held a public hearing at the Muskego City Hall at 7:OO P.M. on
the 11th day of March, 1991, for the purpose of hearing all
report of the City Engineer on the proposed water capacity
interested persons concerning the preliminary resolution and
special assessments for providing the availability of water
service in the area described in documents attached hereto, made
desired to speak at the hearing.
a part hereof and marked Exhibit "A," and heard all persons who
WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City Muskego, Wisconsin,
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the
City of Muskego, as follows:
1. That the report of the City Engineer pertaining to the
above-described water capacity, including any amendments and
modifications thereto, and including plans and specifications,
is adopted and approved.
2. That the Common Council shall advertise for bids and
carry out the improvements in accordance with the report and any
amendments and modifications thereto of the City Engineer.
0 3. That payment for said water capacity be made by
assessing part of the cost to the property benefited as
indicated in the report and amendments and modifications thereto.
4. That assessments shown on the report, including any
amendments and modifications thereto, do represent an exercise
of the policy power as per S66.60(l)(b), Wisconsin Statutes,
have been determined on a reasonable basis and are hereby
confirmed. That the number of water capacity assessment units
(WCA units) to be assigned shall be determined as stated in the
City Engineer's report, including any amendment and modification
thereto, as adopted by the City of Muskego. The water capacity
charge shall be as follows:
Cateqory 1
Properties that are connected to existing public water
service prior to April 1, 1991, and those properties being
served by public water service only after being served by a
private water system because public water service was not
available, will pay $558.00 per WCA unit. The assessment stated
above shall be paid on or before November 1, 1991, or if public
water service is not connected on or before November 1, 1991,
the first November 1st after which public water service is
connected. The $558.00 assessment per WCA unit will be
increased by $36.00 per water capacity assessment unit per year
commencing on the 1st day of January, 1992. 0
Resolution #49-91
WCA Assessment
Page 2
trust prior to receiving public water service may receive a
reduction in water capacity assessment to be negotiated between
becomes a part of the public water system based on the value of
the City and said water trust at the time the water trust
the assets of the water trust to the public water system.
That properties which receive water service from a water
Cateqory 2
All properties not specifically included in Category 1
shall be in Category 2, specifically including all properties
which were connected to public water service on or after April
system. The assessment for said properties shall be $930.00 per
1, 1991, and where there was no previous use of a private water
WCA unit. The amount of said assessment shall be paid on or
before the first November 1st after public water service
connection. The $930.00 assessment per WCA unit will be
increased by $60.00 per water capacity unit per year commencing
on the 1st day of January, 1992.
of Muskego water system on or before November 1, 1991, may be
5. That the assessments for those connecting to the City
paid in cash in full on or before November 1, 1991, or in five
(5) equal annual installments of principal together with twelve
on the unpaid balance commencing on November 1, 1991, and said
(12) months interest per installment at the rate of 8% per annum
first installment being due on the date when real estate taxes
are due and annually thereafter. All assessments or
extended upon the tax roll as a delinquent tax against the
installments which are not paid by the date specified shall be
property and all proceedings in relation to the collection,
return and sale of property for delinquency real estate taxes
shall apply to such special assessment, except as otherwise
provided by statute.
water system after November 1, 1991, may be paid in cash in full
All assessments for those connecting to the City of Muskego
on or before the first November 1st after connection or in five
(5) equal annual installments of principal together with twelve
commencing on November 1 in the year of connection or in the
(12) months interest per installment at the rate of 8% per annum
year additional capacity is made available, except if said
November 1 in any calendar year, then commencing on November 1
connection or additional capacity is made available after
of the next calendar year, and said first installment being due
on the date when real estate taxes are due and annually
by the date specified shall be extended upon the tax roll as a
thereafter. All assessments or installments which are not paid
delinquent tax against the property and all proceedings in
relation to the collection, return and sale of property for
delinquency real estate taxes shall apply to such special
assessment, except as otherwise provided by statute.
esolution #49-91
CA Assessment
Page 3
tated in Paragraph 4 of this Resolution and on the terms and
onditions stated therein.
6. That all water capacity assessments are deferred as
7. That the City Clerk shall publish this Resolution as a
lass 1 Notice in the assessment district and mail a copy of
his Resolution and a statement of the final assessment against
he benefited property to every property owner whose name
ppears on the assessment roll whose post office address is
nown or can with reasonable diligence be ascertained.
#ema d J42LLZ
Way# G. Salentine, Mayor
Published April 4, 1991
49 lcac
City Muskego. Wisconsin held a public
WHEREAS. the Common Council of the
hearing at the Muskego City Hall at 7:OO
P.M. on the 11th day of March, 1991. for the
concerning the preliminary resolution and
purpose of hearing all interested persons
repart of the City Engineer on the proposed
water capacity special asaesamenta for
the area described in daeuments attached
providing the availability of water service in
Exhibit "A", and heard all persons who
hereto. made a part hereof and marked
desired to speak at the hearing.
by the Common Council of the City of
Muskego, a8 follows:
1. That the report of the City Engineer
capacity. including any amendments and
pertaining to the above-described water
modifications thereto, and including plana . and specifications, is adopted and approved.
2. That the Common Council shall adver.
tise for bids and carry out the improvements
in accordence with the report and any
amendments and modifications thereto of
the City Engineer.
3. That payment for said water capacity be
made by assessing part of the cost to the
property benefited an indicated in the report
and amendments and modifications thereto.
4. That assessments shown on the report.
including any amendments and modifica-
tions thereto, do represent an exercise of the
policy power am per 666.80(IXb). Wieconsin
Statutes, have been determined on a reason-
able basis and are hereby confirmed. That
the number of water capacity asseesment
units (WCA units) to be assigned shall be
report, including any amendment and mod-
determined as stated in the City Engineefs
ification thereto, as adopted by the City of
Muskego. The water capacity charge shall be
as follows:
Category 1 Properties that are connected to existing
public water service prior to April 1, 1991,
and those properties being served by public
water senrice only aRer being served by a
service WBB not available, will pay $658.00
private water system because public water
per WCA unit. The assessment stated above
shall be paid on or before November 1, 1991,
or if public water service is not connected on
or before November 1. 1991. the first
November let alter which public water
service is connected. The $558.00 anseas-
$36.00 per water capacity assessment unit
ment per WCA unit will be increased by
per year commencing on the 1st day of
January, 1992. That properties which receive water
service fmm a water trust prior to receiving
public water service may receive E reductiqn
in water capacity aseeesment to be nego-
at the time the water trust becomes a part of
tiated between the City and said water truet
of the assets of the water trust to the public
the public water system based on the value
water system.
Category 2
All Properties not specifically included in
Category 1 shsll be in Category 2, ~pecifi-
cally including all properties which were
connected to public water service on or alter
previous use of a pfivste water system. The April 1. 1991. and where there WBB
assessment for aaid properties shall be
$930.00 per WCA unit. The amount of said
as8esnment shall be paid on or before the
first November 1st alter public water service
Connection. The $930.00 amemment per
WCA unit will be increased by $60.00 per
the 1st day of January. 1992.
water capacity unit per year commencing on
5. That the assessments for those con-
necting to the City ofMuskego wahr 8y8km
on or before November 1,1991, may be paid
or in five (5) equal annual installments of
in cash in full on or before November 1.1991,
principal together with twelve (12) months
interest per installment at the rate of 8% per
annum on the unpaid balance commencing
,.r, v-,,.m".%- I 7qg. "4 *,&+ n-,, :7n,,911.
to such spe~ial assessment. except 88
otherwise provided by statute.
the City of Muskego water system &r
All assemmenta for those eoniectizg to
November 1,1991, may be paid in caah in full
on or before the firat November lat aRer
connection or in five (5) equal annual
installments of principal together with
twelve (12) months interest per inatallment
at the rate of 8% per annum commencing on
November I in the year of connection or in
able, except if mid connection or additional the year additional capacity is made avail-
capacity is made available aRer November 1
in any calendar year, then commencing on
November 1 of the next calendar yesr. and
mid first installment being due an the date
when real estate taxes are due and annually
therealter. All assesementa or installments
which are not paid by the date specified shall
be extended upon the tax roll as a delinquent
tax against the property and all proceedings
of property for delinquency real estate taxes
in relation to the collection. return and sale
shall apply to such special msessment,
except as atherwiee provided by statute.
deferred as stated in Paragraph 4 of this
6. That all water capacity assessments are
Resolution and on the terms and conditions
stated therein.
7. That the City Clerk shall publish this
Resolution as a- Class I Noiice in the
assessment district and mail a copy of this
Resolution and a statement of the final
assessment against the benefited property
to every property owner whose name
sppears on the amessment roll whose post
ollice address is known or can with reason-
able diligence be ascertained.
IdWayne G. Salentine
IdJean K Marends
City Clerk
November 27. 1990
Exhibit A
For: City of Muskego
Amended Legal Description for the Water
Connection Assessment (WCA) District
All that part of the Northeeat 114 of
Section 18, Southeast 114 of Section 7.
Range 20 East. City of Muskego. Waukesha
Southwest 114 of Section 8, Tom 6 North,
County, Wiwonsin. bounded and described
88 follows:
Commencing at the center of Section 18;
thence Northerly along the West line of the
Northeast one quarter of said Section 18.
beginning; thence Northerly along said West
1053.74 feet more or less to the point of
line of the Northeast one quarter of seetion
I8 to the North line of Section 18; thence
Northerly along the West fine of the
Southeast one quarter ofSection 17,1371.80
feet; thence Easterly along the North line of
the panel with Tar Key Number 2188.996
and 2188.984.2250 feet more or less; thence
Northerly along the West line of the parcel
with Tar Key Number 2188.982.238.37 feet:
North corner of the parcel with Tax Key
thence Northeasterly 700.00 feet to the
West. 12.00 feet; thence North 01" 17' 56'
Number 2191.997; thence South 88" 38' 02"
West. 627.93 feet to the centerline of Field
Drive; thence North 88' 42' 04" East.
1120.49 feet to the intersection of Field Drive
and Hillendale Drive; thence Southwesterly
along the centerline of Hillendale Drive to a
point of intersection with the centerline'or
the centerline of Sunnyhill Drive to the East
Sunnyhill Drive; thence Southeasterly along
Hillendale Heights Subdivision; thence
lot line extended of Lot 8. Bloek 'B' of
South along said East lot line 207.77 feet
8; thence Southerly 77.50 feet; thence
more or lees to the South mrner of said lmt
Easterly along the South line of Hillendale
Heights Subdivision. 2.091.00 feet: thence
Southerly 381.92 feet; thence Easterly 486
Southweat one quarter of Section 8; thence
feet more or lesa to the Eaet line of the
Southerly along said East line of Section 8 to
the South section line of Section 8; thence
Westerly along said Section line to the
Southwest corner of the Southwest one
quarter of Section 8; thence Southerly along
the East line of Section 18, 1333.30 feet;
thence Westerly along the North line of the
parcels with Tax Key Numbers 2229.988.
2229.993 and 2229.989. 2,626.88 feet to the
point ..",
five (5) installments. as provided for I
Seetion 68.64 of the Wisconsin Statutr
with annual interest thereon at eigi
percent (8%) per year. The owner can elect
pay the special assessment on his proper(
describing the same. to the City Treasur
on or before November 1, 1991 or Novemb
City of Muskego Resolution 649-91. 1st of a later year as determined pursuant
said property owner fails to make t
payment to the City Treasurer. the Ci
Clerk shall place the entire assessment
the tax roll.
1991. City of Musk8
/slJean K. Marenda. CI
City CIS
Milwaukee Counly )
) ss.
being duly sworn,
dolh depose ard say Ihal he is an authorized representative 01
The NW~CXV SIIII. ........
a newspaper published at .. hskc8o ...........
Wisconsin and Ihal an advertisemenl 01 which the annexed is a
Bue copy, laken !tom said palm. was published lherein on
... ...
Subscribed and swoin lo belore me lhis ...
My Commission expires .APRIL 11 19.93
Novenber 27, 1990 Exhibit A
For: City of Muskego
Anended Legal Description for the
Water Csnnection Assessment (WCX) District
All that part of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 18,
Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Huskego, Waukesha
Southeast 1/4 of Section 7, Southwest 1/4 of Section 8,
CounYy, irisconsin, bounded and described as follows:
Commencing at the center of Section 18; thence Northerly
along the West line of the Northeast one quarter of said
Section 18, 1053.74 feet more or less to the point of
beginning; tkence Northerly along said West line of the
Northeast one quarter of Section 18 to the North line of
Section 18; thence Northerly along the West line of the
Southeast one quarter of Section 17, 1371.80 feet: t!!e?lce
Easterly along tle NoP-! line of the parcel with Tax Key
Number 2188.995 and 2188.984, 2250 feet more or less;
thence Northerly along the West line of the parcel with
Tax Key Number 2188.982. 238.37 feet; thence Northeasterly
Number 2191.997; thence South 88'38'02" West, 12.00 feet;
700.00 feet to ',le North corner of the parcel with Tax Xey
thence Norrh Ol"17'56" Xest, 627.93 feet to the centerline
of Field Drive; thence Nor-! 88'42'04" East, 1120.49 feet
to the interseczion of Field Drive and Hillendale Drive;
thence Southwesterly along the centerline of Hillendale
Sunnyhill Drive; thence Southeasterly along the centerline Drive tz a point of intersection with the centerline of
of Sunnyniil Drive to the East loc line extended of Lot 8,
Block "B" of Hillendale Heights Subdivision; thence South
along said Zast lot line 207.77 feet more or less to the
Souch csrner of said Lot 8; thence Southerly 77.50 feet;
thence Easterly along Lle South line of Xillendale Heights
Subdivision, 2,091.00 feet; thence Southerly 381.92 feet;
thence Easterly 485 feet more or less to the East line of
the Southwest one quarcer of Section 8; thence Southerly
along said Zast line of Section 8 to the South section
line of section a; thence Westerly along said. Section line
to the SoutSwest corner of the Southwest one quarter of
Section 8; thence Southerly along the East line of Section
18, 1333.30 feet; thence Westerly along the North line of
the parcels wiL5 Tax Key Numbers 2229.988, 2229.993 and
2229.989, 2,626.88 feet to the point of beginning.
Kenneth 9. Ward, P. E.