CCR1990253COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #253-90 APPROVAL OF OFFEK TO PURCHASE (Safeway Pest Control - Industrial Park Addn.) BE IT KESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the City's broker does hereby approve the attached Offer to Purchase (Safeway Pest Control - Industrial Park Addn. Lot 5, Block 3) in the amount of $26,000.00 for a one construction of building commencing within eighteen (18) months (1) acre parcel in the City's Industrial Park, subject to frm date of closing, and contingent upon review and approval of the City Attorney. BE IT FURTHER KESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby City. authorized to execute the necessary documents in the name of the DATED THIS 13th DAY OF November , 1990. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Harold L. Sanders ATTEST : City Clerk 11 190 ca RIDER TO OFFER TO PURCHASE attaohod as lf fully Incorporacad thmreln and datedOct. 26 ,1990by Tha following tams and oonditlona are made a part of the Offer t the City oP Huske&o, am Sallar, and hfmway Pest Control.an Buyar. 1. Special Improvementm: Inc . A. The purchase price includos the following improvaments: (Imieary mewar end 2" vatu; latmrala are at lot line and and. available for uae by Buyer. Buyer will connect to water at Buyer'r expense. Electrlc and, telephone 8 available elan& lot line. Natural pa is available in Drive 8. If arid streets ere not permanently nurfaced at the t! completion of this transaotlon. said screets when P I n 0 'urchase brtvaen Lly pald lvor and Lm of tho irnpioved shall bo at the axpoisa of the City and no spaoial mer anencly a#me8smmts vith raspact to the permanent improvementa of the Itrmmts uhall bm aanesaed e~ainst the property harmin described, and tho Buyer. him heirs and amnlmr. ehall hava no further obllsat ! on vlth " rhpeot herato. . 11. It is agreod bstween Buyer and Sellar: A. Thm provlslons of paragraphs thirtasn (13) and fourtean (16 Rules and Regulations for the Huskego Industrlnl Park as or I by the City of Huskego by Resolution S1U-70 on July 28, 1s adopted by the Gley of Huskego Industrial Park as origlnally further extended to cover Hurkago Industrial Park Addition # horsin. Sald provislonn providsd In effect chat in the 8% 27, 1986, arb incorporated herein by referance as if fully s# Buyer should drsiro to rmall a portion oP the pramisma vt connection vith Buyer's businam, that he must first offer I tho subject of this Contract end which. arm not baing to the City for repurchase. The Clty ahall then have nine days to ace upon said offar. 8. Thelo provislons shall conetitute covenanta runnlng vith t and shall be binding upon the sucoes8ors and assignr of the hereto and may be includrd in the deed which Sellar drliverr in completion of this transaction. Buyer acknowledps that rBoeived e copy of thm full text of tha Rules and rep la ti on^ Huskego Industrlal Park and that hm has read and fully undl mame. c. The Vmrranty and reproaentation made herein survive tho cl< thIs trsnraction. Safawey Plat Control, Inc. BUYER: nv, SELLER: CITY OF HWSKEGO Salvatora Farrito, preeident B": Hichella R. Parrlto, Secretary Date: Date : Countermignad: By : Dace: ,f the lnelly joptod 1, and on nay forth rt tha :h aro B name ad in I (90) 1 land Ertier Buyer 18 has of tho mtandr lng of I .I 13 e 0 I ... CY 1R"Y.rl ..,. ..... 1 .. tsrllcrl - .., ..,. pasled by