CCR1990226-. I .I' i 'i COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #226-90 RESOLUTION AGREEING TO PARTICIPATE IN MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT'S SEWER SERVICE MON ITORING PROGRAM WHEREAS, the District has proposed the creation of Kule 7.12 requiring local municipalities to participate in the District's sewer system monitoring program as a condition of sewer extension plan approval, and WHEREAS, the District will provide the meters, outlined in their Collection System Controls-Phase 111 Report, at their expense, and WHEREAS, the District will collect representative flow data expected to involve approximately two years of data collection before determining whether to implement an inflow and infiltration reduction program, and all data collected will be shared with the City of Muskego, and WHEREAS, the District will approve sewer plans which are consistent with District rules and standards for approval, and WHEREAS, the proposed rule 7.12 does not impact on current of the City's basins to another City basin or a nonbasin, so long District rules which do not prohibit shifting base flow from one and standards. as the projected base flows are consistent with District rules THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby agree to participate in the Collection System Controls Program, Phase I11 in the following respects: 1. Grant permission to MMSD to modify City-owned manholes and install flow monitoring and telementry equipment at Monitoring Sites MS-02-25, MS-02-26 and MS-02-27 (Permanent Monitoring Network). It being expressly understood that the City of Muskego will retain ownership of the modified manholes and that MMSD will own and maintain the flow monitoring equipment within the manholes and electrical and telemetry equipment outside the manholes. 2. Grant permission to the MMSD to install temporary flow monitoring equipment (Intermittent Monitoring Network) within one City-owned manhole for the purpose of supplementing flow data obtained from the continuous monitoring sites. It being expressly understood that any construction at this manhole by the and bench to facilitate installation of a flume, and that no MMSD will be limited to minor modifications of the manhole invert equipment will extend, or be mounted, outside the manhole. .. . Resolution #226-90 Page 2 DATED THIS 25th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1990. Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Co-chairman Public Utilities Committee I ATTEST : ~ City Clerk Official Notice CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOI,UTION # 226-90 COMMON COUNCIL AUTIIOItIZlNC INSTAl.l.ATION OF AMENDED FINAI. ' RESOLUTION SANITANY SEWKIt IMI'I{OVEMENTS AGAINST HENEFITEII PROPERTY (Hwy. ANI) IXWING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 'I,' Sewer Pvaject - Assessment District 'X") City of Muskego. Wisconsin. held a public WHEREAS. the Common Council or the hearing at the City Hall at 7:00 P.M. on the 12th day of December. 1989 for the purpose of hearing all interested persons concerning the preliminary resolution and report ofthe City Engineer on the proposed sanitary described below and shown on the attached Sewer improvement within the area speak at the hearing: map and heard all persons who desired to Snnitnry Scwer Assessment Area for Project MSS-2-83, HW, 'I,' SEWER PROJECT - ASSESSMENT DISTRICT "X" x North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego. All that part ofSections 17 and 18. Town 5 Waukesha County. Wisconsin more fully described as follows: All those lands that abut the rollowing described centerline for the purposes of sanitary sewer assessment. 17,; thence N88 1954" East. along the East Commencing at the center of said Section 114 line of said section. 1,351.15 feet to the West line of the Muskego Industrial Park Addition 1; thence SO0 58'30' East. along said West line, 908.00 feet to the centerline of Enterprise Drive and the point of begin- ning; thence S88 19'54" West, 1,250 feet; thence N27 16'18" West. 604.86 feet; thence S89 41'46" West, 119.96 feel; thence N14 04' 14" West, 468.16 feet to a point on the South line of the R.E.P.Co. right-of-way together with: Section 17. Town 5 North. Range 20 East. City of Muskego, Waukesha County. Wis- consin. 17; thence South 88 21'46" West along the Commencing at the Center of said Section South line ofsaid Northwest 114,365.34 feet; thence North 11 0945" West. 34.15 leet lo < All that port of the Northwest lj4 of Manhole Number 8; thence continuing between Sewer Manhole Number 8 and North 22 0946" West along Lhe centerline Sewer Manhole Number 9. 66.89 feet to a point on the South line of the W.E.P.Co. right-of-wey and the point of beginning. thence continuing North 22 0945" West along said sewer centerline. 84.90 feet to the center line of Janesville Road (C.T.H. "I," Southerly and Westerly and said centerline formerly known as S.T.11. '247; thence of Janesville Road to the intersection of centerlines of Hillendele Drive and Janes- ville Road; thence continuing Westerly along said centerline ofJanesville Road 1360 Feet West ofthe intersection ofsaid centerlines to the point of termination. (See attached map) -.._1111 ""-71.j-lP 077 r- qc.c,nr \pr) and approved. 2. 71mt the City of Muskego hos or shall ndvertise for bids and shall cnrry out thr and any amendments or modifications improvements in accordance with the report thereto of the City Engineer. tnndc by nssessing the cost to the property 3. That payment for the improvements bc lwnclited as indicated in the report ond any nmcndments or modifications thereto. ;tl>d any amendments or modifientions 4. That assessments shown on the report t1wrt.h. rcpresenting an exercise of the police power. hove been determined on a reasonnble basis and are hireby confirmed. 5. That the assessments may be paid ir cash in full on or before November 1,1990 01 in l,en (10) annual installments to the Cit) Treasurer. installment payments to beat unpaid balance conmencing on November 1 interest at the rate of8% per annum on thr thc date when real estate taxes are due anc 1990 and said first installment being due or :at~nc~ally theveancr. All nssessmcnts 01 inwLallmrn.la which.are noL paid by lhe datc specified shall be extended upon the tax ro1 as a delinquent tax against the properly nnr nll proceedings in relation to the collection return and de of property for delinquenl assessment. except as otherwise provided b) TU^ estate taxes shall apply to such spccia statute. 6. That the property which is the subjec, matter of Resolution # 2G-89. ns emended shall have its ossessment deferred basec upon Resolution # 26-89. 8s amended. 7. That the City Clerk shall publish thil resolution as n Clnss I Notice in tha assessment district and mail a copy of thi: assessment against the benefited propert: resolution nnd a statement or the lina LO every property owner whose nama nppcnrs on the assessment roll whose pos oflice address is known or can with reason able diligence be ascertained. DATED THIS 9th DAY OF October. 199( CITY OF MUSKEG( Is/ Wayne C. Snlentinl Maya ATTEST 1.9 Jean K. Marenda City Clerk I0190 Published October 18. 19C 12345 New Document 12345 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #226490..1":r AMENDED FINAL RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INSTALLATION OF SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS AND LEVYING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AGAINST BENEFITED PROPERTY (Hwy. 'L' Sewer Project - Assessment District "X") WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin, held a public hearing at the City Hall at 7:OO P.M. on the 12th day of December, 1989 for the purpose of hearing all interested persons concerning the preliminary resolution and report of the City Engineer on the proposed sanitary sewer improvement within the area described below and shown on the attached map and heard all persons who desired to speak at the hearing: Sanitary Sewer Assessment Area for Project MSS-2-89 HWY. 'L' SEWER PROJECT - ASSESSMENT DISTRICT "X" All that part of Sections 17 and 18, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin more fully described as follows: All those lands that abut the following described centerline for the purposes of sanitary sewer assessment. Commencing at the center of said Section 17,; thence N88 19'54" East, along the East 1/4 line of said section, 1,351 .15 feet to the West line of the Muskego Industrial Park Addition 1; thence centerline of Enterprise Drive and the point of beginning; thence S88 19'54" West, 1,250 feet; thence N27 16'18" West, 604.86 feet; 468.16 feet to a point on the South line of the W.E.P.Co. right- thence S89 41'46" West, 119.96 feet; thence N14 04'14" West, of-way together with: All that part of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 17, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. 21 '46" West along the South line of said Northwest 1/4, 365.34 Commencing at the Center of said Section 17; thence South 88 feet; thence North 22 09'45" West, 34.15 feet to Manhole Number between Sewer Manhole Number 8 and Sewer Manhole Number 9, 66.89 8; thence continuing North 22 09'45" West along the centerline feet to a point on the South line of the W.E.P.Co. right-of-way West along said sewer centerline, 84.90 feet to the center line and the point of beginning, thence continuing North 22 09'45" of Janesville Road (C.T.H. "L" formerly known as S.T.H. "24"); thence Southerly and Westerly and said centerline of Janesville Road to the intersection of centerlines of Hillendale Drive and Janesville Road; thence continuing Westerly along said centerline of Janesville Road 1360 Feet West of the intersection of said centerlines to the point of termination. SO0 58'30" East, along said West line, 908.00 feet to the - - (See attached map) Resolution W226-90 Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Muskego as follows: '. 3 or modifications thereto pertaining to the construction of the above-described public improvements, including plans and specifications therefor is adopted and approved. 1. That the report of the City Engineer and any amendments 2. That the City of Muskego has or shall advertise for bids and shall carry out the improvements in accordance with the Engineer. report and any amendments or modifications thereto of the City the cost to the property benefited as indicated in the report and any amendments or modifications thereto. 3. That payment for the improvements be made by assessing 4. That assessments shown on the report and any amendments power, have been determined on a reasonable basis and are hereby or modifications thereto, representing an exercise of the police confirmed. 5. That the assessments may be paid in cash in full on or before November 1, 1990 or in ten (10) annual installments to the City Treasurer, installment payments to bear interest at the rate of 8% per annum on the unpaid balance commencing on November 1, 1990 and said first installment being due on the date when real estate taxes are due and annually thereafter. All assessments or installments which are not paid by the date specified shall be extended upon the tax roll as a delinquent tax against the property and all proceedings in relation to the collection, shall apply to such special assessment, except as otherwise return and sale of property for delinquent real estate taxes provided by statute. 6. That the property which is the subject matter of Resolution 826-89, as amended, shall have its assessment deferred based upon Resolution #26-89, as amended. 0 7. That the City Clerk shall publish this resolution ;IS a Class 1 Notice in the assessment district and mail a copy of this resolution and a statement of the final assessment against the benefited property to every property owner whose name appears on the assessment roll whose post office address is known or can with reasonable diligence be ascertained. DATED THIS 9th DAY OF October , 1990. CITY OF MUSKEG0 ATTEST: Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor City Clerk 10/90 Published October 18, 1990 _-- . x. 0. Irt. x. m.. . .. lJ.. . m.. . .- : : : .. ... .. .. .. .. :*: . al. .. .. .. Official Blotice CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION # 226-90 COMMON COUNCII. AUTHORIZING INSTALLATION OF AM,ENDED FINAL RESOLUTION SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS ANn LEVYING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AGAINST BENEFITED PROPERTY (Hwy. ~ ~ ~~~ ~ '1: Sewer Project - Assessment District "X") WHEREAS. the Common Council of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin. held a public hearing at the City Hall at 7:OO P.M. on the of hearing all interested persons concerning 12th day of December, 1989 for the purpose the preliminary resolution and report of the City Engineer on the proposed sanitary sewer improvement within the area described below and shown on the attached map and heard all persons who desired to speak at the hearing: Sanitary Sewer Assessment Area HW, '1; SEWER PROJECT - fir Project MSS-2-89 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 2" All that part of Sections 17 and 18, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego. Wakkesha County, Wisconsin more fully described as follows: described centerline for the purposes of All those lands that abut the following sanitary sewer assessment. 1 I,; thence N88 1954" East, along the East Commencing at the center of said Section 114 line of said section, 1,351.15 feet to the West line of the Muskego Industrial Park Addition 1; thence SO0 58'30 East, along said West line, 908.00 feet to the centerline of Enterprise Drive and the paint of begin- ning; thenee S88 19'54" West. 1,250 feet; 589 41'46" West, 119.96 feet; thence N14 04' thence N27 16'18" West, 604.86 feet; thence 14" West. 468.16 feet to a point on the South line of the W.E.P.Co. right-of-way together with: All that part of the Northwest 114 of City of Muskego, Waukeshs County, Wis- Section 17, Town 5 North. Range 20 East, consin. Commencing at the Center of said Section 17; thence South 88 21'46" West along the South line ofsaid Northwest 114,365.34 feet; thence North 11 09'45" West. 34.15 feet to Manhole Number 8; thence continuing North 22 0945" West along the centerhe between Sewer Manhole Number 8 and sewer Manhole Number 9, 66.89 feet to a point on the South line of the W.E.P.Co. thence conlinuing North 22 09'45" West right-of-way and the point of beginning. center line of Janesville Road (C.T.H. 'L" along said sewer centerline, 84.90 feet to the formerly known as S.T.H. '24"); thence Southerly and Westerly and said centerline centerlines of Hillendale Drive and Janes- of Janesville Road to the intersection of ville Road; thence continuing Westerly along West of the intersection of said centerlines to said centerline orJanesville Road 1360 Feet the point of termination. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED (See attached map) by the Ccmmon Council of the City of and approved. 2. That the Cit of Muskego has or shall advertise for bidland shall carry out the improvements in accordance with the report and any amendments or modifications thereto of the City Engineer. 3. That payment for the improvements be made by assessing the cost to the property amendments or modifications thereto. benefited as indicated in the report and any and any amendments or modifications 4. That assessments shown on the report thereto, representing an exercise ,of the reasonable basis and are hereby confirmed. police power, have been determined on a 5. That the assessments may be paid in cash in full on or before November 1,1990 or in ten (10) annual installments to the City Treasurer. installment payments to bear unpaid balance conmeneing an November 1. interest st the rate of 8% per annum on the 1990 and said first installment being due on the date when real estate taxes are due and annually thereafter. All assessments of specified shall be extended upon the tax roll installments which are not paid by the date as a delinquent tax against the property and all proceedings in relation to the colledion, return and sale of property for delinquent wal estate taxes shall apply to such special assessment, except as otherwise provided by statute. matter of Resolution # 26-89, as amended, 6. That the property which is the subject shall have its assessment deferred baaed upon Resolution # 26-89, as amended. 7. That the City Clerk shall publish this resolution as a Class 1 Notice in the assessment district and mail a copy of this resolution and a statement of the final assessment against the benefited property to every property owner whose name appears on the assessment roll whose post office address is known or can with reason- able diligence be ascertained. DATED THIS 9th DAY OF October, 1990. CITY OF MUSKEGO /a/ Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor ATTEST: /si Jean K. Marenda City Clerk 10/90 Published Octnber 18, 1990 Muskego as follows: 1 That the report ofthe City Engineer and any amendments or modifications thereto oekaining to the construction of the above- FINAL REPORT ON ENGINEER ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT "X" FOR PROJECT MSS-2-89 EASEMENTS h JANESVILLE ROAD CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN herewith submit our report on the assessments for the sanitary In accordance with the Resolution of the City of Muskego, we sewer improvements made in the City of Muskego. All of the .data shown in based on as bid project costs. This report consists of the following: Schedule ttA1l - Summary of assessments and estimate of entire cost of the improvements. Schedule "Bts - Estimate of assessment for each parcel of property affected. Schedule llC'l - Final plans and specifications. benefitted and the improvements constitute an exercise of Police The properties against which assessments are proposed are Powers. RUEXERT h MIELKE, INC. W239 N1812 Rockwood Drive Consulting Engineers Waukesha, WI 53188-1113 November 15, 1989 Revised Sanuary 9, 1990 Revised October 4, 1990 EASEMENT AND JANESVILLE ROAD SANITARY SEWER SCHEDULE "A" I. . Total Project Costs as Constructed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5A. 7. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Item Quantity 24" San. Sewer B.F. 4359 24" Sewer w/spoil B.F. 2284.38 24" Sewer with concrete 30 21" Sewer w/gravel B.F. 1090.7. 18" Sewer w/gravel B.F. 289.50 Sewer in Casing Pipe 50 lot1 Sewer in Gravel B.P. 0 42" Dia. Manholes 365.24 Manhole 25 Detail 1 6" Laterals in Gravel 338 6" Laterals in Casing Pipe 364 Abandon Well 1 Pavement Replacement 433 Additional Items 14. 15. 0 17. 16. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 24" Sewer Additional Depth S . B. 1078 24" Sewer Additional Depth G. B. 455 Outside Drop Manhole 1 8" Sewer in Gravel Backfill 14 8'l Sewer in Casing Pipe 182 8" Sewer Lateral 47 Barricade & Shaft Removal 1 Repair 36" CMP 1 Reconstruct MH 14 1 Pavement Milling 6060 Pavement Overlay 723.12 Unit L.F. L.F. L.F. L.F. .F. L.F. V. F. L.F. Each L.F. Each L.F. S.Y. L.F. L.F. L.S. L.F. L. F. L. F. L.S. L.S. L.S. S.Y. Ton Engineering & Administration TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Contribution in Aid for Construction Grant for Sewer Oversizing Estimated Assessable Project Costs Total Estimated Cost of Lateral Construction Estimated Assessable Frontage Project Costs without Lateral Costs Frontaae Assessment Rate Computation 0 Total Assessable Frontage Costs Unit Cost $93.00 65.00 100.00 85.00 156.00 80.00 125.00 91.00 5,500.00 36.00 85.00 300.00 13.00 19.30 33.70 130.00 86.00 37.00 1,340.28 1,554.73 1,134.69 1.30 36.00 2,000.00 Total $405,387.00 148,484.70 3,000.00 92,709.50 23., 160.00 7,800.00 0.00 45,655.00 5,500.00 12,168.00 30,940.00 300.00 5,629.00 20,805.40 15,333.50 23,660.00 1,204.00 1,739.00 1,340.28 1,134.69 7,878.00 1,554.73 26,032.32 $83.124.80 $966,539.92 2,000.00 650,000.00 $316,539.92 69.711.00 $246,828.92 0 Total Frontage of the Project including controlled access = 7455.77 L.F. 246.828.92 = 33.105750 7455.77, Use $33.11 as the front foot assessment rate for the project. Lateral Assessment Rate Comtmtatioq Total Cost of Lateral Construction - $69,711.00 Total 6" Lateral Costs 60,504.00 Total 8" Lateral Costs 9,207.00 Total Number of 6" Laterals = 16 6" Lateral Assessment Rate Computation: 60,504.00 = 3781.50 16 Use $1,584.00 for each 6" lateral connection as determined by the Utility committee. 8" Lateral Assessment Rate Computation 9,207.00 = $3,069.00 0 3 Use $3,069.00 for each 8" lateral connection as determined by the Utility committee. Total Estimated Assessable Costs Total Project Costs Less Grant-in-Aid for Construction $966,539.92 650,000.00 Remaining Assessable Project Costs $316,539.92 Total Assessable Frontage Costs Total Lateral Assessable Costs Total Assessable Costs Total Controlled-Access Assessments Total Deferred (DeBack) Assessments Total Controlled Access/Deferred Assessments $177,154.39 34.551.00 $211,705.39 $ 36,596.15 33 110.00 $69,706.15 i 'I P w a s F 8 -. I: d .. ! i 'I N w u 0 2 0 i 'I m i 'I I '- .