CCR1991313CORRECTED COVNON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #313-91 FINAL AMENDED RESOLUTION LEVYING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY AND WAIVER OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICES AND HEARING UNDER $66.60(18) Terra Development WHEREAS, the undersigned are all of the owners of property described below: See Legal Description Attached Hereto and Marked Exhibit "1"; and WHEREAS, the undersigned acceptors of this Resolution are benefitted by the planning including, but not limited to, engineering, legal, administrative costs and costs of review by the City Engineer of a sewer installation and by the sewer installation installed in a sanitary sewer easement to be provided by the undersigned to the City, at no cost to the City, at a time, and in a form, on terms and conditions acceptable to the City over a portion of the above legally described property acceptable to the City; and WHEREAS, the above property was previously assessed for these were actually substantially less than anticipated for said improvements by Resolution #lo-91 and the cost of said improvements improvements; and WHEREAS, said assesment should now be reduced and adjusted to reflect more accurately the actual cost of said improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, for valuable consideration acknowledged by all parties and resolved and agreed that said assessment is amended as follows: 1. That by executing the acceptance of this Resolution as stated below, the owners of said property also hereby waive special assessment notices and hearings under §66.60(18) and consent to the levying of special assessments against their property for the benefit to their property because of the planning of the sewer improvements referred to above including, but not limited to, the administrative, legal and engineering costs and costs of review by the City Engineer and of costs of the sewer improvement referred to above. 2. That a special assessmefit that was levied against the property stated above is amended to the amount of $35,300.00 which includes of review of all aspects of the engineering of the project by the estimated legal, engineering and administrative costs and the cost City Engineers and construction costs; a special assessment is costs of the project over and above said amount; if all of said further being levied for any additional costs for all of the above costs of the project are less than the total stated above, the special assessment will be amended to reflect the lower cost. 3. That the assessment shall bear interest at the rate of 8% per annum on the unpaid balance commencing on the date of this final Resolution until paid in full. If no use of the improvement Resolution 313-91 Page 2 referred to in this Resolution is made prior to November 1, 1993, then this assessment shall be deferred until November 1, 1993. 4. After the deferral referred to above, the assessment may be paid in cash in full including all interest on or before November 1, when real estate taxes are due after November 1. 1993 and annually 1993 or in ten annual installments being due on the first date 1 then include thereafter. On November 1, 1993, all accrued interest shal become part of principal and each annual installment shall one year's interest to be paid in advance. All assessments installments which are not paid by the date specified shall property and all proceedings in relation to the collection, extended upon the tax roll as a delinquent tax against the and sale of property for delinquent real estate taxes shall to such special assessment, except as otherwise provided by statute. or be return apply 5. In addition to all payments and conditions of payment referred to in Paragraphs 3 and 4 above, if a sale of any of the 32 lots assessment is made during the period of deferral, the sum of contemplated in the platting of the lands subject to this special $1,378.90 per lot is then and there due and payable on said special assessment and if not paid, shall be extended on the tax roll and collected as a delinquent real estate tax. The above-noted figure shall represent 125% of the total special assessments against the property as indicated in Paragraph 2 above divided by the number of lots contemplated, and in the event that the total special assessment indicated in Paragraph 2 above is then the proportionate lot payment in this Paragraph shall be increased due to additional costs as provided in this Agreement, Paragraph shall at all times equal a figure which represents 125% likewise increased so that tne per lot payment provided in this of the lot's proportionate share of the total special assessment. In addition to all payments and conditions of payment referred to contemplated in the platting of the lands subject to this special in Paragraphs 3 and 4 above, if a sale of any of the 32 lots assessment is made during the period in which installment payments are due, the sum of $l,iQ3.13 per lot is then and there due and payable on said special assessment and if not paid, shall be extended on the tax roll and collected as a delinquent real estate tax. The above-noted figure shall represent 100% of the total special assessments against the property as indicated in Paragraph event that the total special assessment indicated in Paragraph 2 2 above divided by the number of lots contemplated, and in the Agreement, then the proportionate lot payment in this Paragraph above is increased due to additional costs as provided in this shall be likewise increased so that the per lot payment provided in this Paragraph shall at all times equal a figure which represents 100% of the lot's proportionate share of the total special assessment. The payments made under Paragrapll 5 of this Agreement shall be applied towards reducing principal during the deferral period and applied during the period of installments towards principal for Resolution 313-91 Page 3 0 6. 7. the next annual installment under Paragraph 4 above. Any excess paid towards princi2al during the installment period shall reduce the entire remzining principal, but the annual principal installment shall remain the same. For purposes of this Agreement, any use of an improvement shall constitute a sale of the lot and will necessitate-a proportionate payment pursuant to this Parsgraph. The undersigned shall provide to the City prior to acceptance by the owners of preliminary title commitment satisfactory to the City indicating that the undersigned are all of the owners of the property being assessed at the time of this assessment. If this Resolution is not acceptad by all the property owners within 10 days of passage, it is null and void and Resolution #lo-91 continues in full force and effect. ATTEST: 1991. CITY OF MUSKEG0 . CCEPTED BY: This is to certify that this is a trle 2nd accurate copy of Resolution P313-91 which was adopted by the C?mmon Council of the City of Muskego. 11/9 lcac &I;. h %ut3 City Clerk .. .. . EXHIBIT "1" e LEGAL OF BENEFITTING WYDS - PHASE III: Being a part of Outlot 4 of "Lake Forest" being a subdivision of mord of that part of the Southwest U4 and the Southeast U4 of the Southwest U4 of Section S, the Southwest U4 and Southeast U4 of the Southeast UJ of Section S and the Northwest U4 and Northeast U4 of the Northeast 114 of Section 17, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha Counp, Wisconsin, including thereto Outlot 1 of Certified Snmq Map No. 2540, beiig more particularly bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Outlot 4 of said Take Forest" said point Wig the place of beginning of lands hereinafter described: Running thence North 01' 26' 35" West along the West line of said Outlot 4, 764.53 feet to a point; Thence North 84' 38' 07" Eass 177.63 feet to a point in a cune; Thence Southeasterly, 15.44 feet along the arc of said cune, whose center lies to the Xortheast, whose radius is 345.00 feet, whose chord bears South 11' 20' 55.5" East, 15.4 feet to a point of reverse curvatur, Thence Southeasterly, 104.61 feet along the arc of said cuurve, whose center lies to the Southwest, whose radius is 2470.00 feet, whose chord bears Sonth 11" 25' 03" East, 104.60 feet to a point; Thence North SO" 34' 54" East, 60.01 feet to a point in a curve; Thence Southasterly, 39.11 feet along the arc of said cnrfe, whose center lies to the Southwest, whose radius is 2530.00 feet and whose chord bears South 09' 44' 34" &st, 39.11 feet to a point; Thence North SO' 42' 00" East, 143.00 feet to a point Thence South OS' 07' 00" East, 110.49 feet to a point; Thence South 05" 45' 00" East, 110.49 feet to a pins Thence South 09' 02' 21" East, St.68 feet to a poinq Thence North SS' 36' 43" East, 325.25 feet to P point; Thence Nonh S1' 30' 00" East, 1S.05 feet to a point: Thence North 59' 00' 00" East, 71.07 feet to 3 point: Thence Yonh Do 05' 00" East, 70.76 feet to 3 point: Thence Xorth 07' -13' 15' West, 9530 feet to a point; Thence North 06" 15' 00" Wesb E024 feet to a point; Thence 3onh 03" 04' 00" West, 27.96 feet to a point; Thence Xorth 02' 31' 05" West, 114.46 feet to a point; Thence Nonh OS' 41' 52" East, 111.11 feet to a point: Thence Xorth U' 05' 00" East, 3.40 feet to a point; Thence South 82' 40' 00" East, U7.12. feet to a point; Thence North 57' 56 57" Est, 79.06 feet to a point; Thence South SO' 08' 00" &st? 140.00 feet to a point; Thence South 06" 54' 36" West, 95.61 feet to a point; Thence South 03' 37' 17" West, 60.04 feet to a point; Thence South 01' 34' 00" West, 10S.91 feet to a point; Thence South 07' 18' 11" East, 105.02 feet to a point: Thence South 17' 32' 55" East, 57.25 feet to a point; Thence South 26' 01' 00" East, 90.53 feet to a point; Thence Xorth &to 30' 00' West, 55.45 feet to a point; Thence South 17" 26' 2s" West, 177.60 feet to a point; Thence South 50' OB 29" West, 84.01 feet to a point: Thence South IS" 09' 11" West, 114.79 feet to a point; Thence South 58' 35' 03" West, 966.60 feet to the point of beginning. ,s:. . P .- '0 I 4 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #313-91 FINAL AMENDED RESOLUTION LEVYING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICES AND HEARING UNDER §66.60(18) AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY AND WAIVER OF Terra Development WHEREAS, the undersigned are all of the owners of property describk: See Lega Description Attached Hereto and Marked Exhibit "1" and \\ WHEREAS, the un ptors of this Resolution are benefitted by t cluding, but not limited to, engineering, le ative costs and costs of review by the City Engineer o sewer installation and by the sewer installation instal in a sanitary sewer easement to be provided by the o the City, at no cost to the City, at a time, and in a f terms and conditions acceptable to the City over a portion e above legally described property acceptable to the City. 1. 2. 3. NOW, THEREFORE, for acknowledged by all parties and resolved That by executing the acc stated below, the owners special assessment notice and consent to the levying o their property for the benef a1 assessments against the planning of the sewer including, but not limited to, engineering costs and costs of and of costs of the sewer ferred to above. That a special assessmen property stated above in includes estimated legal, engineering administrative costs and the cost of re engineering of the projec construction costs; a special assessment levied for any additional of the project over and a costs of the project are less than the tota ated above, the special assessment will be amended to r ct the lower cost. That the assessment shal per annum on the unpaid this final Resolution until paid in full. If no improvement referred to November 1, 1993, then this assessment shall be de until November 1, 1993. Resolution 313-91 Page 2 \ 4. Aft\ paid Noven the 1, 15 accrl each be pt are I the 1 all 1 sale aPP11 provj : the deferral referred to above, the assessment may be or in ten annual installments being due on full including all interest on or before are due after November November 1, 1993, all then become part of principal and shall include one year’s interest to or installments which be extended upon tax against the property and to the collection, return and except as otherwise estate taxes shall 5. In addition to all payments and conditions of payment / referred to in Parag2aphs 3 and 4 above, if a sale of any of the 32 lots conternplat\ the lands subject to this during the period of deferral, the per lot is then and there due and payable and if not paid, payment provided in this all times equal a figure which represents 125% of proportionate In addition to all payments and of payment referred to in Paragraphs a sale of any of the 32 lots contemplated subject to this special in which installment per lot is then and share of the total special assessmen roll and assessments against the property as Paragraph 2 above is provided in this payment in this that the per lot all times equal proportionate The payments made under Paragraph 5 of this Agreement shall be applied towards reducing principal during the deferral Resolution 313-91 Page 3 and applied during the period of installments towards cipal for the next annual installment under Paragraph 4 Any excess paid towards principal during the princibql, but the annual principal installment shall remain the same. For purpose? of this Agreement, any use of an improvement proportionat shall constl\tute a sale of the lot and will necessitate a yment pursuant to this Paragraph. lment period shall reduce the entire remaining \ 6. The undersig hall provide to the City prior to acceptance b owners of preliminary title commitment satisfactory f City indicating that the undersigned are all of the owners o e property being assessed at the time of this assessment. 7. If this Resolution t accepted by the property owners stated below within ays of passage, it is null and void. \ DATED THIS DAY OF \ , 1991. . ATTEST: Jean K. Marenda, City Clerk \ CITY OF MUSKEG0 Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor / \ ACCEPTED BY: / Owner \ a ‘9 Owner This is to certify that this is a true and accurate Resolution #313-91 which was adopted by the Common the City of Muskego. 11/9lcac , City Clerk \