CCR1990214I COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION 1/21 4-90 KKISTI WHEREAS, t Inc. has a into an Ag attached, corporatio WHEKEAS, t NOW, THERE City of Mu Committee, "Agreement Kristin Do Water Syst BE IT FUKT authorized they belie believe as DATED THIS 1i H 'V 'e I DOWN HOMES ASSOCIATION, INC. AND CITY OF MUSKEG0 APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN (Water System) e membership of the Kristin Down Homes Association, thorized the officers of said corporation to enter eement with the City of Muskego, a copy of which is onveying the assets of the water utility owned by this to the City of Muskego, and e Public Utilities Committee has recommended approval. ORE, BE IT KESOLVED that the Common Council of the kego, upon the recommendation of the Public Utilities does hereby authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the n Homes Association, Inc. and to Incorporate Said to Assume Certain Assets and Liabilities of the m Into a Municipal System", as attached. ER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are further e to be in the best interest of the City, and they to make any changes in any of the closing documents not a material change in the agreement. 25th DAY OF September , 1990. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. William T. Simmons Ald. David J. Sanders ATTEST : City Clerk1 ~ 9/90 jz I RESOLUTION I KRISTIN DOWN HOMES ASSOCIATION, INC. BE IT RESOLYD that the Kristin Down Homes Association, Inc., a Non-profit Wisconsin Corporation, held a properly noticed and called meeting of its membership on the day of , 1990. BE IT E'LIRTFR RESOLVED that a quorum of said membership at a properly noticed meeting of the same did authorize, by the vote necessary, 1 and , two officers of1 said corporation, to enter into an Agreement, a copy of which is1 attached-hereto and made a part hereof, conveying assets of the water utility owned by this corporation to the City of Muskego ,on the terms and conditions therein stated and to deem necessary to close the same. execute anyl and all documents or take any other actions that they BE IT !?UFCH!ER RESOLVED that said officers are also authorized to enter any almendments to said Agreement which they, at their sole discretion, believe to be in the best interest of the corporation. DATED this day of , 1990. ! KRISTIN DOWN HOMES ASSOCIATION, INC i By: I President I am t~he Secretary of said corporation and I hereby certify that said Resolution was passed and adopted at a properly noticed meeting of paid corporation at which a quorum was present by the vote indica:ted. I Secretary AGREEMENT TO ASSUME CERTAIN ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF I KRISTIN DOWN HOMES ASSOCIATION, INC. AND TO INCORPORATE SAID WATER SYSTEM INTO A MJNICIPAL SYSTEH THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this day of # 1990, by anb between KRISTIN DOWN HOMES ASSOCIATION, INC., a Wisconsin nbnprofit, nonstock corporation (hereinafter referred to as "ASSOCIATION") and the CITY OF MUSKEGO, Waukesha County, Wisconsin (bereinafter referred to as "CITY"). 1 RECITALS WHERE&, the ASSOCIATION presently operates a private water system serving the domestic water needs of those subdivisions known as KJISTIN DOWN SUBDIVISION legally described in Exhibit A attached hdreto and incorporated herein by this reference (collectively, the "SUBDIVISION"); and I I WHERE$, the ASSOCIATION is desirous of conveying and dedicating !to the CITY certain of its water service assets and facilities : and (the "ASSET'S") more particularly described in the attached Exhibit B I WHEREAS, the members of the ASSOCIATION at its meeting on I I by the necessary vote authorized certain of I its officer's to enter into this Agreement providing for the transfer of: the ASSETS to the CITY upon the term and conditions set forth kerein; and authority, lpursuant to its Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws to enter into this Agreement: and WHEREA, the ASSOCIATION represents that it has the right and I WHEREAS, the CITY has determined it to be in the best I interest 06 their citizens and specifically to be in the best icterest of; the members of the ASSOCIATION that the ownership and operation df the ASSETS be transferred to the CITY to be operated as a part of the existing water utility presently operated by the CITY: I NOW, 'II-EE.XEFORE, the parties hereto agree and covenant as follows: 1 1. TRANSFER OF TITLE. The ASSOCIATION Will transfer the ASSETS to the CITY at a closing to take place at the CITY AALL on or before the day of , 1990 (the "CLOSING"). At the CLOSING ownership of the ASSETS. of those attached hereto as Exhibit C to transfer in the form the ASSOCIATION will execute instruments of conveyance 1 I 2. WARRANTY OF TITLE. The ASSOCIATION warrants and represents khat as of the date of execution of this Agreement, the ASSOCIATION warrants that It will take no action to encumber the ASSETS after shall remain true at the time of CLOSING. The ASSOCIATION also the CITY, and such warranties and representations the same to of conveyance, and full right and authority to convey instruments encumbrances, except as may be indicated in said liens and has good right and title to the ASSETS free from all the ASSETS br their fitness or utility for any purpose, and the makes no wa!ranties or representations regarding the condition of CLOSING it will have no debts or liabilities. The ASSOCIATION the CLOSING. The ASSOCIATION also warrants that at the time of agrees that, it has inspected the ASSETS and is fully satisfied appropriate )rior to the CLCSING. The CITY acknowledges and ASSETS evep.1 though some such repairs may have been necessary or responsibiliity for all repairs and maintenance relating to the CITY agrees to accept the same in AS IS condition and assume full with the condltion thereof. 1. I. 3. REkOGNITION OF BEPJEFITS; CONSIDERATION. The CITY acknowledges and agrees that the ASSETS have a value at least equal to th:e charges ("WCA CHARGES") that otherwise would be imposed on !such members for becoming connected to the CITY'S water system and ifor water capacity through the municipal water service of the CITY. The CITY further acknowledges and agrees that the CITY and arleas outside the SUBDIVISION will benefit from the transfer to: the CITY of the ASSETS at least to the extent of such value. Therefore, in consideration of the transfer of the ASSETS to the CITY, the CITY shall credit each lot within the SUBDIVISION against the: WCA CHARGES an amount equal to 100% of such charges 1 1 1 I I -2- i 1 attributable to each and every lot within the SUBDIVISION, except that with rispect to any such lot upon which no dwelling unit has been constructed as of the date hereof, the foregoing credit shall be limited to Five Hundred Twenty-Two and No/100 ($522.00) Dollars. At the CLOSING, the CITY shall deliver to the ASSOCIATION a CEKl'IFICATE AND WAIVER in the form of that attached as Exhibit D for each loi within the SUBDIVISION. I I 4. ASSUMFTION OF RESPONSIBILITY. After the CLOSING has occurred, the CITY shall assume full title ownership of the ASSETS and all reskonsibility for the water service needs of the subdivisions known as KRISTIN DOWN SUBDIVISION. The CITY hereby agrees that! the quality and quantity of water being supplied and water service being furnished will be as required by the Wisconsin Administrative Code and as may be regulated by the Wisconsin P1;Slic Service Commission. 5. RES?O?JSIBILITY FOR WATER USAGE. The ASSOCIATION agrees that special assesssents may be levied against all properties benefited bb any future projects performed by the CITY (including, but not limited to, those properties now owned by members of the ASSOCIATION') and the credit against the WCA CHARGES described above shall1 r!ot constitute a waiver of the CITY'S right to levy and collectlany future special assessments (including water capacity as?essments) not representing any portion of the WCA CHARGES described above. The ASSOCIATION further acknowledges that on the execution of this Agreement and thereafter, all water users within this system will become customers and users under the municipal wAter system of the CITY and subject to all rules, charges, connection costs, costs of meters and related connection costs such as meter horn and internal plumbing, etc. and regulations; thereof as uniformly applied. acknowledges that it is aware of all rights it and its members may have under Chapter 32 of the Wisconsin Statutes, but agrees that the benefit! resulting from this transfer of the ASSETS to the CITY including, but not linited to, the credit against the WCA I I I I I I 6. EMThTKT DOMAIN RIG€TS WAIKD. The ASSOCIATION I I i ~ -3- i CHARGES sha,ll be deemed equal in value to the ASSETS being dedicated And, therefore, other than the consideration described 0 in this Agreement, is requesting no further compensation and any further rights under Eminent Domain Law or similar laws are hereby waived. I I 7. SU,RVIVAL AND ENFORCEMENT OF TERMS. The terms of this Agreement which are not completely performed upon the transfer of title of tlie ASSETS of the ASSOCIATION to the CITY shall survive the transfer of said ASSETS and shall continue to be enforceable. IN COdSIDERATION of the mutual covenants and promises herein, we have set1 our hands and seals on the date first above written. KRISTIN DOY- HOME ASSOCIATION,, INC. I CITY OF MUSKEGO By: I By: I President Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor By: I By: Secretary Jean K. Marenda, Clerk THIS INSTRU'EXT WAS DRAETED BY: Attorney D4nald S. Molter, Jr. ARENZ, MOLTlER, MACY h RIFFLZ, S.C. Waukesha, Wisconsin 53187-1348 720 N. East/ Avenue, P. 0. Box 1348 -4- e EXHIBIT A Lots nurrbered one through eighty-three and Outlots one, two, three Tnd four in "Kristin Down", a part of the Northeast 1 /4, Soctheast 1 J4, Southwest 1/4 and Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 and the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 9. Tom 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, according to the Plat thereof recorded on June 10, 1976 in Vol. 43 of Plats at Pages 84 through 06 as Document Xo. 954014. Also X!547/854 QCD 6Jb3 I i I I I Localtion: Outlot I, access from uisth ct. Well1 Depth: 1400 Ft. Wrlll Dianeter: Well1 Pumping test data: 8 In. Dap: 5/7/77 Stptic Water Level: 282 Ft. Rrmping Water Level: 480 Ft. &ing ate: 500 GPH m Type: Oil lubricated line shaft Fump duty poht: Pump pres?- tar& size: 5000 Gal. ~1-c motor: 75 Xp, 460 Volt colu? diameter: 6" x 2 1/2' oil tubing PLEIF setting: 490 Ft. Pap "fg .-. h mode1 : ~ori-~ackkon 8' l&Q. 400 GPH @SO9 pt. 2.5i Stage Welll8o. 2 Well Loation: Outlot 3, access from St. Leonzrd's Dr. depth: 900 It. Eel1 Diazeter: 8 In. well -pins test data: Test date: Yxck 1978 static eter ?eye:: 310 Ft. ,FlZqiEg vater level: 360 Ft. kk?hq rate: 80 GR4 ~mp I type : S&ners*le P- Jyzg. .S moScl: FEDA hI'S5-14-VXS duty point: 610 fu.. @ 80 GX 500 R. 1~31~111 diceter: 3 In. Eledric nctor: 2G Ep, 460 Volt -~~ess~r Q* size: 5000 Gal. RGEERT h MiELKE, INC. E239 N1812 Rockwoo6 Dr. Corsul t ing Engineers Waukesha, WI 53188-1113 October 25, 1988 ......... .... ... ............................... and..C.I.?..Y, ,DF ...M.US.I(E C.ormra.t.i.aa ... .... .... ............................... Witnesseth, 'I ........................... Cne dollar and .oth conveys to Grantee the foll County, State of Wisconai out lots 1 and 3. the Southeast On< Southeast One-qu: One-quarter of St County of Waukesl Tax Key No. 2196. 2196. This ..................... is not (is) (la no1 ~. . " I #de I I G. I I :. .!. ... .... ... .... I .... t) Together with all and And.. .K.~.i.sti.!..D. warrants that the title is go I easements and re,s l and ail1 warrant and defend Dated this I ... I ..... ......... .. ~. . . ~ . ". between .......................................................... KRISTIN DOWN HOMES ,a. .N.Q.n.-DE.O.f.i.t. .W.i.$.C.R!ISin .......... ..................... ,., Grantor. ............. ....... ... o.,. .a...wisc.o.ns.in. .~.unl.cipal. ... ............. ... ........ ..... ...... ............................... ,., Grantee, t the mid Grantor. for a valuable eonaideration.0.f .. .... ing described real estate in .Wa.u.ke.sh.a. nLTuRN1O City of Muskego .g9.0.d .a.r?d. .va.l.uabl.e, .consideratior! P. 0. Box 903 Muskego, WI 53150 Tax Parcel No: ................................... ristin Down, being part of the Northeast One-quarter, ter, Southwest One-quarter and Northwest One-quarter of quarter and the Southeast One-quarter of the Southwest tion 9, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, , State of Wisconsin. 30 - Outlot 1 32 - Outlot 3 __.. homestead property. aingular the hereditnmenta and appurtenances thereunto belonping; ..... od, indefeasihle in fee simple and free and clear of~enrumhranrer except recorded ow.n.,.Homes. .A~s.s.o.~i.a.t.i.o.n., .I nc.. trictions and municipal and zoning ordinances, the same. ... I dny of .. .......... .................................. ...... 19. KRISTIN DOWN HOES ASSCIATI~N, INC. I ...... ..... ... (SEAL) BY:^ ... I (SEAL) 1 ................................................ ................................... ...... (SEAL) By! ...... .......................... ... I I AUTHENTICATION ... ... __(SEAL) ... ... .... ACKNOWLEDGMENT ~ ................ ........................................... I ! I 1 ss. ............................................................................... ~- ................................... " I County. authenticated thie ........ day of ................. ., 19 ...... l'ersonnll? rnme before me this ............ .day of I ...... ... ........................................................... .. _, 19 .._._ the abort namd . I ............... ............................................................... TITLE: NENBER STATE B.4R OF n'lSC.ONSIN ............. ... ............................. .... ................................................ (If not, ..................................................... I authorized by 6 706.06, Kin. Stats.) ............ .................................... to me know to be the person ..... who exerutcd the foreroinr in3trunlcnt nnd acknorrledpp the same. THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY ......... ... ...... ... ... ............................................................ Attorney DonaldlS. Molter 1 ......... Jr 1. ..... W.aukesha.,. .MI. .53.18.7.=13.48 ................... Notary publir ........ P. 0. Box 1348 I . ... ........... ... ......... (Simalurrr may be authedticatpd or arknoaledrpd. Both hl!- C.ommission is permanenl. (If not, state expiralim ~.County. Xi?.. 10. Srosl ddree I 1l.TuFgcdmbs I 12 La m.16) 1 Bk rn.(tJ Aa! me I 13. hn- TMV I 14. hUdF4bll - md drds: ld4mpeilmrcss6yl Outlots 1 and 3, Kristin Down, being part of the Northeast One-quarter, Southeast One-quarter, Southwest One-quarter and Northwest One-quarter of the eoutheast One-qu'arter and the Southeast One-quarter of the Southwest One- qxarter of Secti'on 9, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, County of Waukesha, State of Wisconsin. T~Y upv Yn. 7~9~1 170 - nt+l-t 1 . 77QF 1?7 - fir+ I++ 7 I DISTRICTSUPERVISOR'S COPY "-.-I- """ ~-.-,- .. .. .~. . . "::v."-~?"."rZ_ AFPlDhVlT AS TO CONSTRUCTION LIENS AND AS TO POSSESSION WISCONSIN DIVISION , belng first duly sworn, deposer md nyt: I of Kristin Down kmes Association, Inc.,,,orporation,whichLrthc I .- KRISTIN DOWN I ......................... :orporatlon .............................. .c*. .Of, .MCSkEG0.. . a ... ....................... HOI I ... ..I. ..., w . '1. 1 DIU OF SALE ME5 ASSOCIATION INC. a Non-Profit Wisconsin ........................ ).........I.. ...................................................... ................................................................ ,, Seller. hereby conveys u, ............................ .. ...................... .................................. isC.??.s1? .. Mun1c?.pa1. ,~o~F!?.rat.1o?...Buver.for1roodmdv~luablcwnsider~tion I Seller hereby warranls and right to sell the same and Seller will W~ITM~ and defend the same agsinrt the lauful claims and demands of all persons. except none.. repyerents that Seller owns said personal propeny free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. thal Seller has ...... ...... ....... ...... ... I I I .. .... .... ....... No;: The above warranty applies oby to tille. if there are an) Mher warranties or rrpresentationr as IO othcr characteristics of the personal .. propeny. a separate agreemen1 musl 'k drahed. Dated this .... .I.. .... day of ......... ........... .......... ! .. I ......................... I ACKNOWLE+EMENT TATE OF WISCONSIN ................. .a nonally came before me this ..................... Byof .... .......................... I 19 ..... ................. ! ... .. IC abovcd named ..... .. I .... ....... I .......... .. ! .......................................... ... ,me know robe thepcnon .... ~ . . who executed the ,regoing instrument and acknowledged thr same. I ..... ! .. ............. ! .... .. bury Public, ...... ... .I. ........ Coun~), Wisconsin I) Commission.. .............. ' .................. .. I I 0 Ignature(r) of ..... ........... AUTHENTICATION ... itk'isiiN'DoWN'~ol.lis ASSKIATION, INC. BY!. (SEAL) . , 19 . . ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF WISCONSIN ... . County Personally came betore me this . day or ..... .I9 the above named ...... lomeknonntobt(h .. .- .. .. ... .... IC perron .. who eacculed the loregoing inrwmcnl and achouledgcd the same. . Notar) Public, ......... My Commission , Count). H'lsconsin ... .. .... .... THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY. Attorney Donald S. Molter, ,. Jr. P. 0. Box 13118 .......... ...... .. EXHIBIT "B" Location: Outlot 1, accttss from ltristin ct. Well Dimetar: 8 In. Woll Jkpth: 1400 Ft. Pumping test data: Well Da?: 5/7/77 Sqtic Water Level: 282 Ft. ming Water Level: 480 Ft. Rate: 500 GPU m /we: oil lubricated line shaft Fump setting: 490 F't. Pump duty poht: 400 GPM 6609 F't. Paq~ "fg: 6 mode1 : Bp?ori-5acfion 8" eQ. -' Si. Stage mp Elvic motor: 75 Hp, 460 Volt column diaxeter: 6" x 2 1/2" oil tubing presr,"e t2n.k size: 5000 Gal. Well 'Wo. 2 betion: Outlot 3, access from St. LeonLtd's Dr. well ++a: 900 Ft. Fell piGeter: 8 In. xell punpins test dzta: Tes; date: #cch 1978 static kzter level : 310 pt. -pmPinq v+ter level: 360 Ft. prsping rate: 80 GPM Pap m: Submersible PJ=P Kfg. h moecl: REbA Nh65-15-VK6 Fuq settins: 500 Ft. FXE? ~ln? dizzeter: 3 In. E1ect:ic notor: 20 Ep, 460 Volt hesslirt size: 5000 Gal. PmC? duty point: 610 R. I! 80 GPM RGEKE3.T 6 WLKE, PIC. Corsulting Engineers E239 N1812 Rockwod Dr. Vaukesha, WI 53188-1113 October 25, 1988 I EASEUENT THIS )INDENTURE, made this day of , 1990, by and between KRISTIN DOWN HOMES ASSOCIATION, INC., a Non-profit Wisconsin Corporation, hereinafter referred to as party of the first part, and CITY OF MUSKEGO, hereinafter referred to as party of the sedond part. 1 j WITNESSETA: WHEREAS, the party of the first part, KRISTIN DOWN HOMES ~~~~c~~~I&, INC., owns an easement interest in real estate located ir! the City of Muskego and described as follows: All t;hzt part of Lot 80, Kristin Down, being part of the Northeast One-quarter, Southeast One-quarter, South’west One-quarter and Northwest One-quarter of the Soutd;east One-quarter and the Southeast One-quarter of the S,outhwest One-quarter of Section 9, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, County of Waukesha, Tax Kley No. 2196.126 State, of Wisconsin. Descriibed as follows: A 10 Ifoat wide ingress and egress and watermain of Lot 80 of Kristin Down Subdivision. easeinezt, adjacent and parallel to the West lot line WZ?.ElX, party of the second part has requested from the party of the first p+rt a permanent easement for water main and/or transsissiDc line pur2oses including cocskruction, repair, maintenanci end reconstruction of the water main and/or tracsmissibc line. I I I NOW, TEEFOE, party of the first part, in consideration of 1 the sum of OS: D0LW.S and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is herehy acknowledged an5 confessed, do grant ane convey ucto the party of the second part, forever, a permanent easement for water main and/or transmission line purposes including Lsnstruction, repair, maintenance and reconstruction of the water nzin az6/or transmission line in the City of Muskego, Waukesha C?c:ty, Wisconsin, on, over and in the following described rezl estate: All that part of Lot 80, Kristin Down, being part of the Northeast One-quarter, Southeast One-quarter, Southwest One-quarter and Northwest One-quarter of the I I. I I the Southwest One-quarter of Section 9, Town 5 North, Southeast One-quarter and the Southeast One-quarter of Range 20 East, City of Muskego, County of Waukesha, Tax Key No. 2196.126 State1 of Wisconsin. Described as follows: A 10 foot wide ingress and egress and watermain easement, adjacent and parallel to the West lot line of Lot 80 of Kristin Down Subdivision. I USE OF LAND Party of the first part consents to the entry of the employees, part or its assigns, for an incidental to the the second workmen, agents or independent contractors of party of party of the second part, and the statutes of the State of to the ordinances of the City of Muskego, the regulations of the right to make such use of land included in said easement, subject and/or transmission line, but reserve to themselves the water main repair and maintenance and reconstruction of said construction, constructiin, repair, maintenance and reconstruction thereof. prevent inkress or egress, thereto for the purpose of Wisconsin As will not disturb or interfere with such water main or I The parties ex?ressly acknowledge that the party of the second par' ney allow others not parties to this easement to use the easemekt for the pilrposes indicated above. i THIS ;S2EhTL'RE, upon its acceptance by the party of the first part, shali be binsing upon and inure to the benefit of the parties heieto, their respective heirs, successors and assigns. I 1 IN WITLTSS WKEFEOF, party of the first part has executed this indenture the day ax3 year first above written. I KRISTIN DO~X HOMES ASSOCIATIOK, INC. i By: I President By: Secretary STATE OF WiSCOh'SIS ) COUNTY OF AXJKESFA ) 1.5s. I EXtil5lT c/ P a e 0 r the above Per sc ASSOCIATIC foregoing THIS INSTF Attorney I: ARENZ, MOL 720 N. Eas Waukesha, lally came before me this lamed day of , 1990, i, INC. to me known to be the persons who executed the instrument and acknowledged the same. , as Secretary, of KRISTIN DOWN HOMES =President, and NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF WI My commission expires: JK%T WAS DMED BY: xald S. Molter, Jr. 'ER, MACY h RIFFLE, S.C. I Avenue, P. 0. Box 1348 qisconsin 53187-1348 EXHZIT -3- e I I EASEHENT THIS Ib’DENTURE, made this day of , 1990, by I I and between KRISTIN DOWN HOMES ASSOCIATION, INC., a Non-profit Wisconsin 4orporation, hereinafter referred to as party of the first part, and CITY OF MUSKEGO, hereinafter referred to as party of the second part. i I WITNESSETH: WHERE&., the party of the first part, KRISTIN DOWN HOMES ASSOCIATIO?, INC., owns an easement interest in real estate located in Ithe City of Muskego and described as follows: All t4at part of Lot 81, Kristin Down, being part of the Northeast One-quarter, Southeast One-quarter, Southwest One-quarter and Northwest One-quarter of the Southeast One-quarter and the Southeast One-quarter of the Sodthwest One-quarter of Section 9, Town 5 North, Range 120 East, City of Muskego, County of Waukesha, Tax Key No. 2196.127 State lof Wisconsin. Descr3,bed as follows: A 10 5oot wide ingress and egress and watermain easeme-t, adjacent and parallel to the East lot line of Lot’ 81 of Kristin Down Subdivision. WE.?.EP+, party of the second part has requested from the party of tie first part a 2ermanent easement for water mair. and/or transmissid= line purposes including construction, repair, maintenance and reconstruction of the water main and/or transmissidr. line. I NOW, ~ERE?ORE, party of the first part, in consideration of I the sum of IOSE DOLLAX and other gaod and valuable consider3tion, t3e recei?ti whereof is hereby acknowledged and confessed, ds grant and convey icnto the party of the second part, forever, a permanent eesement fdr water main an6/or transmission line purposes includinq construction, repair, maintenance and reconstruction of the water &ic ane/or transmission line in the City of Muskego, Waakesha Co~nty, Wisconsin, on, over and in the following descriSed 2,eal estate: All tA,at part of Lot 81, Kristin Down, being part of Southwest One-quarter and Northwest One-quarter of the the Northeast One-quarter, Southeast One-quarter, I EXi%Z!T the Svthwest One-quarter of Section 9, Tom 5 North, Southeast One-quarter and the Southeast One-quarter of Range 20 East, City of Muskego, County of Waukesha, Tax Key No. 2196.127 Stateiof Wisconsin. Described as follows: A 10 foot wide ingress and egress and watermain easement, adjacent and parallel to the East lot line of Lot 81 of Kristin Down Subdivision. I 1 USE OF LAND Party of the first part consents to the entry of the employees, ' workmen, agents or independent contractors of party of the second construction, part or its assigns, for an incidental to the Wisconsin hs will not disturb or interfere with such water main or party of the second part, and the statutes of the State of to the ordinances of the City of Muskego, the regulations of the right to make such use of land included in said easement, szbject and/or transmission line, but reserve to themse:ves the water main repair and maintenance and reconstruction of said constructiAn, repair, maintenance and reconstruction thereof. prevent inkress or egress, thereto for the purpose of I I The p!rties expressly acknowledge that the party of tke second part may allow others not parties to this easement tt use the easenek: for the purposes indicated above. pzrt, shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties he!eto, their respective heirs, successcrs and assisns. indeature lhe day and year first above written. I TSIS IK3EI.PTURZ, upon its acceptance by the party of the first I IN WIThTSS WKEFEOF, party of the first part has execute3 this I KRISTIN DOWi HOMES ASSOCIATION, INC. I By: I Prcsident I STATE OF WISCONSIN ) , )ss. COUNTY OF WAUKESHA By: Sezretary -2- EXiliElT (5 the above ASSCCIATIO foregoing Perso :Is TH INSTR Xttorriey D P.E,VZ, MCL' 720 N. €as Waukesha, .ally came before me this .amed day of :President, and '. INC. to me known to be the persons who executed the nstrument and acknowledged the same. , 1990, , as Secretary, of KRISTIN DOWN HOMES NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF YI My commission expires: WAS DF AFTED BY : mr.+ld S. Molter, Jr. E.-., MACY h RIFFLE, S.C. " Avenue, P. 0. Box 1348 'isconsin 53187-1348 I EASEUENT I THIS L-DENTURE, made this day of , 1990, by and betweer! KRISTIN DOWN HOMES ASSOCIATION, INC., a Non-profit Wisconsin yorporation, hereinafter referred to as party of the I first part, part. of the second and CITY OF MUSKEGO, hereinafter referred to as party WITNESSETH: WHEREdS, the party of the first part, KRISTIN DOWN HOKES I I ASSOCIATIOP;, owns an easement interest in real estate located in the City of Uuskego and described as follows: All tiaz part of Lot 36, Kristin Down, being part of the Northeast One-quarter , Southeast One-quarter, Southwest One-quarter and Northwest One-quarter of the Southezst One-quarter and the Southeast One-quarter of the Soczhwest One-quarter of Section 9, Town 5 North, Range 23 East, City of Muskego, County of Waukesha, State of Wisconsin. Tax Key No. 2196.082 DescrilSed as follows: A 10 $03 wide ingress and egress easement, parallel and aqjrcent to the East property line of Lot 36 of Kristlr. Down Subdivision. WEEXEX, party of the second part has reqsested from the party of tie firs: pzrt a permanent easeneat for water min and/or transnissid:. line purposes including ccnstruction, repair, maintenance! Z!IE reconstruction of the water main and/or transmissid- line. the sum of l0SE DOLL>.R and other good and valucble consideration, the receipt wkerezf is hereby acknowledgrd and confessed, dc grant a-d conveyluzco the party of the secand part, fcrever, a permanent easement fdr water nzin and/or transmission line purposes including JoF.struction, repair, maintenance an2 reconstruction of the water E;? and/or transmission line in the City of Muskego, I. Waukesha Coirr.ty, Wisconsin, on, over and in the following I described ;e21 estate: All ,425 part of Lot 36, Kristin Down, being part of the Nor:he?st One-quarter, Southeast One-quarter, Southwest One-quarter and Northwest One-quarter of the I I NOW. TEEFORE, party of the first part, in consideration of I I e e 0 I Southeast One-quarter and the Southeast One-quarter of the Southwest One-quarter of Section 9, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, County of Waukesha, State ,of Wisconsin. Tax Key No. 2196.082 Descrilbed as follows: A 10 f;mt wide ingress and egress easement, parallel and adjacent to the East property line of Lot 36 of Kristiln Down Subdivision. I I I USE OF LAND Party of the first part consents to the entry of the employees, workmen, agents or independent contractors of party of the second part or its assigns, for an incidental to the construction, repair and maintenance and reconstruction of said water main I and/or transmission line, but reserve to themselves the right to Eke such use of land included in said easement, subject to the ordkances of the City of Muskego, the regulations of the party of tde second part, and the statutes of the State of Wisconsin as will not disturb or interfere with such water main or prevent indress or egress, thereto for the purpose of construct id:, repair, maintenance and reconstruction thereof. I 1 The pdrties expressly acknowledge that the party of the second part1 may allow others not parties to this easement to use the easeme?.: for the purpcses indicated abave. I I I upon its acceptance by the party of the first upon and inure to the benefit of the respective heirs, successors and assigns. party of the first part has executed this intenture t/he day and year first above written. I I STATE OF WI'SCONSIN ) COUXTY OF ,!XKESHA ) I )ss. KRISTIN Doh?; HOMES ASSOCIATION, INC. By: President ay: Secretary 0 0 e the above ASSOCIATI( Persc foregoing THIS INST: Attorney 1 A-SENZ, MO: 720 N. Ea: Waukesha, ally came before me this day of , 1990, a med , as Secretary, of KRISTIN DOWN HOMES , INC. to me known to be the persons who executed the nstrument and acknowledged the same. , am President, and NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF WI My commission expires: UU I 3C I LT SF w PENT WAS DRAETED BY: Iriald S. Molter, Jr. ER, MACY & RIFFLE, S.C. fisconsin 53187-1348 Avenue, P. 0. Box 1348 -3- EASEMENT THIS lIh’DENTURE, made this day of , 1990, by and betweek KRISTIN DOWN HOMES ASSOCIATION, INC., a Non-profit Wisconsin Corporation, hereinafter referred to as party of the first part, and CITY OF MUSKEGO, hereinafter referred to as party of the second part. I I WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the party of the first part, KRISTIN DOWN HOMES ASSOCIATION, owns an easement interest in real estate located in the City Jf Muskego and described as follows: I 1 All that part of Lot 37, Kristin Down, being part of the Northeast One-quarter, Southeast One-quarter, Southwest One-quarter and Northwest One-quarter of the Southyast One-quarter and the Southeast One-quarter of the Southwest One-quarter of Section 9, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, County of Waukesha, State of Wisconsin. Tax Key NO. 2196.083 Described as follows : A 10 ifoat wide ingress and egress easement, parallel and a2jzcer.t to the West property line of Lot 37 of Kristlir. Down Subdivision. WEEPS, party of the second part has recpested from the party of the first 2zrt a permznent easement for water main and/or transmisslor line pcrposes including construction, repair, maintenancL and reconstruction of the water main and/or transmissiLn line. I I .I NOW, TEEFORE, party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of M’E DOLLAR and other good and valuable consideration, the receiFt whereof is hereby acknowledged and confessed, do grant ar.d convey1 unto the pzrty of the second part, forever, a permanent easement fbr water mzin and/dr transmission line purposes inclcding construction, repair, maintenance and reconstruction of the water Lin and/or transmission line in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, on, over and in the following described !ea1 estate: I I I All tpzt part of Lot 37, Kristin Down, being part of the Nprtheast One-quarter, Southeast One-quarter, Southwest One-quarter and Northwest One-quarter of the I the Southwest One-quarter of Section 9, Town 5 North, Southeast One-quarter and the Southeast One-quarter of Range I20 East, City of Muskego, County of Waukesha. Tax Key No. 2196.083 Statelof Wisconsin. Described as follows : A 10 foot wide ingress and egress easement, parallel and adjacent to the West property line of Lot 37 of Kristin Down Subdivision. I USE OF LAND Party of the first part consents to the entry of the employees, constructior, repair, maintenance and reconstruction thereof. prevent ingress or egress, thereto for the purpose of Wisconsin as will not disturb or interfere with such water main or party of tie second part, and the statutes of the State of to the ordinances of the City of Muskego, the regulations of the right to make such use of land included in said easement, subject and/or transmission line, but reserve to themselves the water main repair and maintenance and reconstruction of said construction, part or its assigns, for an incidental to the the second workmen, agents or independent contractors of party of I I I I I I 1 -&ies expressly acknowledge that the party of the The p7L- second part may allow others not parties to this easement to use the easeme7.t €or the purposes indicated above. part, shall( be bin2ing upon and inure to the benefit of the parties her‘eto, their respective heirs, successors and assigns. THIS K!3E?;TU2E, upon its acceptance by the party of the first I I WIiEXOF, party of the first part has executed this and yea: first above written. KRISTIN DOW ROES ASSOCIATIOh’, INC. By: President STATE OF WIISCOXSIY ) COUNTY OF WXJKZSF?? ) I 1 ss By: Secretary a 0 Personally came before me this day of , 1990, the above named , as President, and ASSOCIATION to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. I , as Secretary, of KRISTIN DOWN HOMES I THIS INSTF Attorney f ARENZ, MOL 720 N. Ea: Waukesha, NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF WI My commission expires: J.EhT WAS DRAETED BY: mald S. Molter, Jr . :ER, MACY 6 RIFFLE, S.C. : Avenue, P. 0. Box 1348 qisconsin 53187-1348 -3- EXPET @/ . .. I 0 0 e CERTIFICATE AND WAIVER FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the City of Huskego, Wisconsin, a Wisconsin, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", does hereby municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of acknowledge! confirm and certify that the persons and real property described on the attached Exhibit "X" shall be and hereby are foreverldischarged from any obligation to pay the CITY those particular special assessments known as Water Capacity Assessments ("WCA") now1 existing against said properties in the amount of Five Hundred Twenty-Two ($522.00) Dollars each, and the CITY does hereby forever waive any and all such impositions relating to said real property. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the foregoing Certificate and Waiver (i) shall apply only to the extent of Five Hundred Twenty-Two and No/100 ($522.00) Dollars with respect to any buildable lot described oy said Exhibit "X" which is connected to said municipal water system after the 31st day of December, 1990: and (ii) shall not prevent 1 the CITY from imposing upon said persons and real property certain assessments relating to the future improvement and operatiyr. of said municipal water system, fairly and uniformly applied accyrding to the laws of the State of Wisconsin, including, but not limited to, water user charges, special assessments and water capacity assessments. IN WITYZSS WREOF, the undersigned, pursuant to the authority vysted in De by 2uly adopted Resolution of the Common Council, has exec2ted this Certificate and Waiver as the official act of the YITY this day of , 1990. CITY OF MUSKEGO ATTEST : I I I Jear. K. Harhzi.?, Clerk Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor 1. I ii96.04? 0177 S7675 Xrlstin !rive Frcderilck 6 Joan We ncr 9. 11 96.055 Philip & V. 'fiedrcfwki 571 W17835 St. Leonard6 Court hJ6keg0, W ,53150 10. 2196.056 Jack 6 Sally Hordlni Sl? W17803 St. Leonard Court hrrskego. UI 53150 11. 2196.057 Chester C. Link 1960 S. Elm Grove Rd. New Berlin. UI 53151 ~ ~ .~~ 12. 219b.058 Reno Berg 577 U17727 St. Leonzrd Cmrt . ~~ ~ Muskego, W ~53150 2196.059 13. El77 S7733 Kristin Drive N;&o~EE h L. KobriEer Xzskego. k7- 53150 14. 2196.060 Scoct h Sr;san Patulski wi77 S7751 Kristin Drive Huskego, VI 53150 15. 2196.061 8. I 16. 17. i 2196.063 Earle &lK. Van Gilder W177 s7799 Krlbtfn Drive Huskego! 01 53150 18. I 2196.064 U177 S7813 Kristin Drive Darold & Carol Heisel Muskego! KI 53150 I 19. I 2196.065 Briah &ICarlene Larson 578 W17824 Kristin Drive Muskego! EI 53150 20. -~ ~ 2196.066 Nidolas & Kathleen Kleibor W178 S7796 Kittery Court Huskego./ L1 53150 21. I 2196.067, 25. 2196.071 Junes & Lois Seefeldt W178 S7785 Kitten Court Murkego, 53150 26. 2196.072 David 6 C. Bofmeistcr W178 57791 Kittery Court Muskego, i?'l 53150 27. " - 2196.073 Gene A. Fink W178 S7809 Kictery krt Huskego, WI 53150 28. 2196.074 Greg 6 P. Strieghorst VI78 S7827 Kitterg Coat M-iskego, WI 53150 29. 2196.075 Robert L. Sisson P. 0. Box 196 S78 VL7022 Kristin Drive Fuskego. W1 53150 2196.076 30. Ron 6 Eeili Bongiot,xi U179 57859 Kristin Co;-t "xskego, k? 53150 32. 2196.078 I r EXHIBIT "X" 33. I 41. 2196.079 Kenneth I& Marlene YI11lms 2196.087 W178 S7876 &istin Court Richard E. Karel S78 Y17761 Canfield Court Huskego! PI 53150 Hu8kego, UI 53150 34. I 2196.080 Loufs T! hrleben ~170 S7868 Kristin Court Huskego! Si 53150 I 35. 2196.081 1 I Edward & P. Mastrostefano W178 S7862 Kristin Court Muskego, 53150 36. 1 2196.082 ~2. & sdrkra Mic\ael W178 578'56 Kristin Court Huskego.1 GI 53150 37. Clark & lP=el~ Krieger 578 Wi7812C Kristin Drive k~kego,) bii 53150 I 30. I 40. 2196.0861 I 42. 2196.088 John h Nancy Verre S78 U17733 Canfield Drive Muskego, vl 53150 43. 2196.089 Jame6 E. hderson 578 U17707 Canfield kive Muskego, WI 53150 ut. 2196.090 Larry h Lon2 Snyder S70 W17675 Canfield Drive Easskego, b? 53150 45. 2196.091 Serncri J. Homztin S7B W1763? Caeield Drive kskego, VI 53150 k6. 2196.092 Xicherd 6 Sasa Ertel Wdskego, KI 53150 S78 V17603 Canfield kiv~ 47. 2196.093 I(erce:'J & Jr?fitt Grey Ui75 S7886 CEnfield 3zise Musicego. h'l 53150 48. 2196.094 Kev',a h Ellen Rutzen k'175 S7870 Cestle Gler Xuskegc, Wi 53150 EXHIBIT "X" .= I . e 0 09. 2196.095 hdu Chriotine Drake MI75 S7852 Castle Glen Huskego,/ WI 53150 50. I 2196.096 W75 S78'38 Castle Glen Edvard E Jean Ward Huukego, 53150 51. 2196.0971 W175 S7820 Castle Glen Donzld J. Ekbitzke I1 Ucskego, Ui 53150 52. Dennis 2196*0981 h Je23 Perinorlc U175 S78D€ Castle Glen Huskego, I Vr_ 53150 53. 2196.099, Dzniel J! Venne W175 S779Z Castle Glen Mcskego, b- 53150 l- 54. i 2196.1001 Beonp h J- Gz~berlain X175 S7784 Castle Glen Huskego. 53150 55. 2196.101 I i 57. 2196.103 Urn. 6 Carole Klovas U176 67795 Castle Glen Muskego, KI 53150 58. 2196.104 D6-l M. Rm-in6ki VI76 S7809 Castle Clea Muskego, WI 53150 59. 2196.105 . ~.~~ Christopher Rice/K. kright W176 S7823 Castle Gler Uuskego, VI 53150 60. 2196.106 E&-ard h Deborah Cet~ W176 S7841 Castle Glen Wcskego, WI 53150 61. 2196.107 h. J. Custavson W176 Si865 Czstlf GIEZ hskega, kl 53150 2196.108 62. Thomcs h Pzzel; C1e;;eEce S78 a7652 Canfield kive kskego. WI 53150 63. 2106.105 I 65. ~~ U177 S789 Canflrld hive mskcgo, I liI 53150 66. Thomas &I Kathleen Sampson W177 ST026 Canfield Drive Huskego, 1 b? 53150 I 2196.1121 I 67. 2196.1131 Dou las & H. Lerendowski w17 7 S7802 Kristin Drive Huskego, 53150 68. I 2196.1 14, - .. George R$cich w176 S7788 Kristin Drive Muskego, iki 53150 69. I W176 S7?7,4 XriEtin Drive mskego, L, 53150 70. 2196.116 Eu ese Cic5on U1$6 S77612 Kzis:in Drive Muskego, &Ti 53150 I 71. 2iC6.117 72. j 2196.118 , I Edskega, 53150 73. 2196.119 Thomas Peftrykovski W76 S771k Kristin Drive Huskego, Wi6consin 53150 70. 2196.120 Michael T. Smith S77 W17629 SK. Leonards Drive Muskego, U1 53150 75. 2196.121 Settimio d Joann Murk Hilskego, KL 53150 S77 W17605 St. Leonard Drive 76. 2796.122 Steven h Dianz Xleber S77 W17573 St. LeoDards Drive Xcskego, VI 53150 77. 2196.123 Clifford F. Y~tgstczpit 577 W1756i St. Leonircs Drive ksskego, hl 53150 78. 2196.124 K&acl & brz mitt= Mcskego, VI 53ijO S7i k17566 SC. Leonzr& Drive ??. 2196.125 I I I \ EXHIBIT "X" l 81 2196.127 Arthur Velman S76 W17616 St. Leonatds Drive Muskcgo,l VI 53150 82.2196.,128 Gary b Cynthia Kuko~6ki Muskego, El 53150 S76 W17638 st. konards Drive 83.2196.129 Richard E. Robert W176 S7678 Kristin Drlve Muuskego,l U'I 53150