JC Development
WHEREAS, an offer to purchase land from JC Development for the
expansion of the Muskego Volunteer Fire Company building located
at S76 W17858 Janesville Road has expired; and
WHEREAS, a counter offer has been submitted as attached; and
WHEREAS, THE Muskego Volunteer Fire Company Architectural
Control Steering Committee has reviewed the proposal and
recommended approval.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the
City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance
Committee, does hereby accept the attached counter offer to
Muskego Volunteer Fire Company building located at 576 W17858
purchase land from JC Development for the expansion of the
Janesville Road subject to the approval of the City Attorney.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby
authorized to sign in the name of the City. 0
Ald. Daniel J. Hilt
Ald. Edwin P. Dumke
Ald. Harold L. Sanders
This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of
Resolution #297-91 which was adoDted by the Common Council of - the City of Muskego.
The Onor w Putcham date4 .... Nwmber. 8 ,. ,1991.. ... ::. ....................... ...
d rbd by nupr. ..rhc.;;a.rounicipsl.corporatia.aa.
Inpurchaatdrrllestme~~ .... a~~.ExhibFt .. .................................... .......
IS mted All ~anns and tmdlllonr to rern~in the tame at auld on the om UI Purchase CXSCP~ the fo~or1ns!Ihi9. Csuntrrcf,fer. attached. .Addendum .A,.. .......
,.. .................... ..
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13 ...................................................................................................... i. ..... .!
IA .......................... .........................................................................
16 ................................................................................................................... ./. ...
18 noaipt of a copy OT It. The wnande8 as3 raprawntatlons m~da In lhlt Counar.O!Ter aunlva he cl&a of til1 UMS~Q~.
i., .............................. .................. ................................... .I,,. .............................. ...............................................................
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I1 Sellar IueeSw dl and convoy ha nbdw propay a the tarn8 md condldon101 set lcnh 1" Mi Bollor's Couner-OKer &nd rclmowlid~er
21 DaW ................................................. By., .......................................... ,..:
ad Colettp &tar. P es ent p'lyr'd
15 ...................................................... ..................................................
16 Name ofllsnn80a who rupotllled #bow Counlar-Oner. Job Ingermall, JF?qice-Presldent
21 'Iha atma Cmur.Olfer la hbnbr (accaplepiwuntwd). If counler.d. !U lcms mnd condltlonl to rem the erne as stated on IhelOlltr
8 Io Md not Lo Indud. my or he le- on hr ebvr or nny alhsr Cntmur-Ollcr crsrpt the lollorlng: , , , , , . , . , . . , , , .
30 .................................... .., ...
II ........................ ... .................... ..,
31 ....................................................................... .I,.., ............... i
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14 .................................................................... .... ......... ,...I.
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45 Dm& ........................................... .................................... ......
46 (BUVCI)
51 b8Wd ....... ......... .... ............. ...... 51
This Addendum is hereby made a pan of the attached C;ounteroffer dated Lh8 -
day of , 1991, to the Offer to Purchase fnrn the City of Muskego.
Buyer !a JC Development CorporaUon dated November 8, 1991.
1, The description ol the property to be COfWffy6d by Seller lo Buyer is hereby
2. Tho acceptance date set fonh on llne 65 of said Offer is hereby extended 10 the
date of this Counteroffer.
3. The City of Muskego shall be allowed to change Ute gr;&e on the property which is
the 9~bject of this Offer so as to be equal to the grace of WB exisiing fire Station
propecy which is adjacent to the property whlch is the subject of this Offer.
The grade change between the North llne of the property which is the subject of
ths Offer, and ihe property adjoining said line to the North will be handled on
said adjoining prcpeny. All surface water generated on the prapem which is
ihe subject of this Offer, including any and all surfacs waw gmerst.tzd as a result
ai the grade change will be handled on the properly which is tha Suqsct Of this
Offer, and the City agrees that it will not ellow said surf2cs warer to drain to any
adjoining propeny.
4. The City of Muskegc. at the direcf!on of the Sella. andm the purchasers of
adjoining land, hill instruc: contractors working for the City installing SBwW
2n.l waier pipes in the vicinity If tne property to deliver and dump excess dirt
from such sewer and water installztion lo fire Imds now cwned by Seller
adjoining the proparty which is the subject of Ihis ORer to Purchase at no Cost to
aither Seller or the purchasers of said adjoining land. I! is lhe intentlon Of this
vicinity Of this property, the City will require same to be provided to Seller paragraph that if dlrt is available from sewer and waier work in the general
and/or the purchasar of the property adjoining the property which is the subject
of this Offer. for the purpose of censtnaing a fobr 10 one foot slope on seld
adjoining property to accommodate the change in grade on the property whkh is
the subject of this Offer and if requested by Seller, t3 COnStruCt a two foot IO four
fool tall berm on .;aid adjoining property along all 01' part of the North line of the
pfOp8rty which is the subject of this Offer to Purchase if dirt is available. It 1s
undersiocd that u:e City of Muskego shall not be required to supply dirt pursuant
to this provision io lhe extent that such dirt is not available from sewer and
water prcjecIs IF the surrounding arsa. Dirt to 138 supplied pursuant to this
provision shdl be c!aan till only. Seller agrees dlar Saller will include in any
contmt to seii the adjoining propany in queticn a contractuai requirement that
the purchtsert of Said pro2eny agree IO the City and/or its ager.!s or independent
contrac!ors beinc allowed on their proparty to pc,rforrn the work described in
!his paragraph 2nd agroeing :o the work to !x Gerforrned by the City.
changed to the property described on the attached Addendum B.
P. 2/2
AU that part of Parcel 2 and Parcel 3 of Certified Suney Map No. 6287, and vacated Karah
Cow located in the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 OP Section 9, Tom 5 North, Range
20 East, in the City of Muskega, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, being more particularly
bounded and described as follows:
Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Certified Survey Map; Thence Northeasterly,
14638 feet along the arc of a me whose center lies to the South, whose radius is 1205.78
feet and whose chord bears North 76' 35' 47" East, 146.29 feet to a point; Thence North SO' 04' 27" East, 261.96 feet to a poiur; Thence North 10' 11' 33" West, 105.00 feet to the place
of beginning of the following description:
Thence continuing North 10' 11' 33" West, 100.00 feet to a point; Thence Nortb 80 * 04' 27"
East, 235.00 feet to a point; Thena! South 48' 39' 04" East, W30 feet to a point; Thence
South 10' 21' 33n East, 127.53 feet to a point on the North line of Janesville Road; Thence
South 80' W' 27n West along the North line of Janesville Road, 40.00 feet to a point;
Thence North 10' 21' 33" West, 113.19 feet to a point; Thence South 80' 04' 27" West, 84.00
feet to a point; Thence South 10' 1.1' 33" Eaet, 8.18 feet to a point; Thence South 80' 04'
27' West, 172.30 feet to the place OF beginning.
Containing 30,797 square feet or 0.7070 acres more or less.