., 111.53 feet to a point of reverse curvature; thence
a central angle of 19O22'44", a chord of 111.00 feet, bearing
lots in this Subdivision without approval of the Plan
3. There shall be no future division of subdivision of
Commission of the City of Muskego.
stories in height. The living area within the perimeter of the
building, exclusive of porches, garages, bays patios, breezeways
and similar addition, shall not be less than the following
story dwelling.
4. No dwelling shall exceed two and one-half (2-1/2)
a. Not less than 1700 square feet in the case of a one
and 2200 square feet total in the case of a dwelling of one and
one-half (1-1/2) stores.
b. Not less than 1200 'square feet on the first floor
c. Not less than 2200 square feet total in the case of a
dwelling having two (2) stories and the floor area of the first
floor shall not be less than 1100 square feet.
square feet, on the upper two levels.
d. Split level dwellings shall have a minimum of 1650
having not less than a slope set by a vertical distance of six (6)
feet with a horizontal distance of twelve (12) feet (6/12 pitch),
purposes of figuring total area, the committee, in its sole
unless approved by the Architectural Control Committee. For
discretion, shall determine what constitutes a two-story or a
one-half dwelling.
e. All structures shall maintain a minimum roof pitch
private dwelling and shall be attached to the dwelling
either forming an integral .part with the dwelling or by
connection porches or breezeways.
enough to accommodate a minimum of two (2) cars. No garage shall
All garages shall be large
be larger than necessary to accommodate three (3) cars unless
approved by the Architectural Control Committee.
5. All garages shall be -built at the same time as the
permitted at any time, it being the intention that only
permanent private dwellings with garages shall be permitted.
parked on the premises outside of the garage other than for the
No boat, trailer, truck, van, mobile home, and motor home may be
delivery of materials or merchandise, and except during the
construction or remodeling periods.
6. No living quarters of temporary character shall be
7. No lot shall be used in whole or in part for the
storage of rubbish of any character whatsoever, nor for the
storaqe of any property or thing that will cause such lot to appear
in an unclean or untidy condition or that will be obnoxious to the
eye; nor shall any substance, thing, or material be kept upon any
Subdivision have been sold by the undersigned, or its
its successor as assignee. When all the unimproved lots in the
successor or assignee, the Committee shall thereafter consist
Of 3 Persons, who shall be elected by a majority of the owners of
the improved lots in the Subdivision.
12. Landscape Architectural Control: All landscaping must be
completed within one year after the completion of the residence.
Said landscaping must include a hard surfaced drive, parking stand
or turnabout consisting of concrete or asphalt or similar material.
No permanent gravel drive will be permitted. The hard
surface with concrete, asphalt or similar material must be
-installed as required.
13. The developer has constructed a Berm adjacent to the
Janesville Road.
south boundary of the subdivision to provide a privacy buffer along
Maintenance of this berm shall be the
obligation of the owners of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 and
10 of this subdivision. Each of these lot owners shall bear the
within the boundaries of their respective lot. This maintenance
maintenance responsibility of that portion of the berm that is
the area free of refuse and debris.
shall include but not be limited to: mowing, weeding and keeping
opinion of the City of Muskego; the City shall have the right
In the event the berm is not properly maintained in the
upon notice, to have the area properly maintained; the city
may include all cost for such maintenance as an addition to the
property tax bill for the affected property.
14. Developer has selected an electric lamp post with
photo-electric cell, which each lot purchaser or purchaser's
representative shall install on purchaser's lot.
purchaser's lot, shall be twenty-five (25) feet from the back of
The location of the lamp post installation on
the street curb and within ten (10) 'feet of the hard surfaced
driveway, serving the lot. The lamp post must be purchased from
developer by lot purchaser at the time of closing. The
lamp post must be permanently installed and in operating condition
before occupancy of premises is taken by the owner.
exist for a period of one (1) year without a written protest
Any violation of these restrictions which shall
thereof being received by the owner of the lot involved
shall not be considered a violation thereafter. These
restrictions may be changed, modified and amended by the
Committee with the consent of 60% of the owners of the lots in
the Subdivision. Each lot in the Subdivision shall be entitled
to one (1) vote in determining said consent. These restrictions
shall be deemed and construed to run with the land and shall
Pilarim DeveloDmsnt GrOUE A~~wi.oonein Geisral Part;;,ershlp
c/o Robert stack
Muskeqo, WI 53150
12765 Weat Janeeville Road
BENEFZLUX: city of Muskego
Wl82 68200 Racinm hvenue
Muekego, WI 53150
-1 March , 1993
at our counters.