CCR1990218I I COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION 1/21 8-90 AUTHORIZE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS WHEREAS, the following quotes have been received for construction of fencing bround the basketball court area at Denoon Park: I Century Fence J. h R. Fence $5,940.00 $5,280.00 WHEREAS, thle Parks and Recreation Board has recommended acceptance lof the quote submitted by J. h R. Fence in the amount of $5,280.00, and WHEREAS, the Flnance Committee has recommended acceptance of the quote from J. & R. Fence. I. I NOW, THERE City of Mu Committee, Fence in t basketball the expend Acct. #010 DATED THIS ~~ ATTEST: City Cler 'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the kego, upon the recommendation of the Finance does hereby accept the quote submitted by J. h R. e amount of $5,280.00 for fencing around the court area at Denoon Park, and does hereby authorize ture of Capital Project funds (Escrowed Lake Meadows ~.0000.0331) in the amount of $5,280.00. DAY OF Sentember , 1990. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Harold L. Sanders