CCR1990237AMENDED RESOLUTION #237-90 APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF MUSKEG0 AND WEST LAKE DEVELOPMENT (Sewers) COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO BE IT KESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby state its intent to enter into an agreement with West Lake Development providing for a $10,000.00 Certificate of Deposit for a term of five years with interest payable during the term of the Certificate to be paid to the developer, with language to protect the City in the event the sewer fails within the five year period, and at the end of the five years to request an engineer conduct an inspection for that portion of the sewer line in issue to state its findings and any problems discovered in the operation of the system. BE IT FUKTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the necessary document in the name of the City as prepared by the City Attorney. DATED THIS 9th DAY OF October , 1990. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Harold L. Sanders ATTEST : City Clerk 10190 jZ COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #237-90 / / OF MUSKEGO (Sewers) / BE IT RESOLVED that the Common of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of Committee, does hereby approve the agreement of Muskego and West Lake Development with attached, subject to review BE IT FURTHER and Clerk are hereby of the City Attorney. authorized to in the name of the City. DATED THIS , 1990. FINANCE COMMITTEE / / Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Harold L. Sanders ATTEST : City Clerk AGXEE!4ENT MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, a municipal cor?oretion ("City"), and REESNA!!'S This ASree3er.t is made and er.tezed into by end between CITY OF EXCAVhTING & GRADIXG, INC. ("Contractor"). lines in West Lake Zstaces, a subdivision loczted in the City; and ViiEgEAS, t!-,e Contractor has compieted construction of :he sewer of the sewer iize between the existing manhole and manhola number 1; WE3.EASl an izzne has arisen concersing the proper installation and KEEZZAS, the ?,zrtiea Cesire ca enter into this Agreenent to provide assuence chat said sewer line installee Sy the Contractor is operable and works for the psxpose intended. !JOW, T?EREr'ORZ, in consideration of the 3utual covenants and conditions herein conteined, it is agreea as follows: deposit in the prixi2el sun of 510,000, reFisrerec! In thc joht 1. The Ccntractor will dqosic wit? the City a certificate of names of thz Contractor and the City, for a terrr, of five years. The certificate will F:Gvide thet all inzsrest earnet. ar.6. payaSle c!l!ring the term of the certificate sheli 25 paic! to the Contractor. 2. No sccnes ti-an 58 zonths from $ai? hereof an:' no later than ZiJ months fzorn d+te hereof, the Contractor shall engace the services of en indepeccent sewez coptractar ecc.ept.able to t3r City sewer lice in issue. The third-party sewer c3r.t.ractor will furnish for the purpcse of cm5ucting a?. inspection sf that Fzrtion cf the a written report to the City an2 the CoEtractor stating its findings 2nd detailing ar,y Froblens discoveree in tSe operation of the system vhich me.y heve resulted frcm ccnstruction of said line by the Contracter. A. If the report of the t.hirC-party cmtracror confirms tnat the line is ir. cood workicg ozder and/@r that any problems the parties shall take such acticn as ray be necessary to re- ir. the o?e:ation of the linn we:e pot caused by the Cmtractor, lease the certificate of deposit to the Contractor. that th.e sewer line is not oseratino properly as the result Of a. If the resort of the third-?arty contractor confirms tke sewez instcllatior by tk,e Con'ractor, the City zay Charge tSe costs of catrection against the anount of the certificate of d+@siZ and the Farties ska11 cake such action as m?,y be balacce :kezecf being paid to the Contractor, or the City shall necessary to so release the certificate of de?osit, with the 1 h2:ve the option t.o reRew the terms of tkis Agreement end t,he certificate 3f o'epcsi: for another five-yezr term. 3. This Acreement rypresects e qccd faith atter.p by the par- ties to settle a matter in disaute. The terms and. ccnditiclns of this Agreement sha.li be blr.di.ng v.?cr, the parties hereto a22 their successors. JN WJTNESS FHEBEOF, tke pcrties have caused th1.s Xjiracrnerbt t@ be executed t,y tbse duly authcrized this day of 1990. - I CITY Or' MUSKXO, IUSCONSIN By : Grecary A. 2eesnat"ecretary . 2