CCR1991010..' _. 0 ... EXHIBIT "1" LEGAL OF BENEFITTING LAiiDS - PHASE Ilk Being a part of Outlot 4 of "Lake Forest" being a subdivision of record of that part of the Southwest U4 and the Southeast U4 of the Southwest U4 of Section S, the Southwest U4 and Southeast U4 of the Southeast U4 of Section S and the Northwest l/4 and Northeast U4 of the Northeast U4 of Section 17, Town 5 North, Range 20 Enst, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, including thereto Outlot 1 of CertiJied Survey Map NO. 2840, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest comer of Outlot 4 of said "Lake Forest" said point Wig the place of beginning of lands hereinafter described: Running thence North 01" 26' 35" West along the West line of said Outlot 4, 764.83 feet to a point; Thence North %I' 38' 07" East, 177.63 feet to a point in a curve; Thence Southeasterly, 15.44 feet along the arc of said curve, whose center lies to the Northeast, whose radius is 345.00 feet, whose chord bears South 11" 20' 55.5" East, 15.4 feet to a point of reverse curvature; Thence Southeasterly, 104.61 feet along the arc of said curve, whose center lies to the Southwest, whose radius is 2470.00 feet, whose chord hears South 11" 25' 03" East, 104.60 feet to a point; Thence North SO' 34' 54" fist, 60.01 feet to a point in a curve; Thence Southeasterly, 39.11 feet along the arc of said curde, whose center lies to the Southwest, whose radius is 2530.00 feet and whose chord bears South 09" 44' 3.1" East, 39.11 feet to a point; Thence North SO" 42' 00" East, 145.00 feet to a pins Thence South 08' 07' 00" East, 110.49 feet to a point; Thence South 05" 45' 00 East, 110.49 feet to a point; Thence South 09" 02' 22" East, 51.68 feet to a point; Thence North 58" 36' 43" East, 325.28 feet to a point; Thence North 81" 30' 00" East, 1S.05 feet to a point; Thence North 59' 00' 00" fist. 71.07 feet to a point; Thence Yorth 23' 05' 00" East, 70.76 feet to a point; Thence North 07" 43' 25" West, 9530 feet to a point; Thence North 06" 15' 00" West, E034 feet to a point; Thence North 03" 04' 00" West, 27.96 feet to a point; Thence North 02' 31' 05" West, 114.46 feet to a point; Thence North OS' 41' 52" East, 111.11 feet to a point; Thence North 13" 05' 00" East, 3.40 feet to a point; Thence South 82' 40' 00" &st, 137.12 feet to a point; Thence North 57- 56 57" East, 79.06 feet to a point; Thence South SO' 08' 00 East, 140.00 feet to a point; Thence South 06' 54' 36' West, 95.61 feet to a point; Thence South 03" 37' 1;" West, 60.04 feet to a point; Thence South 01' 34' 00" West, 108.92 feet to a point; Thence South 07" 18' 11" East, 108.02 feet to a point; Thence South 17' 32' 55" &st, 57.35 feet to a point; Thence South 26" 01' 00" East, 90.53 feet to a point; Thence North &I' 30' 00' West, 55.45 feet to a point; Thence South 17" 26' 28 West, 177.60 feet to a point; Thence South 50' 06' 29" West, 84.01 feet to a point: Thence South 35" 09' 11" West, 214.79 feet to a point Thence South 88' 38' 03" West, 966.60 feet to the point of beginning. EXHIBIT "1" @ LEGAL OF BENEFITTING LANDS - PHASE 111: Being a part of Outlot 4 of "Lake Forest" being a subdivision of record of that part of the Southwest u4 and the Southeast l/4 of the Southwest U4 of Section 8, the Southwest U4 and Southeast U4 of the Southeast U4 of Section 8 and the Northwest U4 and Northeast V4 of the Northeast U4 of Section 17, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, including thereto Outlot 1 of Certified Survey Map No. 2840, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Outlot 4 of said "Lake Forest" said point Wig the place of beginning of lands hereinafter described: Running thence North 01' 26' 35" West along the West line of said Outlot 4, 764.83 feet to a point; Thence North 84" 38' 07" East, 177.63 feet to a point in a curve; Thence Southeasterly, 15.44 feet along the arc of said curve, whose center lies to the Northeast, whose radius is 345.00 feet, whose chord bears South 11" 20' 55.5" East, 15.44 feet to a point of reverse curvaturp, Thence Southeasterly, 104.61 feet along the arc of said curve, whose center lies to the Southwest, whose radius is 2470.00 feet, whose chord bears South 11" 25' 03 East, 104.60 feet to a point; Thence North 80' 34' 54" East, 60.01 feet to a point in a curve; Thence Southeasterly, 39.11 feet along the arc of said curve, whose center lies to the Southwest, whose radius is 2530.00 feet and whose chord bears South 09" 44' e 34" East, 39.11 feet to a point; Thence North SO" 42' 00" East, 145.00 feet to a wine Thence South 08" 07' 00" East, 110.49 feet to a point; Thence South 05" 45' 00" East, 110.49 feet to a point; Thence South 09" 02' 22 East, 84.68 feet to a point; Thence North 88" 36' 43" East, 325.28 feet to a point; Thence North 81' 30' 00" East, 18.05 feet to a point; Thence North 59 00' 00" East, 71.07 feet to a point; Thence North 23 05' 00" East, 70.76 feet to a point; Thence Nortb 07' 43' 25" West, 9530 feet to a point; Thence North 06' 15' 00 West, 12034 feet to a point; Thence North 03' 04' 00" West, 27.96 feet to a point; Thence North 02' 31' 05" West, 114.46 feet to a point; Thence North OS" 41' 52" East, 111.11 feet to a point; Thence North 13' 05' 00" East, 3.40 feet to a point; Thence South 82" 40' 00 East, 137.12 feet to a point; Thence North 57" 56' 57" East, 79.06 feet to a point; Thence South 80" 08' 00" East, 140.00 feet to a point; Thence South 06' 54' 36" West, 95.61 feet to a point; Thence South 03' 37' 17" West, 60.04 feet to a point; Thence South 01" 34' 00" West, 108.92 feet to a point; Thence South 07" 18' 11" East, 108.02 feet to a point; Thence South 17' 32' 55" East, 57.25 feet to a point; Thence South 26' 01' 00" East, 90.83 feet to a point; Thence North 84' 30' 00" West, 55.45 feet to a point; Thence South 17' 26' 28" West, 177.60 feet to a point; Thence South 50" 06' 29" West, 84.01 feet to a point; Thence South 28" 09' 11" West, 214.79 feet to a point; Thence South 88" 38' 03" West, 966.60 feet to the point of beginning. W.EExS, the undcrsisnad are all of the ouaers of przoerty desc:ibed below: SEZ ESAL DSSCRI.?TICN X?ACZED E.ZTO kVD .%WED LYYBIBIT .la and wI:S.REAS, the uetersigned accepto;s of this Resclution are beeofit:eC 5y tfe plznnins including, but not limited to, engieeerins, leqa?, ahinistrative ccsts and casts of review by the City er.;izea: cf a sewer installation and by the sewer instal?a:icn ir.s:silsd ir: a sazitary sewer easesen: to be ;ravid& by the uzds:sigzed t3 the City, at no CSS~ to the City, a: a tiae, ar.G la a fcrn, ca teras and ccneiticns ac:eptable to the City cve: a ;crtlcr. 2: the abcve lesa?ly Csscribed property ac=e?ezble t3 tke City. yc~, ?>z.=?c.~, $3: va:ua>Le cansitaration ac4zswlrdSed by all -. 1 2. I 2. 7. IE chis ResolutLon is not accepted by the property owners stated below on r'ce date qf passage, it is null and void. CXZ2 this tay of - , 199 . CITY OF .%SKZ:CO - Owner owner owner owner owner January lol 1991 Honomble Wayne Salentine Mayor ClTY OF MUSKEGO W182 S8200 Rache Avenue P.O. Bor 903 hfmhp, IYI 53150-0903 RE: Septk Relirf Project (Lke Forest Ill) City of Muskego Drar Mayor Salrthe: Our Jrm herein pmpusev to supply engineering services to the City of hfuskego for the Jesign, easemenf hments andfild staking of the sanifaty sewers from the west end of Phme U (in Sanctuary Drive) to tire west end of the project (oppruimately 2,400 Lineal Feet of sewer), for the Sum o/: Thirty-Five Tlruusarrd, The Hundred ($3Sl300.O0) Dollars. We shall wmplete the Saniluty Sewer Plans fir review by the City Engineer within fom-five (45) hys aJier our proposal is accepted by tire City. We shall process the plans far appmval by SJLWJZX.C, the MdUS.D. and he IVI DNR, and WOUW eqwci the WI DNR lo appnwe the sewer plans within sir (6) weeks a/er our submittal of plans to the Ci!y. We shall fiki stake "try trre removal and topsoil &ppitq in the area of sewer construction, in addition to the adual sewer staking. IVe would aped ta be puid for the plan preparahn, easement3 and appmval work no Mer than the time dre City receives approval for thr conslrudionhm the WI DNR. Thcficra staking work slwukl br pad wdhin thirly (30) days of the Ciry'r receipt of our billing for same. We lrrrein attoch Exlibit "E" which is a Cost Analysis for this sewer design and wmtruciion. cm OF MUSKEGO By: e 0 EXHIBIT "B" SEPTIC RELIEF PROJECT CIllm0sh-F-m) FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO SuBJErn: corn ANALYSIS 1. a. ? 3. 4. 8 5. a I. a 0 Clear & Grub Easement Area,"..- $ 5,900.00 Remove & Stockpile Topsoil Trench Spoil Removal & Disposal .." 16,500.00 3,200 C.Y. @ Sl.75lC.~-.".-------... .- 5,600.00 1,735 LF.-10" Sanitary Sewer @$32 .OO~F.....-"~"... 645 &FA" Sanitary Sewer - "....-. 55,520.00 I3 Standard Manholes @! $27.OO/LF ".-........~~~."..... ..__. 17,415.00 @ $1,750.00 Each ." ." 22.750.00 SUBTOT~.,,,.-,,,-,,-$123,685.00 11,000 CY. @ $lSO/C.Y." """.""" MJ.hsik & Assnc., Jnc Services: a. Easement Document, et c.."......-".....-". $ 6,650.00 b. Plan Preparation & Submittal-...."l- ."- 26,650.00 c Stake Sewer __...."....., "......".--..."......... 2,000.00 SUBTOTAL"..-- ~$33,300.00 City Engineer Services: 8. Review Plans __. L b. Prepare Bid Ducuments...."..--. ." c Inspect Construction,...., I L 6 Prepare Sewer As-Builts- -" e. Other Services L StJBTOTM . ..s e LEGAL OF BENEFITTING LANDS - PHASE III: Being a part of Outlot 1 of "hke Forest" being a subdivision of record of that part of the Southwest 1/4 and the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest U4 of Section 8, the Southwest l/4 and Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 8 and the Northwest U4 and Northeast U4 of the Northeast U4 of Section 17, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, including thereto Outlot 1 of Certified Survey Map No. 2840, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Outlot 4 of said "Lake Forest" said point being the place of beginning of lands hereinafter described: Running thence North 01' 26' 35" West along the West line of said Outlot 4, 764.83 feet tu a point; Thence North %lo 38' 07" East, 177.63 feet to a point in a curve; Thence Southeasterly, 15.4 I'eet along the arc of said curve, whose center lies to the Northeast, whose radius is 345.00 feet, whose chord bears South 11' 20' 55.5" East, 15.44 feet to a point of reverse curvature; Thence Southeasterly, 104.61 feet along the arc of said curve, whose center lies to the Southwest, whose radius is 2470.00 feet, whose chord bears South 11' 25' 03" East, 104.60 feet to a point; Thence North 80' 34' 54" East, 60.01 feet to a point io a curve; Thence Southeasterly, 39.11 feet along the arc of said curve, whose center lies 10 the Southwest, whose radius is 2530.00 feet and whose chord hears South 09" 44' -34'' Lst, 39.11 feet to a point; Thence North 80' 42' 00" East, 145.00 feet to a point; Thence South 08" 07' 00 East, 110.49 feet to a point; Thence South 05' 45' 00" East, 1I0.49 feet to a point; Thence South 09' 02' 22" East, 84.68 feet to a point; Thence North X8' 36' 43" Ehst, 325.28 feet to a point; Thence North 81' 30' 00" East, 18.05 feet to a point; lhence North 59" 00' 00" East, 71.07 feet tu a point; Thence North 23' 05' 00" East, 70.76 feet to a poinl; Thence North 07' 43' 25" West, 9530 feet to a point; Thence North 06' 15' 00" West, 12034 feet to a point; Thence North 03" 04' 00" West, 27.96 feet to a poinl; Thence North 02' 31' 05" West, 114.46 feet tu a point; Thence North 08' 41' 52" East, 111.11 feet to a point; Thence North U' 05' 00" East, 3.40 feet to a point; Thence South 82' 40' 00" East, 137.12 feet to a point; Thence North 57' 56' 57" East, 79.06 feet lo a poinl; Thence South 80" 08' 00' East, 140.00 feet to a point; Thence South 06' 54' 36" West, 95.61 feet to a point; Thence South 03" 37' 17" West, 60.04 feet to a point; Thence South 01' 34' 00" West, 108.92 feet to a point; Thence South 07' 18' 11" East, 108.02 feet to a point; Thence South 17' 32' 55" East, 57.25 feet to a point; Thence South 26' 01' 00" &st, 90.83 feet to a point; Thence North 84' 30' 00" West, 55.45 feet to a point; Thence South 17' 26' 28' West, 177.60 feet to a point; Thence South 50' 06' 29" West, 81.01 reet to a point; Thence South 28' 09' 11" West, 214.79 feet to a point; Thence South S8' 38' 03" West, 966.60 feet to the point of beginning. 8 DECWIRATION OF RESTRICTIONS FOR LAKE FOREST SUBDIVISION KNOW ALL PERSONS BY TEESE PRESENTS; that LAKE FOREST RESIDENTIAL INC., Partnership duly organized and existing under and by the virtue of the laws of the State of Pisconsin, (herein referred to as 'Developer, " which term shall also include the duly authorized agent of Developer) Developer is the owner of the premises described as follows (herein referred to as "LAKE FOREST') LAKE FOREST, being a subdivision of that part of the Southwest 1/4 and the Southeast 1/4 section of the Southwest 1/4 of Sectlon 8 the Southwest 1/4 sec:ion dud tJle Southeast 1/4 section of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 8 and the Northwest 1/4 section and the Northeast 1/4 section of the Northeast 1/4 Section 17, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha. County, Uisconsin including thereto Outlot 1 of Certified Survey Map No. 2840. Developer, intending to establish a general plan for the use, occupancy and enjoyment of LAKE FOREST does hereby declare that, for the mutual benefit of present and future owners, LAKE FOREST shall be subject to the followinp restrictions: A. BOILDIXG RESTRICTIONS (Lake Forest Single Family Lots) 1. A11 single family lots in LAKE FOREST are restricted to the erection of one story, story and one-half, two story or split level one family residence building and attached garage. 2. The minimum size of a one story home shall be 1700 square feet on the first floor. 3. d story and one-half home shall have a mjnimrrm of 1200 square feet on the first floor. 4. A two story home shall have a minimum of 1100 square feet on the first floor with a total of 2200 square feet. 5. A split level or bi-level home shall a minimum of 1800 square feet 01) the Upper two levels. 6. The garage must be attached to the home directly or by breezeway, or built in the basement of the home and must be constructed with the hone. The maximum sire of a garage shall be 900 square feet. 7. The house and attached garage must be completed within one year from the start of construction. 8. Only one residence may be erected on a lot. 9. The minimum setback from any abutting street righr-of-way is 40 ft. Side yard offsets shall be a minimum of 15 feet. Rear yard setbacks shall be 40 feet. 10. There shall be no outside storage of boats, trailers, campers, or other vehicles or items deemed to be unsightly by the Developer. 11. There Shall be no above ground swimming pool in LAKE FOREST 12. All driveways shall be paved within one year of occupancy of the home in LAKE FOREST. 13. A11 buildimg plans and the e.uterior design of each dwelling unit to be constructed in LAKE FOREST must be approved b.v Developer in writing prior to application for a building permit. In addition, basic site features such as fences, garden structures, satellite dishes, additions and other temporary or permanent structures or elements contributing sign- ificantly to the ror.11 environmental effect within LAKE FOREST are subject to the prior written approval of the Dereloper. 2 0 14. There shall be installed in a location designated bv the Developer at the time of construction of a residence building on a lot. one outdoor electric lamppost with photoelectric controls. The design of the lamppost shall be subject to the approval of the Developer. The lamppost shall be maintained by the lot owner in a proper operating manner. X th? 1-t is not maintained, maintenance shall be performed by the LAKE FOREST EOM OUNER'S ASSOCXATION, created pursuant to Section B, below, and the cost of such maintenance shall be an assessment against the lot o*ner, payable within ten (10) days after the date of assessment. B. OKVERS ASSOCIA TION e * 1. An unincorporated association (herein referred to as the "Association") of the omers of lands in LAKE FORESTdnd all futures stages of development as provided in Section C, below (herein referred to individually as "Ouner" and collectively as "Owner" and collecfively as "Owners"!, is hereby created for purpose of managing and controlling subdivision Common Areas [as defined below) and performing other duties as set forth herein for the common benefit of the Owners. The owners of Lots 1 thru 59 in LAKE FOREST Shall have a 1/59th interest in Outlots 2 and 3. In the event the Count>. of k'dukesha becomes an 0k"Rer of any lot through tax delinquency process, the connty shall not be liabl'e for any homeowner's fees nor any special assessment against said lots. The Association shall be known as 'LAKE FOREST HOHEOKNERS ASSOCIATION'. 2. The term "Common Area" shall include the following areas uhich are generally identified on the attached Eshibit . A", plus any additional common areas uhich may be added in accordance with Pardgraph b and c below. Any portion of The Common Area within d public Street right-of-way nay only be improved:with the consent of the appropriate public authorities. la1 Outlots 2 and 3 in LAKE FOREST. (6) A11 landscaped boulevards contained within the dedicated streets in LAKE FOREST. 3 0 IC) The area of easements over the portions of the adjacent multi- family development known as OVERLOOK BAY APARTMENTS for the purpose of removing sediment build-up and maintenance within Sediment Basin #1 and Sediment Basin #2 as identified on the attached Exhibit '8". The sediment shall be removed bJ. LAKE FOREST HOMEOh'NER'S ASSOCIATION when sediment deposits reach an elevation within 2 feet of the invert elevation of the riser contained within the respective sediment basin. 3. The Association shall be governed by three-member Committee here- in-after referred to as the "Committee', which shall be solely responsible for the activities of the Association. The initial members of the Committee shall be Robert A. Patch, Uilliam A. Patch and Uilliam K. Carity. 4. To qualify as a member of the Committee, a person most be either an owner or a duly designated officer or representative of an Owner. 5. So long as fifty percent (50X) or more of the single family lots in LAKE FOREST are owned by Developer, all three (3) members of the Committee shall be appointed by Developer. So long as twenty percent (2DX) or more but less the at fifty 150%) of the single family lots in LAKE FOREST are owned by Developer, two (2) members of the Committee shall be appointed by Developer and one (1) member shall be elected as provided herein. So long as five percent (5S) or more, but less than twenty percent (20%) of the single family lots in LAXE FOREST are owned by Developer and two (2) members shall be elected as provided hereill. If less than five percent (52) of the single family lots in LAKE FOREST are owned by Developer. all of the members of the Committee shall be elected as provided therein. The provisions of this paragraph shall also apply to any future stages of Development in accordamce with Section C, below and the lots contained tllerein shall not be considered in determining the above percentages. 6. Each Owner shall be entitled to vote in person or by pro.xy in elections for selecting members of the Committee. Owners of single family lots shall have one (1) vote for each lot owned. 4 10. The Committee shall have the following powers: la) Cause the Common Area to be maintained, repaired.1andscaped and kept in good, clean and attractive condition. (61 Enter into contracts and to employ agents, attorneys or other for purposes of discharging and its duties and responsibilities bereunder. (c) Levy and collect assessments in accordance with the provisions of Paragrnph 11, below. 7. The Term of office of the initial members of the Committee shall commence upon the execution hereof and shall continue until December 31. 1991. Thereafter, the term of office of members of the Committee shall be for one 11) calendar year. If anv member of the Committee shall die, resign,be unable to act or cease to be qualified shall be elected by a special election, lor appoint by Developer. if applicable, pursuant to the terms of Paragraph B 5, above). 8. All meetings of the Committee shall be opened to Owners and held upon not less than three (3) days prior written notice to all of the Owners. Two (2) members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. Actions of the Committee shall be taken by majority vote. 9. The Committee shall have the following duties: la1 Provide for t6e maintenance of improvements in the Common Area. fbl Establish dates and procedures for the conduct of the Association and Committee's affairs, A#D AYJM~L EL€LTIO~&. IC) Promulgate operating procedures for the conduct of the Association and Committee's affairs. id) Enforcement of the provisions of this Section B. 11. The Committee shall levy and collect assessments in accordance with the following: la) The Owner of each single family lot shall be subject to a general annual charge or assessment for the purpose of defraying the costs of maintaining and administering the Common Area. e 5 Soclj dnnudl assessment shall be a prorata share (one (1) share per lot for single family lot) of the costs incurred or anticipated to be incurred by the ASSOCidtiOn in performing its duties. Said costs shall include, but not be limited to payment of faxes, insurance, repair, replacement and additions to the improvements made to the Common Area, the cost of labor, equipment, materia1s.management and supervision thereof, arld all costs of the Association reasonably incurred in conducting its affairs and en€orcing the provisions of this Section B. (b) Assessments must be approved at a duly convened meeting of the Commi rtee. IC) ffritten notice of an assessment shall be personally delivered to each Owner subject to the assessment or delivered by certified mail addressed to the last known address of such Owner. (dl Assessments shall become due and payable thirty 130) days after the mailing or personal delivery of the notice, at the case may be. (e) Assessments not paid when due shall bear interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum until paid, and such unpaid assessment and the interest thereon shall constitute a continuing lien dgainst the real estate against which it was assessed and interest thereon shall also be the personal obligation of the OWner of the real estdte against which the assessment N~S made. (f) The Committee may record a document with the Register of Deeds io h'dlllieshd County, Wisconsin, civing notice of a lien for any such unpaid assessment and upon pasment or satisfaction of the amount due recorded a document canceling or releasing any such lien. The failure to file any such notice shall not impair the validity of the lien. All recording and attorney fees relating to any such document shall be borne by the affected Owner. 6 e (g) Upon application by an Owner, any member of the Committee may, without calling a neetillg of the Committee, provide to such Owner a stdtement in recordable form certifying (11 that the signer is a duly elected member of the Committee and (2) as to the existence of any unpaid assessments or other amounts due to the Association. Such statement shall be binding upon the Committee and shall be conclusive evidence to any party relying thereon of rhe payment of any and all outstanding assessments or other amounts due to the Association. (h) Any lien for assessment may be foreclosed by a suit brought by the Committee, acting on behalf of the Association, in a like manner as the foreclosure of a mortgage on real property. 12. Members of the Committee shall not be liable for any action taken by them in good faith in discharging their duties hereunder, even if such action involved a mistaken judgement or negligence ny the member or agents or employees of the Committee. The Association shall indemnify and hold the members of tJ!e Committee harmless from and against any and all costs or expense. including reasonable attorney's fees, in connection with any suit or other action relating to the performance of their duties hereunder. 13. Failure of the Association or the Committee to enforce any provisions contained in this Section B, upon the violation thereof, shall not be deemed to be a waiver of the rights to do so. or an acquiescence in any subsequent violstion. 14. If the Committee shall fail to discharge its duties under this Section B within sixty (601 days of written demand by the City, the City may discharge the duties of the Committee. The costs of the City incurred in connection therewith shdll be charges to the Owners of the properties affected by such'actions of the City by adding to each Owner's real estate tax statement incurring a charge equal to such Oh'ner's pro rate share (the same as such Owner's share of dnnlral assessments as provided in sub-para- grdph B 11 la) (above) of such costs. C. FUTURE STAGES OF DEI'ELOP.YEXT OF LAKE FOREST The Developer, its successors and assigns shall have the right to bring within this Declaration future stages of the Development of LARF FOREST, provided such future stages are to become adjacent to the real estate which is or becomes subject to this Declaration or any additional supplemental declaration. The future stages added to this Declaration authorized under this sub-section shall be added by recording a supplemental declaration of restrictions with respect to the future stages which shall extend the provisions of this Declaration to such future stages. Except with respect to increasing the number of Owners and adding to the Common Area, such supplemental declaration shall not revoke, modify or add to the covenants established by this Declaration affecting LAKE FOREST. D. AUEh'DVEh'T PROVISIONS Any of the provisions of this Declaration maybe annulled, waived, changed, modified or amended at any time by written declaratiom setting forth such annulment, waiver,change, modification or amendment, esecuted by the Owners of lands having at least sixty percent (60%) of the votes in the Association; provided, however, that ang such action must also be dpproved in writing by li) the City, and (ii) the Developer so long as it shall be an Osner. This Declaration and all amendments shall be esecuted as required by law so as to entitle it to be recorded, and shall be effective upon recording in the office of the Register of Deeds for h'duliesha County, Miisconsin. 0 E. DURATION OF RESTRICTIONS These restrictions shall be in force perpetually and shall be deemed to run with the land and shall bind the Owners and their heirs, successors and assigns and be enforceable by any Owner and, to the extent permitted by Paragraph B 14, above, the City. 8 IN WITNESS WEEREOF, The undersigned, being a duly authorized officer of LAKE FOREST RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPHENT LIHITED PARTNERSHIP. INC., has esecnted this Declaration of Restrictions this day of . 19 IAhT FOREST RESIDENTIAL, INC. By : ROBERT A. PATCX, PRESIDENT STATE OF HISCONSIN I ss. COllNTY OF HAUKESHAI Personally came before me this day of 19- the above-named ROBERT A. P.4TCH. to ne known to be the person uho execrrted the forzeoing instrument and acknowledge the same. NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY, UI. Nv Commission expires : 9 CONSENT OF HORTGAGEE ASSOCIATED COWIERCE BANK ds mortgagee of any present or future nortgage on the lands subject to the foregoing Declaration of Restrictions, hereby consents to and agrees that its mortgages shall be subject to the foregoing Deddration of Restrictions. ASSOCIATED COMIERCE BANK By: STATE OF WISCONSIN I 1 ss Attest: COl!VTY OF Personally came before me this day of 1 9- the above-mdmed and to me known to be the and respectively of ASSOCIATED COMERCE BANK and to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. si ns 'trument s dr Notary Public County. UI HI* Commission expires: .. .dfted by ROBERT A. PATCH TERRA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 11501 Uest North Ave. pdUUk*dtOSd,UI 53226 10 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS 17 of Restrictions lhls - IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, the undersigned owners hove executed this Ueclorntinn dny or ,19-. 0 i) SUBDIVIDER: LAKE FOREST RESIDENTIAL DlWElDPMKNT LIMlr&D FARWRSIIIP, by bhe Fnmt Residentinl, Ine. 11s General Partner By: Roherl A. Fnlch, President By: Willinm A. Pntch, Secrelnry STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNW ) ) ss. I'eramnlly cum bclure nie lhls __ dny 4 ,19-, the ohwe-named Robert A. I'ntch, l'rcsidenl, nnd Wlllinnl A. Fntch, Secrelnry, 111 IAKE FOHES'I' HESIDENI'IAL, INC., snid Cnrpomtlon being the Managing Pnrtner nr LAKE FOREST RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPhlKN'I' LIhfITEU PARTNERSIIIP, In me known to be such Prcsldenl and Secrelnry nr snid cnrpnretlm, nnd ncknnwledged lhol they exeeuled (he hregnlng Instrumen1 as such nllicers ns Ihe deed nr snld LAKE FOREST RESIDENTIAI, INC., the hlnnnging I'nrlncr nr IAKE FOIWST RESIDltNrIAI, DEVELOPMENT LIMITEI) PARTNERSIlIP, hy its niithnrity. I PERPETUAL STOW SBWER EASEMENT CITY OP MUSKBOO, WISCONSIN Thls indenture Weuinaha County, Wisconsin, horelnatter Corporation located in the City of Muekego, a MUniOipal referrod to aa first part], B.LRP.ETT 9ROPBRTIkSI INC.I hereinafter 19-, by and between nado this- day of I rbterred to a8 second party WITNEBBETI~I Pirat party, in oonsi eratlon of an8 dollar:.($l.OO), tho P l and oonveyud, and h tu do hereby grant and convey unto the second party f tual ntorm sewer eaeemont for the o@,sratlon, uen, m epalr (inaludlng reconetruatlon) tual storm newer Baaamont over and he Warranty Deed a6 reaordad ln the for Waukeaha County on Oataber lal being mora part d East line 86.25 feet long the said Laat&rly lnq along the Eaatarly 19.00 feet to the rhore ai LLttla thcnae south 06 30' t along thr ohof. of I . .. 1 DESCRIPTION (TOTAL PROJECT); 0 114 of Scctlon 8 the Snutbmst ll4 rlectlnn and the Southenat 114 mctlon of the Southeast All lhst part of the Southwest 114 and lhe Snulhcnsl 114 sccllnn of the Southwest 114 nl Seelieu 8 and the Northwest 114 section and the Northcnat 114 section of the Northenst U4 Section 17, lorn .S North, Range 20 hst, ln the City of Mtlrkego, Wnulrrahs County, Wlaconsln lnclutllng thereto 011llut I II~ Certllled Survey Map No. 2840, ldng nmre pnrtlculnrly bounded and descrlhed as follnwsr plaee of beglnnlng of lnnds bcrelirn.fler described: Cummenclng at the South 114 cnrner of snld Sec:ll~~ R, snld pht nlau helnE tho of rnld Seetlun 8, 2694.21 feet lo tho Soulhwest corner of snld Secllon 8 and the Snutheast Running thence Snulh 88" :18' OS' West nlong the South lluc nf the Snulbweat 114 corner of "VnUey View Uelglrls" n recnrded suWlvlsloo plat1 Thence North 01' 26' 35" West dong the West he of the Southwest 114 of Secliou 8, 1333.77 reel to a point In the South Une or Wlllendnle HelgbIs" :s recorded suldlvlslon plnc; lbence Nurth 88' 17' 22" Northwest corner of Certlfled Survy Map No. 2840; Thence Southeasterly 10134 feet FAIL along the South Une of 'UUenhIe lleights" 2216.48 feet to a point helng the along thc hast he of said 011tlu1 1 and the arc of a curve whose center Ilea to tbe rmt, whom ndlus Is 230.00 feet and whose chord hears South 14' 19' 07" b~i, 100.42 feel to lhe Snulheast corner of sold Outlot 1; Thence Snllth 88- 17' 22" West, 21.92 feet ln the Southwest corner ul sold Outlot 11 Thence Soulh 01' 42' 38" East, 262.00 feet to the feel In the Southcast corner olsald Certllled Survey bfnp No. 2840; nene North 01' 42' Soothweot eurner of CcrtlUed Survry Map No. 28401 Thence North 88' 21' 48" East, 605.00 38' West, 360.00 feel to a polnt on the Soulh Une of "Rayshore IIllla", a recorded Thence South 34' 36' 11" East, 4152.88 ,et to a polat; Thence South M' W 54" Ea#& #ubdlvlslon pia(; "heoee North 88' 36' 56" East, l29338 feet along lhe maid South Unel 199.51 feet IO a point la the We81 Uno or Rnclne Avenue; Thenee South 39. 10' 51" Eprt &est along the West he of Reclae Avenue, 153.99 feel lo a polnt In ibe Nor& llae of JaneavUie Road1 lbence South 38' 02' 57' West alona the Noh he of JaneaPille Road, 444.24 feel to a poh4 Thence North 47' 31' 09" Weat, 403.94 feet lo a plnr; nene Sooth 38' 02' 57" Weat, 600.00 feet to n polnl; lltenee South 39' 34' 11" West, 72.90 feet to a point; Thence South 45' 36' 18" West, 115.00 lest to a polnt; Thence South 44' 14' M" hat, 375.29 feet to a polat In a curve and the North llne of Janes*llle Road; Thence Soothwesterly, 45.03 fcet along the M or sold curve and the North line of Janesvllla Road; whose center Ue!i to :he Soulhwcsi, whose rndlus Is 2707.40 feel sod whose chord bears South 45' 38' 57.5" We$$ 45.03 feel Io a point of tangency; Thence "hence Snulh 43' 52' 27" Eosi, 27.00 feet lo a pnlnt; Thenee South 46' 07' 33" Weat along South 46' 07' 33" West along the North be of Jnneavllle Road, 253.50 feet (0 a pulnt; the North Une of Janesvllle Road, 29.46 feet to a point; lbence North 45' 52' 27" Wcat, 99.73 leet io a pol111 of cunq lbence Nnrtbmrterly, 14629 leet along the arc nf rnld Ewe, whose center Ilea to the Soulhweat, whose radlu$ la 375.58 feel and whnae chnrd Ilenrr North 45' 01' 57" West, 14936 feet to n point of langenly; llence Norlh 66' 11' 27" Weat, 119.66 feet (0 a point of cuwel Thence Northwesterly, 159.50 feet along the arc of raid Ewe, whnm center Ilea to the Northcast, whose radius Is 160.00 feet and whore chnrd lwrm North 37. 37' 59.5" West, 152.97 feet to a pointl Thence North 29' 16 00" Welt, 99339 feet to 8 point In the SOOUI he nf the Southeast 114 of Section 8; Thence Sonth 88' I@ 33" West along the SIIIII~ the nf the snld Snulllrast 114 section, 618.88 feet to the polnt nl beginning. Contninlne 162.8U acres, more nr less. 4 along the West he of Rache Avet~oe, 1029.71 feet to a point; Tbcnce South 06' 30' 18" PERPETUAL BMRH SEWER BASEHENT CITY OP MUEKEGO, WISCONSI# Pa~e 2 It is an exgtes. condition to the grantlng of thin ensement. aecond party of this condlt:.on constitute an express nooaptanoe by aaeement by aacond party ehaLl may be, and the accaptanoe of thie oondltlon an lt now is or be replaced in rubetantlally the same the e%penee of eeaond putty, reconstruotion) of such atorm b'ewer will, at and repalr (including in the operatlon, uae, malntenance of the soil as may bo diaturmd UY much of the Burface and Bub-EUZfaO~ mtorm eewar mneCment that of the granting of thio perpetual Plret party conmenta tc workmen, aqnnta or indopendint the entry by the enrvbnte, employees, of nuah atonn newer, but renerve@ to (Lncluding reconetruction) II~, maintonenon, and ropalc inoidantal tn tha operatlon, COnLractors of second pnrty for and iteelf tho right to makn uno of the lond Included in said eafmmmt, ' subject to the ardlnancoa oi the City of Huakego and the Etatuted of tho State o€ Wisoansin, a8 wfll not dieturb or Interterm with auah atorm sewer or prevenc ingreen and agrees thezero for the purpoee of operatlon, uea, reoonstruction) thereof. maintenance and repair (inoludlnq This indenture, upon its benefit of the parties hereto, their binding tlpon and fnure to eta acceptanos by second party, shall be repredent8tlveB and aEsign8. respactiva hairs, succ&esor#, - .. TN WIlWE69 WHEREOPt this indenture tho day an 0 ACCEPTED PURSUANT TO TIIB ATTES'L' : Jean Haranda, Secretary IN THE PRBBENCB OF : Wltnese Witness STATE OB WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF WAUKGSHA I ?ereonallyaamebefor 19- the above ni and - to me known to be thc instrument, and to me kno maid aorporstion, and ackl Lnetrumant ae euch office authority. et and uecond partieo have axaoutad :nr above written, Becrmtary this- day of , Thobaa w. Bnrrett, Preeident Secretary, of the above ocrpnl:atlon, lraons who exeouted the foregolng o be euoh Preeident and Secretary of 3dged that they axeautsd to fQZq0ing 4s deed of eald oarparation, by it1 ~ blic, rrlon mc+si County, WI. 3RITY OF TllE CITY COUNCIL CITY OP WUSXEOO BY' Hayne Balenl;lnm, Hayor " \ . : MUSKEG0 STORM SEWER EASEMENT : SECTON 9,lW 6 NORTH, RANCf 20 EAST, #WEW COUJTY, WLscoNSlu' I e