CCR19910227. ,- r COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTLON 1/22-91 AMENDED ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR CERTAIN CITY OF MUSKEGO EMPLOYEES FOR 1991 BE IT RESOLVED that the following salaries shall be paid to various persons occupying the positions herein stated in 1991 : POSITION Annual Salaries Police Chief Lieutenants (2) Director/Land Use Admin. of current director eff. upon retirement Public Works Super. Utility Superintendent Director of Info. Systems 1 Library Director Parks Director Asst Director/Land Use Administrator Recreation Director City Attorney Hourly Salaries Deputy Inspector Parks Maintenance Person Deputy Clerk Deputy Treasurer START 42,707.97 38,663.66 37,497.17 32,000.00 30,893.41 28,028.08 27,500.00 27,240.23 25,304.36 23,038.08 25,304.36 26,000.00 15.07 8.22 10.38 7.88 6 MOS 44,355.10 38,891.09 33,923.00 35,306.75 29,025.70 29,150.00 28,621.50 26,245.74 24,206.21 26,245.74 15.51 9.07 10.95 8-86 18 MOS 47,649.32 42,388.07 40,837.20 35.955.20 38,553.42 33,003.62 30,900 .OO 30,746.36 30,226.36 29,765.63 27,796.08 16.63 13.28 12.00 9.48 Resolution 822-91 Page 2 -e POSITION START Part-Time Hourly Salaries Water Patrolman 9.22 Asst. Recreation Super. 8.34 Receptionist/Typist I1 7.07 Ass t. Bookkeeper Part-Time Utility Clerk Vcfer Registration Clerk Maintenance Person 7.07 Draftsperson 5.25 Xower Operator 5.00 Library Page effective 4/1/91 High School Student effective 4/1/91 0 Election Chairman effective 4/1/91 Election Inspector effective 4/1/91 Board of Canvassers effective 4/1/91 3.80 4.25 3.80 4.25 9 NOS 24 MOS 8.86 9.67 7.94 8.49 7.94 4.52 3.80 4.25 + 5.00/day 3.80 4.25 3.80 4.25 with 10.00/day min. 5.23 Seasonal Hourly Salaries - Parks Department Idle Isle Attendants 4.25 Baseball Haintenance 4.25 Parks Maintenance Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 h over 4.50 4.75 5.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Parks Director will receive overtime pay for any hours worked over the normal work schedule for snow regoval and will be paid time and one-half at the Parks Xaintenance Person salary scale, double time on Sundays. Superintendent and Utility Superintendent shall be increased to BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the pension for the Public Xorks 6.5% of gross salary effective January 1, 1991. Pension for other non-represented employees (except Police Chief and Lieutenants who receive the same pension benefit as a uniformed \ Resolution 22-91 i Page 3 , I' officer) shall continue at 68$ per hour until a determination is ~~ ~~~ made as'to the 1991 contribution rate. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that work gloves, three pair of reflector coveralls to be cleaned and rented at the expense of the City, and winter coveralls shall be provided to the Public Works and Utility Superintendents. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Utility Superintendent will Nan's rate. In regard to beeper carrying, the Utility receive overtime for call-in at the 1991 Utility Maintenance Superintendent will resume the responsibility of having the beeper carried, having first priority of the duty and the City will train up to five people to perform this duty. The compensation will be one hour straight time per day, seven days a week. If the beeper carrier is called in, he will only receive the overtime. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the requirement of a mandatory retirement age of 70 is hereby deleted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the employee pay the cost of health plan; $330.99 Family and $127.00 Single. insurance over the 1991 rate of Wisconsin Health Organization BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that employees be enrolled in the Life Insurance program upon satisfactory completion of thirty (30) to be enrolled in the Life Insurance program on the first of the following month. Life insurance coverage shall be provided each employee and paid for by the Employer as follows: calendar days of employment, wherein employees will be eligible aefore age 65 $21,000 Ages 65 - 69 12,600 Age 70 and over 8,400 DATED THIS 1 2TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1 99 1 . FINANCE COMMITTEE !m City Clerk u!' Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Harold L. Sanders Reconsidered 2/26/91 Amended, Adopted 2/26/91 RESOLUTION 1/22-91 BE IT RESOLVED that the various persons occupying the positihs herein stated in 1991: / POSITION / START 6 MOS 18 MOS / Annual Salaries Police Chief 4 1 ,707.97 44,355.10 47.649.32 Lieutenants (2) 38,663.66 42,388.07 Director/Land Use 37,497.17 38,891.09 40,837.20 / Administrator Public Works Super. 30,893.41 35,306.75 38,553.42 Utility Superintendent’ 28,028.08 29,025.70 33,003.62 Director of Info. Systems 27,500.00 29,150.00 30,900.00 Library Director 27,240.23 28,621.50 30,746.36 Parks Director 25,304.36 26,245.74 30,226.36 Asst Director/Land Use 23,038.08 24,206.21 29,765.63 0 Administrator Recreation Director 25,304.36 26,245.74 27,796.08 15.07 15.51 16.63 Person 8.22 9.07 13.28 10.38 10.95 12.00 7.88 8.84 9.48 Part-dime Hourly Salaries l e Ass/ Recreation Super. Receptionist/Typist I1 8.34 7.07 8.86 7.94 9.67 8.49 .Ab- Resolution #22-91 - . Page 2 POSITION -% \ Sntenance Person - Draftsperson START 7.07 5.25 Mower Operator 5.00 Library Page effective 4/1/91 High School Student effective 4/1/91 Elect ion Chairman effective 4/1/91 Election Inspector effective 4/1/91 Board of Canvassers effective 4/1/91 3.80 4.25 3.80 4.25 6 MOS 7.94 4.52 3.80 4.25 + 5.00/day 3.80 4.25 3.80 4.25 with 10.00/day min. 18 MOS 5.23 Seasonal Hourly Salaries - Parks Department Idle Isle Attendants 4.25 Baseball Maintenance 4.25 Parks Maintenance . u Season 1 4.50 Season 2 4.75 Season 3 h over 5.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Parks Director will receive overtime pay for any hours worked over the normal work schedule for snow removal and will be paid time and one-half at the Parks Maintenance Person salary scale, double time on Sundays. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the pension for the Public Works Superintendent and Utility Superintendent shall be increased to other non-represented employees (except Police Chief and 6.5% of gross salary effective January 1, 1991. Pension for Lieutenants who receive the same pension benefit as a uniformed officer) shall continue at 68$ per hour until a determination is made as to the 1991 contribution rate. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that work gloves, three pair of reflector coveralls to be cleaned and rented at the expense of the City, and winter coveralls shall be provided to the Public Works and Utility Superintendents. ,. Resolution 22-91 Page 3 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Utility Suoerintendent wil Qyceive overtime for call-in at the 19G1 Utility Maintenance MaIQs rate. In regard to beeper carrying, the Utility Superintendent will resume the responsibility of having the beeper carried, having first priority of the duty and the City will train up to five people to perform this duty. The compensation will be one hour straight time per day, seven days a week. If the beeper carrier is called in, he will only receive the overtime. "1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the requirement of a mandatory retirement age of 70 is hereby deleted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the employee pay the cost of health plan; $330.99 Family and $127.00 Single. insurance over the 1991 rate of Wisconsin Health Organization BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that employees be enrolled in the Life Insurance program upon satisfactory completion of thirty (30) calendar days of employment, wherein employees will be eligible to be enrolled in the Life Insurance program on the first of the following month. Life insurance coverage shall be provided each employee and paid for by the Employer as follows: Before age 65 $21,000 Ages 65 - 69 12,600 Age 70 and over a ,400 DATED THIS DAY OF , 1991. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Harold L. Sanders ATTEST : City Clerk 2/91 cac