CCR1991320AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #320-91 APPROVAL OF WATERWAY MARKERS Bay Breeze Condominium Association WHEREAS, the Bay Breeze Condominium Association has requested permission to designate a swimming area on the southwest shore of Little Muskego Lake with waterway markers; and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended that the swimming area be designated; and WHEREAS, regulatory markers are required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve of the placement of regulatory waterway markers designating the swimming area on the southwest shore of Little Muskego Lake as amended and attached, subject to DNR approval. DATED THIS lOTH DAY OF DECEMBER , 1991 SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Harold L. Sanders This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #320-91 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 12/91cac Depwment of Nand Resnures Box 7201 Madison Wismmin 53707 stale of wismnrin WATERWAY MARKER APPLICATION AND PERMlT E Placement 0 Discontinue 0 Change BE Dismct ~ THE city OF MuskPen OF Waukesha WISCONSIN. Section NR 5.09. Wis. Adm. Code Form 8700-58 Rev. 8-89 Insrmctions and qualir&ons on back of fm Complete form set (all 3 copier) and antact your local mnservation warden. SECllON I -- APPLICANT AND PROPERIY OWNER Bay Breeze ComOUedArea QY. Dsscl.lbr NOn" Attach a sketch(es1 or chart(s) showing the proposed location of the marker(s). Express exact location of water rnarker(s) in distance from one or more fixed objects, whose location is known. water markex(r) is me and com~ I Date Signed i I,/'" ;/ .I / LEAVE BLANK - DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES USE ONLY Wardair Rwmmendauon BY (wds sime) Urduw~ce on toe 0 Appmvd 0 Dirappmved LE Safety special is^ 0 & 0 M~~ De Signed B~rcauof Law Enfoment *vd 0 Dirapploved 0 yes Ob 0 NnRequkd B, Dm Sipled SECnON E- PEM APPROVAL 0 Appmved --The above named applicant may pke and main&. subjecl IO DNR appmval. the described mzrku(s). 0 Dsappmvd -The placemmr of he described markerts) may not take place. Resmctiom 0 Nom Yes-Rermictiom: 0 Tille ay Signed Apved By pame) Wateran! rnarker(r) may not be placed until all the requirements of Seclion SR 5.09, Wls. Adm. Code arc met. .~ 0 0 . . 0 ATTACHHENT TO WATERWAY APPLICATION Property Owner: Bay Breeze Condominlum Association. The homeowners of Bar Breeze Condominiums propose that they be permitted to establisln n sofe svlmming orcn on Lhe snllthenst sllorc nC I.il.clc tIu9kt!gn I.nkc. locntcd ns co1s"va: Point A is approximately 110 ft west of o residence building nddressed W177 S7501 Ilarbor Circle, tluskego, Ui 53150. Point B is 200 ft. southwest of Paint A on the lake shoreline. Point c is 70 ft. nortllwest of I'oint 8. Point D is 70 ft. northwest of Point A. nnd Points A. D. C and B will be connected by Iloat- Regulatory buoys are to be anchored at Points C and D, supported lilies. forming R rectnngulnr swimming oren safe from watercraft. The Condominium Association will maintoin the swimming nrea and mnrkers ot no cost to the City of Muskego. are free to awim in the swimming area. Residents of the besocistion understand that non-residents COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #320-91 APPROVAL OF WATERWAY MARKERS Bay Breeze Condominium Association ssociation has requested ea on the southwest shore ommended that the swimming ouncil of the approval. DATED THIS DAY OF L SPO SORED BY: This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy 0 Resolution #320-91 which was adopted by the Common Council the City of Muskego. City Clerk 12/91cac ATTACHHENT TO WATERWAY APPLICATION Property Owner: Bay Breeze Condominium Association. The homeowners of Bay Breeze Condominiums propose that they be permitted to establish a safe swimming area on the southeast shore of Little Muskcgo Lnke. located 8s follows: Point A is approximately 130 It. west of a residence building sddressed W177 S7501 llarbor Circle. Huskego. Wi 53150. Paint B is 200 ft. southwest of Point A on the lake shoreline. Point C is 100 ft. northwest of Point 8. Point D is LOO ft. northvest of Point A. and Points A, D. C and B will be connected by float- Regulatory buoys are to be anchored at Points C and D. supported lines, forming a rectangular swimming area safe from watercraft. The Condominium Association will maintain the swimming area and markers at no cost to the City of Muskego. Residents of the Association understand that non-residents are free to swim in the swimming area.