CCR1990291COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION 11291 -90 APPROVAL OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPS (Terra Development) WHEREAS, two certified survey maps were submitted on August 1, Property in the SE 1 /4 of Section 8 and the NE 1 /4 of Section 17, 1990 finalize a three parcel division of the Terra Development and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of ihskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the certified survey maps to finalize a three oarcel division of the Terra Development property in the SE 1/4 bf Section 8 and the NE 1/4 of Section 17. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is subject to receipt oE all fees required by Section 10 of the Land Division Ordinance and approval of the City Engineer, and contingent upon the necessary approvals of the Subdivider's Agreement and Letter of Credit and all of said approvals being obtained within thirty and void. (30) days of the approval of this resolution or the same is null DATED THIS 11th DAY OF December , 1990. - Aid. David J. Sanders ATTEST: City Clerk 12/90 ljh e CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. BENG. A DIVLSKXJ OF THAT PPRT OF THE SCVTHWEST 1 I 4 AN) THE SOUTHEAST 1 I 4 OFTtESCWEASTlI4OF!5ECTLN8bN3THE~TMSTlI4bN3TE NORTHEAST 114 OF sECTK)N 17. TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, N TIE CITY OF MJXEGO, WWESHA CWY. WSCONSN QWiEBLLAKE FOREST MUIJ-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT LIMIEDPARTNERSHIP. BY LAKE FOREST MULTI-FAMIW.INC. ITS GENERAL PARlNER 11501 W. NOnM AVE. WAUWAlOSA. WI CONC. MON WI 5.311' 02' 51"w. N.42' IU 4sw. CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. BENG A DIVISION OF THm PART OF THE SOUTHWEST 1 / 4 AMI THE SCVTFlEAST 1 I4 CFTHESOUTMAST 1/4OFSECTK)FJ8AM)TMNORTHWEST1/4 AWTE NORTHEAST 114 01: SECTlON 17, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST. IN THE CITY OF WSKEGO. WVXESHA CCUNTY, WISCONSIN ," n I 4lL NORTH CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. BENG A DIVW OF THAT PART OF THE SOVTHWEST 1 I4 AM) TK SMJTEAST 1 14 OF THE SOVTWAST 1 I4 OF SECT13N 8 AMI TK NORTHWEST 1 I4 ANJ TW NCRTHAST 1 I4 OF SECTKM 17, TWN 5 NCXITH, RAMiE 20 EAST, N TH ClTY OF MJSKEGO. MMESHA COVJTY. WISCONW. NORTH > Dsled lhls 27th day ut July, 1990 Sheel 3 01 7 By MMAn J. LOW. S-1065 XW NO. 90-06 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. EENG A DIVISION OF THN PART OF THE SOUTHWEST 1 I4 AND THE SOUTHEAST 1 I4 OF THE SOUTEAST 114 OF SECTEN 8 AM) THE NORTHWEST 114 AMJ TtE NCRTtlEAST 114 OF SECTKN 17. TWVN 5 NORTH. RANGE 20 EAST, N THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WWESHA CWTY. WISCONSN. / S ALE: 1- = 300' c\ Being n dlvlslnn nl lhnl prl nf the Swtlhwest 114 nnd Snulhenst 114 111 lhe Snulhenst 114 nl Seclinn 8 nnd the Nnrlhwest 114 nnd the Nnrthenst 114 111 the Nnrlhenst 1/4 111 Sectlnn 17, Tnan 5 North, Rnnge 20 hst, In the Clly nr Muskegn, Wnukeshn Cnanty, Wiscnnsln. CERTIFIEI) SURVEY MAP NO. __ SURVEYOR'S CERllFICAIl3 S'I'ATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTT OF WAUKESIIA) ) 5s. I, MICIIAEL J. LOSIK, regislered Lnnd Suneynr, dn herehy certiry: lhnl I hnve stlneyed, divided nnd nmpped n divisinn ol lhnt pnrl nl Ihe Snulhwesl 1/4 nnd the Snuthenst 1/4 or the Snulhcnsl 1/4 or Seclinn 8 nnd Ihe Nnrthwest 114 nnd Ihe 111 Muskego, Wnukeshn Cnunty, Wlscnnsln, being mnre pnrticulnrly bnunded nnd described Nnrlhcnsl 1/4 nl the Nnrthenst 114 nf Sccllnn 17, Tnan 5 Nnrth, Rnnge 20 Fast, In Ihe Clly ns rllllnIvs: nlnnE the Snnth line 01 lhe snld Snuthensl 114 sectlm, 19636 reel tu n pain1 In lhe West Cnnwncnclnpl nl Ihe Snttthensl cnrncr 111 Secllnn R; 'Thence Scwth RR" 18' 3J" Wesl line 811 Rnclne Aventle: Thence South Oh' 30' 18" hst nlnnpl lhe West he lrf Rnclne Avenne, 42.41 fcel tn n poinl In tile Nnrlh he 111 C.'i'.II. "L"; Ihence Smllh 38" 02' 57" West nlnng the Nnrlh line nr C.T.11. "L", 374.03 reel In Ihe plnce n1 heginnine or innds herelnnller described: lcct 111 n point; Thence Nnrlh 47" 31' 09" West, 403.94 lee1 tn n poinl; Thence Snulh 38" Cnntinuing lhence South 38" 02' 57" Wesl nlnng the North line or C.T.11. "L, 70.21 02' 57" Wesl, 600.00 feet In n pnint; Thence Nnrlh 42' 18' 45" West, 116.45 reel 11) n pnint; Thence Nnrlh 41" 45' 21" hst, 201.84 feel In n pnint; ; Thence Ncrrlh 43" 48' 42" Enst, 22" 01' 35" West, 101.62 reel 111 n puint; Thence Nnrth 60" 50' 00" West, 95.00 feet III n 101.41 feel In n pnlnt; Thence Nnrlh 01' 40' 00 Wesl, 95.00 reel 11) n pnint; Thence North point; Iltence Nnrlh 76' 29' 26 West, 82.20 feet 10 n pnint; Thence Snulh 69' 00' 00' West, 120.00 rcel In n pnlnt: Thence Nnrth 26' 45' 49" West, 120.04 reel In n pulnl; Ihrnce North 55' 20' 00 Wesl, 120.00 feel 11) n pnint; Thence S#rwth 86' 57' 13" West, IOR.90 lcet In n pnlnt: Thence Snulh 63" 12' 47" West, 145.90 reel In n pninl; Thence Nnrlh 33' 03' Thence Ncrrlh 49' 36' 00" West, 12636 reel In n pnint; 'Thence Nnrlh 62' 00' 00 West, 03" Wesl, 87.50 reel In o point; Thence North 37' 12' 00 West, 12636 kc1 111 R point; 86" 48' 00" West, 127.44 reel In n point; Thence Nnrth 81" 52' 34, West, 72.21 feet In o I2636 feel In n pnint; Thence North 72" 09' 25" West, 127.00 feet tn n pnlnl; Thence Nnrth pninl; Ihence Nnrlh 44" 31' 46 West, 66.00 feet 111 n pnint; Thence North 29" 16' 01" Enst, 65.86 reel In n point; Thence Nnrth 23' 51' 26 Enst, 114.02 reel to n pnint; Thence Narrth 38' 17' 02" Enst, 142.87 feel to n point; Thence Nurth 07' 53' 2q \Vest, 177.81 reel III n plrlnl;.Tltence Nnrlh 67' 57' 36" West, 36336 reel In the Enst line nl Certified Survey Mnp Nn. 2R40; Thence Nnrth 01 ' 42' 38" West nilrn# Ihe Enst line 01 snid Cerlified S~~rvcy hlnp, 240.10 feel In the South line nr "Bnyshnre ltiils", n suhdivlslon nl recnrd; l'hcnce JOB NO. 90-06 IIIIS INSl'RUhlENT WAS DRAFTED DY MICIIAEL J. LOSIK, S-1065 SIIEET L OF 7 .. CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. Dcing n dlvlslun nf lhnl pnrt of the Snulhwesl 114 nnd Southens1 114 nl the Snulhensl 114 nl Secllnn 8 nnd lhe Nnrlhwesl 114 nnd the Northensl 114 111 the Nnrlhensl 114 nl Secllnn 17, Town 5 Nnrlh, Rnnge 20 hrl, In Ihe Clly nl Muskcgn, Wnnkerhn Cn~~nly, Wlscnnsln. Nnrlh 88' 36' 56" bst nlong Ihe Snuth line nl "Dnyshore Illils", 129338 lee1 Iu n pnlnl; Then= Soulh 34' 36' 11" I?nsl, 80.70 feet In n pninl; Thence Swth 50' 49' 09" West, 564.84 lee1 In R pnlnl; Thence South 39' 10' 51" Enrl, R30.00 leet 10 n pninl; Thence Swth 70" 01' 57" Enrt, 234.62 reel to n polnl; Thence Suulh 47' 31' 09 Enrt, 740.00 leet In Ihe puinl ol beginning. Exccplinc Iherelrom lnnds decllcnlcd fnr pulllie hlghwny purpnscs. l'lml I hnve mnde SIICII survey, lnnd divlsinn nnd rnnp nl the direellon n1 Lnkc Fmerl Slrip Vevcloplnenl Limited Pnrlnerahlp by lnkc Forest hlulti-Fnnllly Vevclnpmenl Llmiled Pnrtnershlp, hy Lnke Forerl Mulll-Fnmlly, Inc., Its Cenernl Pnrlner, nwncr 111 snid Innd. Thnl such rnnp is n eorrecl represenlnlitm oi ail Ihe exlcrior bnendnrles 01 the lnnd surveyed nnd (he innd dlvirlnn lhercol mndc. 'l'hnt I hnvc lully cmlplied wllh tile provisions 111 Chnptcr 236 111 Ihe Wlrcnnsln Stnlllter tlivhlinp. nnd n~nllplnpl (he rnme. nnll Ihe lnnd I)lvislon nnrl I'lntllng Onllnnncc nl the ltskc~o In wrvryinC, Ilntcd this 27th dny nl ,July, 1990. JOB NO. 90-06 SIIEm 5 OF 7 7111s INSl'RUhlENT WAS DRAFTED DY hllClLWL J. LOSIK, S-1065 Being n divlslnn nl thnt pnrt nl the Snuthaest 114 nnd Snuthensl 114 nl the Snuthenst 114 nl Sectinn 8 nnd lhe Northwest I14 nnd the Nurthensl 114 nl Ihe Nnrlhenst 114 ni Sccllnn 17, Tnwn 5 Nnrlh, Rnnge 20 Llnsl, In the City nl Muskegn, Wnuke3hn Csunty, Wisconsin. CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE lnkc Foresl Multi-Fnmlly 1)evelnpmcnl Lhited Pnrtnershlp, hy Lnke Forest MeIlI-Fnn~lly, Inc., 11s Cenernl Pnrtner, ns nwner, dnes herehy certily Ihnl snld curpnrnlinn cnused the nn thls mnp In nccordnnce with prnvisinns 111 Ihe Ordinnnces 111 lhe City 01 Muskcgn nnd lnnd described on lhis mnp lo he surveyed, divlded, mnpped nnd dedlcnled ns represented Chnpter 236 nr (he Wlscnnsin Stotutes. In witness aherenl, the snld, lnke Fnrest Muiti~Family Deveinpmenl Limiled Pnrlnershlp, by Lnke linresl Multi-Fnmily, Inc., Its Genernl Pnrtner, hns cnused these presenls tn Ire signed hy Rnberl A. Pnlch, ils Presidenl, nnd cnunlersirned by Willinm A. Pntch, ils Secrelnq, nt Wnuwnlnsn, Wiscnnsin, nnd ils Cnrpnrnte Sen1 in he hereuntu nllixed this - dny ni , wn. In (he presence nfi Wltness Rnhert A. Pnleh, Presldenl Witness Willinm A. Pntch, Secrelnry STATE OF \VISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF WAUKESIIA) ) ss. Persnnnlly cnme hefirre me this __ dny nl , 1990, Rohert A. Pnlch, Preddenl, nnd Willinm A. Pnlch. Secrelnry, nl the nhwe nnme pnrtnership In me execuled the firreguing lnslrument ns such ollicers as the deed or mid pnrlnershlp, Iry il known 111 he wch President nnd Secrelnry nisnid pnrtnership nnd ncknnwlcclged thnt they nulhwily. N~rlnry Pulrlic Clrunly, !\'I hly Cwnnrissinn Expires: Being n dlvlaion or thnt pnrl or the Suuthwesl 114 nnd Soulhenst I14 of the Norlhenst 114 or Sectlon 17, Town 5 Nerth, Rnnge 20 &SI, In (he City or Muskegv, Wnukeshn County, Wiscnnsln. CERrlFlEU SURVEY MAP NO. ' Sonthenst 114 or Sectinn 8 nnd the Nnrlh1vcst 1/4 nnd the Nnrthensl 114 the COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL Approved by the Common Council nr the Cily or Muskcgtr, lhls __ dny trr , 19-, by Rcsnlulinn No. clTcctlve upnn receipt or nppnrvnl err nil erthcr rcvlcwlng ngcncies nnd nil clmditiona trr the , which nctllrn Irectrnles City trr hluskego's npprnvnl were rntislicd ng 01 the __ dny nr , 19RR. Wnyne C. Snlcnllne, hlnycrr Jcnn K. Mnrcndn, City Clerk PIAN COMMISSION APPROVAL Apprnved by lhe Plnn Cwmnlssinn or the City nr hluskegn, this __ dny elTcctive upon receipt or npprwnl or nil other reviewing ngencles nncl nll ccmditltms or the , 19-, by Resolution No. , which nclh hecnmcs City nI Mwkegn's npprnvnl were sntlslied ns 111 Ihe __ dny of 19-. I 271h I dav Cheryl Schmidt, Reclrrdlng Sccrctnty Wnyne C. Snlcntlne, Chnirmnn 01 July. 1990