WHEREAS, the Waukesha Department of Aging has been using the
Muskego Room in the City Hall/Library as a location to provide
food services to the elderly, and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to renew the agreement between the City
of Muskego and the Waukesha County Department of Aging for 1991,
WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended approval.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council of the
City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance
Committee, does hereby authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute
the attached Cooperative Agreement between the City and Waukesha
County Department of Aging for a nutrition program being
conducted at the City Hall/Library for the period of January 1
through December 31, 1991. 0 DATED THIS 26TH DAY OF MARCH , 1991.
Ald. Daniel J. Hilt
Ald. Edwin P. Dumke
Ald. Harold D. Sanders
City Clerk
In consideration of the mutual covenants herein, Waukesha County
Department of Aging, State of Wisconsin, hereinafter known as the "Program,"
having offices at 25042 W. Northview Rwd, Waukesha, WI 53188 and
Musk- City Hall , located at W182 S8200 Racine Avenue -
Muskeao , Wisconsin, 53150 , hereinafter
known as the "Facility," agree as follows:
1. The Facility shall provide:
a. Use of the dining and serving area for service of meals on
Mondav, Wednesdav, and Fridav
from 1O:OO a.m. to 2:OO p.m. for elderly participants.
b. Payment of utility charges.
c. Storage facilities for equipent and utensils.
d. Tzbles, chairs, and use of kitchen facilities.
2. The Program shall provide:
a. Meals which shall be delivered and shall contain 1/3 minixnun
daily requirements for an adult.
b. Recruiting, training and scheduling of volunteers who shall
be responsible for hosting, serving, cleanup, record keeping,
etc., and shall follow health and sanitation procedures. Also,
set up tables for chairs and place back in storage area as
c. Planning and coordination of various social and recreational
activities following meal service as agreed, with the approval
of the Facility.
3. The Facility and the Program shall agree as follows:
a. Meal service shall be open to all residents of the United States
60 years of age or older.
b. Various rules and regulations regarding walk-ins my be
established as necessary by the Facility in cooperation with the
c. It is understood that the principles shall each bear only that
responsibility and resultant liability because of personal injury
and/or property damge which is based upon their awn negligent
acts or missions. Each party shall mintain in force, a
contract of general liability insurance or self-insure its
general liability -sure. In the event that any action, suit,
or other proceeding is brought against either party upon any
mtter here included, that party shall within five (5) working
days give notice to the other party of the action.
d. Waukesha County currently self-insures its public liability
exposure. Waukesha County’s liability insurance account will
be used to pay any claims or demands against Waukesha County
arising out of Waukesha County’s operations, where such
liability is founded upon or qrows out of the acts or
omissions of any agent or qloyee of Waukesha County.
e. As the Program is governed by Waukesha County policy and it is
the policy of Waukesha County that all buildings and facilities
under the control of Waukesha County be declared mke free,
therefore, during the operational hours of the Nutrition Program,
the space available to the Program will be declared smoke free.
4 Miscellaneous terms:
a. The nutrition program will be responsible for the disposal of
trash in the appropriate receptacle as designated by the City of
b. The nutrition program‘s steam table will be made available to
by City Hall designee.
other groups utilizing the cmnity room, pending prior approval
5. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Facility
and the Program.
6. This agrement shall be effective as of January 1 , 19% and
ending December 31 , 1991. However, either party my at anytime
during the life of the agreement terminate this agreement by giving
thirty days notice to the other party of the intention to do so.
In witness whereof, the parties hereto affix their hands and seals.
Marsha Skotzke, Director Date
Waukesha County Deprhent of Aging
Barbara Blawat , Coordinator Date
0 Waukesha County Elderly Nutrition Program
Waukesha County Board of Supervisors
Daniel M. Finley, Chainran Date
Waukesha County Clerk
Patricia E. Madden Date
Agent for Facility Date
Title: Mayor