CCR1991216COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #216-91 PLUMBING AND HVAC DESIGN SERVICES APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT FOR (Public Works Garage) WHEREAS, proposals from Holland & Kurtz, Inc. have been Conditioning) engineering services in the construction of the submitted for plumbing and HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air addition to the Public Works Garage on Mercury Drive, and WHEREAS, plumbing services will not exceed $3,300.00 and the HVAC services will not exceed $5,500.00, and WHEREAS, the City Engineers and the Finance Committee recommends approval of the agreements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the City Engineers and the Finance Committee, does hereby authorize the Mayor or Clerk to execute the attached agreements with Holland & Kurtz, services not to exceed $5,500.00 for the construction of the Inc. for plumbing services not to exceed $3,300.00 and HVAC addition to the Public Works Garage. DATED THIS 27TH DAY OF AUGUST , 1991. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Harold L. Sanders This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #216-91 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 8/91cac 6619 \Vest Cspltol Ddw . MIIwnukee. \\‘lsconsln 53216 (414) 4681600 FAX (414) 463-3701 August 16, 1991 Mr. Gordon Mross Ruekert & Hielke, Inc. Consulting Engineers W239 N1812 Rockwood Drive Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188-1113 Re: Plumbing Design for Muskego Public Works Garage Muskego, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Mross: We are pleased to quote the following for Plumbing Engineering Services on the above referenced project. For plumbing design we propose an hourly, not-to-exceed fee of $3,300.00 (Three Thousand Three Hundred Dollars). Included with the plumbing design, are the following: - One (1) job meeting during design phase. - Site investigation. - Complete plans and specifications (Bid Documents). - Calculation Preparation. - Completion of Plumbing Plan Review Forms (fee paid by Owner/Architect). - Construction cost estimation (if required). - Answer Contractor questions during bidding. - Shop drawing review. - One (1) job visit during construction. - One (1) final job visit and written punch list. This proposal is based on drawings given to us dated July 31, 1991 and August 5, 1991. HE.ITISG VENTIL.\TIOS AIR CONDITIONING PLUMBING FIRE PROTECTION Mr. Gordon Mross Ruekert & Hielke, Inc. Plumbing Design for Muskeao Public Works Garaae - Muskego, Wisconsin - August 16, 1991 For this project we offer $100,000.00 Professional Liability Insurance limit for Plumbing Design Services. The above mentioned fees are based on the hourly fee rate schedule HK-1 attached to this proposal. Any work beyond the scope of this project or substantial changes beyond the 50% completion of working drawings shall be billed at those hourly rates as stated. Enclosed is a copy of this Contractual Letter. If you are in agreement with the tenus listed above, please sign below on the original and copy, and return the signed copy to this office. Providing Ruekert & Mielke with the best service is our primary concern. As usual, we look forward to working with you. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, or are in need of additional information, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, HOW & KURTZ, VC? David A. Roman, gI.P.E., D.E. Vice-president Ruekert 6 Uielke, Iae. Date Enclosure (Exhibit HK-1) DAR: kgd City of Muskego Date \ a Principal’s time at the fixed rate of ........................ $60.00 per hour For purposes of this Proposal, the Principals are: Stan J. Knysak David A. Roman Employee’s time (other than Principals) at the following rates: Engineering Specialist .................................. To be Established Engineer Grade I ........................................ $4 5.00 per hour Engineer Grade I1 ....................................... $40.00 per hour Engineer Grade I11 ...................................... $35.00 per hour CAD Operator ............................................ $35.00 per hour Clerical ................................................ $21.00 per hour The aforementioned hourly rates include the cost of all employee compensation, insurance premiums, office expenses, use of tools, instruments and equipment and miscellaneous overhead profit. The aforementioned hourly rates are exclusive of non-labor related expenses, such as reproductions, long-distance communications, transportation and subsistence (out-of-town), equipment rental and other direct non-labor expenses, which will be billed at cost. The aforementioned hourly rates are subject to an annual adjustment. Drafts man ............................................... $25.00 per hour Fee Payment Basis Basic Services: Progressive monthly billing with payment in full due within thirty (30) days after billing date. Supplemental Services: (Not included In not-to-exceed maximum fee). Added to fee for basic senrices and billed on monthly basis. [Note: One and One-Half Percent (1.5%) per month due on past due accounts. ] HOLLWD & KLIRTZ, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS WAC, PLUHBING AND FIRE PROTECTION 6619 West Capitol Drive Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53216 0 01/01/91 6619 \\‘ees~ Capitol Drive . >lilwuukee. \\‘lscansln 53216 (414) 4631600 - F.U (414) 4633701 August 16, 1991 Mr. Gordon Mross Ruekert 61 Uielke, Inc. Consulting Engineers W239 N1812 Rockwood Drive Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188-1113 Re: WAC Design Services for Huskego Public Works Garage Huskego, Wisconsin Dear Mr. moss: With regards to the above referenced project, we are pleased to present the following proposal for WAC engineering services. We propose the following services: - Trace floor plans, manual drafting. - Project meeting limited to two (2) during the design phase. - WAC calculations. - Bid documents including necessary drawings and specifications. - Final design review meeting with Ruekert 61 Hielke and the Owner. - Coordination with other disciplines. - Distribute plans for coordination purposes during design. - Checking shop drawings. - One (1) project review visits with written reports during the construction phase. - Final job visit with written reports. We propose the above services for a not-to-exceed $5,500.00 (Five Thousand Five Hundred Dollars). HE.ITING VESTILATIOX AIR CONDITIONING PLUMBING FIRE PROTECTION Mr. Gordon Mross Ruekert & Hielke, Inc. HVAC Design Services for Muskego Public Works Garage Muskego, Wisconsin Page Two August 16, 1991 For this project, we include $100,000.00 Professional Liability Insurance limit for HVAC design services. If the scope of work changes or additional work is required, time will be negotiated or billed at a hourly rate as stated in the attached "Exhibit HK-1, WAC Hourly Rate Fee Schedule". The above mentioned fees are based on the hourly fee rate schedule HK-1 attached to this proposal. Any work beyond the scope of this project or substantial changes beyond the 50% completion of working drawings shall be billed at those hourly rates as stated. Enclosed is a copy of this Contractual Letter. If you are in agreement with the terms listed above, please sign below on the original and copy, and return the signed copy to this office. Providing you with the best service is our primary concern. We appreciate the opportunity to quote on this project and look forward to working with you. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, or are in need of additional information, please feel free to call me. 0 Sincerely, HOLLAND & KURTZ. INC. Stan d@ J. Knysak President Ruekert h Hielke, Ine. Date Enclosure (Exhibit HK-1) SJK: kgd tlty of mumego uace Principal's time at the fixed rate of ........................ $60.00 per hour For purposes of this Proposal, the Principals are: Stan 3. Knysak David A. Roman Employee's time (other than Principals) at the following rates: Engineering Specialist .................................. To be Established Engineer Grade I ......................................... 4 5.00 per hour Engineer Grade I1 ....................................... $40.00 per hour Engineer Grade I11 ...................................... $35.00 per hour CAD Operator ............................................ $ 35.00 per hour Drafts man ............................................... $ 25.00 per hour Clerical ................................................ $ 21.00 per hour The aforementioned hourly rates include the cost of all employee compensation, insurance premiums, office expenses, use of tools, instruments and equipment and miscellaneous overhead profit. The aforementioned hourly rates are exclusive of non-labor related expenses, such as reproductions, long-distance communications, transportation and subsistence (out-of-town), equipment rental and other direct non-labor expenses, which will be billed at cost. The aforementioned hourly rates are subject to an annual adjustment. Fee Pavment Basis Basic Services: Progressive monthly billing with payment in full due within thirty (30) days after billing date. Supplemental Services: (Not included in not-to-exceed maximum fee). Added to fee for basic services and billed on monthly basis. [Note: One and One-Half Percent (1.5%) per month due on past due accounts. ] HOLLAND & KLTRTZ, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS WAC, PLUMBING AND FIRE PROTECTION 6619 West Capitol Drive Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53216 01/01/91 '\ GEM/tag Encl . 13-90172.1 August 19, 1991 Mr. John Loughney City of Muskego Supt. of Public Works Muskego, WI 53150 P.O. Box 903 RE: Public Works Building & Additions and Alterations Dear John: I have recruited the consulting firm of Holland L Kurtz Inc. to furnish its mechanical engineering services in connection with completing the design of the building. In order to have an understanding about these services, HLK has enclosed. One proposal is for furnishing WAC engineering furnished me with two written proposals, and each is services for a not-to-exceed fee of $5,500.00, and one is for furnishing plumbing engineering services for a not-to- exceed fee of $3,300.00. I believe both of the proposals are reasonable and adequate to form a basis of reimbursing H&K for its services, and would like to return signed copies indicating acceptance. However, since the City will ultimately be responsible for payment, would you please have the mayor Or city clerk sign these agreements and return them to me. Very truly yours, RUEKERT L MIELKE, INC. dordon E. Mross, P. E.