CCR1991012COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION V12-91 AMENDED APPROVAL OF SUBDIVIDER'S AGREEMENT AND LETTER OF CREDIT FOR LAKE FOREST SUBDIVISION (Terra Development) WHEREAS, the Subdivider's Agreement and Letter of Credit have been submitted for Lake Forest Subdivision, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the Subdivider's Agreement, and easements, and Letter of Credit, as attached, subject to the approval of the City Attorney and City Engineer; all of said approvals to be obtained within thirty (30) days of the date of approval of this resolution or the same will be null and void. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the necessary documents in the name of the City, with any technical changes required by the City Engineer or City Attorney, and including changes as to Parade of Homes, satisfactory to the Mayor. DATED THIS 22nd DAY OF January , 1991. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Harold L. Sanders ATTEST : City Clerk 1 /91 jm SUBDIVIDER’S AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this - day ~r 19,-, by and between Lnke Forest Resldentlal Development Llmiled Farlnershlp, by Lake Forest Resldentlal, Inc., Its General Partner, called “SURDIVIDER”, and the CITY OF MUSKEGO, B municipal corporallon nfthe Slate of Wlsconsln, Ineotcd In Wnukesha Cnunly, hereinaner called the ”CITY’. WITNESSETH WIIEREAS, SUBDMDER has submltled for approval by the CIW a proposed flnai plat lor 59 lots known as LAKE FOREST, the bnunday description of whlch is attnched hereto as Exhihit A; the orlginai of which will be recorded with the Reglster of Deeds for Waukesha County and a cnpy ol which Is on flie in the Omce or the City Clerk, fnr whlch a final plat was appmved by the CITY, on -19”. WIIEREAS, Seclion 236.13 of the Wlsconsln Slatutes prnvides (hat as a mndition of plnt appmvai, the governing body ol munlcipaiily wilhln whlch the subdivision lles may requlre thal the SUBDMDER make and lnamli any publlc improvements reasonably nmssay therefore or that thy execute a Letter of Credit to Insure that they will make those imprnvementa within hveive months; hrther, that the acceptance of dedication nl any such public Improvements shall be mndltlnned upnn the mnstructlon or sald lmpmvements amrding to munlcipal speclfleatlons wlthout mst In the munlcipaiity; and WIIEREAS, the CIWs Bnnrd of Public Works, Sanllary Sewer Board and Waler Utlilty Board have duly appmved cunlingent on certain uther approvals SUBDIVIDER’S plans and specincatloas lor the subdivlsio~~ Improvements, and the CITY’S Plan Commlsslon and Common Council have duly approved the find plat or LAKE FORE=, contingent upon the execution and perfnnnance of thls Agreement by the SUBDIVIDER NOW, THEREFORE, In conslderatlon of the covenants herein eonlaioed, the parties herem agree as rollowg: SUBDIVIDER’S AGREEMENT SECITON I. IMPROVEMENTS SURDIVIDER, entlrely at Its expense shall: A. Roods and Sm 1. Crnde and improve nil mods and slreels In UKE FOREST in nccordoncc wilh the plot of subdlvlsion and the plans and speclficntitms allnched hereto, and made a port herenf and mnrked Ihhll,il “IV, all in occordnnn with clty street speclficntims. 2. Grndc and improve osphall-povcd Acceleratl~~n/l~ecelernli~~n lanes alnng the norlhwesterly slde nl Janesville Rnad, C.T.11. ”L“, at the entrnnce of Anclent Oaks Drive, all In amwdance with Plnns and Specllicntions approved by the Bnard or Public Works and the Waukesha County illghway Department. B. Surface Waler Drnlnaee: 1. SUnDlVlDER shall Eonstruct, Install, hrnlsh and prnvide racliities as approved by the Clty Englneer and Public Works Cnmmittee for Btorm and surface dralnsge throughout the 2 entire Subdivislnn, and a Master Grading Plan providing for sump pump dlschnrge tu n tile nr stnrm sewer syslem, all In accordance with Ihe plans nnd speclflcotluns attached hereto and made a part herenl and marked Exhlblt "C". 2. The CIN shnll furnish 11) the SUBDIVIDER such permits nr easements as may be requlred In any publlc streel or publlc pmperty to enter upm and Install the abnve descrlld sutfnce water dralnage system thereln. 3. "Stnrm Sewer East of Wnns Park Drlve: The SUBDIVIDER shall obtain an easement and Instnil stnnn sewer, 8s required by Ihe CITY, within the area described In Exhibit "I,". c, weter: 1. SUDDlViUER shall cnnstnwt, install, furnlsh, and pnwlde a cnnlplele system nf water supply and dlslrlbullnn, throughnut the entire Suhdlvlsinn, as apprnved by the Cily Engineer and In accnrdance with the plans and speclfleallons attached hereto as Exhiblt "D. The cnst nf the preparatlnn nl as-hullt plans shall be paid by the SUBDIVIDER. 2. lhe CITY shnll furnish the SUBDIVIDER such permits nr easemenls ns may be required In nny publlc street or public prnperly tn enter upon and Install the abnve described water system therein. 3. Any water used lmm hydranls shall be melered nnd n permit taken nul Ihmugh the CI'W OF MUSKEGO. D. Snnlhrv Sewer: 1. SUBDlVlnER shnll cnnstrucl, Install, furnlsh, and pmvlde a cnmplete snnltnry sewnge adlectlnn system thrnuphmt Ihe enllre Suhdivisim, nll in accordnnce with lhe plnnr, specifications nnd drawings atlnched hereto as Exhibit "E". The 3 cost or the prepdon or as-built plans shall be pald by Ihe SUBDIVIDER. 2. The Cl" shall lurnlsh the SUBDMDER such permlts or easements as may be required In any puhlle streets or puhllc property to enter upon and Inslall the above described sewage system thereln. E Landscaping 1. Preserve exlstlng tnw oulslde or the puhllc rlght-or-way wherever pmctical, when inslolling the Suhdlvlsinn improvements. 2. Renmve and lnwfully dispose nt (n) all nld barns and nut- buildings; (I,) derlrnyed trees, brush. tree trunks, shrubs nlld illher nnturnl growth; (c) nnd 1111 rubhlsh. 3. SUi%DIVIi)ISR shall lnndscnpc nnd rully lmprnve the medlnn lrlnnd at the entry of the Subdlvislnn at Jnnesvllle Rnnd and Outli~ts 2 and 3. SUUDlVlDEll shall submit a letter olcrecllt 11) illsure the Inslnllolinn 111 such landscaping. 4. The 1)evelnper shall plnnt street trees In acmrdnnce with Secllm 8.13 uf the Muskego lnnd Dlvlslun Ordlnnnce and Resolutlm #P.C. 72-76. F. Emslnn Cimtml Measures: 1. SUU1)IVIDER shnll cunstruct, Inslall, rurnlsh and pmvlde a rnmplele syslem ul Eruslon Conlml Devlcea In specified areas nf the Subdivlslnn, as approved by the City Englneer and In accordance wlth the plans and speclfifellons attached hereln as Exhlhlt "F. 2. Inslall sill fencing In cnnfi~rmance with the appmved plans priia to or in amjunction with the gradlng and n~nstructlon wrk. Such rences shall be maintained by the SUBDIVIDER 4 untll such IIme os turreover Is eslnbllshed In the Subdivision. G. Sanltan Swer Svelem ns to Prnwrllcs on Exhlblls G nnd 11: 1. The SUBDIV1I)ER shall prnvide wnlplcte engineering services Including, but net limited til, design, prucesslng, prnvldlng qunntilies nf cunslrucllon mnterinl ond field stake n cnrnplele sanilnry sewermllectlon syrlem, which syslem sholl bedeslgned In be wllhln planned slreels nf n runlure plnnned phnse nf (he lake Foresl Snldivislnn, nll 111 the sole snllslaclinn iflhe City Engineers, be as Identlfied on Exhlblt "G" and snld snnllnry sewer raclllly shall be ovollnble nnd ndequnle filr cnnncctlnn hy all properlies In the West or sald pmJect. In addlllnn thereln, SUBDIVIDER shnll prnvlde any and all ensements In the CITY fur lnstallatlun of sald sewer system k of any charge and lo a fnrm solely sallsractnry In the CITY on nr beh~re the executlna or lhls Agreement by the CITY. 2. SUDDIVIDER's engineering services as (0 the pnprty on Exhibit "G" Including, hul not llmlled In, all or the senlces referred to In Paragraph 1 above, shall be at the msl nr s nnd the SUDDIVIDER shall have cnuxd nll plans to be submilled In Ihe City Engineers In their snle satlslncllon on or before the 5th day or March, 1991 and SUBDIVIDER will mnlinue In prnvlde mmplele englneerlng servlces during nil review prncesses; lhe CITY shall direclly poy lo (he SUBDIVIDER'S engineer fnr lhese services only after npprwnl by lhe City Engineer and lhese msls shall be part of what Is speclnlly nssessed to Ihe developer's prnpercy described on Exhlbll "G" pursitml 111 Fnrngrnph 4 belnw. 3. The SUBDIVIDER sholl Inslnll snnltary sewer Io the snle 5 satlsfactlon of the Clty Engineers, within the property shown on Exhlblt 'H"; that the SUBDIVIDER shall muse all plans and speelncntlons to be submltled In the Clty Engineers on nr bcfnre the 5th day nf March, 1991 and SUBDMDER wlll conllnue to pmvlde mmplele engineering servlces during all revlew pmcesses; the developer shall cnmmence Inslnllatlon of said sewers at or befnre the time the CITY awards the mntracts fnr lnr(allatlnn nf sewer over lands described In Exhibit "C". 4. That at the time nr execullnn nf (he Subdlvlder's Agreement, all nf the nwners of the properly referred tn on Exhlbll "C" shnll have executed Resolutlnn #--91, which specially nssesses all or the properly In Exhlhlt "C: fnr all nf the cnslq of the sanllnry scwcr In be prnvldcd as shnwn nn Exhlhlt "C". 5. The Is of the essence ns In nil cnmplellnn dntes cnnlnlned In Sectlnn I, G nf this Agreement, and If any of seid dates nre nnt met, the CIIY mny draw nn the Letter nf Credit referred In In Section XIV nf this Agreement. SECTION II. TIME OF COMPI~ETION 01; IMPROVEMENTS The lrnprnvements set hrth In Secllan I alnwe shall be cnmpleted by (he SUBDIVIDER In tolnl wlthln lwelve (12) months of the dale of thls Agmment or recording of the Flnal Flat of Subdlvlslon, whichever date cnmes first, except If an earlier dale Is pruvlded fnr In thls Agreement. SECllON 111. JJEDICATION SubJect In all of the olher pmvlslnns uf lhls Abrcement, SUDDlVlDER shnll, without charge tn the CIIIY, upon cnmpletlnn or lhe above described Impnwements, uncondltlonally give, grant, convey and fully dedlcnte the mads and streets, sanllnry 6 sewers, watermains, storm and surface water drnlnage racilitics to the CITY, Its successors and assigns, lorever, free and clenr or all encumbrnnces whatever tngether wlth and including, withnut limitntion hecnuse nr cnumcrntlnn, nny and all land, huildings, structares, mnlns, cnnduits, pipes lines plant, mnchinery, equipment, appurtennnces and hereditaments which may in any way be n pari of or perlnln to such lmprnvements nnd tngethcr with any nnd all necessary enscmcntq R,r access Iheretn. SECTlON IV. INSPECTIONS AND Al)MINISITtATION FEFS SUBDIVIDER shnll pay and rel~nburse the CITY in ndvance of the signing or this Agreement, In acmrdance with Sectlnn 10 111 the CIWs Land Dlvislnn Ordinance and at lhe tlmes specified therein, all rees, expenses and dlslwrsements which shall be Incurred ly the CITY prlnr tn and Rdlnwing the dale hcrenf, In mnnecllnn wlth nr relntlvc In the constructinn, inslnllatlon, dedlratinn and acceptance of the lmprnve~nents cnvered hy Section I, including wilhnut Ilmilnllnn by reasnn or enumeratlun, design, engineering, preparing, checking and review nf designs, plans and specificntinn~ supervision, Inspectlun to Insure that amstructlnn is In compllance with the eppllcable plans, speciflcatlnns, regulalinns and nrdlnances; and legal, administrative and fiscnl work undertnken to assure and implement such mmpliance. SECIION V. MISCELUNeOUS REQUIREMENTS The SUBDIVIDER shall: A. Easements: Prnvide any easements on SUBDIVIDER’S land deemed necessary hy the Cily Engineer prlnr to the Final Plat being slgned, pruvided such easements are alnng Int lines and are nnt any mnre res~rictive In the Iwilding nf hnmes heynnd the applicnhle sideprd nnd nmsel dislnnces reqllired hy the znnlng R,r such lnt~. B. Slrecl Signs: Reimhnrse the CITY Rlr the mst nr all street signs, IrnRic signs and pnsts, Including the cnst nr thelr Inslnllnllnns. C. Manner of Performance: Cause all construction cnlled Tor by this Agreement tn be carried out nnd perhmed in a good nnd workmanlike manner. D. Survev Mnnuments: Prnperly place and install any lot, blnck nr nlher monuments required by Stnte Stntute nr City Ordinnnce. E. Deed Reslrictlnns: Kxecute and recd deed restrictinns fnr hke Fnrest in the hrm nttnched herctq mnde a pnrt hercnf nnd mnrkcd Exhihit "J". F. Crsdes: Furnish to the hilding lnspcctnr II~ the CITY n cnpy nf Exhibit "C" shnwing the slreet grades in frnnt of ench lnt, the In1 nmer grndes and the grndes nr the buildings un ndjnining ints, ns existing and ns propnsed. C. Sight IMstnnces: Reslrict ints so lhnl no fence, wnll, hedge. shrub, or plnntlng which obstructs right lines nt elevntions bclwcen 'Ih (2) and Six (6) feet nhwe the rmdwny shnll he plncecl or pcrnlilted Io remain within the trinnguior nrea formed hy the street PNI~C~(Y lines nnd n line cnnnectlng them at pnints hvenly-five (25) reel frnm the intersecllnn nf the street lines, or In the case or a rnunded prnperty corner, fmm the Intersectinn of Ihe streel prnperty lines extended. n. Sump Pump Cnnnectims: The SUDDlVlDER shall furnish tn the Plumbing Inspectnr nf the CI'IY a cnpy dslnrm drains and cleannot incations in Ihe fnrm attached hereln and made port herenf and marked as Exhibit "N" shnwing the Incatinns or cnnneclinns whereby sump drains cnn be cnnnecled fnlm each dwelllng to the slnnn sewer system. The ends of each line shoil have a cleannut In cnnfnnnance with the City Slandnrd Deloils. J' -~ 1. Declarotlon of Restrlcthms: Execute and rmbrd Declsratlnn nf Reslrlctinn$ In the Rlrm altoched hereto and made part hem~f and marked as Ihhibll "K". a J. Farm Bolldlne Remnval: All larm bulldlngs Includlng the yellow machlne shed shall be removed from the Schaeller farm hy May 15, 1991 In addilinn to thnt referred to at Sectlnn XIV of thls Agreement and suhJert to the snme terms and mndillons nl sald Sectlon XIV. The SUDDlVlDER shall suhmlt a Letter of Credlt tn the CITY for $20,000.00 lo guarantee removal nl the larm hulldlngs, Includlng the yellnw shed. Ihe failure to mmply wilh sold Leller of Credit shall result In a penalty fi~rfelture to the CITY of the entire amount nf the Letter nlcredit nncl lhere Is ne rcquirement 03 tn hew the CITY spends snld penalty Rlrfellnre. The Cl'W shall have no nbllgntlon In spend snid pennlly fnrfelture on the remnvsl of lhe hulldlngs In question and the SIIBI)IVIDER'S t~hligntlnn to remove snid shnll continue. K. Streel l.kh1~: Inrlnll rlrcet lights in ncmnlnnce wl1h Secllm 8.11 nr thc City's Land Division Ordinnnce. SECnON VL GUARANTEES The SUDU1VII)ER shnll guarantee the public mnds nnd streets, snnltnry sewers, wntern~nins, surrnce wnter drninnge lmprnvemenls nnd nlher Imprnvenmnts descrilmd in Sccllnr~ 1, ilcms A. 11, C, 11, nnd C hereor, ngnlnsl derecls dne to fnully mnterinls or worknlnnship prnvided thnt such delcclcl appenr within n pericd of one (I) yenr frnm the dnte nf dedicnlinn nml nceephnce. The SURDlVlDER shnll pny hr nny dnmnges In CITY prnpcrty resulting frnm such lnulty mnterinls or wnrkmnnship. This guannlee shnll not be a har tn any acllnn the CIW might have for negligent workmanshlp or malerlals. Wlscnnsln law iln negligence shnll govern such sltunllnn. SECTION W. GENERAL INlWMNI'W In addlllon In, and no1 11, the excluslm or prejudlec of, any provlslnns nl 9 ala Agreement or dncuments Incorporated hereln by reference, SUBDIVIDER shnll lndemnlfy and save harmless the ClTV, Its nllicers, agents, and emplnyees, and shall defend the same rmm and agnlnst any and all Ilablllty, clnlms, losges, damages, Interest actlons, sults, judgments, costs, expnaes, anorney's fees, and the like (0 whomsoever owed and hy whomsnever and whenever bmught or nhlalned, which may In any manner result Imm nr arlse In the course or, out or, nr as a resull or the SUBDMDER'S negligent constructlnn or opratlon of lmpmvements covered lherehy, or Its vlnlation nr any law nr nrdlnanee, the lnrtlngement by It or any patent, trademark, trade name nr cnpyright, and Its use or mad lmpmvements prior lo their formal dedieallnn and acceptnnce by the CITY. SECTION Wll. ACREEhlENT FOR BENEFIT OF PURCnASERS The SULIDIWDEIt ngrees that In addlllnn tn the CITY'S rlghts herein, the pmvislons of this Agreenlent shnll be fnr the hrnelil nr the purchaser nf any 1111 nr any Interest In any In1 or pnrcel or load In the S1111dlvlsinn. SIXXION IK ACCEFTANCE OF WORK AND DEDICATION As and when the SUBDIVIDER shnll hnve completed the lmpmvenlenls herein requlred, and shnll dedlcate the snme 10 the CITY ns sel firth hereln. the some shnll be accepted hy the CllY If rnid imprnvemenls hnve been cmnpleted ns requlred by thls Agreement and ns rcqolred ly npl)licnhle CITY nrdlnances nnd nlher nppllcahle Inw nnd npprnved hy the City Engineer. SECTION X IVZOSION CONTROL PIAN AND PERMIT The SURDlVlDER shnll suhmit tn (he CIIY, on nplillcntinn hr o Lnnd Dlsturhlng Fernlit and an Enbsinn Cnntrnl Flnn, nll In nccwdnnce with Ihe rcqulremcnts nf Sectlnn 29.06 or Ibe CI'IY'r Envsinn Cnntrol Ordlnnncc (Ord. #560). 10 8 .. 0 SFCTION XL CONSIWUCTION PERMITS. ElC 1. The CITY shall, within Its authority, Issue such permits, adopt such resolutions, and execnle such documents as may be necessnry to permit SURDIVIDER to construct the lmpmvements In nccnrdnnm with the plnns and specllieatlons called fur by this Agreement, upon SUBDIVIDER'S cnmpllence wlth any deposit pmvlslnns or other requirements or the npplleable nrdinances or regulatlnn!q and the CITY shall cnnpemte with the SUBDIVIDER In nhtnlnlng simllnr permits, resolutions and documents as mny be necessary hm other authnrltles havlng jurlsdlctlon in the premises. 2. 'Ihe CITY shall, as a condition nf the SURDIVIDER exeeullng thls Agmmenl, mnke available In the SUBDIVIDER or Its nnmlnee auccessnrs or asdgna, hnliding permits hr Ihe cnnstrucllm nl single rnmlly residences suhjecl In the pnwlrlnns 01 Section XIi. SeCTlON Xn. BUIIJ)INC AND OCCUPANCY PERMITS The SUBDIVIDER shall be allnwed to amstruct nn more than hvn (2) mndcl homes. It Is expressly understnod and agreed that no building permits shall be issued, nnr shall any occupnncy permits be issued either Rw the sald mudel homes, nr any other hnmes until the CITY'S Engineers hnve determlned that: A. The sewer and surfnce waler drninnge facliitles required to serve such hnnles are cnnnected with an npcrntlon syslem as required herein, nnd n. That the CI'IY's Engineers have appnwcd the cnnditlon of the rnnds then exlsling to serve such hnmes ns sumcienl to service the trnllic rens#mnhly anticipnled during Ihc period prlor to the dnte whcn the rnnds must be amplclcd nnd rlcdicntcd. C. It Is expressly Irnderatwd nnd ngrccd lhnt nt) Occnpnnq Fcrmlls rhnll he 1sr11ed until the CI'IY hns dclernlind thnt nll Pork Dedicntlnn II Fees, RCA Sewer Fees, and WCA Water Assessment Fees have been pnld. SECTION XIIL CFWERAI. CONDITIONS AND RFCUIATIONS All the prnvlslons or the CITY’S ordinnnces are Incorporated hereln by reference, and all such provlslons shnll bind the pnrtles hereto and be a pnrt or thls Agreement as rully as ll set hrth at length hereln. This Agreement and all work and Improvements required hereunder shnll be perhrmed and carried out In strlct amrdnnce 4th and suhject to the provlsions or snld ordlnnnces. SKITON XIV. FINANCIAL CUARANTeE Prior lo the execution nr’thls Agreement by the CITY, the SUBI)IVlDER shall flle wllh the CITY n Leller or Credit selling hrth terms and Nmdlllons nppmved by Ihe CITY Attorney In the ornoant or S as a guornntce that the requlred plans, Improvements, and appn)vals will be cnmpleted by the SUBDMDER and hls submnlmctnrs no later than one (1) year Rom the dale or the recording or the Flnal Plat or the date of the Agreement, whichever date ames flnt, except Wan earller date Is pnwlded wllhln thls Agreement, and as a f’urther guarantee that all nbllgalltms to the subconlmcttm klr work on the Subdlvlshm are satlsfled. SIXXION XV. PARTIES BOUND SUBDIVIDER or Its assignees shall he bund hy the terms nrthls Agreement or any part hereln as It applies to any phase or the development or the Suldlvlslon. SECIION XVI. ASSIGNMENT SUBDIV1I)ICH shnll not asslgn this Agreenwnt withmtt the wrltten consent llr Ihe CITY. 12 IN WITNESS AEREOP, SUDDMDER and CITY have caused this Agreemen1 to be slped by their apprnpriate ollicers and their seals In be hercunln aPTued in dupllcnte nriginal counterparts #In (he dale and year first wrillen above. SUDDIVIDIIR: IAKE FOREm RESIDENTIAL DEYELOPMmT LIMITED PARTNERSIIIP, by Lake Forest ResidenUal, lnq Ils Ccneral Partner By: Rnherl A. Pnlch, President By: William A. I’atch, Secretary uy: Wayne C. Salenline, Mayor Dy: Jean Marenda, Clerk 13 STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY ) ) 0s. Personally cnme before me thls __ day of -19.”- the above-nnmed Robert A. Patch, President, and William A. Patrh, Secrelny, of w(E FOREST RESIDENTIAL, INC., said Curpfsralhm helng the Mnnaglng Partner of IAKE FOREST RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LIMITED PARlNERSHIP, to nre known to be such President and Secrelnry of sald corpn-ntlm, nnd ncknowledged thnt they executed the foregoing Instrument as such oilicera as the deed of snid LAKE FOREST RESIDENTIAL, INC., the hlanuglng Partner of IAKE FOREST RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LlhllTED PARTNERSIIIP, hy its nuthurlty. Notnry I’ubllc, County, WI My Cmnlnlrslon Expires: STATE OF WSCONSIN ) WAUKESIIA COUNTY ) ) SS. Personally cnme benm me thls - day of , 19, the above-named Wayne G. Salentlne, Mayor, and Jean K. Marendn, CITY Clerk, nf the abnve-named municlpal mrpnrntlon CITY of Muskego, lo me knmvn lo be the persnns who executed the foregoing Instrument, and to me known tn be such Mayor snd CITY Clerk of sald Munlcipal cnrpnrntlon, and acknowledged that they executed the foregnlng lnslrument as such omnrs as the deed of sald munlclpnl mrpwatlon by Its authority, and pursuant to the aulhorlzalinn by the Common Councll hm their mcetlng on the - day of $19”. 'Ibis Is to ad@ that tbe fongning is a true nnd cnrrect cnpy of the Subdivider's Agreement for l.4KE FOREST SUBDIVISION, Muskcgn, Wiseonsin, ns entcrcd lntn on the __ doy of ,19-, hy snd between IAKE FOREST RESIDENTIALDEVELOPMENT LIMITED PARTNERSIIIF, by lake Fnrcst Realdenlinl, lnc., Its General Psrlner, end the CITY OF MUSKECO, pursunnl In the authnrlzatlnn by Ibe Cnmmnn Council tnrm their meetlng nn the - dny nf .l9-. Jenn K. Morcnds, City Clerk Clerk nr hluskegn, Wiscnnsln 15 EXHIBIT /.-a "A" LEGAL DESCRWTTON Sinde Fnmilv (Phase I): That part ol the Southeast 114 sectlon of the Snulhwest 114 of Sectlon 8 the Southwest U4 seetion and the Southenst 114 section ol the Southeast U4 of Section 8 and the Norlhwest U4 section and the Northeast 114 sectton of the Northeast U4 Sectlon 17, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, In the City or Muskego, Wnukesha Cnunly, Wiseonsin, being more particularly bounded and described as lolhows: Commenclng at the South 114 corner ol snld Section 8; Thence Nnrth 88' 18' 33" Fast ainng the Soulh line or Southeast 114 nf snld Seetlnn 8, 618.88 feet lo the place nf beginning of lands herelnaner descrlhed: Running thence North 29' 16' 00 Wesl, 32.78 feet to n point; Thence North 48" 46' 43" West, 81.08 feel to a point; Thence North 79' 57' 48" West, 81.54 leet In a point; Thence to n pulnt; Thence North 62' 24' 24" West, 135.69 feel In a point; 'Thence South 89' 40' Nnrth 87' 08' 31" West, 107.03 feet to a polnt; Thence Nnrlh 76' 49' 00 West, 134.88 feet 49" West, 218.47 leet In a pnlnl; Thence Nnrlh 83' 21' 00" West, 104.72 leet to a plint; Thence North 60' 40' 00" West, 80.00 feet to a pnlnt; Thence North 09' 47' 09" West, 127.56 feel tu a point; Thence Nnrlh 89' 30' 00 East, 125.00 reel lu a pdnt on tile nrc of a curve; Thence Northensleriy, 20.07 feet along lhe arc nf snld curve whnse center lies tu the East, whose radius is 60.00 feel and whuse chnrd hears North 09' 05' 00" Enst, 1998 feet In a pdnl; Thence Nnrlh 71' 20' 00" West, 120.0 feet to B point; Thence Nwlh 20' 16' 31" Fast, 75.24 leet IO a point; Thence North 54' 17' 15" Enst, 135.23 feet In a pdnl; Thence Snulh 77" 26' 40 EASI, 91.67 feel to n pnlnt; Thence Nnrlh 14' 22' 04" Fast, 153.01 leet 11) B pnint; Thence Nnrth 26" 36' Is" Enst, 60.83 feel Ion polnl; Thence Nnrth 28' 02' 43" host, 2439 feet 10 a pint; Thencc North 01 42' 38" West, 120.00 reel In n poinl; Thence Soulh 67' 57' 36 East, 36336 leet In a p~it~t; Thence Snulh 07' 53' 24 bsl, 177.81 feet 111 a pnlnt; Thence South 38" 17' 02" West. 142.87 reel 11) a pninl; Thence to a polnl; Thence Stouth 44' 31' 46 &SI, 66.00 feel Inn poinl; Thence Smlh 81" 52' 34" Snulh 23' 51' 26" West, 114.02 ket to n pninl; Thence South 29" 16' 01" West, 65.86 feet East, 72.21 feet to a point; Then" Soulh 86" 48' 00 Ensl. 127.44 feel 11) n pnint; Ihence Snuth 72' 09' 25 bs1, 127.00 ket Lo n pninl; Thence Snuth 62' 00' 00 Fast, 12636 feet to a polnt; Thence South 49' 36' 00" East, 12636 feet In n pnlnl; 'Thence South 37' 12' 00" East, 12636 feet tn a point; Thence South 33" 03' OY East, 87.50 feel In n poinl; 'I'hence Nurlh 63' 12' 47" East, 45.90 reel to n pnint; Thence Nnrth 86' 57' IJ" Ensl, 26' 45' 49 East, 120.04 feet 11) n point; Thence Norlh 69' 00' 00 Enst, 120.00 leet In n 108.90 reet 11) n pnlnl; Thence Soulh 55' 20' 00 East, 120.00 feet ton pnlnt; Thence Smth puinl; Thence Swth 76" 29' 26" East, R2.20 leet 111 a polnl; Thence Snulh 60' 50' 00 Fnst, 95.00 reel to a polnl; Thence Snuth 22" 01' 33 EnsI, 101.62 feet tn a pllnt; Thence Snuth 01' 40' 00" East, 95.00 reel In a polnt; Thence Snulh 43' 48' 42" West, 101.41 leet In a pint; Thence Snuth 41' 45' 21" West, 201.84 Tee1 111 a pin(; Thence Snuth 42' 18' 45" East, 116.45 feet to a polnt; Thence Snuth 39' 34' 11" West, 72.90 Tee1 In a pht; Thence 11, a pninl in a curve and the Nnrth he uf Jnnesville Rnad; Thence Snnlhwesleriy, 45.03 Snuth 45' 36' 18" West, 115.00 feet to a polnc; Thence Snulh 44" 14' 04" East, 375.29 feet feet ainng the arc of sald curve and the Nnrth ilne nl Jnnesville Rnad; whose center iles West, 45.03 leet In a pint or tangency; Thence South 46" 07' 33" West along the Nnrlh lo the Southwest, whnse radius is 2707.40 feel and whose churd bears South 45' 38' 57.5" line nl Janesvlile Road, 253.50 reel In a point; Thence Snuth 43' 52' 27" East, 27.00 feet to n pint; Thence South 46' 07' 33" West along the Nnrth llne of Janesvlile Rnad, 29.46 reel In n pint; Thence Nnrth 43" 52' 27" West, 95.73 feet tn a pint or curve; Thence whnse rodlun Is 375.58 feet and whnse chord hears Nnrlh 55' 01' 57" Went, 14536 feel tn Nnrthweslerly, 146.29 feel alnng (he arc nl snld curve, whnse center lles lo the Suulhwesl, a pulnt nl (angency; Thence North 66' II' 27" West, 119.66 feet to a point of curve: Thence Nnrihwesteriy, 119.66 feet elnng the Arc nl sold curve, whose center lien 111 the Nnrtheasl, whnse mdlus Is 160.00 feet and whnse chnrd bears North 37' 37' 59.5" West, beginning. 152.97 reel In a pint; Thence Nnrlh 29' 16' 00" West, 99339 leet to the p~int nf Cnntainlng 32.52087 acres, more or less. 16 / .^ -_ -.-.--- - APPLICANT: LAKE FOREST RESIDENTIAL LIMITED PAXTNERSllIl' -. ..- "."" ~ .-."- .". -.__ RFNEFICIAXY: CITY OF HUSKEOO N. 182 .'#. 8200 RACINfi APE FXPIRI' nAT&i HUSKt'OO, MI 53150 AT OUR COUNTERS Dear Sirs, We hereby issrrr this frrovocable docmentory crotfit in your fnvor Ci Mmkogo Iphfch is rvailallc by beneficiar.v's draft191 at sirht drawn on ASSOC ty of COMRCE BANK, for the rceount of LAK6' FOREST RESIDENTfiL LIHITITD PARTNERSBIP YATED up to an aggrepate amount of $20,000.00. Each draft accompanying docuaents must state "Drdwn under ASSOCIATED COHHESCB BANK Doctrnentary Cradit No. -. This Standby Credit 1s to provide a guarantee to the City of Mrrskego for the performrnco of UKE FOREST RESID6NTIAL LIHITIID PARTNERSHIP obligntions, IO remove certain buildings AS set forth in Soctioo 1'. J. of thnt crrtain Apreemont -.-* "-..""- FORfiST RESIDKNTIAI. LIM1TE.D PARTNERSHIP. between the city or Ntrskogo, aid LAKE - ORAFJS ARB TO BJ$ ACCOMWrED BY; FOREST RISIDENTIAL 1IHITBLl PARTNERSHIP l~ns fajied to conpaylele removal of ihe A statement sjgnacl by the Hayor of the City of Hurkepo stntine thnt LAKE buildings in accordance u;lth said Agreement and that flre Amount of this Lettor of Credi t is beinp drawn by the City as a pennlry. 0 DATED: "" -. .. -.. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Thfs Standby Credit dl1 terminate on the ___ . . - day of I .. ..-I9 - provided, bowerrr, ASSOCIATA'D COMMERCE BANK shall give written notice to tho beneficiary of its intentfon to terdnute tbjs Standby credit at least 90 days prior to snfd da to of " ".""".." # 19" . Aftar said dare this Lnrror of Crndit can only terminate upon 90 dars of written notice to the Cit.v of Huakogo. It is horoby agruod by all partfed heroco that the refereuce to "Agroonfent" is for idontification purposos only and such references shdl not be consrrrrod in any maffrrer to ASSOCIATED COMfBRCE BMK. to inqlriro into its forms er~d ObfigntioJls. He encourage wit6 you that drafts drnwn under and in eompliarren with tbs torips of this Credit will bo duly honored if proronted 01) or before rhe 8w~ir.v date. This original Standby Credit must be subaitted to us togother virh any dradogs hereundtar for our endorsement of my payments effectod by us and/or fur cance.ll,!tion. Very Truly Yours, ASSOCIATED comncx BANK HUSKh'GO, uhiclr is availnble by beeeficiarJ~'s draft(s) at sight draw on ASSOCIAIWI No hereby issue this frrovocable do cum en tar^^ Credir in your favor CITY OF CONHRRCB BANK, for tho account of LAKE FOREST RESTnRNTIAL up to an aggrofate ASSOCIATW CownSRCE BANK, Document ury Cradl t No. I amount of $602.000.00. Iklr drnft accompanying documents must st&(# "DRAUN UhWER performance of LAKE FORCrT RESIDENTXAL LIHTTRU PARTNERSHIP obligations, lo plan, This Stdedhy Credit is Co provide security to the City of Huskego for the to constrlrct. arrd obtain awrovals of certain improvoaonts as set forth in Section X of-thar certain Agreement: dated _.._ helwoorr the City of Huskego. ami LAKE FOKEST RESJDEiTrAL LLWTkD PARTXII'XSHIP. ~ POkEST RRSIDUTIAL LIMTED PARTNERSHIP has fnjlod to complete the coastrtrction A stntorrerrt sfgnod by the Nayor of the City of Hlrskego $toting thsr LAKE of Subdivision improvements in accordunco with soid Agreemont. Said statement shall set forth which plnrr improvemerrts or approvals LAKE FORRST RESInENTIAt LIMTRD PARTNERSHIP has failed to complete along with tha estimated amount necessary for the Citf of Huskego to coa~plete srrch plans, iml)rovemorrts or nyprovals. PAGE 2, AN INTEQRA.L PART OF STANDBY CRRnfT NO. - DATED: - -. .. SPECIAL COXDITIONS: This Standby Credit will terminate 0x1 the --. day of - -.. ."I9 - provided, however, ASSOCIATUJ COKWRCE BANK shall give written notico to tho beneficiary of ifs intention to terminate thls standby credit at least 90 days prior to snid dato Of - ""..." P 19 ".- . After raid dare this Leltcr of Cmdit cnn only terminate upon 90 days of written notice to rbe Cif.v of Huskego. It is heroby agrtrod by ell pertied heroto that the refereuce to "Agroonlent" is for idantificarion yrtrposoo only and such references shalf not be consfrltod in any manner to ASSOCIATED COWERCE BANK, to inquire into its forms and obligutions. He encourage with you that drafts drnun undor and in COrnp~id1leO with tha terms of this Credft brill he duly honored if presented on or hefors the expiry date. This oripiual Stundby Credit nrrst be submitted to us topother cith any drawings hereunder for our endorsomeot of sny puyrnonts effecrod h.r us and/or for cancdlution. Very Truly Yours, ASSOCTATED CONI'iEXCE BANK '0 QRADING SENER, WATER, STORH IJAI'ING, INC. BASf, ic C1"J 6 QlITTLR L'NI'XANCI: LIGHTING ANU YTRfET SIOS COST 0Y SANITARY SENER PH.4SE )'I INCLUDING ENOINEERINO ENGINEERING, INSPZCTIOK, REVIEN 6 ASBUlLTS LIONS PARK nx. STORM SENE^ RELOCATION 10, PO0 13n, ooo 250,000. 25,000. 3,000. 196,000. 20,000. 8,000. ~'OTAL ....,............ $603.000.00 .- " 1; -4 fit cy, ( -.c I. - / .. .- - PERPETUAL PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT CITY OF MUSKEGO. WISCONSIN This Indenture mnde lhls - day or , 19, hy and belween by and between the undersigned, hereinnner referred In ns first pnrller, nnd the Clty of Muskegn, a Munlclpnl Cnrpnrnllnn locnled In Wnukrshn Cnunly, Wlrmnsln, herelnnner referred to nr secnncl pnrty. WITNESSETII: First pnrly, In cmsldernllun of One ($1.00) Dollar, (he recelpl whereof is herehy confesst.4 nnd ncknnwledgecl, have grnnted nnd conveyed, nnd l~y theae presents do grnnt nnd convey unto (he recmd pnrty hrevcr, n perpelunl ~~ul~llc rnnllnry sewer ensenlent for the cnnslrucllon, opernllm, ore, malntennnce nnd repnlr (Including reconatrocllon) nf n wntermnln, snnllnry sewer and storm sewer, In the Clty nf Muskegn, Wnukeshn Cnunly, Wlsennsln, snld perpelunl puhllc snnllnry sewer ensemen1 being dercrllled ns R~llnnr: Perpetual sanlhry sewer easemenl, belng sixty (60') reel in wldth, being n pnrt or Outlot 4 of "Lake Fnrest" a suldlvlslon of remrd, being II subdivlslon of that pnrt el the Snuthwest 114 secllon and the Soulhenst 114 secllun nf (he Southwest 114 of Sectlnn 8 and (he Suulhwest l/4 aeellon and the Soulhensl 1/4 secllnn of (he Soulheasl U4 of Secllon 8 and (he Northwest 114 mtlon and the Nnrtheast U4 secllon ofthe Northeast 114 of Secllm 17, Tnwn 5 North, Range 20 East, In the City nf Muskegn, Wnukesha County, Wlseunsln, Including lhereto Oullot 1 of Certllled Survey Mnp No. 2840, being more porticuhrly baunded and described as rollows: Nnrlh 01' 26' 35" West along the Wesl line or snld Oullnt 4, 15931 feel to the plnn nl Cnmmenclng a1 lhe Snulhwesl corner of Oullnt 4 of sald "Lake Forest": Thenre heglnnlng of lands hereinaner descrlkd: lhence conllnulng Nnrth 01' 26' 35" West nlnng Ihe Wesl line nf snld Outlot 4, 60.01 feet In a phi: 7hence Nnrlh 87' 17' 55" Fast, 43.88 feel In a polnt nf curve: 1Kence whose radius Is 658.64 leet, whose chord bears Sonth 87" 41' 02.5" East, 115.21 feel lo n Snutheasterly, 11535 feet along lhe nrc of snld curve, whose nnler lies In the Southwest, pllnt of reverse curve; l'hence Suutheaslerly, 67.18 leet along the nrc nl anid curve, whose 26' 00.5" West, 67.15 kt to a pnlnt in a cone; Thence Northwesterly, 394.52 feet along center lies (0 the Northeast, whose radius Is 695.55 reel and whose chord bears North 85' Ihe arc of said curve, whose center lies lo the Southwest, whose radius la 2470.00 feet nnd '8 ! PERPETUAL PUBLIC SANITARY SEWF,R EASEMENT CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN Page 2 whose chord bears North 04' 14' 11' West, 394.10 leet lo a polnt of curve; Then- Southwesterly, 19635 reel dung (he arc or snld curve, whose cenler lles tn the Nnrthwesf whnsc radlus Is 1930.00 feet and whose chord hears Soulh 84' 23' 02.5" Wesf 196.27 lee1 lo a polnt ol hngency; lhence Suulh 87' 17' 55" West, 10.66 kt tn a pnlnt In the Wesl llne of (he said Outlot 4; Thence North 01' 26' 35" Wesl dong the Wesl llne ol the sold Outlnt 4, 60.01 leet Io a polal; Thence North 87. 17' 55" &st, 934 leet lo a pnlnl of curve: lhence Norlheaslerly, 24953 reel along the arc ol sald curve whnse center lles to Ihe Northwest, whose radlus Is 1870.00 feet and whnse chord beam North 8)' 28' 49.5 East, 249.05 feet to n plnt In a curve; Thence Southeasterly, 464.03 feet alnng the nrc of sold curve, wbose center lies lo the Southwest end whose chord beam Soulh 04' 55' 52.5" Fast, 46338 feet to a polnl; Ihence Norlh 88' 38' 00" East, 473.24 lee1 to a polnt nrcurve; Thence Nmheasterly, 445.65 lee1 along the arc ol said curve, whose center lles to the Northwest, whose radius Is 255.00 feet and whose chord bears North 38' 34' 00" East, 391.06 lee1 Io a plat of reverse curve; Thence Norlhweslerly, 315.64 lee1 along the orc nr sald curve, whose center lles tn the Northeast, whnse radlus Is 1195.00 feet and whose chord hears North 03' 55' 59" West, 314.73 leet to a polnt In a curve; Thence Eostcrly, 200.84 lee1 along Ihe arc nr said cune, whnse cenler lles to the Soulh, whnse rndlus Is 3700.00 lect and whnse chord benrs Snuth 89' 57' 18" Fasl, 200.81 leet to a pnlnl; Thence (he arc ol sald curve, whose center lies to the Snuth, whose rndlus Is 3640.00 feet and Smtth 03' 37' 17" Wesf 60.04 leet to n polnt In n curve; Thence Westerly, 13931 feet slnng whose chord benrs Norlh 89' 31' 47" Wesl, 13930 leet to n plnt of curve; Thence whose mdlus 1s 1135.00 feet and whnse chmd hears Snuth OS' 19' 32.5" East, 244.14 leet Southeasterly, 244.62 feet slnng the arc of sald curve, whose cenler lles 10 the Nnrlhcast, whose center lies Io the Northwesl, whesc rndlus Is 315.00 feet and whose chnrd benrs lo a pllnt or reverse curve; Ihencc Snuthwesterly, 550.51 feet along (he arc 01 sold curve, 494.81 feel (0 a point of curve; Thence Nnrthweslerly, 114.73 leet along the nrc of a curve, Snuth 38' 34' 00" West, 483.08 feet to n polnt ol Langency; Thence Snuth 88' 38' 00" Wesl, whose cenler lles to the Norlheast, whose radius Is 755.55 feet and whose chnrd benrs Nnrlh 87' 01' 00" Wesl, 114.62 lect to a polnt nl reverse curve; Thence Nnrlhwestnly, Is 598.64 feet and whose chord hears Narlh 87" 41' 02.5" West, 104.71 leet tn a pnlnt nf 104.85 feet alnng the arc of sald curve, whnse ccnler lles tn the Southwest, whose rndlus tnngency; Thence Snulh 67' 17' 55" West, 45.20 reel In the pnlnl nr heglnnlng. It Is an enpress condltlnn or Ihe grnnllng or thls perpctunl pnlrllc Ennilnry sewer easement that so much nf (he surface nnd sub-snrlnce nr Ihe sdl ns mny'be dlslurbecl In the cnnslructlim, use, rnointcnnnce and relrnlr (Inclucllng mnnstrucllnn) nl auch publk ~clllltics will, at the expcnse nr secitntl pnrty, be replnccd In subrlnullnlly lhe snmc cw~dllinn ns It new is or nlny he nnd Ihc ncccplnnce nI these cnsenlenls Iry sccnnrl pnrty nntl the Inslnlintinn or cnnstructlon 4 such mnllnly scwer shnll cnnslilllle nn crprcsr acccplnnce by nf lhcse ensentents by second pnrly of thls canditlon 11) the gmnting nf lhese easetnents. PERPETUAL, PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT CITY OF MUSIWGO, WISCONSIN Page 3 First pnriles conaenl tn the entry by lhe servnnts, emplnyees, workmen, ngents or indepndent cuntraclnrs uf secnnd pnrty for and InclPenlnl tn the cnnslntctinn, npcrntlun, use, mnlnlennnce, nnd repnlr (Incltldlng recnnslructinn) nl such snnltnry sewer, but reserve to themselves the rlght tn mnkc use nl the lnnd lncltlcled In rnld enscmenl, rulrlecl In (he nrdlnnnces nf the City nr Muskcgn and (he SInttltes or Ihe State of Wlscnnsln, ns wlll not disturb nr interrere with such snnllnry sewer or prevent ingress and egress thereto hr Ihe purpnse nfcnnstrucllnn, operntlon, ~tse, mnlntennnce nnd repnlr (Including recnnstrllctlnn) thereor. This Indenlure, upm 11s ncceplnnce 11y secnnd pnrty, shnll he binding upm nnd Inure tu (he benclit nf the pnrtles hcrclo, lhclr respcctlve helrs, succcswrs nnd nsdgnr. In witness whereof flrst and secnnd pnrtles hnve executed this Indenture the dny and yenr above written. In the presence of: LAKE FOREST RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LIMITED PARTNERSIIIP By: Loke Furcat Residenllnl, Inc. Its General Pnrtney Witness Witness Rnherl A. Patch, Presidefit Wllllnm A. I’ntch, Secretary PERPETUAL PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN Page 4 STATE OF WISCONSIN ) WAUKESIIA COUNTY ) Fersnnolly feme befnre me lhls - doy nl . 1990, Robert A. Pokh, ) 53. Presldenl and Wllllarn A. Polch, Serretnry, nf LAKE FOREST RESIDENTIAL, INC., sold Cnrpnrntlnn being the Mnnaging Portner nl LAKE FORIISI' RIISIDENTIAL DEVELOFMENI' LIMITED FARTNERSIIII', 11) me known In he such I'rcsldcnl nnd Seerelory or sold cnrpnrnllnn, snd ncknnwlcdged lhnl they exccnted lhe fnrcgnlng Instranlent ns such omcera na the decd nr mltl IAKE FOItES'I' RESII)ENTIAI., INC., lhc Mnnnglng Pnrlner nT LAKE FORIIW RESI1)ENIIAL I)DVIXOPMDNI' I~lhlll'l<l) PARMERSIIIF, hy its nulhnrlty. Nntnry Public, Cnunly, WI My Cnmrnlsslnn Expires: ACCEPTED ruRsumr TO TIIF: AUTIIORITY OF IIIE CITY COUNCIL AWEST: CITY OF MUSKEGO Dv: Jeon K. Marenda, Clty Clerk Wayne G. Salenllne, Mayor CITY OF MUSKEG0 Sanitary Sewer Easement MICHAEL J. La% & ASSOC.. MC. 240 Regency Court Wnukesha. WI 63188 14141784-7999 Fmlesslonal h#inrrn land Burwpm -e- Scale: 1”=200’ PERPETUAL PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER MSEMENT CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN This Indenturn mnde thls __ dny nl , 19, by and between by snd between (he undersigned, herelnnner referred lo ns nrst pnrlles, nnd the Clty of Muskegn, a Munlelpnl Cnrp)rntinn Incnled in Wnukeshn Cnunty, \Vlseonsln, hereinaner referred to as smmd pnrly. WITNESSETH: Flrst pnrty, In cnnsldemlinn nl One ($1.00) I)ollar, the recelpl wheml Is hereby cnnfessed nnd ocknnwledgnl, hnve gmntcd nnd cnnveycd, nnd by these presents dn grnnl and cnnvey unln the seeond pnrty hrevcr, n perpelnnl p1111lle snnllnry sewer ensemenl hlr the cwwlructlm, npernllnn, use, mnlntennnce nnd repnlr (Ineludlng recnnslrlwlinn) nl n anlcrmnln, snnllnry sewer nntl slorm scwrr, In (he Clly nr hluskcgo, Wnukeshn Cnmly, Wlscnnsln, snld perpelnnl pl~llc snnllnry scwer enscment lnhc descrihed ns fi)Ilow% Perpetnnl sanllnry sewer ensenwnl, klng slxry (60') feel In wldlh, belng n pnrl nl Oullot 4 nl "lake Forest" a suldlvislnn nl remrd, belng a suldlvlslon nl thnt pnrl nr the. Snulhwesl 114 sectlnn nnd the Snulhenat 114 seellnn nr the Snuthwest 114 ol Sccllnn R And the Snuthwest 114 secllun nnd ll~e Soulhenst U4 sectlnn nl Ihe Snlltheast 114 nt Sectlnn R and the Nnrlhwesl 114 sectlnn nnd lhc Nnrllwnsl 114 secll#m nllhe Nnrthesst 114 nlSectlnn 17, Town 5 Norlh, Rnnge 20 Fhl, in (he Clly nl hluskego, Wnukeshn Cnunly, Wiscnnaln, lneludlng therelu Outlnl I nl Cerllfied Survey hlnp No. 2840, being more pnrllculnrly bounded and described as lnllnws: ala, king the place nl beglnnlng nl lands herclnnfler descrlkd: Commencing al the Northwest cnrner nl Lot 23 nl said "Lake Forest", sold pnlnt lies In Ihe Southeast, whnse rndlus Is 1115.00 lecl and whose chord bears South RR' 42' Running lhence 70836 reel, Suuthwesterly nlnng the arc ol a curve, whnse center 00" Wesl, 696.51 feet lo a point of reverse curvatwe; Thence Southwesterly, 344.12 leet and whose chord beera Sottth 84' 35' 00" West, 340.67 feet In a pulnt of reverse curvnturc: along the arc of said curve, whose center lies In the Northwesl, whose rndlus Is 700.00 leet Thence Northwesterly, 451.06 leet along the nrc or sold curve, whose center lles lo the Soulhwest, whnse radlus la 3640.00 leet and whnse churd benrs North 84' 53' 00" West, 450.77 reel 10 B pnlnQ Thence North 03' 37' 17" hst, 60.04 leet to a poln(; Thence Snuthweslerly, 45635 kt along Ihe arc of B curve whnse cenler lies lo Ihe SmIhwFsI, " PERPETUAL PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN Page 2 whose radlus is 3700.00 leet and whose chord benrs South 84' 52' 00" ~SI, 456.06 feel lo a polnt or reverse curvature; Thence Northeosterly, 314.63 lee1 along the arc or ssld curve, whose cenler lies Lo the Northwest, whnse radlus le 640.00 feet and whuse chord bears NnNb 84' 3s 00" &SI, 311.47 reet In a point of reverse curvoture; Thence Norlheaslerly, 156.73 let1 dong (he arc nr sold curve, whose cenler lles to Ihe Sautheast, whnse chnrd bears Nnrth 88' 57' 00" Enst, 143.72 reel In n pnlnl In the Southwest cnrner nl Lot 24 of snid "lake Foresl"; Thence South 16' 36' 18" West, 60.83 feet lo the pint nl bcglnnlng nr said slaty (60') Rwl public snnllnry sewer ensement. It is an express cnndilim nr the grnnling nr lhls pcrpelunl puhllc snnilnry sewrr ensement lhnl so much nr the anrlnce nnd suh-aurrnce 111 IIle snll ns mny be dislurbed in the cunslrucllnn, use, mnlnlennnce nnd repnir (Includlng recnnslrwllon) nf swh pnhllc ulllllles wlll, nt (he expense nr secnnd pnrly, he rcplncnl in s~~l~slnntlnliy the snme cnndillon ns It now Is nr mny he nnd the ncceplnnre 111 lhrse ensemenls IIY second pnrly nnd lhe inslnllnlinn or cnnslrtlcllnn nf s11c11 snnilnry sewer shnll cnnrlitnle nn exprcss ncceptnnw hy or lhese ensements hy sernnd pnrly nf this cnndllhm 10 Ihe grnnllng nf lhese enrements. First pnrlles consent lo Ihe enlry by (he servnnts, enlplnyees, wnrkmen, ngenls nr independent cuntrnclors 01 secnnd lmdy raw nnP lncidenlnl 10 (he cnnslrucllm, opernllon, use, mninlennnce, and repnlr (including recmslruclim) 111 such snnllnry sewer, hut rcserve to themselves (he rlght In nmke use u1 the lnnd included In snld ensemenl, slthJect In lhe ndlnnnecs nf (he Clly nf Muskego nnd the Slnlules rd the Stnle ol Wlscmsln, ns will not disturb nr lnlerfere wilh such snnlhry sewer or prevent Ingress nnd egress lhereln tor (he purpose orconslmclinn, nperallnn, use, mnlnlennnce nnd repnlr (Includlng recnnslrucllnn) Ihered. 'This Indenlure, upon its ncceplnnre 11y secnnd pnrly, shnll be binding upn nnd inure In lhe heneflt nr the pnrlles heretn, lhelr respecllve helrs, successors and asslgns. PERPETUAL PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT CITY OF MUSICEGO, WISCONSIN Pagc 3 and yenr alnlve mltten. la wltnew whereof llrst nnd secund pnrtles hnve execulcd (his indenlure the dny In the presencc nT: Wltneas Witness LAKE FOREST RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMEN7 LIMITED PARINEISIIIP Ily: lake Fnrest Resldenllnl, Inc. Its Cenernl Fnrtner Rnbrt A. Pnlch, l'resldenl Willlnm A. Pntch, Secretory SI'AIE OF WISCONSIN ) WAUKESIIA COUNTY ) Fersnnnlly came behc me this - dny of , 1990, Robert A. Pnlch, ) sa. Pmsldent and William A. Patch, Secretnry, of LAKE FOREST RESIUENTML, INC., snid Cnrpwntlun belng the Managing Partner nf IAKE FOREST RESIDENIIAL DEVELOPMENT LIMITED PARTNERSIIIP, In me knnwn In he such Fmsldcnt nnd Secretmy nl Bald mrpnrallun, and acknnwledged Ihat (hey executed the fnVegning Instrument as such nmccrs ns the deed 111 snld IAKE FORESI RESII)ENTIAI+ INC., the Mannglng Partner nf LAKE FOREST RESIUENTIAL UEVELOI'MlSNT LIMITEI) PARTNERSIIIP, by its aulhnrlly. Nutory Puhllc, Cnunty, WI My Cnmmlsslun Expires: Jenn K. Mnrcndn, Clly Clerk nv: Wnyne G. Snlenllne, Mayor COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #12-91 / LETTER OF (Terra Development) WHEREAS, the Subdivider's Agreement and WEREAS, the Finance Committee has NOW, been submitted for Lake Forest Subdivision, authorized to sign the y documents in the name of- the City. . 1991. // FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Harold L. Sanders i' TILIS AGREEWBT made thls - day nr 19," by nnd klrern bke Forest Resldentinl Develnpnient Ihnlted Pnrtncvshlp, hy lnke Porcrt Rcsl#lcnllal, Inc, Ita General Partner, cnlled "SURl~lVlI)~~", 2nd the CILY OF hlllSKF:(:O, a munlclpal roqmratlou of the Smte or Wisconsin, locnled in n'nukeshn County, Ilertinnflcr called the "CITY'. WITNESSEI'H W'KEWAS, SUBDIVIDER hns submiltrd fnr npprovnl by the CI" e proposed flnnl plat fnr 59 lot9 known as LAKE FOREST, the boundnty descrlptlon of whlch In nttnched hereto ns Exhlblt A; Ihe orlelaal of whlch wlll be recorded with the Register nf Deed3 for Waukeshn Co~mty end n copy or which Is on Ule in the Omce of the City Clerk, liir whlch a flnal plat waa approved by the ClW, on - t WlERE.4'3, Stction Z36.U of the Wlsmnstn Statutes provldes that as a condltlon of plat approval, the governlag My of munfclpllllty wlthln whlch the rubdlvislon Ues may requlre that the SUBDIVIDER make and LastaU any puhUc Improvements reaeonably nccessnry therefore or that they execute a Letter of Credit (0 insure that they ivU mnke lhose Improvements witbln twelve montbq Further, thnl the ncceptancc of dedleation of any such pobllc Improvemenla ahall be conditioned upon the constructton of snld Improvements accnrdlng to munlclpnl speciflcntinnr withnut wsl In the rnnnlclpnlltyyt nnd WHEREAS, the Cl?ra Board of PuhUc Workq, Snnltny Sever Board and W'nter Utllltj Board have duly npproved amtinpent an certaln other npprnvnlr SUBDIVLDER'S plnns e and 8pecUlcatlonr lor the subdivision lmproverncnta, end the CIWB Plan Codsslon Md Common Councll have duly npproved the (Lnnl pint of LtKE FOREST, moUngen1 upon the exrmtlon and performaace of thl9 Agreement hy the SUFIDIVIDER SECTION 1. W!!!CW~!3 SU~DlVII~I?R, entirely nl Its exp.nsc shall: A. !@wl-n.n!l>d 1. Cnde nnd improve nil rnntls and streclg In LAKE FORKST In acmrdnnce wilh the plnl or suhdlvlslnn nnd (he plnny nnd specificnllons allachcd hrreto, nnd rnnde n pnrt hereof nnA nlnrkt-3 Exhihlt "R", all In nctonlnnre wilh city street apecilirntlnnr. 2. Grnde snd lmprnve nsphall-paved AceelerntionR)rcelernli~~n Inner along the northnewriy side of Jnnedle Rond, C.T.11. "I,", nt the enhance of Ancient Onks Drive, dl In ncmrdnnce nilh Fhs nnd SpeclEmtinns npproved by the Donrd of Public Work and the Wnukeaha Cnunly Ulghwny Department B. Surhce Waler Dmlnace: 1. SIIRDIVIDER rhnll rtmtruct, Install, nlrnlah nnri prnvidr racllltles ns npproved hy the City Ehginnr and Public Work. Cnmmlttee fir tlnrln nnrl surface dralaaue IhrnuRhtrllI [he 2 entlre Subdivision, nnd n Mnster Grndlng Plan provldlng for sump pump dlschnrge to n rile or $torn Sewer system, nll In nccordnnce with the plans and specllicntlons nttnchcd hereto and mnde n pnrt htreof nnd marked ExbJblt "C". 2. Ihe CrrY shall furnish to Ihe SUR1)IVU)ER mch pen~llls or cnSetnents ns mny he reqnlred ln nny public street or pulrllc property to enter I!pm nnd inslnll the nhw descrlired surhcc watrr clralnn~e F)s(ern thereln. 3. Storm sewer FArt nf I.lons rnrk Vrlse. c. wster: 1. SUDDIVIDER shnll conshucl. InsIaU, fnmlsh, md prwide n conlplcte sy9lcm orwnfer wpply nnd dlstrlhlrtinn, thrfruRhnnt the enllre Slthrllvisinn, n8 npl)ro\td by lhe (.'tly Endnccr nnti In ncrvrdnncc with the plnns nnd slrrlflcntlonr ntlnrllrci hrrctr, ns Exhlblt "D". The cost or lhe prepomtlnn nf nr-hnllt plnnq shnU he pnld hy the SIIBIWIUER. 2. 'The CllY shnl) furnlsh the S1JRl)MJ)rR wch perm119 nr cnrcnwnls ns may be rcrplled In nny yubllc Pwret or pllhllc proprty in Enter npnn nnd Instnil the nhovr descrilml unlcr I. syde~l~ therein. 3. hy wnler ~~sctl rmnl hydrnnls shnll he meterwl nun n pmnlt tnken 0111 throqh the CI" OF MUSKEGO. D. mLvvSewe_n 1. SUBDlVIDER shall conrlnlct, InstnJi, furnish, nnd provlde n complete 9nnltnry sewage collectlnn system throughnut the entire SuMivlsinn, nll in nrcnrdnnce vilh Ihe pian.q, !ipccilicnllonsnnd drnwln~c nttnrllecl heretr,ns Exhlhit "E". 'The wst nt the prepnrnrlon of ns-built plnns shnli he pdd by the SUnDIVIDER. 3 2. The CITY shall furnil the SUBDIVIDER such pcrmltr or casements RII may he reqnlred In my public meets or puhUc property to enter upon and instaU the above deacrllml sewnge system therein. E Laadrap& 1. Preserve edstlng trees outside trf the puhllc right-ofmy wherever prnctlenl, when lurlnllinpr the S~~MIvl~im imprnrement% 2. Renlove and Inulnlly dlspose nfi (n) nll old barns and nut- building,; (h) destroyed trees, Itluch, tree tnmkq, shrrtbs nnd other natural mowlb: (e) and nll rubblsh. 3. SIJR1)lVl~l)F.R shnII lnndsrnp nnd fully Improve the mcdinn idnnd nt the enlry of the Suldivlsion nI lnnesrlllr Rond nn4 Outlots 2 nnd 3. SUDUIVI1)ER shnll rubnllt n letter 111 credlt to Insure the inslnllntl~tn of such landscaping. 4. The Develnper sbnll plnnt street hen Ln accordance xith Section 8.U of the hhskego land Dlvlslon Ordlnanre and Resolrttlon #P.C. 72-76. F. Fmslon Control MenstlEq! 1. SUDDIVIDER shnll construct. instdl, fhrnl~h nnd prnvlde n romplete yytenl nl Ernrlnn Control nevlces In spccllird nrrm of the SttWlti$ion, RI nppmved hy the City Fngincer nnd In ncrnrdnnce with the plnna nnd apeccificntinn3 nltachcd hereto RS FAblbit "F. 2. lnrtall sllt fenclnp; In conformance slth the approved plnns prlnr tn or In wr(/unclion with Ihe pdlng and n~nslrlwtlon nnrk. Such fenrrs sltnll 1% tltnintniltrrl by the SUDl~lVII1ER untll swch tlnlc ns turlrwer is estnhllshed In thr Sllbrllritinn. 4 G. Sanilsrv Sewer System as to Rnperties nn FAlhlts C and H: 1. The SlJIII)IVII)l?R shnli pmvide rolnplcte engineering ServIceJ including, but nnt IinlitwJ to, desim, processing, providing qunntlties or cnnstructlnn nlnterinl and fleld 3lnke n cun~(~letc snnitnry sewcrcollcction symln,rvbich system shnII be llcrignccl (0 be wlthlo plnnned stnets uf a future plnnncd phnse of (he Lake Forest Suhdivlslon, aU lo the sole aalislnctlnn of the City Englncero, be no Ideatifled on TM~iblt "G" nnd snld annitnry sewer fncility sbnli be ovnileble and Rdequnte for connwtion by all prnpertiea to the West of add prnJect In ndrlitinn thereto, SUBDlVlD&R sball provide any nnd all easements to Ihe CIIT for Inntallstion of odd sewer rryrtcm free nl nny charge nnd In n form deiy sntlsractory to the CJTY nn nr before the cxtcution of (his Agmment hy the CW. 2. SURDIVlDER's cnelneerlng services RS lo the properly on Exhibit "G" including, but nnt limlted Lo, all of the senices referred lo In Fnragmph 1 nbove, shall be at the cost of s and the SUF!DlVIDER shall,have caused weld services to he npprnved hy the City Engineers tn their sole sntisfnctlon on or belore the 5th day of nfnrch, 1991 and SUBDNIDER wlll continue to provide cumplete cntinecrlnp: senlres during nil review prwessev; the CIIY shnii ctlrecll~ pny In the SUDDIVlDER's enCinerr tor lhrrr scrvlces only dIer npprovnl by the City EnRlnrcr nnd these cost( shnil be pnrt of whnt is specinlly nwesscd 111 the dcvelolrr's prtqIerty ltescrillcd on Ihhiblt "C" pllrwnnt IO Pnrnp.rnph 4 IKIOIV. 3. 'Illc Stl~l)l\'ll)~l~ qimii instnli snnifnry scncr In tltr tdc satisfnclim of the Clly finginecrc, althin the ptwcrty shown nn F.yhihit "11"; thnt the SUD1)IVIDER nbnll obtnin nppl,o%nl 5 of thc <omplrtc plans nod sperificntions for mid .mnilnq srwr hy Ihe Clty Engineers on nr lwlnre t1.e 5th dny of hlnrch, 1991 and SllRDlVll~~R will cmlinae tr~ providr wmplcic enplnecrlng srrvlrr? dwing nll rcviecv prtxenccs; tle rlevclnpcr rhnll cwnnlencc is,inllntinn of snirl sewers 01 or herqlre llle linle Ihe CI'IY nwnrtls the cnntrncts rnr inslnllnljnn nf srwr ow landr alescrilxd in Exhlhil "G". 4. Thnt nt the tiaae of ewcutlnn nl the SuMlvlder'r Aweernen(, all of !he oanrrs 4 'perty refeened to on Exhibit "(;" shall lme ewww nrralutinn #"-91, whlch spcclnlly 11s$c39(19 nU of the property In Fxhlhit "G" ror aU nf the cnsls of the mnltnry sewer to 1w prodded as rhm on Exhll,il "G". 5. Time la nf thc errenre as In all cnmltlellon dnter rnntnlttnl 111 Sectloll 1, G of lhlr ARreemenl, nnd If nny of ruld clnlr3 nrc nnt IW~, the CI'IY mny drnw nn the Itlter all Credit rclerrnl to In Feetion XIV or Illis Agrrrmcnt. SECTION U. ___ TIME OF COMPLE'HON OF IhlPROVFAlENTS Tbe hprovemcnts set forth in Scctlnn I nlmc sllnll IR cornplelcd by the SUBDIVIDER In tntsl within twelve (12) ntnnth3 nr the tlntc or this Agreement or reeordlng of the Fhal Plat of Subdivlslon, nlllcllever dnle conle3 Rrsl, rxrrpl if an carller date In pmvlded fin In thls Agrremenl. SECTION 111 "" DELIICATICIN Suhject to all of the other provisions of this Agreemenl. SURD1VII)ER ahnil, without charge to the CITY upon completion oPlhe above descrlbrd Imprnvelnenl% oneoodltloneUy give, grant, convey and fully dedlcale the roads and slreels, tnnilnl? mer¶, wntcnnains, glorm Rad knrfnce wnler drnlno~c lncUltlcr 111 the (:In, 11s r8lccersnrn and aarims. fnrewr, hee nnd clenr tIr nll encnnllmnres rrhntewr 6 together wlth nnd Incluciing, wlthout Umltntlon becauw of enumeration, my nnd aU land, bolldlngs, structures, nralas, conduits, plpes Lies plan< Innrhlorry, qnipmert, nppurlennnre3 nnd hereditnmcnts which may Ir- any wny he n prt of or perinlu to such lmpmvernents and tocellter with any and all nrcerm3 cnsenientr for acce~ thcretn. SECTION 1%'. JNSPl?~@l~ AND AllMINl.STJAllf~,N~~ES SUFiDlVlVER yhnll pny nnd rrilnburse the Cl'lY In advance or the denlne of thlr AmTcemcnt, In accordance nlth Section 10 of the C1117r Lnnd Ilivklrm Ordlnance and at the time!: specified thereln, nll frw, expenses nnd dlslrursenwnts whlch nhaU he lncnrrccl b:! the C:I'IY prior to nnrl fnllnwing the dnte herd, In canneetion wlth or relntlve to the constructlon, Inmllntlqn, drdicntion nnd ncrsptnncc of the lmpmvenlcntr covered 11s Sectinn I, Inclndlnp rvlthont linliintlon hy renson of eaumrrnllon, drslgn, cnElneerlnR, prepnrlng, checklnE nnd review nf dcslpns, plans snd specllleallnnr; aapervlrllm. In~perllon to 1n911re thnt cnollrtructlrm la ln compllence with the npplicnble plnns, s~lIlcntlon$, rcgulntlonr and nrdlaenrrst and le& ndnlinlrtrntive nnd liscnl work underinken to asowe nnd Implement aueh complinnce. =ON V. MISCELLANEOUS REQUWMJCWS Tlw SURDlVlDER !;hall: A. Easements: I'mvide nny easements nn SUR1)IVU)ER'S lnncl deemed necessary hy the City Engineer prlnr lo the Finn1 Flat bclng signed, prnvlded such easements nre nlong Int llnes nnd nre nnt nny n~nw restrictive tn the hnilding of homes beyond the nl8pUcnble sidcyarcl nnd offset dlttnnees reqdrcd by the zoninE lor such lots. B. St~rUIgm; Relmburse the ClTy rnr the cwt all rireet slRn3, lmilic rlgns rlnd posts, lnclnding the n)st or thelr Instnllntlnn% C. Maimer or P~!rfonnance: Cause 1111 constrnctlon cnlled lor hy this Afleemenl to be nnied nut nnd perlnrnred in n gruui nnd 7 workmanilkc mmner. D. &pey-~lonunlcnt?i Properly plnrr nad !nstall MY lot, block or other monuments rqulred by Stntt Smtste or City Ordianncc. E. I&dR~e~t~rig!~n.n~ Exrrnte nnd rword deed reatrlctlntlr for l.nke Furest la the hrm attached herelo, mnde n part hmwr nnd nlnrkcd Exhlhlt ".I"~ F. G&s: Kurnlsh In the Rnildinc Inslwtnr of thc CU3' n copv or Exhihll "C" rhowing tile streel grnclcs in front nr rnrh lot, the 'nt comer gmdr!: nnd the emdrs of tllr blnildings on ncljuining hI$, ns wiqtlnp: nnd 119 prnpnwd. G. Sieht Distnncrp: Restrlct lot$ 3o thnt nn rcnce, wnll, heap-, shmh, nr pkting which nhstnlcts nlght lines at elevatinnr Ixlnecn 'i'wu (2) nnd SIX (6) red alnme the rnndany shall Iw plawd nr pwmlttcrl 111 rcmnln 4th the trlnngulnr nren rorn~ed by the street pnyrrly lines nnd n llne connecting lhenl n1 points lwenly-five (25) lcet Ttnm the Inbrsectlnn 01 the slreet lines, or In the case or n rnundcd prrqwly corner, lrrrm the Intersecllon of the street property Unes extcndecl. n., Sump Pump Connectlon~ The SIJRDNTDER nhnll hrnlsh (I) Ihe Plumblng inrpeetor of the CITY n copy or dlorm clrnins nnd cltnnollt location3 in Ihe form ntlnchnl hereto and mnde pnrt herenl nnd mnrked as FxMblt "N" showlnl! the Incatluns nf connectlong a-herehy nump drnlns mn be conneeled rronl rnch dwelling to the storm sewer Bystem. lhe ends nf ench line shnll hnve n clennout In conhJrnlnnee wlth the Clty Standard Details. 1. Declaratlun Restrictions: Execute and record I)eclnmtlon 01 Rertrlctlons In the rnrm ntlnehetl heretn nnd mnde pnrt heretd nnrl mnrkd ns Ihhlhlt "K". J. Farm BuUdhlp Removal: N hrm hullding$ Inclodlnp: the yellow mnchlne shed rhnll Ir rtmowd fronl the Scbneffer rnrnl by hlny 0 15, 1991. SUDDkrlDFR shall submit a Lemr of Credit 111 the cln for $ZC~.OOO.OO In gnarnnlre rrmovnl of the fnrm hllllfllngr, lnclurllng Ihe yellmv shed. K. Street Light?: InsInll street light( la nrcordnnce rvilh Sectinn R.1 I n? the City's hold Dirisinn Ordinance. 0 SECW3N Vn. 5ZEEuERhLrPnWEW r. la addltlon to, nnd 1101 to the cxrlllsion or prejudice n?, any prnrisirm nf tbls Apreemenl nr dncumenlr Incnrpnmtc~l herrin hy refrrrnce, SUDDlVlDER sl~nll Indemnify nnd snve hnrmlesr the CITY. 11% nmcers, scents, nnd emplnyw, nnd shall defend the snme frnm and agnlnst any nnd nII Ilnhillfy, clnimr, Insse., damages, Interest actlonr, SII~IS, jndments, costs, ezpcn.-e% nltomey's fees, nnd the Uke lo whomsoever owed and hy rrhumcnerer and whenever hrollght or ohlninml, which mny Lo any manner result from nr mise in the course nr, out nf, nr nc n result of the SUBDIVIDERS negllEent cnnstl.uclinn nr nperntlnn nf Imprt)r.emenls covernl thrrcby, nr 113 viulnllnn fI1 nny law tlr nrdinnncc, the InPllnpnlrnt hy it or .my palent, tmdemnrk, trnrb! name nr cnpyright, and its nre ol rwrl Iml1rtm?mcnls prior lo lhtir fnrmal dedication 2nd acceptance hJ the CllY. 9 e .. 0 SECnON IK bCCmANCE OF WORK hprqD.WlcAllON At and when the SIJDDIVIDER shall hnve cvnlylctnl the Imprnverncntc bereln required, nnd shall tledicnte the snme In the CllY ns ret fnrth herein, the snme shall be nccepted hy the CITY ll rnld Improvementt hove Imn cnn~plctrd nr m(ulrnl by this Agrement: nnd nr reqwired hy npplirnl~le CITY ordinnnccs nnd other npplleahle Inw nnd npprovnl hy the Clty FnRineer. IO 2. The CITY du~ll. as a mndltion of the SUBDNZDFR exeeuth~ thls Aprecmenc. nmke avallnble to the SUIIDlVlDER or ils nnmlnce successors or a$slp;as, hulldlng pcnnlt3 hr the mnslructloa of rinprle family msldctlus suhJcct In the provldons of Sectlnn XU. -ON xu BUILDING AND OC~~ANCY r-s The SUDDIVmER shall be nllowtd tn construct no more than hvn (2) mdel homes. It Is expressly unclcrstund and npeed thnt no buUding pennlts shnll bc Issued, nor shall any oceuplmcy permits be Issued elther for the said mndel hnmez, or any other homes unnl the UITr Engineerr have determined thnl: A. 7be sewer and surtaee water drnlnnge hcllltlcs reqnhed to serve wch homes nre cnnnectcd with nn opemiinn system ns reqnlred herein, nnd n. ?hnt the CCWr En@neers hnve nlrprovd the cnndition of the rondr then exlrtlnpr Ln reme snch hnmer nr ~~mclent 111 zervlce llrc IrnMc renronnbly nntlclpntrd durlny! the perld prior to thc date when the roads mnrt b~! completed nncl dedicnted. C. It Is expressly understnod nnd npreed thnt no Occnpnncy Pcrndls shnll he lwlcd until thc CI'N haz delcrnllncd thnt nil Park I)crllcnlim Feec, RCA Sewr Fccs, and WCA Wnter ,\sserment Few hnvc lwen paid. SECTION XIIL GENERAL QWKn.O-NS"JD WXULATIONS M the provislnns of the (:IN9 nrdlnnnccs nre incnrplrntnl hcrcin hy rcferencc, and all wch provisionr !I~nll blnd Ihc pnrlirr hereto nn(1 Ir n pnrl nf thlt Agreement ns hlly nr if 3cI hrth nt lenpth hrrcin. Thiq ,\grccmcnl nncl 1111 anrk snd Improvement3 regnlred hcrrundcr rhnll IK prtfimnecl nnd cnrrlnl nul in WicI nccordnnce with nod suhjcct tn the provisions nI snid nrcllnsncen 0 SECnON XIV. FTNANQ,U, GU- Mor to the execution of lhls Agreement by the Cm. the SUBDMDER shsll Ole wlth the CITY II Letler of Credlt selling lorth term$ and cnnditlnns approved by Ihe Ll'IY Attorney In the amount of S nr a wwnntee that Ihe rcqulred lmprovernentr riv k completed by the SURDIWER and his snbeontmcturs no later lhm one (I) year from the date of the recordlng of the Fhl Plat or the date of the A~eement. whichever date comes Link except If nn earller dale la protided witllla lhls Agreement, nnd as a hvther puanntec thnt all obllgntiona to the sobconlrnctors filr work on the S~tWlvi~ion are saligfled. SECIION XVI. ASSIGNhlm-(r SUBDIVIDER shall not nsslgn this Agreement without the wilten conrrnt nf the CITV. i 12 IN WITNESS HEREOF. S13RDMDER ond CITY have caused thh &cement to be $ignd by thelr apprnprlnte ntllccra and their senlr tn be hereunto aNLvecl in dtlpllralc arlglnnl counterparts nn the dnte nnd Jrar first wlltm ahnvc. w: Robert A. Palch, President 0 Ry: 1Vnyne G. Snlcnlinc, Xlnyor By: J!ean hlnrendn, Clerk 13 STATE OF WlSCONSIN ) coum ) ) 9% STATE OF WISCONSIN ) WAUKESM COUNTY ) ) sa. Nolnry Publlc, Cnanty, \\'I hly Commission Expires: PersonnUy cnme berore me chis - dny or 19- thc nbove-nnrned Wayne 6. Snlentinc, hlnynr, nnd Jcna K. hlnrendn, CI'IY Clerk or the ahovc-unmd munlclpnl mrpnmtlon CllY nl hluskcp, 10 me known to he the pertong who execoted (he foreeolng InHrtrmenl, nnd to me known to be wch Mayor nnd UiT Clerk nf sqld hluulclpd corpomtioo, nnd acknoviecigcd that thry cxtcnted the fnrtgolng Instrument as such omcers as the deed or said muniripnl cnrpurnlion by ita authority, nnd purrunnt to the nuthurizntlon hy the Comltmn Cnuncil tmln ihelr meeting on the - dny ur , 19". 14 ThlB Is to 0cnVp that the foregoing is n lrue nnd correct copy of the Suldlvldeis Agreement for LUCE FOREST SIJBDMSION, hltlsktgo, Wlseoash, RS entrrcd Into on the - day of ,19-, hy nnd bttaecn UK.E FOREST RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPhIENT LIMITED PARTNERSIIIP, by lake Ftwcst Reridcntlnl, he, 11s General Pnrtner, and the CITY OF MIISKITCO. purwunnt to the authnrimtlon by the Common Council form their meetin? on thc thy of , 19 . e " e EXHIBIT "AI CECAL DESCRWION Slnele FEmglr (Phase Ik That part oFlhe Southeast 114 section of the Sntlthwest 1/4 of Section 8 the Southwest 114 #&ion and the Soothast 1/4 reelion of the SouUlenst 114 of Sectlcm 8 and the Northwest U4 don and the Northeast 114 sectlon of lhe Northeast 114 Sretlon 17, Town 5 North, Rnnge 20 Fnst, In the City of Muskcgo, Naukcqhn (hlut)., Wlrconsln, Iwlnc nlnre pnrtlculnrly bonndefl and descrikcl as fnllnw!~ Comnlmclng at the South 114 comer or snld Sccllrm 0; 'I'henre Nnrlh @8" 18' 33" Fmt nlonp, the Snnth Uae or Southenrl 114 of RRI~ Stetion 8, 618.8% fcet to the plncc (11 beglnnlnp, nf lands herrlntaflrr dcscrlW: Runnlng thence Nnrth 29' 16' 00 West, 32.78 feet to n point; 'lhence North 4R" 46' 43" West, 81.08 fret tn R pht; Theno: North 79' 57' 48" \Vest, 81.54 reel tn n pint; 'Illrnrc North 87' OR' AI" West, 107.03 kel to n pvlnt; lhence Nnrlh 76" 49' 00 Wesl, Ij4.RR fecl 49" West, 218.47 reel In a pint; Thenre North RJ" 2J' 00'' \Vest, I(cl.72 rrrl to n lmhl: In n polnl: 13enrc North 62" 24' .24" Wcsr, 13S.69 frcl to n Iwlint; Thence Snnth R9' 40' Thence Nnrth 60' 40' 00 \Vrsl, 110.00 fect tu n pint; 'I'hrnce North 09" 17' IlY \!'est, 127.56 fret to n pht; 'lhence Nwh R9e 30' 00 Lhst, 125.00 leet In R Iwint n1t Ihr nrc of n cnrve; 'thence Northrnstrrly, 20.07 frrl nlmg the nrc 01 snld clgrvc whose rrnter lirs to the -st, whnw rndlnr Is 60.00 kt and wllnse chnlrl I~mrq tinrth 09" n?' 0fl' Mqt, 1998 leet tn n polnl: Thence Nwth 71 " 10' 00' Wccrl, 120.0 fret to n yoinl: 'Thence Nwth 20' 'Ihencr South 77' 26' 40" EASI, 111.67 rret 19 n ptirlt; Ilwnce Nttrlh 1.1" 2t' n4" Ltqt, 16' 31" Fnsl, 75.24 lrcl tn n point: lllencr Nor111 54" 17' IS" I:nst, 135.23 fret IO n ~wlnt; 153.01 feet to B pnint; 'Ibrnrr North 26' 36' IR" Enst, h0.R.l rrrl to n [mint; 'Ihrnce North 28' 02' 43 ht, 24.39 feet In n pint; lbrnrr Nnrth 01 " 42' 3R" West, 120.00 rrrt III n phl; 'I'hcnce Snuth 67' 57' 36" Ihsl, 36.b.36 fecl In n pinl; 'Illenre Snsth 07" 2.1' 21" Fhst, 177.81 feet in R pllnl: Thcncc Snnth XI' 17' 0.Y \Vet, 142.87 Ret to n polnt; 'l'henre Snlrth 23' 51' 26" West, 114.02 fret In n point; 'lllcncc South 29" 16' 01" \Ve$t, 65.86 rrrl Lo a ph(; Thence South 44' 31' 46' Emt, 66.00 feel to R polnt; Thenre South 81 e 52' 3.1" Enat, 72.21 leet to R point; Thence Suutlr R6' 4R' 00' Fnst, 127.44 rep1 to R polnl: 'l'llcncc South 72' 09' 25" Tht, 127.00 lccl. to n plnl; lhence South 62" 00' 00 F~I. 1~2636 rrr.t to R polnl; Thenre South 49' 36' 00" Fnsl, 12636 rcet In n 11nIntt 'Illenre Snutll 37" 12' 00" Enst, 12636 reel to a polnl; 'lhenre South 33" 03' OS' Fnst, R7.50 fcct tn a prdnl: "hence North 6.3' 12' 47" Enst, 45.90 feet tu a polnt; Ihence North 86' 57' 1.7" Fnst, 108.90 feet ton polat; Thence South 55' LO' 00 Fht, 120.00 fcet to n pint; llwnce Swlh 26' 45' 49 Enst, 120.04 feet to a polnt; lhence Nnrlh 69' 00' 00" bst, 110.00 feet tn n 95.00 leet In a polnl; llence Souttt 22' OL' 33' Enst, 101.62 feel tu a Iwlnt; Thence Sonth p01nQ Ihenre South 76' 19' 26! lhsl, 82.20 ret In n point$ 'lheace South 60' 50' 00 Enst, 01' 40' OW Enst, 95.00 feet IO n pint; nrnce South 43" 48' 42" West, 101.41 frrt to n polnt: Thence Sonth 41' 45' 2t" West, 201.84 fret to R polnl; Thence Snulh 42' IR' 45" Enst, 116.45 feet to a polnq 'Ibcnoc South 39" 34' Il" West, 72.90 feet to R polnl; Thence Soulb 45' 36' 18" West, 115.00 feet to a polnl; Ihence Snuth 44' 14' 01" bst, 375.29 feet to a polnt In (1 cuwe and the North Line or Jnnesvllle Rnnd; Thenn SwNmesterly, 45.0.3 kt along the nrc of anld curve nd,d the North llne of Jancsvllle Rood! whore ccuter lles West, 45.03 reet to n point of hnpncy; Ihtnce Sonlh 46" 07' 33" West nlnng t.he North to tbe Southwest, whore rndlus 1s 2707.40 leet nnd whow chord benrs South 45' 38' 57.5" llne of JanesvUle Road, 253.50 reel: lo n point; "hence South 43' 52' 27" Enst, 27.00 h-1 to n polnl; lhence South 46" 07' 33" WFI~ along the North llne of Jnnesvllle Road, 29.46 kt In a pnlnl! Thence North 43' St' 27" West, 95.73 rcet tn n pint 111 CIIIVC; lhrnrc Nortbwcrkrly, 146.29 rerl nlnng Ihe arc of rnld curvc, nhosr renlcr Ilr~ to the Snulhwerl, who* rndios Is 375.SR Ret nnd wllnre chord hwrrr Nnrlh 55" 01' 57" West, 14536 reel tn a polat of tangency; lbence North 66' 11' 27" \!'est, 119.66 fret to R point of cnrvc; Thence Northwesterly, 119.66 feet along the arc of nnld curve, whwe rmter lles tn the Northenst, whose rndlus is 160.00 lcet nnrl whnsr chord lwnrs Nurth 37" 37' 59.5" West, hginnlnfl. 152.97 feet lo a polnl; lhence North 29' 16' 00 West, 99.139 reel tn the pint. nf Conklnlng 32.52087 acren) nlorr or less. 16 DECLARATION OF RES-TRICTIOIS Wblt "A" whlch Is stlacbed bcwto nnd mede m pnrt hereor; nnd WBEREhS, the underalmed nre nU ut the owners of nU of the lmnd described on Itfed In us "CIW, to rezone all of snicl land from RSl nnd RSZ and R-2 nnd W (0 WIIERFAS, the underaigoed hsse requested the CHY OF MUSKEGO, hereinafter RS3-OPD, and WIIEREAS, the CrrV has Ilppmved the concept of such m changq mod WEEREAS, the underslgacd now wishes In develnp add property ln phasest nnd WERFAS, the uudersl~nmi wlshes the rnnlnp. nf the phnse It now wlrhcs to develop be nmrnded tn RS.1-ON); and WIIERFAS, the prnposed phnse IIIKY not In 11sclf rapport the rnnlng chnngc requested, bnl the property dercrillnl on E?rhlbll "A' tnken ns n whde does sllppwt such n chnnge If developed in nccord with the cnnccpr which hns hen npproved: nnd phnoe now to be develnped nnd Is willlng 10 restrlct the IIW nf the remnininp. lnnd tn nllnw WIEREAS, the underslpnccl nishec the CllY 11) ennct the RS3-OFD zonlnfi hlr the the same. NOW, TIWRFJORE, RE 11' RESOLVED, lor vnlunble cnnnlderntlm ncknualrrlgrd by the nndcrdgned, the tollowlng: 2. 3. 4. . 3. MI of the Innd descrlhed on Exhlblt "A" is now restrlcltd tu k used RS land suhJect In a RS.7-OPID rodng, subJect to the use clr land being mnde In the prlor phnse or phnnes and rullher atlhject In nll necessnry rutarc CIrY nppnwnla: and No development of tile land descrllwd in ExWbIt "A" other thnn thnt in tllr phase nnw belnfl reamed 1s allowed dthnnt luture CITY appIovuk and This restriction, In pnrt, resfrlctc the nmxiJnnm denrlty In whlch the cer(aia npen spnce rtqulrementr; nnd remnlnlna landa suhJcct to thls restrlctlon mn be dcvelopd nntl nlny reqtlirr All lnnds described on Exhlhlt "A" ere subject In dl npernents nf the underslpecl lnclndln,g, hnl nn llnlltrd tn, n Sllbdividcr's Ap.rtcnlcnt clnted the ~__ dny or , 19-: and These restrlctlons no? cuvennnts runnlnp. \vlth the lond. of Restrlelloos thh - IN WTNXSS WEEREOF, the underslgaed owners have exeeoted lhfs Dcclnrntlnn day nl .19-. BY: - - Robert A. Patch, Preddent Ry: /, WIUlnm A. Patch, Secretnry STATE OF WISCONSIN ) corn ) ) BS. PtrronnUg came belore me thls - dny of 1 19", the above-named Robert A. Patch, Presldent, and Wllliam A. Patch, Secrelury, of LAKF FOREST RESU)WTML, INC., safd Corporntlnn behe (he MaaaElng Pnrtnw nf LhKI.: FOREST RESfWNl'ML DEWbOPWENT LIMITED PARTNERSRIP, tn me knnw to be such President and Stcrefnry ol' said corpnrntlnn, and acknowledged thnt they rxrcutcd the foregoing lnntmment ns such oMcers ns the deed d rald LAKE FOREST RESIDENTIAL, WC., the hlannzlng Partnrr of LAKE F0RE.W R[ISU)I~JTIAL I)EVFJX)PMENT LIMITFJJ PARIWERSIIIP, by Its alllhorlly. " Notnry PUIIIIC, Cnunty, WI Attorney Donnld S. Melter, Jr. ARENZ, MOLIER, MACY R RKFLE, S.C. Waukesha, WI 531R7.l348 -. - - ". . . - Post om.^ BU* la8 18