CCR1991040AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #40-91 PROPOSAL OF SEKVICES-CITY OF MUSKEGO HOUSING PLAN AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF WHEREAS, the City has received approval of a Waukesha County Block Grant in the amount of $5,000 for housing planning, and WHEREAS, the City's Comprehensive Plan Study Committee has recommended that a proposal of service submitted by Russell Knetzger in an amount not to exceed $3,500 (copy attached) subject to review and approval by the Waukesha County Block Grant Coordinator, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby authorize the Mayor to execute the attached proposal of services with Russell Knetzger for a cost not to exceed $3,500, subject to review and approval by the Waukesha County Block Grant Coordinator, with funds to be obtained through the Waukesha County Block Grant program. DATED THIS 22ND DAY OF FEBRUAKY, 1991. 0 FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Daniel J. Hilt I City Clerk Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Harold L. Sanders 2/91 I. cac February 11, 1991 City of Muskego Attn: Gene Kovacs W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Muskego, Wisconsin 53150 Te1.679-4100 Fax.679-4106 Re: PROFQSFL OF SERVICES City of Muskego Housing Plan Dear Mr. Kovacs: Pursuant to cvr telephone anversation and the material you telefaxed to me (copy attached), I offer the folkwing propsal of services. malifications My general qualifications are given in the enclosed three pages. The follming highlights fran those qualifications are drawn to the attention of the Ccmprehensive Plan Study Cannittee with whan I would be mrking if selected. 1. Familiarity with Muskequ. It will be noted I worked continuously as a planning consultant to the City of mskego, handling all matters that came before the planning comnission, during the ten year period 1959 to 1969. I played a key role in helping the tam incorprate as a city in 1964. That ten years also included preparation of the city's first can quickly re-familiarize myself with the City by scanning comprehensive plan. I still maintain all those files and feel I rep- prepared since that time, and doing a quick windshield tour of the City with the assessor or building inspector as a guide. 2. Broad mrience: I am nod canpleting my 31st year as a planning consultant here in the greater Milwaukee area, and one of the advantages of being a consultant is that both govemental and private work assigments can be accepted, yielding a wide range of experiences. In addition to the two dozen mmnunities for which I have worked, many for several decades at a time, I have worked on over 800 private client assigments, many in the housing field. A sapling of those private assigments appars on the bottom of the second and all of the third page of my qualifications. 3. Feasibility Exw that have to be brought to a housing plan fall within the general rience: The essential skills and experience class of knowledge called "feasibility studies." Such studies relate economic patterns and incanes to housing, and define gaps that need service. comunily manning Real Estde Analysis In Association With tied. Buellner & Associates. Sussex, WI !or Landscape Arciutecture. Urban Design Land Planning and Design Guild Building 302 Nom Jaclrron Milwaukee. WI 53202 414291 5215 Member McP Amencan Plor.nlng AsocICnion ImlhAeo1 Certlfled Planners 1168 Amencon Sociehlot Consulting Planners Page 2. February 11, 1991 PROWS?& OF SERVICES: City Of Muskego Housing Plan I have done many residential, mercial and industrial feasibility studies over the years. In addition, I have done the step that follows feasibility analysis, which is the land planning done according to the feasibility results for many are listed. residential sutdivisions and multiple family housing projects, samples of which Approach to This Assiqrrment The City is looking for a consultantwb will do sane of the wrk, and direct the comnittee or city staff in doing the balance, so that the full outline is accomplished,~but stayin? within a total $5000 budget, including scme of that for city time and expenses. I have done that before, and am quite canfortable with such an arrangement. In fact the $3500 fee I have quoted is a "not to exceed." If things go well and the tixe put in is less, the city will be charged only for the time spent. Thus at least $1500 of the $5000 budget remains available for other parts of the program. US Census Problem: kch of the data called for in the study outline is published "free" every 10 years by the decennial census of ppulation and housing. The problem is the data does not appear until the 2nd and 3rd year after the census is taken, or 1992 and 1993 for last year's 1990 census. One approach is to use the 1980 census, and update it. This can be done for some kinds of data by tabulating all construction since 1980, which is easy to do. I maintain a file of all buildings pennits issued every month in the 4 county Milwaukee area and could do so withoutmch effort. Your building inspector may already have such a list for Muskego. Added to that approach would be to see if your assessor can publish his housing data by flmr area, bedrcrxns and by value. By plotting that data on a bell curve graph, we can see how well the existing housing stock serves the various income groups. Another way to sidestep the lack of current census data, and actually do it in a suprior way, is to request a household income printout fran the Wisconsin Department of Revenue, working fran the latest inm tax filings, which will probably be 1988 or 1989. Such data would give us the bell curve of household incomes for key areas such as Muskego, Waukesha County, and the metmpolitan area. A fall-back is to use the annual Milwaukee Journal Consmer Survey. Another approach, if you have a comnunity newsletter, is to take our own survey of the Muskego population via a return post card format. I have done this several times for CDBG grants, and the system works well. That is a gmd way to get at tenure issues, a?d size of family for the space being occupied. Until I actually get into the study and see your records it is difficult to kncw what other approaches will be appropriate, but these few give you a flavor for what is pssible. For example, housing condition might be possible to tabulate indirectly fmm your assessor's records by looking at an age versus size versus value comparison. Fee: $3,500: The consulting fee for the work needed to address the attached outline would be time and materials not to exceed $3,500.00 billable in monthly installments as tabulations. the wrk is actually accanplished, supprted by work description and man hour Time of Perfomce: This consultant is available to start work imnediately. The time to canplete the mrk will not depend so much upn the consultant as upon the ability of city staff and perhaps cornittee members to make time in their schechles to do some of the work outlined by the consultant for them to do. This consultant understands that may involve spurts of pmductivity and gap of inaction on the prodding, and by doing sane work or finishing what others have started, that is city's part. To the extent the consultant can keep the work on schedulelby expected to be part of the consultant's role. Generally the wrk should be thought of as a 3 to 4 month prccess, as a goal. At the end of the process the consultant will offer a strong role in helping draw conclusions fmm the data, naninating possible housing policies for the city to implement, and drafting a plan report or plan chapter on behalf of the comnittee. Work Not Included The data listed in the attached outline from the city can be accarrplished to several levels of detail. For example, "housing condition" can involve a windshield survey of every single dwelling in the city, or it can involve no field surveys at all, wrking instead fran secondary sources such as looking at the census, and assessnent records. To the extent comnittee members want to do field work, this consultant has the necessary guideline data and could instruct/direct volunteer field surveyors. However, given this consultant's past familiarity with mskego, it is not likely that field work should be necessary, at least none by the consultant. Sane telephone survey calls to update rent levels and occupancies are probably going to be necessary, and that work can be divided up among us. No enviromntal impact study is involved (nor should one be necessary). NO I I I ! I I Page 4. February 11, 1991 PROPCGAL OF SERVICIS: City of Muskego Housing Plan mulitple family sites, and no architectural studies are contenplated, nor should land use studies are part of this proposal, such as selecting additional they be necessary. However, data may well be produced indicating what quantity of such busing may be necessary, so that sites of that size may later be identified. Contract: Adequate contract will exist, frcm the consultant's pint of view, if this proposal is signed by a city official with authority to do so, or a letter is forthcaning fran the city indicating the consultant has been hired to perfom the work described herein. $"..ju ussell Knetzger, AICP comrmnity planning CQIlSUltant FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 The City of Muskego herewith accepts the a!mve proposal of services and author- izes the work described to camence, at the fee level quoted. Title: Date Date